hi there, nutriprem 2

well wot can I say I expected Mckenzie to not put any weight on or loss some!! And he did he lost 4oz in a week due to been sick ect, put he is looking a bit better now had 3 bottles so far mixed half and half of nutriprem and SMA high energy totaling 11oz so far today and some banana mixed with baby rice (back to basics again with food!) So back under 12lbs again now 11lb 14oz at 27weeks!! They want me to get him weighed again next friday but I'm not taking him going to take him the week after! Give him a chance with new formula!!

Mummy-mi mckenzie is now on SMA High energy it comes in 250mls cartons takes up so much room lol! Did you have to mix it with the nutriprem??

Chemist said no point bringing back un-open tubs of nutriprem cos they have to throw it away so going to give it to a friend whos baby is on Nutriprem too.

Marleysgirl I agree need a new thread for high energy formula lol wow I wish Mckenzie would go back to drinking that much he is having between 4 and 6 bottles a day around 3-5oz at each one!! But finding it hard to get him to eat food as well so gone back to lunch and tea he won't eat breakfast at all even if I leave an hr between his morning milk and breakfast. This weaning lark is so confusing

Willow77 I no wot you mean trying to get them to drink more is a nightmare I have had enough of hv, the constant oh he hasn't put much weight on oh he has lost some, need to give him more high fat food (which he did not like at all), oh can u make an appointment with the doctor, and getting him weighed every week!! GP and consultant are great he is small I am small he is exactly where I was on the centile lines when I was a baby he is alert, active and developing well advanced for his age So whats their problem!!!! He is never going to eat loads or put on loads of weight. Sorry for the rant buts its driving me mad, may be they think i starve him!!!
Hi Ladies,

Marleygirl - yes I think our two are on the same track :) perhaps our two are the right weight and all the other babies they keep comapring them to are just chunky monkey's :winkwink: it's good that Andrew has started draining the 150ml hopefully he will soon be taking 200ml and piling on the weight, how is the weaning going? wow 12 hours, you finally getting to catch up on some sleep now then?

Sleeping Bubs - Sorry Mckenzie has lost some weight, now he is all better hopefully he will start putting the weight on again. Don't blame you not wanting to get him weighed every week, my HV wanted me to but the SCBU nurse it was better every fortnight :) so that's what I do. Know how you feel about the HV and the constant 'he/she hasn't put on much weight' and all the questions, mine is driving me mad and making me feel pretty useless :( I really don't know what she expects me to do I can't force Poppy to take anymore than she wants..... Are you quite dinky then? I am only 5ft 2, so I was not expecting Poppy to be overly big, like Mckenzie Poppy is developing well and wish they would stop comparing her to other 'average' babies, she is a happy, healthy little girl and surely that must be more important than her not weighing the same as every other baby - gggrrr sorry rant over!

Hope you having a nice weekend :)
My HV never actually make comment on Andrew's weight, other than "He's put on xyz since last time". I think they're happy to leave opinions on his growth to the Paediatric consultant, who keeps plotting his measurements on normal birthweight graphs rather than low birthweight graphs (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr). The main reason he's being put on Infatrini is because his head circumference measurement isn't increasing as per the standard curve. I find this annoying because if he were a normal baby, his head wouldn't be being measured! His weight follows the curve fine, just below the -4SD percentile line on the LBW graph.

Andrew's been draining his 150ml, so we upped him to 175ml in his bottle today. He drained all 4, but did bring the 3pm one back in spectacular fashion - yeuch!

Bubs, you said you're having trouble getting Mckenzie to eat - I know that feeling. Andrew really doesn't show much interest in food yet, despite my attempting to give him breakfast & afternoon tea. I'm reluctant to shift round our routine (we generally go out between the 11am & 3pm milks) to fit in a lunch if he's going to turn his nose up at it!

Shame that the pharmacies can't take NP2 back, I've got two unopened tubs.

I'm not desperately tall either (5ft 4) and nor is my OH (5ft 7) but we're both well-built (fat in my case, muscle in his). Andrew is never going to be a giant ;)

I've just plotted Andrew's latest measurements on the WHO Low Birthweight graphs. Whilst his weight and length are following the -4SD curve, his head measurement is above this on the -3SD curve - i.e. it's always been large for his weight. And therefore a slight dip in the head measurement is of less concern, as it's just getting more in proportion to the rest of him.

So why did the f***** Paediatrician use this as an argument for putting him on Infatrini?

I've emailed her and asked her. I'll still put him on Infatrini as, if I'm returning to work, I need him on formula anyway. But I hate the idea that I'm being forced into it by somebody who hasn't read a graph properly.
Willow77 yer I am only 5ft 2, and around 8st my partner is 5ft 7 and around 9st so Mckenzie is Not going to be big!!! It seems he is now better as he has had lots of milk and food today! 4.5oz, 5.5oz, 5oz (food- creamed rice), 3.5oz (food- carrot and pototo) and some water one more bottle to go! Well hopefully they will stop compare our los to others all babies develop ifferently how mnay times do they say to us then they do it themseleves!!

Marleysgirl Mckenzie is now eating his food again :-) not much but a more than he has been, just wondering whether to introduce deserts or not yet. I don't think Mckenzie will ever drop to 4bottles lo still has milk with each meal cos he losses interest in the food and cries for his bottle going to leave it a week or so b4 introducing breakfast but he never wants this in the morning so might wait till he can eat yogurt and keep it down. Its really good that Andrew is taking 175mls of milk. I know wot u mean about fitting in meals when u are out, luckily I had my mum with me on friday when went into city cos where we went for lunch didn't have proper high chairs so he had to sit on my mums lap so I could feed him!! I was so worried that he was going to be sick but he wasn't!!!
Hello again!!

I agree, maybe a new thread is needed, maybe a special prescribed formula one?

Anyway Chloe is taking about 10-20mls more at a feed still so she must like the SMA, I have noticed her poos have become a darker and tar like (sorry if tmi), but I guess that's not surprising considering its a darker liquid and has more cals. The dietician rang today to see how Chloe was taking it, I said good so far, was nice that she rang to check. The special care nurse is out on thursday for the next weigh in, Chloe should deff be over 8lb now, it seems she's been in the 7lb zone for ages, over a month at least!!

About old tubs of nutriprem, I know our special care nurse will happily take unopened tubs, she always a stock of gaviscon and nutriprem tubs and cartons that people give her when they come off it and she then gives to others who might need it. She once gave us a few boxes of gaviscon when the pharmacy had a 3 day wait over the weekend for it and we were going to run out. So if you are still in contact with her it might be worth asking her if she'd like them!

About the switch to SMA, I was worried Chloe might be sick or not like it, and the dietician said I could half and half mix it with nutriprem for the first few feeds, but I just tried it on its own and she's never had a problem *touch wood*

Also she loved having so many people in the room to look at, staring at them all and smiling, she did get a bit sleepy toward the end after the exam and nodded off but she loves looking at peoples faces. They all said she's really sociable!!

Also I only see our special care nurse, Ive only seen the HV once, she in fact suggested to me that it was pointless 2 people coming out to see us and weighing Chloe on different scales, and that once I was out of the special care nurse's care to ring her up and she'd start coming to see us! Maybe suggest that to her?

Okay well off to feed her now! Keep up the good work all!!

Hi ladies,

Marleysgirl - did the paedetrcian get back to you? are you going back to work soon? I am being made redundant (my choice) not sure how we will manage but sure we will somehow!

Sleeping Bubs - aaww you are both dinky, do they really expect Mckenzie to be big? My OH is 6ft 1 so think they prob focus more on him and his build rather than my dinky family. Good to hear he is eating and drinking well :) do you cook it yourself or buy it? (sorry just been nosey, trying to find out if cooking their food is quite easy to fit into the day).

Mummy_Mi - thanks for the tip about the formula, my chemist said they will take them back but will check now that they are not just going to throw them away. Great to hear she has taken well to the SMA :D and enjoyed all the faces to look at at her check up. Goodluck at the weighin on Thursday.

SCBU nurse came out today and Poppy is 10lbs 5oz, she said not to expect big increases now as she is older and their weight gain slows down. She has asked me to hold off the weaning until we see dietician on 15th April so that she properly gets used to Infatrini and they can see how she is doing on the milk too as she been a little sicky. She has asked the HV to come out and see Poppy in 2 weeks, I did say I would prefer to take her to the clinic to be weighed but she said better for HV to come here :( they obviously get on well so didn't want to make a big deal of it but just said that she is lovely but just doesn't know anything about small babies so can never answer any of my questions. I have told OH that I will make the visit when he is off and I will go out for a few hours and he can deal with her which he is fine with :)
Marleysgirl - did the paedetrcian get back to you? are you going back to work soon? I am being made redundant (my choice) not sure how we will manage but sure we will somehow!

She did at least reply - she says that her concern is because his growth rate (head circumference) is dropping off, she seemed oblivious to my comment about his head measurement not matching the rest of his size. She's "happy to discuss it" at our next appointment - which is at the end of April!

I have to jobhunt now to return to work soon, the maternity allowance runs out in May and I'm not optimistic about getting as much on joint jobseekers! OH is going to be the SAHD.

Still waiting to get the Infatrini - not even convinced the Paediatrician remembered to fax the surgery, they can't find anything but I'm to check again tomorrow. Daft thing is, she didn't give me any more EBM fortifier either, so Andrew is now just on pure EBM.
Willow77 I have blended a few things and they are in the freezer today he had potatoe and broccoli and yesterday he had potato and carrot! I have frozen sweet potato in ice cube trays I usually get one out in the morning and he has it for tea at lunch he usually has a jar or powdered food or fresh fruit. Hope the hv isn't too bad!

Mummy-mi I had gradually been increasing the amount of sma in Mckenzies milk going to mix 4oz of sma with 2oz of nutriprem for the next 3 days then all SMA after that. It seems to have a major impact on Mckenzie as he is now drinking so much more almost every feed is 5 or 6oz and he is having too lots of food and he has got so much energy constanly on the go and even crawling properly now. How is Chloe on the milk??

Marleysgirl my maternity leave also finishes in May however I don't want to go back to my job I have been training in Child care so have applied for some jobs in nurseries however I really don't want to go back to work yet so going to hand in my notice and see if I can afford not to work if not I will find a job later on. We also had probs get Mckenzie's new milk as the doctor forgot to write it in the letter to the GPs therefore I had to ring up and get him to do it.
Have started a new, more general, thread for Prescription Formulas, ladies:-


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