hlynn and me!!


Mother of DD, Pregnant #2
Oct 16, 2010
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So, I found a buddy to hang with as we wait for ovulation and then the dreaded tww. All this waiting is making me older by the minute. I'm hoping my CBFM is going to ask me to test soon. Had a talk with the DH to let him know that we need to DTD for three nights in a row during and around ovulation. I'm going to try to "Sperm meets Egg" plan. He said he'll do what he can, he's used to the every other day plan during and around ovulation. I guess we'll see what happens...
Thank you for this thread! Yeah i know the months just seem SO much longer while TTC. I am doing the every other day in our not fertile period and then starting 4 days before ovulation every day until the day after! lets hope this is our month for BFP!
I have such a headache this morning, hopefully it's just the weather or something. Anyhow, I bought a BBT on Tuesday and I'm using it now. Not sure if I'm doing it right, but as soon as I wake up I reach over and grab the BBT and take my temp. I think that's all I'm suppose to do?? I'm keeping track of it on like three online fertility sites... yeah, I'm a weirdo. I don't trust just one site so I monitor on three. Good grief. I may need some professional help soon!! :winkwink:
How long have you been TTC? I actually have never done the temp thing, but i do know your supposed to take it before you get out of bed, same time every morning. But i know your supposed to get a good nights uninterrupted sleep and with my 2 kids i cant do that, they wake me up usually 2 maybe 3 times a night to get them milk or something else. i have always been interested in doing it, but im affraid i wouldnt do it right lol. i usually just use opks..i havent learned any of the other TTC things because i dont ovulate reguarly and thats why i am on clomid
Not long, this is my 3rd cycle. The first time we tried was on my honeymoon but it was more like just having fun without protection, wasn't necessarily trying. I was sick with scarlet fever just before I got married and was on a lot of antibiotics so I wasn't thinking that I would get pregnant right away, but when I did get my period, I was really upset. So, I decided that I'd use all the help I can get to pinpoint my ovulation and try to make this happen sooner rather then later.

This is day three of using the BBT and so far I think it's working ok. Yesterday and today, I got the same exact temp, so I guess we'll see how the weekend hold.

Off to celebrate my dh's birthday today with his parents... :dohh: Wasn't really wanting them to join us, but I guess I'll have to take one for the team.

How are you doing?
Yeah last year i tried november, december and january and i did get pregnant in january but had an early miscarriage so after that we decided to take a break and we just started trying last month..im really impatient though im ready for this to happen now! lol. i started opks yesterday..ik that i wont ovulate till day 17 though, because every time i have in the past including last month it was the exact same day..so i guess we will see what happens. im just hoping that i DO ovulate this month.
How old are you and DH? my birthday is wednesday so we will be celebrating next weekend, my mom is coming to town to stay for that weekend too
Oh gosh, I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriage. That had do be rough on your emotionally and physically. It's probably a good thing that you took a break. If you can get pregnant once, it'll definitely happen again.

I'm 35 and my dh is 34. All of his friends are married and all have little babies, he's the last one in his group that got married and now we're trying to have a little one too.

My CBFM asked me to test today, so now I'm all excited to wake up and pee on a stick. Gosh, that sounds kinda weird, being happy about peeing on a stick. sheesh!
lol! it is funny how we get so excited to pee on things and look for strange things with fertility and stuff.
Yeah the miscarriage was horrible to me..but it was a weird thing because i got what i thought was a normal period and i took HPT and it was BFN..so i started the clomid..and a couple days after i stopped it i started bleeding again and i thought it was really weird..so i called the dr and they told me take a test and it was positive.
so basically i took the clomid while pregnant and it caused a miscarriage..i wouldve been a little over 5 weeks pregnant..it was hard but we took the break and got over it and now we are determined to get another BFP!
I am supposed to use opks day 12-20 from what the dr always tells me..but i dont commit to it too much the first couple days because i know that im a late ovulater so it doesnt do much good obsessing about it in the early days.
starting on like day 16 i start doing like 2 tests a day until i get a positive..although last month i went out of town to my moms on cd 17 so i didnt get to test but i had major cramping and soreness and i called the dr for a blood test and sure enough i ovulated that day..so really i dont even need opks because i usually feel it so strongly if i do and usually if i dont feel anything i didnt ovulate..so thats one good thing i guess!
but this month i got a late start on taking clomid..i usually do on cd 3 to 7 and this time it was 4 to 8..hoping it doesnt delay ovulation! or stop it altogether i been pretty nervous about that since i started! guess ill find out lol..
so how long have you and DH been married?
so, I got married on August 28th of this year, so I haven't been married for too long. My DH is really excited to start having kids, he gets just as disappointed as I do when I get my period so it's cute and very supportative.

So have you gotten a + opk yet, I noticed that you should be ovulating soon. I'm still kinda early don't think I'll ovulate till Friday or Saturday.

I have to tell you though, my left arm is super sore right now. I went to my new family doctor on Friday and she gave me a flu shot. Apparently this flu shot is a combination of the H1N1 and flu shot. It's so sore, I haven't been able to sleep very well and I'm not sure if that's going to affect my BBT. Anyhow, I know for sure this morning really affect my BBT. The DH went out with his buddies last night to watch UFC and to drink and well, he came back home all drunk and very sick. I was up at 3am with him while he was throwing up in the washroom. I told him good luck trying get drunk like that when we have a baby. That definitely ain't going to happen. :wacko:

I actually didn't mind that much, he never goes out and it was his birthday, so a little fun is ok, although I think he had more fun than he could handle!
I also got that shot a few weeks ago..although since i dont temp im not sure about that affecting it!

Yeah i know its not so easy when you have kids to go out and drink and have fun..and if u get to u dont get to just sleep in all day! lol.

Nope not a positive opk yet..but im a weird one because i dont get a positive one until the day that i ovulate..never the day before or the day after..just that day its pretty weird. last month i took a opk on cd 16..not even close to positive..then went outta town and didnt take one cd 17 and i had o pains all night..took an opk the next morning still negative..and ik for sure i ovulated because i had a blood test..so im not expecting a positive till tuesday probably..assuming that i ovulate! i got my fingers crossed!

I have been taking fertileCM supplements to help with cm and uterine lining..havent noticed a big difference in cm but i dont check on the inside..idk how to do that..lol. been getting cramps off and on since yesterday so hopefully thats a good sign!

we are planning to go out this weekend since my birthday is wednesday..but if i do ovulate i know i wont drink..if i do maybe one drink lol but ill just be paranoid if i do thinking i might have messed something up..im really hoping to get my BFP before christmas
yah, I don't think one or two drinks will hurt you. I really hope we get a bfp by xmas, that would be such a nice gift.

I started to get some really mild cramping yesterday and didn't think anything of it until this morning when my CBFM gave me a high reading. Was totally shocked, didn't expect that till Wednesday, so I told my DH that we need to get busy for the next few days. He was like "Yippee", but I'm not sure if he was trying to be cute or what. I told him this at 6:20am so maybe it was sarcastic. Either way, he better not come home tired.

I tried to check my cervix and I have no clue what the heck I'm doing. This other girl from another post gave me a link: www.beautifulcervix.com , you should check it out. It's quite graphic but it was actually interesting to see what a women's cervix actually does every day. It was hilarious cause I was looking at the pictures on my laptop in the living room and my DH came by and asked me what I was looking at, so I told him "I'm looking at a cervix", then he said "ugh, are you kidding me? I thought that was an apple". I never peed my pants laughing. he's a funny guy.

Anyhow, check it out and let me know what you think.
Oh really that is great! Im not too sure what a CBFM is actually..like i said pretty new to all this stuff..the only things i have used for TTC is opks lol..i guess maybe because when i do ovulate its always on the same day and im always in a lot of pain so i dont need too many things to let me know whats going on..also we try to :sex: like every other day throughout the months we are TTC just to make sure we cover all of our bases..and during my fertile period we do every day usually 3 days before ovulation til 2 days after. I actually will look at that website..because u always hear about women checking their cervix and stuff and i didnt even know u could feel it at all! lol i noticed last night i was having cramping also..and this morning a little bit too..its deff not as much as normal when i ovulate..but im gonna do an opk at around 1 and see if its positive..yesterday it was pretty dark but not quite positive..so maybe today will be the day i get a positive!
i got an almost positive opk tonight..so hopefully tomorrow it will be my full positive one and ill ovulate! :) I have been reallly nauseated all day long and just feel crappy..so im hoping i feel better tomorrow! heres a pic of my opk i took a little bit ago
So, did you get a + OPK? A CBFM is a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, its a little electonic machine that costs a lot like $150-$200 and you by a package of 20test strips. Then from like day 6 it asks you to start to POAS so that it can tell you when you're fertile. It usally gives you high readings and then a peak reading. So that means you should BD during your high and peak readings. It gives you more days to concieve than just using an OPK.

So, yesterday and today I got a high reading so that means that the DH and I have to BD. I suspect tomorrow I'll get a peak reading which means that I'll ovulate on Thursday. So, I'm going to BD tomorrow and thursday as well.

I also use OPK's as a backup to make sure that I do ovulate and that the machine is working. So, yesterday afternoon my OPK was negative, but I think today when I get home it will be positive.

Are you getting any cramping or ovulation pains at all? I had them really bad yesterday and this morning, but now I'm good. I also had some brown spotting yesterday, I think that was ovulation spotting. It's totally bizarre cause I had the same thing last month, but I never even noticed it before I started TTC. Ah well.

You and me need to make this happen, girl!!
oh wow thats expensive though! I actually just :sex: throughout the whole month..every other day usually until im supposed to be fertile and then i start every day..until about 2 dpo.

i am feeling pretty sick again today too..and had cramping on and off all day yesterday and started getting really bloated..im guessing the ovulation pain will probably start happening tonight..last month it started around 8 pm..i get it pretty bad to where it hurts to walk and all that fun stuff! Ugh!

Yes we do need to make this happen! tomorrow is my birthday hopefully it will bring me good luck lol :)

here is a pic of the opk i took earlier this morning..i cant tell whether its fully positive or not, what do u think?

Wow, that looks pretty positive to me. You should be ovulating any time now.

I wish my DH wasn't so tired all the time. We barely do it once a week, so that's why I had to invest in a fertility monitor and all that other stuff so that I can pinpoint my fertile period and make sure I tell the DH that we "have" to do it now. He really wants kids and but I swear he's completely out of shape. He's 5'7 and he weighs 135 pounds, and is only 34 years old and he gets winded walking from the bed to the kitchen. Yeah, so trying to BD every other day, unfortunately that doesn't even come into my equation. I would love it too, but just not in the cards for us.:nope:

He's actually really lucky that we both have really good jobs and can afford to pay for all this stuff, cause if we didn't, then I'd make him do it every other day. :wacko:

So, that'll be funny if we both ovulate on the same day and then we'll both have the same TWW. that's exciting!
hello! i havent heard from u for awhile..we actually went on a little vacation and we just got back today! im 9dpo ovulation today..i got a call from the nurse yesterday and she said the progesterone test showed i ovulated for sure..so i might cave and test tomorrow at 10dpo..a little nervous though..havent had much symptoms just 2 days ago my face broke out and since ovulation i have had a lot of cramping..hmm..idk im not really feeling pregnant..kinda discouraged i guess..but last month i actually felt pregnant and wasnt..so who knows! im scared to test tomorrow because i dont wanna see a BFN..i hate them! but i have those really sensitive First Response tests that supposably can tell u 6 days before u miss a period?
Well, I hope you had a nice vacation. I believe the DH and I are going away somewhere nice in April.

So, did you test yet? I say do it if you really want to. I mean you may be pleasantly surprised, right?

I'm at 5/6 dpo and I have no symptoms whatsoever. So, I'm just going to wait it out. I should get AF on the 11th/12th. Didn't get enough BDing this cycle, so I highly doubt I'll get a BFP, so basically I'm just waiting for AF to come and leave so I can get to business again.

How many more days do you have till AF? I say go for it!!
hey..AF got me today :( ..how have u been? have u tested yet? im not sure whats wrong with me..guess maybe im not meant for anymore kids..it makes me really sad :(
I'm so sorry that AF got you. I think I'm going to get AF tomorrow so I think I'll be on the same boat, but I didn't get much BDing in this cycle, so it's not really a surprise for me.

How long have you been TTCing? You have 2 kids right, so you must be fertile, right? I can't remember if you've been to your family doctor yet for tests. I heard that you can get a test at CD3 for quality of eggs and then a test at CD21 to see if you ovulated. It may be worth a try if you're looking to get preggers sooner rather than later.

I know it's easier said than done, but keep trying and also keep talking to people on this site. It's such an excellent resource for support and people in the same situations. Don't fret, you will get pregnant it may just take a little time, but it will be so worth it when you finally see your bfp. okie dokie. :hugs:

I'll let you know if AF shows her face tomorrow.

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