hlynn and me!!

wow ive never heard of that either! thats crazy but i would take it easy too if i were u..yeah im hoping that my plan works this time! im determined for sure..last month it easy..just tried to bd every other day and just not think about it..but that didnt work so im determined this month lol :) i realllly hope that it works so i dont have to start all the tests and stuff..i hope that we both get our bfps this month though!! :)
Well, I say go for it. I know women who do everything and use everything and they end up pregnant and then there are those that don't use anything and end up pregnant, so I say do what you have to do, right?

I had some ovulation spotting today and cramps, so we'll see if I ovulate around the same time this cycle. :)
Hey Girl,

Sorry, I thought you left the site cause your pic turned into a question mark. I should have sent you a message, that's my fault. Anyhow, I'm doing pretty good. I was having some weird sharp pains near my right ovary for the last 2 cycles and thought it was a cyst or fibroids. Anyhow got an ultrasound and it ended up being really good. Apparently, I have a really good uterine linine and my ovaries look good. No cysts or fibroids. My doctor said it might be a muscle I pulled or something, but she says that my uterus and ovaries looked great. So, I was totally happy about that.

She did give me a requisition for a day 3 test, so that's FSH, LH, Prolactin and Estrodiol. Then she said that if I don't get preggers this cycle, to do the blood test and then go back to see her and she'll send me to a fertility specialist.

I did find out that my hubby had a hernia as a child and got really concerned about his fertility. Not sure if hernias can affect that but like I said, if I'm not preggers by this cycle, he's going to get a semen analysis too.

I was late by 2 days last cycle, which is very odd for me and now this cycle, I think I ovulate today, which is 3-4 days early for me. I've always been ovulating on cd16 or cd17. I'm now on cd13, so I'm hoping that it's a good cycle.

Anyhow, how are you doing? I guess you didn't get your BFP last cycle. Are you going for tests now?
hey there! yeah i just took my picture off, didnt leave.
and nope, no bfp for me yet either :nope:
i really hope that u can get yours soon!
sounds like the drs are not taking their time with you! which is great :)
i am glad that ur ultrasound looked good..sounds promising maybe its just taking some time but i would for sure do the SA if no bfp this cycle
what day are u on?
but anyway this past monday i did have an hsg done to check if both of my tubes are clear and they were
but i still never found out about my lining, which is what has had me concerned this whole time.
so, i took a break from the clomid that i was taking for ovulation, because it can cause thin uterine lining and my dr doesnt check for that, but when u go to an RE they do.
My dr doesnt know im taking a break, but i am.
i am on cd 12 and started opks today but of course it was negative lol..
im not sure what to expect this cycle since im not taking the clomid anymore..just hoping i ovulate!
my dr says if im not pregnant this cycle they are gonna do a semen analysis and then do one more month and if not pg, send me to an RE
so thats whats going on with me
i really hope that i do ovulate this month without the meds!
but i feel like, if the medicine is thinning my lining and i still take it, no matter how much i ovulate i wont get pregnant..
and if i dont take it and just hope i ovulate, if i do i have a better shot of getting pregnant than i would have ovulating on the medicine
the reason i think the medicine did that is because i have had the shortest, lightest periods ive ever had since starting it..they are like 3 days at the most and nothing but spotting..like one pad a day and that one doesnt even need changed
but the dr wasnt concerned about that like i was so i just decided to take a secret break lol :)
So, I’m on CD 15 today and I’m apparently 2dpo. It’s been a rather bizarre cycle since I ovulated super early and my temp is a little bizarre. Had a temp spike on CD 12, so FF thinks I ovulated on CD 11 which I’m pretty sure I didn’t cause I was still getting a positive OPK on CD 12. Anyhow, I had to readjust FF to base ovulation on my CBFM instead. Let’s hope this cycle works for us. :hugs:

So, you’re not taking clomid anymore. I have another girl that I talk to as well and she said that her lining wasn’t very good on clomid so the doctors put her on injectables and that seems to be work. She’s got way more lining this time and the injectables are making her ovulate as well. Have you ever heard of or considered injectables? Also, what about your CM? This same girl, went for a test called post-coital which tests your CM 2 hours after you BD. When she was on Clomid, they did the test and found out that all the sperm were killed off cause her CM was hostile from the clomid. Might be something to investigate as well. :shrug:

Gosh, I hope this cycle your lining thickens, which I think it will since you’re not on Clomid anymore. I agree with you not telling your doctor. Sometimes, you have to do what you feel is right.
yeah i know about all that stuff, but unfortunately i cant get injectibles until i am referred to an RE, right now i am just through a obgyn and they dont do much tests at all besides progesterone test 7 days after positive opk
my dr did say though, she will prescribe clomid one more month and then i will be referred and she did say injectibles were the first way to go since my tubes are clear..
i dont really think my cm is too bad, i dont get really dry or nething, and i do use preseed just in case
but its mostly just the lining thing i am worried about, because my periods have been almost non exsistent the 4 months i took it
so it had me worried, so i just took a secret break, it couldnt hurt, the only thing i could do is not ovulate but if my lining builds back up it will be worth it, to me
so, i went to take an opk a little bit ago and my cup spilled all in the sink so i gotta wait 3 more hours now and try another one..ugh i was SO mad!
ive been getting quite a bit of cramps lately so i am hoping that means something! yesterday my opk was pretty dark..not quite positive but it looked promising
so FX'ed the one i take in a few hours is dark n positive :)
i really hope this is ur month! yay for being 2dpo!
i bet u are excited..i will be as soon as i get my positive opk lol
i took an opk yesterday and here it is..its not completely positive but i think it should be later today when i take another one..i am so excited to think i will ovulate on my own! ive been getting lots of cramps, bloating and just soreness..along with some back pain..im feeling pretty confident!

yippee... that's such terrific news. So, that would mean you better get to BDing. Wow, you're chances for a BFP this cycle has totally doubled now. This is so exciting. You have to let know if you get a complete positive and how you're feeling. Okie dokie. :)
we already started BDing i am getting excited..i got another pretty dark opk today..if i dont get a bfp this month i am gonna start using a different brand instead of the internet cheapies because i can only get close to positive opks and then they go back to really negative..and i know in the past months i have ovulated because i have even had tests done to check and ive never had a fully positive one..but another lady on here told me the same thing happened to her with internet cheapies..she had to start getting expensive ones because she could never get fully positive ones with these..and i think im the same way and it stinks! lol but heres my one from today..they should probably go back to super negative tomorrow..my cramps have lightened up yesterday was the worst..so idk exactly when to say i ovulated or if i even have yet lol :wacko: so confusing!
how are u feeling?!

yep, that OPK looks more positive than yesterday. I haven't used any internet cheapies yet. I did buy a pack of 20 hpt internet cheapies recently, so I plan on using those this cycle. :winkwink:

I use to use the First Response OPKs, but it was hard to tell which days were really positive. I didn't like the guess work cause the lines were always very dark and would last for days. Anyhow, another girl told me that I should use the smiley faces, cause either you get a smiley face or you don't. So, they are really good and I bought a 2 pack of 7 tests from Costco for about $70. Yep, it's expensive but they are very definite.

So, I'm doing ok. Started getting some cramps today, but that's all normal.

I'm quite lonely though, my husband got called to jury duty last week and now the jury has to deliberate and yesterday afternoon, I found out that my DH got sequestered. I don't think he'll be home till Friday and he can't contact me or communicate with anyone. Usually if he goes away for a day or two, he still calls or texts or emails me, but I won't hear from him till the trial is over. It sucks big time...:cry:

Ah well... what can you do!
i am gonna get the more expensive ones next time, assuming i dont get my bfp this time..i think they will be a lot better because the internet ones just arent doing what i would like them too if u know what i mean! i am gonna try and take another one later tonight and see what it looks like, i am gonna try and use up all of them so i can buy the more expensive ones next time lol :)
that is so weird that u said that because literally 10 minutes ago i went and checked the mail and my DH got a jury duty summons also..he doesnt go until the end of february but its still so weird that u said lol!
i dont feel as much soreness or cramps today but the soreness is still there like i cant press on my stomach at all because it hurts..my backache went away but im still getting the clear stretchy cm
yesterday was the worst..so thats why idk what day to call ovulation day..but with all the symptoms i got yesterday i feel fairly confident that i did ovulate..wouldnt u think? :wacko: all of this stuff is just so confusing to me!
i just took an opk about an hour ago...and i think we got a positive! tell me what u think :)

Aha that looks positive to me. Did you try to test again today?

So, that's funny about your hubby getting a summons. My DH is still sequestered and I'm not sure when he's coming home. It's very sad not to be able to talk to him. He does get the court officer to call me to tell me that's he's ok and that he misses and loves me. It's all very cute, but I wish he was home. Especially since I'm all emotionally now. blah.

Anyhow, how's the bd going? I have to tell you that I've been eating up everything that I see even if I'm not hungry, but I think it's due to loneliness and depression. When I'm sad, I tend to eat a lot. I swear all this ttcing is making me gain weight. I'm going to Miami in April, I should lose the extra weight before I go!! :thumbup:
i did test this morning, and it was still very dark and close to the color of the control line, but a bit lighter, so i am gonna try another one tonight, and assuming its negative i am gonna count today as ovulation day..im having light cramps but pretty much all other ovulation signs have gone away..i have noticed that with ovulation this time i have been nauseous a lot..like waking up in the night feeling sick and feeling sick whenever i eat..i think it might have been like that before too but this is the first month i have made the connection between that and ovulation..DH said something about me being like this every month during ovulation..also today my bbs started hurting off and on..so i think that means i am or already did ovulate.. :thumbup:
i know what u mean about eating when ur lonely and bored..DH has been on 2nd shift this whole week and i have just felt like doing nothing..i wake up and a few hours later he has to work..then when he gets home its almost time for bed..but we have been getting lots of BDing in..when he gets home from work :winkwink:
ive been laying down with hips up for about half hour or longer..and im still taking the baby aspirin to help with lining..so i got everything crossed that we catch the egg this month!
ok so...i took one yesterday that was close to positive but still negative..and then today i got my for sure positive opk..so now i am very confident that im gonna ovulate on my own..its so weird that i had all of the ovulation signs for the past 3 days though and i just now get my positive! :wacko: oh well i am too excited and happy that i got a for sure positive! :D :happydance:
oh yeah, that's way more positive than yesterday's. You know having ovulation pain and spotting is so bizarre for me too. I usually get pain and spotting days before my temp actually spikes up or sometimes before I get a positive OPK. The great thing is that I do get the spotting every month. I never noticed it before I was TTC. I guess you pay more attention when you're trying to get knocked up.

So, then tomorrow would be 1dpo I guess, but that depends on if it's negative, right. Well, I'm at 5/6dpo and I have cramps. Could be PMS cramps though, so I'm not getting too excited. Still have a while before I try to even test, but I think I'll do the first one at 10dpo. :)

My hubby still isn't home. I had to drop off more clothes for him today and I think that if they don't make a decision by tonight, he'll be there for sure during the weekend, cause I don't think the court is open during the weekend. I feel so badly for him. I hope he's got people to talk to beside discussing the case.
yeah i will prolly do another one tonight and see what it looks like, than another in the morning and if its negative i will count tomorrow as 1dpo
i wish i temped lol i would feel so much better knowing when i ovulate for sure..but oh well it just wouldnt work out for me
it feels good to hear someone else say that they get ovulation pain and all that before their pos opk because i think its so weird! i had so much pain the past 3 days and then today its basically all gone..and then i get my + opk..so weird! but if it happens to u too i feel better :)
u are so lucky u are already 6dpo! i would be getting excited! r u having any symptoms yet or no symptom spotting for u this time? :winkwink:
i always say im not gonna but i always do! lol
i am sorry about ur DH..mine has been on 2nd this whole week and i feel like ive barely seen him at all i couldnt imagine him being gone for that long without even being able to come home for awhile :hugs: hope hes home soon!
my opks are still positive today..so thats 2 days in a row is that normal? i am hoping they arent fake + ones where they show a surge and u dont ovulate..ugh im getting all worried now..i really hope that tomorrow is negative so i can at least think that i ovulated for sure! :( im getting discouraged! how many days of + ones do u usually get?
Hey girl,

No worries, I had 2 +OPKs in a row this cycle and that's kind of standard for me. There was only 1 time where it was only positive for 1 day. One cycle I had it positive for 4 days, which worried me, but I did get a huge temp rise on the 5th day, so I did ovulate. I think at that time I may have released 2 eggs. It's also possible that if you have a +OPK for more than 1 day, you may release 2 eggs. It can also mean that you're just trying to ovulate and it's taking a while.

I wouldn't be too worried about it, if it goes on for more than 2 days, then you may want to get that checked. Does your doctor do a blood test to find out if you ovulate? It's too bad you can't temp, but I totally understand your circumstances, having 2 kids wake you up several times in the night, will really mess up your temps.

So, basically what I'm saying is that if you don't get a positive tomorrow then you will ovulate tomorrow. Don't stop BDing until you get a negative. okie dokie.

Well, my news is that I had some bad cramping today, and my temps are so bizarre this cycle. They've been pretty flat and high since 1dpo. I'm hoping that I get some kind of change in temp tomorrow either up or down, anything.

Desparately trying not to symptom spot, but it's really hard not too. I guess we'll see what happens.
alright, i am gonna take one in a few hours and ill let u know if its + or - i am hoping its - soo much because i was getting worried and im ready for it to be negative so i can relax n just get through the 2WW..and i could actually get a bloodtest done to see if i ovulate because my dr thinks im still on the meds..but i wasnt gonna do it because its so expensive, $160 every time i get it drawn :wacko: so i was gonna skip this month n just tell them i didnt get a + opk so they wouldnt do the test but now im thinking maybe i should get it done, but i also think the numbers are different from a medicated and non medicated cycle, like they count it different, if ur medicated cycle i think they like to see progesterone over 30 and unmedicated i think they will count ovulating as anything over like 18..so if im under 30 they might tell me i didnt ovulate when i did, because they never tell me the numbers they just call and say either i did or didnt ovulate..so i have no idea what my numbers have been in the past
i actually didnt symptom spot at all the last 2 months i was on the clomid, didnt take any pregnancy tests or nething, i just kinda had a feeling that i wasnt gonna get the bfp so i didnt waste my time..but this month is gonna be SO hard not to symptom spot because i ovulated on my own and i just had that hsg done which my dr even told me a lot of ladies get it and get pregnant like right away because it kinda cleans out ur tubes even if they arent blocked..so now im gonna be going crazy waiting and wanting to test! :haha: i really hope this is it for u! has DH got to come home yet?
i bet u are SO ready for him to be home! i would be going crazy lol

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