hlynn and me!!

im not too sure how fast i will get in, thats why i needa call asap if she shows so i can start to get everything going..ugh i hate the 14, 15 and 16dpo..i never know shes gonna show! i have a tendancy to show anywhere between these 3 days and it sucks! lol i wish it was just one day i started everytime so i knew more what to expect thats why im waiting so long because i have started at 16dpo before more than once
Id call and make an appt then cancel if AF shows, or would they charge you?
well im not sure, my ob was gonna refer me to a dr i think so she said to call if af shows..im not sure if i can call and ask if she can refer me just in case? i will tmorrow since it'll be friday if af hasnt shown by then ill just tell her i think i might start over the weekend and she what she says lol
Tbh she'll probably just say wait, doubt she'll see the urgency. Annoying but you might be right to wait.
lol yeah that what i was thinking, im not in too much of a hurry though..honestly all that money im gonna be spending can wait a litlte bit :winkwink: as much and as badly as i want another baby its not urgent..it may be urgent to ME lol but its not urgent
Things are looking good for a 2011 bump tho I think. We're all a way along the journey, boring tho isnt it.

My Dr hasnt called yet. I dont know if he will tbh. Hes private so under no obligation to call me, could just tell me to book an appt for 300 quid just to bump my doseage up. Hope he does call tho as Im due to start the meds tmw. I do know that last cycle was the turn of the left ovary is the one with a few cysts on, so this cycle should be the right one, which seems to be ok. So, might be a bit better, who knows tho.

SO bored of all this. Havent given one thought about how to actually bring up these brats im trying to cook, all my energy is going into making one cell meet another ><
i hear ya..it gets boring after awhile at first its all exciting and u think it will happen fast and then as time goes on its just depressing and boring and tired of waiting and waiting all the time! i woke up this morning so nervous lol but im so tired now i just wanna go back to bed!! ive been sleeping so much lately! but its not unusual i always get like this around when af is due so im not counting being tired all the time as anything special lol..blahhh
Hey Ladies,

So, Heather are you on Clomid right now? If not, then I think you're pregnant. Last cycle you got AF at 9dpo, right? If you're not on Clomid right now and you're going onto 15-16 dpo then I think you're knocked up. OOOh, I'm so excited for you. I swear on all things that are holy, I hope that you get your BFP this cycle!! :happydance:

Helen, you have PCOS right? What are the symptoms for that and how did you find out you had it?

As for me, well I just got back from my FS and talk about an emotional journey. Sheesh, I feel so badly for women who are infertile, I pray to God that I'm not infertile, but here's what happened.

So, my hubby and I got there at 1:20pm, our appt was at 1:30pm. We waited about 15 minutes and then they called me to do an ultrasound, including internal ultrasound. Then, when I finally got out about 20 minutes later, the dr called both of us in. So, then he took a complete history, I mean it took about 30 minutes to get our history.

Then he told us that from both of our histories, he wants to do a number of tests to rule out low quality eggs. I already did the day 3 test, but he wanted to do another test called AMH and with the day 3 test and the AMH that will be a complete diagnosis for ovarian reserve. Then he also wanted to rule out PCOS with a hormone test and then he wanted to do a CA125 test to rule out ovarian cancer or endometriosis.

Also, I have to do the HSG test on Tuesday to see if my tubes are blocked.

As for my hubby, he has to do a SA and my doctor did have some concerns with him because my hubby had a hernia and he also has kidney stones. Together it makes a deadly combination for low sperm count or just being sterile. So, my hubby is doing that test on Saturday.

While we were there we did a bunch of blood tests. It was insane, she took 20 viles of blood from me and 10 viles from my hubby. It was funny cause my hubby almost fainted and the lady was making fun of him, she said "your wife had more blood drawn and she's ok". That was kinda funny. She gave him some apply juice.

Anyhow, so after the result of the blood tests, HSG and SA, he was determine what the next steps are. I should know all of it by Wednesday.

The great thing is that he gave me 4 options or steps that he'd like to me to get going with already.

First step: Natural Cycle with a test of CM and sperm together, even if it's good, he said that I can do an IUI. So either way, I'll probably do an IUI by next weekend.

Second step: if the natural cycle doesn't work then they put me on drugs and injections for superovulation with IUI.

Third step: Laparoscopy to determine if there are any uterine issues and then fix them.

Fourth step: IVF - the FS told me that he doesn't even consider this because I'm still young. Imagine I'm young at 36.

He said that the average age of women there was 39 years old, so I'm considered young. that made me laugh.

Anyhow, so I did have to pay for one of the blood test which was $175 and then for my hubby the SA test includes a DNA fragmentation test which we have to pay $185 for, but the rest of the tests are paid for by our government insurance, which is helpful.

Wow, this is a long email, but I just wanted to let you know what happened. I'm glad that we're doing all these tests and that I should know something by Wednesday.

Anyhow, I have to go do another blood test tomorrow morning and then I have to drop off the semen on Saturday and then another blood test and ultrasound on Monday and then the HSG on Tuesday. If everything look ok, then I'll be going back probably on Friday for the sperm/cm test and then an IUI on Saturday or Sunday. Gosh, I'm going to be busy next week.

I'm going to talk to my boss tomorrow morning and let him know that I have some health issues and that I'll be going for tests throughout the week. I hope he understands.
wow they like to do things fast dont they. they didnt want you to try clomid first? thats good, hope the iui works, ive not rly read anything about it as its quite far off for us, hope it goes ok.

Ive had a bad evening, feeling quite down. Cant believe all that last month was for nothing, I didnt even ovulate. Seeing friends bleet on facebook about how their kids threw up on them and stuff, just smug idiots tbh.

Husband is just useless too, just said we have years to get pregnant, I cant do this much longer and he thinks that its ok because we can try until im 50. stupid man. basically if its not looking promising by xmas then things have to change, cant go on just failing every month.

With PCOS, its so vague that if youre a bit overweight and arent preg after a year they basically just label you. All my blood tests are fine apart from low progesterone, not high lh like most pcos, and for 3 ultrasounds they couldnt find any cycts, only this last us with private dr he said there were cycts, but then the nhs nurses couldnt even find my ovaries twice.

wanted to talk to dr last night to up my dose, his secretary said he would call but ofc he didnt, so now im stuck doing another cycle exactly the same for no reason. it didnt work last month so whats going to change. nothing ever goes right for me so i have literally no belief that it will this time.

All this time and Ive ovulated once, chances are low each month as it is to get pregnant. 6 cycles with clomid and one a waste, this next one will be a waste as nothing will have changed, same with number 3, then ill have a hycosy in may while i take no 4 and will be able to change my meds for 5 and 6. great.

its all just too much for me basically, have ppl around me falling pregnant and im supposed to be supportive, but i just want them to piss off and die and shut up about their bloody morning sickness, putting up cots and crap.

one woman was actually telling me that all we had to do was have sex on day 14 and it would all be fine, i was like, no, i dont ovulate, so hows that even going to work, he could just as well have sex with the cat and would be about as likely to get pregnant.

going to try to get back to sleep now after that rant, im sure itll carry on tmw as im just so down and upset, sorry for moaning.
monique- sounds like u will get ur bfp REAL soon! :dance:
and no i actually did take the clomid this cycle..100mg the upped my dose, so its not unusual for me to have long lps on clomid..but ive never went longer than a 16 day lp so if by sunday my af doesnt show i will test..but like i said im not too hopeful i feel like shes gonna come..sighh..i hope i can get into the RE really soon and have some options and answers! i cant wait to see how everything turns out for u!
helen- :hugs: so sorry ur feeling down, i have had many days like that, soooo many. my DH is the same, although he is just as upset he tends to never freak out like i do about ttc things..he always says "we will keep trying" and "u will get pregnant soon i know it" those things just bother me because i understand we can keep trying, but it doesnt mean its gonna work just like it hasnt the last year and a half! and he thinks he knows ill get pregnant soon..ya right! ugh lol i totally can relate girl! i hope ur feeling better tomorrow
Hey Helen,

I think Heather and I both know how you feel. Watching others get pregnant with not much work is so bloody annoying. My hubby has a friend who keeps asking us if I’m pregnant and my hubby tells him that when it happens he would let him know. Well, then the guy tells my hubby “it only took me and my wife the first try to get pregnant”. So, my hubby got mad at him and said, “it’s different for everyone, dude”. On top of that the guy keeps inviting us to his house with another couple that has kids. So, the evening will be all about their little children and really I don’t want to hang over at someone’s house to talk about kids right now.

I hope you feel better. It really sucks to want something so badly and not be able to get it. :hugs:

Heather, you totally have to tell us if you get your BFP or AF. I’m so excited for you, I can barely contain myself. Tee hee…

Man, I’m still at work right now, and I need to talk to my boss before I head over to do my blood work, but I haven’t eaten yet cause it’s a fasting test. I hope he’s in soon before I faint from starvation!!
Hiya girls

Hope youre having a good friday :) Hope your boss was understanding and that you managed to get over there before you started eating the furniture hehe

Things are looking a bit less dark here, spoke to my Drs secretary and he said that a progesterone lvl of 12 means that either it was done on wrong day, or its sub optimal for ovulation. which i think means it was a half baked egg. So going to have a monitored cycle, should cost around £500 I think. Ultrasound will be on cd12, so March 21st, then were going away to cornwall for a dirty weekend as I think Ill be due to OV on the sunday/monday.

started the clomid again this morning, feel ok so far, maybe im used to the hunger now. Had a nice morning at the gym, loads of ppl there on spa days which they pay loads for, and im there every day, felt v smug :)

I also found a facebook status thread on here - can post what you want to post on facebook(but also dont want to post) there if you know what I mean, feels good to at least to let it out.

fingers crossed that Aunt Flo stays away this weekend heather, its so rude for guests to arrive uninvited at weekends, hope she realises this :)

monique lol dont be too excited! i think she might be on her way in! i got 2 pretty big cramps earlier, so i think i might be in for AF this weekend! ugh what a :witch: i hate her!
im still trying to stay positive but its slowly fading..lol
helen so glad ur feeling better! i wish u the best this month and if ur getting all that monitoring i think u have a great shot at a bfp! sounds like both of u will be getting it this cycle! i will mostly likely have to sit it out this cycle til i can get in with the RE..if af doesnt arrive sometime before 5 but does tonight or over the weekend its gonna be disappointing and ill have to wait til monday...errg lol!
ill let u ladies know when the :witch: shows though! thanks for wishing for me though :winkwink:

I'm having a rly weird period, might be down to the clomid, not sure. There's basically just blood and blood clots, and it's quite heavy. Normally I have mucusy period stuff rathe r than actual blood. My dr mentioned possible fibroids and I had never thought of it but he size of one of the clots scared the crap out of me last night. It looked like a jelly baby and I thought Omg I've had a mc. Then realised that to it to get to that size I would have had to be weeks late ><

Hope you both have a nice weekend. I'm seeing a friend for lunch and going to th gym. Not much exciting :)

hmm thats weird, since i started clomid i only have light spotting periods, its pretty crazy ive never had a heavy one..idk much about fibroids and stuff..not much going on on this end either..moms in town so prolly wont be on much this week :)
hey ladies,

how ya doing? had a pretty busy day yesterday, my hubby had to put in a closet organizer and then he's painting the bathroom. I guess I should say that my hubby was busy and I was supervising him. tee hee!! :winkwink:

so, what's up? Heather my dear, did AF show up yet. I'm praying that she didn't.

Helen, I use to get huge clots when I was a teenager, I also had the really heavy and painful cramps. I would get so sick that I would throw up all the time during AF. Not sure what was going on back then, but since I've gotten older AF is not so bad at all. I wonder if it is the clomid that is causing the heavy period. It's crazy how different everyone reacts to that medication. Also, did you dr check to see if you have fibroids or is he just guessing?

So, I have to get another u/s tomorrow morning to see if I can still do my HSG on Tuesday. The dr said that if the follicle is too big then I might have to wait cause the HSG shouldn't be performed close to ovulation. So I'm hoping it's not that big, cause I'd like to have it done asap. Also, my hubby has asked to come with me to the HSG test. tee hee, he's too sweet. So, he's going to take half day off on Tuesday to be supportive of me. Yeah!!
Sounds good! Hopefully the follicle isn't too big yet, you're a bit away from ov still so fingers crossed

Re the fibroids, they've seen something minor on an us but dr wants to wait Til I've done three rounds if clomid Til they check things. Can check tubes at the same time. Can't get it done on the nhs as I dont have any symptoms rly and you need to have been trying over 2 Yrs for nhs anyway

Rly Weepy today. Started dieting again today which isn't helping but I need to lose three stone if I need ivf so better get cracking soon
hey ladies..af came of course yesterday :(
pretty sad but i expected it, why i didnt test or nething :shrug:
i wont be getting on though anymore, as i wont be trying
maybe in about 6 months when me and DH can get some money saved up for an RE
until then i either dont ovulate on normal cycles or have short lps to where i cant get pregnant anyway
so, thanks for all the support and everything and with all the help both u ladies are gonna get i just know this will be ur month! :hugs:
ive just been trying for so long now, 17 months and nothing so im not too hopeful for the future..but trying to stay positive u never know sometimes surprises happen
good luck and :dust: to both of u!
Heather, my sweet, I'm so sorry to hear that AF showed up, but I think that you're right and it's probably best to take it easy for a while. You have been trying for a while and who knows now that you're going to be taking it easy, I'm sure you'll get your bfp.

Thanks for being super supportive and sensitive. I'm going to miss you and I wish you all the best as well.

Take care!!

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