hlynn and me!!

Monique- i hope that ur wrong and ull get ur bfp but i deff know how it feels..weve been chatting for a lot of months now and havent gotten them yet so im sure we pretty much feel the same way when af shows and about trying for so long..and i deff know im out this month..its just starting to feel too much like the last 6 months..thats when i started paying more attention to my 2WW and im starting to feel the exact same..last month my increased cm started at 4dpo and my lp was only 9 days long and the dr thought that upping my dose of clomid would help out but im only about 4 dpo and its starting again so im hoping i dont have a short lp again..the other months i started getting increased cm at 10dpo every single month and then af at 15-16dpo..so last month i was in complete shock that i only had a 9 day lp..i am just praying i have a longer one this month but with the cm starting so early again im not hopeful :nope:
:( well theres still a chance, the cm might not mean that af is coming, it might just be your body after ovulation.

Ive just heard from a collegue that shes pregnant - theyve been having problems staying pregnant - two MC in a year, early on tho, 7 weeks or so. I dont know what id prefer, my situation - never ovulating, never getting close to preg, or regular cycle, ovulating fine, getting preg, then losing it.

Anyway, she says she doesnt feel pregnant at all, I had to convince her to test even, so I think you never can know til you get your period or test, all these symptom watching and stuff is fine, but I think things vary too much to be reliable.

Thats strange about my ff - shows crosshairs on mine, ah well. temping in an hour or so, will see then.
Yep, I totally hate the TWW. It's the worst time ever. I feel like crap today, my back hurts, I have cramps and I'm so tired. All of which I've had every cycle so I'm not excited at all.

Heather, we have been chatting for a while and I pray to God that we all get preggers this year. Ah man, that would be so bloody terrific. I hear a lot of women don't want to have their babies in December cause of the christmas holidays, but let me tell you, hell I'll take whatever I can get. :)

Helen, I see the crosshairs now and it looks like FF says that you ovulated on CD 20, terrific!

So, we're all in the luteal phase right now and hopefully we all get a :bfp:
Aw, sorry youre feeling crap, hope its not your period, but if it is then youve been ttc for 6 months so means Drs will start helping you now.

Ive been salivating like a dog all morning, started about 11am, is very weird. It is somethign which is a pregnancy symptom but I think its far too early for it to start. Im always convinced that Im going to be pregnant, even when I know I didnt ovulate, so its very likely that its all in my mind.

I dont think Im going to temp next month - it just gets me obsessed and when I wake up to pee at 4am or so, I cant get back to sleep as Im wondering what the thermometer is going to say at 6am...

I know what you mean about December, we have husband's birthday on 21st, wedding anniversary on 23rd, Xmas on 24th, then my bday in January. By Valentines day we're totally out of present ideas so generally dont bother >< Would love to have a Nov baby, but like you say, Ill take anything at the moment.
helen - yup i see where ff says u ovulated..thats great :) im not sure about the saliva thing but maybe ull get ur bfp this month! :thumbup:
Monique- Yeah i agree i dont even care anymore about the time i would have the baby...doesnt matter at all anymore i just want to get my bfp! :winkwink:

not much going on with mee...still feeling the same and still so bloated and crampy..increased cm still there..hmmm lol still know im out this month..sigh..ohh well :shrug: not much i can do now right lol i wish it was back to the days where i didnt care so much..when i was ttc with dd #2 i wasnt having periods so i was put on clomid and i did the opks and called the dr when it was positive and what not but other then that i didnt even think about it..just waited patiently for my period and when it didnt come i tested and it was +..the first month trying! why cant it be like that now? i would give anything to just put it out of my mind (and not where its still there but ur convincing yourself its not lol!)
So, how are you ladies doing today? Nothing special with me, just waiting for AF to show up on Saturday.

Helen, are you still salivating a lot? I think I heard that was a pregnancy symptom.

Heather are you still feeling sicky?

I'm really tired, but when am I not tired? I also have a big weekend, my nephew's birthday is tomorrow and my sister is have a birthday party for him on Saturday cause he's turning 5. So, he asked me to make him an X-Men: Wolverine cake, so I have to make it tomorrow evening and into Saturday morning. I hope it turns out ok. I'm not a professional cake decorator at all, but I like to do it for fun. Anyhow, it's been helping to take my mind off of this cycle.

What's everyone up to this weekend?
Hiya. I gave in and tested today - had a frer which you can do at 6 dpo. Was negative ofc and now I def have to wait to test. Going to use frer on Sunday as it's 98% accurate then I think

Pulled my back in the gym last night so been taking painkillers all day and had to call in sick for work. Can't even stand up without husband helping. It's starting to get a bit better so I hope I can go in tmw. I'm self employed so get no sick pay :/

Temp dropped this morning but I think it was because of the paracetamol. I'm still salivating quite a lot. I did read it was a preg symptom but seems too early for that sort of thing. I have had different twinges down there tho. Usually get sharp pains but I'm now getting pulling from belly button every so often

Gosh, your cake sounds complicated. I'm such a rubbish cook, I burn soup >< good luck with it:) I was planning on gymming it to keep my mind off the rest if the Tww but with my back I'm not sure. Have Pilates booked on Saturday so will see how I go then
Monique i still think you have a shot at a bfp! just because ur having a lot of AF like symptoms doesnt mean anything..so am i and im only 6-7dpo today
helen- sounds like u tested too early to me..and the extra saliva sounds like a good sign..sorry about ur back i hope u get to feeling better :hugs:
the only thing thats different about this cycle is my boobs have been like..not really hurting constantly but ill get shooting pains and then at times they will just feel sore..its not constant but ive never had this before..and ive had a lot of 2WWs lol so im sure its not in my head..i quit over thinking stuff long time ago..i try my hardest not to get hopeful on any symptom i have and its working so far..i still feel like the :witch: is on her way..the cm has slowed down abit and the nausea is still there but not as constant..its mostly just when i eat now..still bloated and crampy..not much going on here!
my daughters bday is the 20th of this month and i am gonna be planning her party and what not so hopefully it will keep my mind off of everything..i went and rented out the place we are having it at today and im so happy she is so excited..shes gonna be 4 :)
I agree, can't tell what's gonna happen Til you test and altho it's hard to think +ve, dont rule anything out.
So Ladies, it looks like AF is going to arrive on time this month. My temp took a huge nose dive today so not BFP for me this cycle. Anyhow, I'm ok with that.

Heather, that's so cute that your having a big party for your daughter. 4 is such a sweet little age. I have like 4 birthday's to celebrate this month, this is going to be an expensive month. Yikes!!

Heather, I hope your preggers cause your TWW sounds horrible. I can't believe you have to go through this and not be pregnant. That would suck big time. So, let's stay positive and hope for the best. You must be thrilled as I am about seeing the RE.

Can't wait to see the specialist, I'm getting excited now. Not sure if I mentioned it before but I found out that my hubby had a hernia as a baby and he had to have surgery for it. That may be why we haven't conceived yet. I'm hoping the dr can shed some light on that for us.

Helen, those FRER only work after implantation has occurred so even if you have a 12 day lp you may not implant till 10 dpo so that FRER with the 5 days before your period isn't really accurate. It can be very misleading. Although I think I've seen some women get their BFP at 7dpo. Are you going to test again? How's your back today!
:hugs: sorry about your temp monique, i bet u are excited about seeing an RE, i know i am lol..i feel like ill get more answers seeing a specialist..yes it has been a horrible 2WW but i feel like maybe all the sickness and stuff is just a virus going around, a couple of my friends have been sick too..weird that it just started happening the day after ovulation though right lol..i do feel like af is on her way still..feels like every other bfn month besides all the sickness and the boob thing..but not much difference..still the increased cm and crampiness..so it sucks but :shrug: oh well..i figured it anyway, wish i could have a positive month soon!
Monique - Same, sorry to hear about your temp, it isnt that accurate apparently, but it does kinda sound like a sign that you'll get to have lots more sex next month" :) Hope you can get your RE appt soon. How are they different from a normal fertility specialist?

Heather - Sounds like a good plan to focus on your girls party, will be fun to get everything organised! I would love a girl, all those pink ribbons and stuff :)

I just found out about needing to be 10 dpo for the FRER, how stupid that the instructions dont say that - total waste of £5.

My back is better today, could go to work at least, just lucky im not in my fertile period as theres no way I could DTD like this hehe

I started getting creamy CM today, which is another symptom! Im getting seriously obsessed now with it all. My temp dropped yesterday, but I was on paracetamol, and then today it rose loads, but I had two duvets on, so cant rly rely on it tbh. But it might have been an implantation dip. God, going crazy with this wait. Its like the 2nd real TWW ive done, and apparently Im not v good at it ><

I also had a lot of pain in the lower right part of my abdomen today, Im pretty sure that its my left ovary's turn to OV as the right one def did last month - had an ultrasound. So Im not worried about ectopics, and it wasnt sharp like normal OV pain which Ive had in the past. Was for like 45 mins and was a dull pain, was very odd, esp as im taking paracetamol back to back, maybe something to do with that. I dunno.

I think Im going to wait til March 9th to test like I decided. AF is due that day I think, or close enough anyway.
Helen- your symptoms sound good! just wait to test i think its much less stressful i stopped testing in november and i think its better..its easier on me just to get af and not be taking tests imagining lines that arent there..lol :)

i know im out this month but im trying to stay positive..im trying the patience thing because i really dont and never have had much of it..and its soo hard! but i guess it will happen when its supposed too..at least i do have signs that let me know when im out early so that im not wondering the whole two weeks only to be let down..i get let down early so when af comes its not so much of a shock.
So its saturday and I think Monique was due on today, did AF arrive? :(

Heather, it is lame that you feel like youre out this month, but like you say at least you know so you dont break your heart when you come on. Fingers crossed for both of your appointments soonish :)

Ive been having kinda dull pains again all day. Think its possibly just from having a large follicle from ovulation, I dunno, its not terribly painful, just bothersome, so I dont think its hyperstimulated as I think you really know about it if its that.

Found a stash of cheapy preg tests which are 10miu/l which are the same as FRER I think, so ( I know, Im crazy) Im going to bosh em all this week. It keeps my mind calm for a few hours at least. And I have the proper ones for when its not a drill hehe

Had a day of mood swings, was hilarious looking back. Having a go at husband for something random then bursting into tears, then telling him off for driving too close to car in front, then bawling again... Went shopping and bought a lovely tunic which I rly didnt need, but hey ho, cheered me up :)

Watching whole series of Jerico now - recorded from US tv somehow, its quite good as it feeds my paranoia about nuclear blasts! (see, you get a clue as to what occupies my mind now lol, as if anyone would ever bomb Somerset, all we have here is cider).
yeah i think monique was busy today though with the bday party and stuff so we prolly wont hear from her for awhile..but i hope af stayed away from her!
i am either 8, 9 or 10 dpo today lol i could be any..i had a positive opk on wednesday and negative the day after but my ticker is 2 days after the + opk because i know they predict ahead of time, but yesterday and today my cm has slowed down a lot..still think im out but i like it so much better because im not running to the bathroom to check to see if i started all the time like i normally am every month when i start getting tons of cm :)
im still sick to my stomach a lot and bloated/crampy..thats really all though..not much more to report lol pretty boring month
all your symptoms sound promising, helen, sounds like u might get ur bfp this month :D i got my fingers and toes crossed that u do!
Ah yes, I forget that not everyone is tied to their iPhone like me hehe

I dunno about this month, Im thinking that it might be just how my cycles are when I ovulate. Im starting to throw up in the evenings now - was sick last night and tonight. Exactly the same dpo as last month. I def ovulated Jan and Feb now, so maybe Ive never ovulated and therefore never had true PMS and now I am ovulating, this is what its like?

With your O dates, hard to know rly, but the average is that ppl OV the day after the last +ve opk, which would mean 24th Feb. Leave it til 12 days after then do a sensitive test, but be prepared to test again maybe?
thats what im having trouble with..trying to find out if the people who get bfps have the exact same symptoms the bfp months as the bfn ones..if that makes sense lol i know they say generally af and pg symptoms are very much alike but im looking for more personal experiences..like symptoms that not everyone has like me, not everyone gets increased cm 4-5 days before af time and i was jw if i have that again does that mean im out or do the bfp cycles seem just like the bfn ones..hopefully that makes sense hehe :)
but i wouldnt lose hope yet if i was you i mean ur other symptoms sound good...but i understand about not getting to hopeful because being let down when af shows is a bummer..im not sure that ill do any tests this month..unless of course af is late..i would rather just wait it out and see if she shows..shes never late so if she goes to 2 days late i think ill test :)
Hey Ladies,

So, AF got me and I was really confused yesterday about it as well. I had a huge temp spike yesterday morning so I was super excited and ready to test but when I went to the washroom I had some spotting and it didn't normally start off the way I get AF so I thought hmm... this is promising. Anyhow, I figured I'd check throughout the day and see if it stopped or got heavier. Well, it was very light throughout the day and during the party it was still very light like it almost stopped. Well, I figured if my temp was still high in the morning and the spotting was still light or stopped that I would do an HPT. Well, when I got home from the party last night, AF got heavier and then I figured that's it, I'm out.

Then this morning my temp dropped big time, so I'm kinda pissed off with my temp rise yesterday but now I think it was because I was sick. I have the worse headache today and my throat is really sore. Blah. Ah well, I'm off to my FS (fertility specialist, that's what we call it in Canada) on thursday. I'm hoping we can get started on all the tests and maybe even an unmedicated IUI this cycle too. I guess we'll see how it goes.

Heather, my dear, I'm getting super excited for you especially since your CM has slowed down. That's not normal for you. Hmm... sounds like we may have a BFP in a few days!! :)

Helen, I agree with Heather, don't give up hope. It's so difficult to figure out if you're having PMS or pregnancy symptoms, but it's very possible that you are pregnant.

You both have to promise me that if you do get your BFP this cycle, you still have to talk to me!! :hugs:

We just have to all be positive right.... that's the only way to make it through all this.

Anyhow, the birthday party was good, and my cake came out ok. As I said, I'm not a professional or anything. I think I've made about 6 full decorated cakes before. I just do it for fun, and I think I'll go get some training now cause it really is a lot of fun to do. It was a lemon chiffon with strawberry filling cake! Here's a couple of pictures (my niece is in one of them).


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Aw, sorry Af got you :( Least you had the party to maybe keep your mind off it a bit?

That cake looks wicked! Well done :o Im such a rubbish cook. Just bought a breadmaker which you can make cakes in as well, hopefully that will mean i can fill the house with smells other than burning :) Making a seeded wholemeal loaf now, only going to take 5 hrs lol.

Im not going to temp next month, its a total waste of time. It only serves to torture us and give us false hope. Join me in not temping! :) NICE (Group who decide what can be done on the NHS, whats worth the money, whats a waste etc) doesnt recommend temping, and its free, so it must mean its rly bad if they dont tell us to do free stuff.

I think the first step for FS is usually tests, then clomid for a few months at least before IUI. Ive even seen someone take it when the problem was their husband not them. I think it makes the egg stronger and more likely to take, not sure completely. But tbh Id be surprised if they went straight to IUI.

Could you have a rest this month from ttc while you have the tests? Just NTNP rather than think about things? It rly does help with the stress levels I think. We had a few months off, every 3 or 4 months or so just went with it.
Monique so sorry she got you AND tricked you! that was mean..but of course i am very happy for u that ur going to an FS (i have heard it called both i am in the US though and i think here its called and RE) i really hope u can get ur bfp really soon! :hugs:
Oh and that cake looks awesome, i cant cook anything! lol me and my family live off hamburger helper dinners lol cuz they are so easy..i can barely cook anything hehe :)
Helen i agree with the temping thing thats why i never done it, it seems like it just tricks ladies and gives false hope
I am to be honest making myself not get excited, i have pretty much dried up down there..i will have some thin watery cm but just here and there and deff not a lot, and its not normal for me at all but i dont want to get my hopes up only to be let down, and as much as i hope and wish that this was my month i just dont think it is, i really think sometimes that i will never have another baby..and it breaks my heart! ive been having some cramping here and there..but i guess we will see..i might test on thursday if af hasnt came..i just have a feeling she will though :(
oh and monique of course i will talk to u if i get one (still dont think i will though lol) i cant wait to hear what u find out at the specialist! :)

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