hlynn and me!!

hey ladies, i wasnt on at all yesterday because my daughter has been sick, shes always had a really bad gagging problem and just lately shes been throwing up like crazy, so im going to take her to the dr later today and hopefully get a referral to the university for some tests, because she gags on food, smells, everything..even if she thinks something is gonna taste bad she will gag and sometimes throw up..so i am going to demand they do something since they never have in the past and shes already 2 and a half now :wacko:
but anyway, i think im cd10 today? im not trying opks til later..if at all this month because of my daughter, i hope they can get her in and soon shes already a small girl she doesnt have much body fat to waste :( hopefully we can still bd this month..guess we will see! ive also been sick, i got sick in the middle of the night last night and kinda feel sick this morning but nothing too bad..hoping it doesnt affect ovulation or nething!
hey again lol, i just got a call from the dr and they said that they got a more detailed result of DHs SA and his sperm count came back low-normal? so she said no smoking, which he doesnt, wear boxers and no heat around the area..but what else can we do? he already takes fertiliaid for men and idk what else to do :shrug:
Gosh, Heather, I hope your daughter is going to be ok. She sounds like she has a worse case than me. I usually gag a lot too, even if I think of something I'll gag, but at her age, it really doesn't make sense. I agree with you make sure someone does some tests on her. Poor little thing!!

As for the hubby's SA, I think it's probably normal, cause they say that every month is changes it all depends on what he ate, if he drank alcohol more in the previous months. There are so many variables to consider. My dr told me that sometimes they'd like to do 2 SA tests and then get an average. So, I have a feeling that your hubby is ok. :winkwink:

So, I just got a call from the fertility specialist and I have an appointment on Mar 10th at 1:30pm. I'm so excited. I even told my hubby that he can wait to do his SA till we see the FS cause they'll want to do a more detailed one on him and the requistion that he has is for a simple test. I don't think he'd want to do the test twice so I'd rather him wait to do the detailed one.

This is so exciting! :happydance:
thanks Monique. Yay for going to the FS! if im not pregnant this month ill be headed there too :winkwink: you will have to tell me everything so i know what to expect lol :)
yeah i have no idea why shes like this, even the day we brought her home from the hospital she threw up everywhere, not just baby spitup actual vomit, and she could never eat baby food because she would gag and throw up, she breastfed for the first year but i weaned her at a year because she was doing ok with foods for awhile, but shes really bad lately, its starting to get a lot worse, she broke open a poptart yesterday and looked at the gooey stuff inside and started gagging :wacko: she had never even tried that kind before, and shes lost like 3 pounds since a week and a half ago, so i need to get her in soon for some actual tests..the dr said last night they will probably do a scope, im just worried they will try and make me wait to get in and i dont want to because shes already losing weight..and on top of that my other daughter broke out in bumps everywhere last night, and they come and go i am keeping lots of lotion on her and ill have the dr look at her when we go today too :wacko: i swear if its not one things is another lol!
as for DH, im not sure but i think since its at least kind of low, we have been DTD too much, we are gonna start doing it every 3 days or so, so that he should have some good ones built up when its my fertile week :) i am pretty worried though, my dr said the next step is iui and that is pretty darn expensive so im hoping it wont come to that :(
I suppose it's all that processed crap in tins they're talkin about

I've had a rly bad day. The hunger is just becoming unbearable. Have a cracking headache all day which has just turned into a migraine. I feel like I haven't eaten in days. Checked my blood sugar and that's normal so it isn't that. I'm going to my gp Thursday to see if there's anything they can do. Have to wait nearly a week tho. Every day is worse. Rly hoping I get fricking pregnant because I don't think I can do this again. Moody I can deal with, hot flushes and all that no problem. But constant raging hunger which never stops is just too much. It's like the clomid picked the side effect I would least be able to deal with :(
Sorry didn't see you both had posted. Good news about the Fs appointment. Good luck!

With the sa results, it might not be tip top but it is normal albeit low, so I wouldn't worry too much. I think it's an idea to try not to do it too much tho, they say every other day is enough

Hope your daughters are ok, sounds like you're busy!
My softcups arrived and they look terrifying! Would like to practice but don't want to waste one as only have 6. Can't see me putting it in right first time straight after sex. Ah well, will do my best! Just got up as didn't sleep well last night. After the amount I ate last night tho, I'm not starving hungry for once! Blood sugar was a bit low this morning. Going to keep monitoring it. I'm sure it's low bg as when I eat sugary things I feel ok for a bit
ive never even seen softcups. i am thinking about trying them though, i was at the dr for 8 hours yesterday with my daughter so i didnt even get to go to the store, but i might today if shes feeling better :)
I ordered some off amazon, never seen anywhere sell em here. Just used my first one and it was rly easy to put in and feels rly comfortable, rly wouldnt know it was there if i didnt know it was (if you know what i mean ><)

They say you cant reuse, but I dont see why rly, give em a good wash and I reckon theyll be fine, expensive otherwise

edit - took it out after 2 hrs or so, didnt seem to be much junk it in, and it didnt fall out pre insertion, so it must have kinda got absorbed up there or something (?) I dunno, junk isnt my department. I think thats good tho rly.

I did feel a bit cycstitis-y afterwards so I think I will overcome my cheapness and not reuse them tbh :)
I think my issue is my CM, I have a feeling it’s killing off the spermies… so I’ll be happy when I see my specialist and do that Postcotial test and the test to see if your tubes are open. If both those are ok, and my hubby’s SA is ok, then I guess I just have to wait it out, right? I hate waiting.

Helen, I would totally resuse them and just make sure you use hot water to wash them and that should be ok, right? I started to do that with my Preseed applicators, cause I always have a lot left back and no applicators, so the clinic I bought it at told me to just wash them and that should do the trick!!

Hey Heather, have you ovulated yet?
Ah yeah good idea. I was wondering how inqas gonna get the pre seed up there without the applicators. Will fish em out of the bathroom bin then! Need something like that blue stuff they use in hairdressers for combs >)

Still no peaks or anything on cbfm... Siiiigh
hey ladies. no i havent ovulated yet i dont think
i honestly havent been doing any opks or looking for signs or anything
been so busy and everything with my dd
but i took an opk this morning and it was + but im not sure i believe it
i used fmu with it, like i always do and usually it always works
but today is only cd14 and ive never had a positive opk this early..so im doubtful that its a true positive..im gonna try and hold in my pee today for 4 hours without drinking much and see if i can take another because i just dont believe i would get one this early..last month i didnt get my first positive til cd18! :wacko:
If it was +ve then Id say get to BDing, a false +ve less likely than a false -ve after all.

Anyway, a bit of sex never hurt anyone :)
lol well i dont want to jump on it right away, since DHs SA showed low-normal sperm count we are trying to do it less often and just by chance we actually did it last night lol so tomorrow night we will..im not too worried about it this cycle..mostly because next cycle im going to be referred to an RE and will know more..just kinda relaxing this cycle :) its a nice break
Hey Ladies,

Heather, I actually think you may have a +OPK as well, don't forget AF got you early last cycle right, so you may ovulate earlier this cycle. That's what happened to me 2 cycles ago. I usually ovulate between cd16-18, but that one time I ovulated on CD 14, so I already had a +OPK at CD 11 which was super early for me.

But if you're taking it easy this cycle, then I agree with you, every other day will work just as well, so just take your time and enjoy!! :)

How's your daughter doing? Is she feeling any better? Has she gained any weight back?
yeah we are just taking it easy and im not rushing to anything, and they were about the same color so i could have even been wrong if the test line was a little lighter and i just couldnt tell, i am so bad at reading those unless they are really negative or really positive lol..but im not too worried about them..we are just gonna try to bd every other or every 2 days and if it happens it happens if not theres always next month and the RE :)
my daughter is doing really well she hasnt thrown up yesterday or today and yesterday she had gained almost 1 pound back so we are happy about that for sure..shes on sme strong antiacid medicine and they seem to be helping, so far :D
i was really stressed out about her being sick and ive been getting depressed so i am just hoping that shes better and i can feel better, because i hate being sad all the time!
how are you ladies? ur 2dpo now monique how does that feel :) and Helen im sorry to hear about no positive opk..do u normally ovulate later? i do usually thats why im not quite sure about todays :winkwink:
Last month I ovulated day 26 with a 38 day cycle, but I was told that I should O 5-10 days after finishing last clomid pill, and today is 10 days-post-clomid, ppl do say they o later, but Im not going to count on it tbh.

A friend of mine is getting married on friday, and shes ovulating this weekend or so, and shes regular as clockwork, healthy, the sort of person whos going to get knocked up first try... so in two weeks she'll be pregnant basically. Going to be hard to be happy for her.

Glad to hear about your daughter, fatten her up nice and cute!
im hoping that u do ovulate and maybe just a little later..i have before i ovulated on cd 21 last cycle :shrug:

i got my for sure positive opk this morning :) so early for me only cd 15..but last month i also had 3 days of positives so who knows what will happen this cycle..im hoping not so many days of positives..2 at the most is what im hoping for..im still not sure about yesterdays it was closer to the same color as the control and ik they say that the same color is positive but i just dont know..it could have been a tad bit lighter without me noticing a lot u know..it was deff not a big positive like todays :shrug: so idk whether to count yesterday as my first positive or today :wacko:
Ah glad you got a +ve :) we are well and truly starting to get into crazy territory now aren't we hehe. Tww is worse than waiting to ovulate ><

Found that fertility friend does an app, so Im going to be charting with that, have transfered my cycle data for the last 6 months over, and temps for this month. It shows me ovulating on Monday so fingers crossed!

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