Hmmmmm.. nervous about doing this...

Sorry I can't see anything!


Keep testing!!!!

No I'm not sure of the date really.. I didn't do any opks this time and just went by my ovulation calendar.


Hunni I don't mean to sound mean but being late and symptoms don't always mean pregnancy. You have said it wasn't so long ago you came off BCP, i really am not saying this to be horrid but you are getting your hopes up so much saying you ARE pg i don't want you to be devestated if it turns out you aren't. If you are pg it looks more likely that you ovulated a lot later than you thought because at 11 days late that would make you around 6 weeks pg and you would expect to see more than a pale shadow by now. If you did O late then it will take time to show so perhaps wait a few days and then test again, if you get a faint line speak to the docs if not try and stop testing and wait and see as all this stressing will only make you ill xx Hope you don't think I am a cow xx
Oh hunnie, I dont see anything but that doesnt mean the line isnt there. I had a rough time with pregnancy tests the last time I was pregnant. I got a v. faint bfp on a dollarama cheapy so tested with clearblue and got bfn as well as a bfn on another brand test the same day. Next day tested with FRER and got bfn as well, and same the day after that. I finally got another v. faint BFP the day after that on a FRER test and on a digi. Sometimes it happens, when I had my first scan my dates were a week+ off so it was likely I ovulated late or implanted late...Our bodies are weird and have a way of tricking us. Best thing you can do is maybe wait a few days and try testing again. You really do have all the signs and I have a good feeling you are pregnant. Remember it's not over until af arrives. Keep positive. Good luck xo
sorry cant see anything hun they say u should be able to look at a preg test like a book and u shouldnt have to take it out of the case to see a line i agree with krissi sorry hun i really hope for u tht u ovulated late lots of luck for a bfp
Hunni I don't mean to sound mean but being late and symptoms don't always mean pregnancy. You have said it wasn't so long ago you came off BCP, i really am not saying this to be horrid but you are getting your hopes up so much saying you ARE pg i don't want you to be devestated if it turns out you aren't. If you are pg it looks more likely that you ovulated a lot later than you thought because at 11 days late that would make you around 6 weeks pg and you would expect to see more than a pale shadow by now. If you did O late then it will take time to show so perhaps wait a few days and then test again, if you get a faint line speak to the docs if not try and stop testing and wait and see as all this stressing will only make you ill xx Hope you don't think I am a cow xx

Of course I don't think you're a cow hun.. I know what you mean it's ok :hugs:
I appreciate it when people are honest with me so I thank you for that :)

I honestly don't think it is from coming off BCP's (although it could be) as that was 5months ago and my last 2 cycles have been as regular as clockwork like they used to be.

The past 3 days I've had faint lines on tests and I'm almost certain they aren't evaps.. so i'm a little confused by that.

Maybe it is the fact that I have ovulated late and my hcg is taking a while to get high enough to show properly on a test.

I just hate this messing around, I wish I could get a straight answer. Still, I'll carry on testing and when I have the time (am working every day next week) I will make a drs appointment.

I must admit I do feel like crying though, it's so difficult not knowing the answer.. it's weird because in my heart I feel like I know my period isn't going to come whatsoever.

Aww hun I am glad it came across OK, fingers crossed you ovulated late xx
omg i have just read this thread from start to finish (took some time). I can imagine you are all over the place. What a whirlwind. Personally, i think i would tell myself now that i was not pregnant and get on with life. It could be the stress of worrying and wondering that is putting AF off and if you just resign yourself to the fact that you are not pg if af doesnt come in another week or two you can test again and/or go to see your doctor as like some of the girls say perhaps you ovulated late and its too early to tell.

I hope you get it sorted. Keep us posted!
good luck! it must be so frustrating, i only took one test when i was pregnant, when i got one positive thats what i went by. the hormone levels in your urine may vary due to amount of drinks consumed or even the pregnancy test could have less hormone detection than the ones you took before. hope this is it for you! xoxo
You know what.. I just looked at the test I took yesterday again (haven't looked at it since I did it) and there is a definate pink line there.

I may take a pic of it :D

Oh hun, i'm sorry the one from this morning didn't show anything. Hopefully the other girls are right and you Ov'd later than you thought. And i hate to say this but they say you should never check an old test outside the time limit as it isn't an accurate result. This must all be so frustrating for you :hugs:
hun it sounds to me that you are i had very very faint lines on those tests il post a pic later if you want? and it sounds that maybe you ovulated a few days later than normal or your hcg just takes longer to rise to be detected. i could never get a good bfp in a short space of time. good luck let me no if you want to see pics i still have all the tests!:blush:
I have been following this thread like mad lol.

you will prob shoot me, but I couldnt see anything on the 1st tests, but I can on todays.

good luck xxx

I think, personally... that BCP messes you up so much, that you really can't (even with 2 'normal' cycles behind you) know for certain when you ovulated, if you ovulated, or if you're even late. :(

I agree that 11 days late and pregnancy symptoms sound promising, but I had soooo many PG symptoms in my last 2ww, and I wasn't pregnant. And you can't say for certain if you are 11 days late really. I think whoever said about forgetting about it, is probably right... you may be delaying AF with all this stress and worry.

I *really* hope I'm wrong, but if any one of those faint positive's you got were BFP's, they would have darkened by now. The longer this goes on, the less likely (IMO) it is that you are pregnant. I'm sorry. hCG doubles everyday.

I would forget all about it - it's not going to change anything if by chance you are pregnant... and just wait for AF. A friend of mine had really bad irregular cycles after the BCP, and I didn't get AF for over a year.

I hope and pray I'm wrong, but I think you're torturing yourself. :hug:
that is not completely true. yes hormones do get higher with each day, however that does not always mean that you will get a darkened positive. i tested when i was 7 weeks pregnant and only got a faint positive. everyone is different and some people take a long time to get a positive. dont want to start a debate here, just wanted to let you know my experience.
also want to say though, that you should probably just try to give yourself a break and stop thinking about it. i know it is hard, but it will help a lot especially if you are not pregnant and will be trying again next cycle it might be best just to let it happen. that was the best advice my sister ever gave me, and low and behold, the month i stopped trying, i got pregnant! anyways hope you are pregnant, if not, good luck next time!
Oh, :) yes I know not everyone is the same.. but if Lyrah got a positive a few days ago, it would be darker now.. not lighter. When I had my chemical I had faint positives for 5 days, then they got lighter. I rang the docs and she said if it got lighter the hormones were disappearing.

I don't want to upset anyone, but lyrah's faint positive was 2 days ago, so a test would at the very least STILL be faint... not non-existant.

I hope I am wrong :hug:
also want to say though, that you should probably just try to give yourself a break and stop thinking about it. i know it is hard, but it will help a lot especially if you are not pregnant and will be trying again next cycle it might be best just to let it happen. that was the best advice my sister ever gave me, and low and behold, the month i stopped trying, i got pregnant! anyways hope you are pregnant, if not, good luck next time!

thats what happened with me 3rd time round stopped trying and got preg staight away, after 7 months of "trying"
and with my 1st and 2nd pregnancies didnt try at all and fell with 3months. i mean not trying by not temping or watching when i ovulated but we were activily trying for our girls.
Oh, :) yes I know not everyone is the same.. but if Lyrah got a positive a few days ago, it would be darker now.. not lighter. When I had my chemical I had faint positives for 5 days, then they got lighter. I rang the docs and she said if it got lighter the hormones were disappearing.

I don't want to upset anyone, but lyrah's faint positive was 2 days ago, so a test would at the very least STILL be faint... not non-existant.

I hope I am wrong :hug:

Thats exactly what happened to me last month, I pretty much knew a week before it was going to happen just coz the tests didn't darken. I know everyone says a line is a line, no matter how dark... but I've never known a healthy pregnancy not give out nice dark test linesafter a few days!

I can't see a line in your last pic, but I knoe from experience taht even fairly obvious faint lines can be really hard to get on camera! I really hope it does get darker for you. :hug:
Thanks girls :hugs:

Hmm, I don't know to be honest.

Todays test was still faint but hard to see.

I don't know. I don't know when to test again or whether to bother.

I just think it's kind of odd that 11 days ago when I was due to get my period, I had cramping as if it was on it's way any second.. and it didn't show up.

I'm not stressing or worrying about being pregnant so I don't think that's delaying it.

I don't know, I really hate everything right now:cry:

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