Hmmmmm.. nervous about doing this...

Morning! Thats 7 tests now isn't it Lyrah? Are you planning on doing a digi? Is so, when? Still no sign of AF? Any other symptoms?x
Morning! Thats 7 tests now isn't it Lyrah? Are you planning on doing a digi? Is so, when? Still no sign of AF? Any other symptoms?x

Dito!!!! Do a Digi maaaaaan!!!!
:test: with a DIGI!!!! Definative answer will pick up the HCG in ur urine!!!! U really are gonna go bananas!!! :hug:
Yep 7 tests now.

I'm wondering whether to do a digi when I get a stronger line, otherwise I don't think it will give me an accurate result just yet.

No sign of af at all.

My symptoms at the mo are just sore boobs, tiredness, peeing a lot, bloated, dull cramps and twinges and also the fact that I'm really picky with my food.

When OH and I went out for the day the day before yesterday, we were walking around for ages looking for somewhere to eat and I was getting all frustrated with myself because everywhere we had a look at, I just didn't fancy at all. We then went to pizza hut in the end and I refused to have any other pizza apart from a plain ham and pineapple one.. I didn't want any strong flavours or anything.. was most odd for me cos I usually love my food!!!

Have you got a pic of todays test? :D I'm so excited for you:happydance:
My symptoms at the mo are just sore boobs, tiredness, dull cramps and twinges and also the fact that I'm really picky with my food.

That's exactly how I felt! And I usually love all food :laugh2:

Have you got a photo of today's test? 7 tests can't be wrong :wohoo: x
I will go and try to take a picture of it, my camera is pretty much dead atm but I can try :D

Here it is.. not sure if you'll be able to see the very faint line though



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Morning Lyrah hun .. I see a shadow on todays , I carnt see any pink but its on the computer wich sometimes is rubbish lol .
Its best to do what we talked about last night Hun Docs Tues for a blood test to tell you 100% one way or another .
Truthfully i think if there very faint you may get a notpregnant on a digi when you could easily still be pregnant in early stages (Ovulated late) .
I would try a digi maybe but if it says notpregnant go see Docs and demand blood test on Tuesday :) . xxx .
I cant see a line on the FRER hun, but maybe its just the picture. I agree you should go to the docs for a blood test :) good luck xx
Hun I was getting lines like those and I am definitely NOT pregnant. I think you've been getting evap lines which someotimes can be hard to distinguish between that and very faint BFPs.

I think the best thing now, to put your mind at ease is to go to the docs and have them confirm it either way.:hugs:
Please go to the doctor... all this wondering and worrying can't be doing you any good. And the suspense is killing me!
i see summat.. i aint sure what but i see summat.. looks like a shodow line..
I can't see anything on todays test....but like u sed, very hard to see on laptops etc...but if you can see it in real life then that's all that matters!!!

But yeh, get ya self to the Docs and demand a HCG, don't think the Doc will do it, think u will have to see a Nurse...but u still need Docs permission....well thats what they are like at our Docs.
I was cheeky once, I made an appointment with the Nurse and she asked me what I wanted and I told her a HCG test and then she had to get permission off one the Docs whilst I was sat there....they got the permission so it was all happy u cuc be cheeky and go straight for the Nurse lol????
Some Docs will fob you off and say wait for AF or until HPTs are conclusive...stand ya ground and say that its making u anxious etc...

Thanks girls

I dont think they are evaps.. I've had 7 tests all on diff brands and each one has had a line and got OH to poas and he didn't get a line at all.

I don't know :huh:

I feel dreadfully sick with the thought of not being pregnant and the anxiety of it. If I turn out not to be pregnant, this is gonna completely crush me for quite a while. :(
:hugs: I'd go to the doctor and ask for a blood test - can't be doing you any good stressing about it. Can't see anything on today's test but you haven't had any without faint lines on yet have you? If your OH didn't get a line they can't all be evaps! I think it might be too early for a digi too as the lines are still very faint and they tend to be less sensitive x
I know your nervous hun , But you need to know one way or another .. And this stress isnt going to give u deffinate answers . Good luck at Docs sweety . xx .
Lyrah, STOP testing and go to the doctors. This is not doing you any good darling. You need to know one way or another so that you can move on. Your life must be at a standstill. Sorry if this seems blunt and it is not meant to come across this way but I feel for you so much.

Good luck sweets and lots of love xxx

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