Hmmmmm.. nervous about doing this...

Been following this link since 17th sept..
I'm starting to worry for you Lyrah!!!
Really think you should see dr. Its 11 days now you've been in limbo, its gonna drive you mad. last year i was 8 days late then got my period that was bad enough, so i know this must be doing your head in!
sorry but i really think if you had ovulated 25days ago you'd have a very clear line by now, so i guess the possibilites are .... you ovulated late... or your not pregnant and your body is playing a very cruel trick.
sorry to be blunt... really hope you don't think bad of me, but all this guessing.......
really feel for you and i really hope with all my heart that the drconfirms your pg!!!
good luck lyrah .. you've got to know the truth for your own sanity!!
good luck again, be keeping my fingers crossed for you x
Been following this link since 17th sept..
I'm starting to worry for you Lyrah!!!
Really think you should see dr. Its 11 days now you've been in limbo, its gonna drive you mad. last year i was 8 days late then got my period that was bad enough, so i know this must be doing your head in!
sorry but i really think if you had ovulated 25days ago you'd have a very clear line by now, so i guess the possibilites are .... you ovulated late... or your not pregnant and your body is playing a very cruel trick.
sorry to be blunt... really hope you don't think bad of me, but all this guessing.......
really feel for you and i really hope with all my heart that the drconfirms your pg!!!
good luck lyrah .. you've got to know the truth for your own sanity!!
good luck again, be keeping my fingers crossed for you x

Seconded, every word! :hug:
I thrid it |:)
Lyrah is you not pg then you still should be at the docs askeing where is af then? They should be able to give you an answer either wya, I hope its the answer we all want for you
Thanks all of you so much :hugs:

I must admit.. up until today, I've been fine and happy.. but this morning I didn't want to go to work, I just wanted to curl up and cry out of complete frustration and upset with not knowing what's going on at all.

It's dreadfully irritating, especially as having not been in this situation before.

I refuse point blank to test any further, I've had enough of it for the time being.

In the next few days, I guess it's now up to the dr to decide. One way or another, I'm going to find out if I'm pregnant.. if not then I will find out what the hell is going on with my body. Also if I'm not pregnant, I refuse to ever, ever use a pregnancy test in my life again cos of how far have they pushed my hopes up, I know that sounds stupid, but that's how I feel. If this isn't my month.. I'm going to be hurting so, so much, I know I am. Not just because I'm not pregnant.. but because of those tests being so mean to me and winding me up. It would be pure heartbreak. I know that sounds lame and everything.. but that's how it feels to me. It's as if the tests are holding a baby infront of my face and then snatching it away from me. I'm starting to hurt already.

I personally think I am.. but I guess time will tell.

As for today.. I've still been getting dull cramps and twinges and sore boobs. That cheered me up a bit :)

Rant over for now, I guess. Sorry girls, I had to let it out of my system. I want to cry, but just can't.

:hugs: Really hope you get some answers soon...can't even imagine how frustrating it must be for you x
:hugs: I'm sorry you're feeling so down, hun.

Have you made an appointment at the doctors yet?

I hope you can get some answers soon x:hugs:x
i had this a while ago 2 hun i was about 3 weeks late for my period did god knows how many tests and convinced myself i was pregnant the lines on my tests were like urs barely visable and even on some they were clearer but i was never pregnant what i actualy had was a 5 an half centimeter cyst on one of my ovarys which stopped me getting my period normally maybe u have the same thing becuase i know when you think you are pregnant your body can start convincing u of it 2. maybe u should check with the docs this isnt the case for u 2 im really sorry hun but i think the tests would have got darker by now because when you are pregnant ur hormones double every 2 days i think so they should almost certainly be darker by now im really sorry to be so blunt and i hope i havnt hurt ur feelings. pregnant or not u really need to see a doctor and c what is up hun i really hope u r pregnant hun because i know how i felt when it turned out id never been pregnant at all hurts like hell. good luck
Haven't made an appointment yet.. my surgery is really bad in the fact that they don't pre-book appointments.. you have to ring up or go in early on the day you want appointment. It's annoying!!

So Tuesday morning, I'm going to get up early and get to the drs in the hope they will see me. I won't take no for an answer :hissy:

I am so sorry you are going through this and i hope one way or another you get answers. I really hope that you are pregnant but if you are not, we will all be here for you and help you get through it with encouragement. Good luck and think positively, you do not know it is bad news, just be confident that everything happens for a reason.
I hope things go well at the doctors on Tuesday Lyrah and that whatever happens you get a firm answer and can stop torturing yourself with "am I/aren't I".

Good luck!
:hugs: V
Oh lyrah i hope you can get all this sorted soon hun :hugs: it must be a nightmare. I still have my fingers crossed for you xxx
oh im so glad ur going to docs as u said in the chatrm getting a appointment is hard hopefully ul get in & everyhting gets sorted & u get :bfp:plzzz let it be fingers crossed & ill b thinking of you x
I agree with everyone else - you should get yourself to the docs and demand a blood test to find out what is going on hun. Good luck - am thinking about you. xx
Good luck Lyrah, really hope u manage to get that dr appt. I feel so sorry for you, and hope this sorts itself once and for all so you can get on with the rest of your life, whether that consists of lots of :sex: and trying again or planning for the arrival of :baby: in next 9 months!!! This is not fair on you and I can't believe the tests can be so nasty if ur not - I could see a definite line on one of the tests so I am confused has made me dubious of tests now espesh the IC ones. Take care and give me a shout if you need anything ok? :hug: :kiss:
keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!!
good luck!!!

Thanks girls :hug:

I am hopefully going to drs tommorow so will mention this but I just wanted your opinions/advice..

Today I have noticed lots of ewcm.. and this is around the time I am meant to be ovulating... :confused:

Also.. the main thing I wanted to say was that I have a cough atm.. and earlier when I coughed twice, I had two very sharp pains in my uterus. When I was walking around Asda 15mins ago, I suddenly couldn't walk without pain. I had this sudden throbbing/stretching kind of feeling in between my uterus and ovary.. I still have it now. I had to get a cab home instead of walk (Asda is only a 5-10min walk away) cos it hurt so much.

I'm worried what's going on. Could this all be related to pregnancy or something entirely different? OH thinks it's pregnancy related and reckons its where everything is stretching around and bean getting comfy (if I am pg).

Bit scared :(


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