Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

When my midwife came round for the home visit it wasn't to decide if it was 'suitable'. However it was to assess it so that she could write a little health and safety report, so that whoever the midwife was who was coming out would know everything that they needed to.

This included access (stairs, are there any neighbouring scary dogs etc!), number/name on the door buzzer, what the parking was like, if we had a landline and if her mobile got a signal, etc. Just so that it will go smoothly.

She also advised us on the positioning of the pool, making sure we were putting it somewhere that she could get all the way round it easily.

Rebecca, I will be able to let you know what a heated pool is like after next Wednesday when mine gets delivered. I am hiring from here: https://www.birthworks.co.uk/ If you hire for 4 weeks then you get a 5th week free, should you need it. I am getting the option of the hexagonal pool with the heater/filter.

I went for that option mainly as I have a cat and was worried about an inflatable getting popped, also my Mum had 1hr 45 min of labour from first contraction to me being born (her first and only birth) so I wanted a pool that could be sat there filled in advance in case I take after her! (Hope I do).

I heard a bit more about my Mum's birth with me (she is visiting at the moment) and it is so nice to have someone so close to me telling me a nice positive birth story. She was spotting for about a week before (but didn't tell the midwives as she felt all was fine and didn't want to end up in hospital for no reason), then she went in for a routine check up at 4pm on a Friday, she had some backache, nothing bad, but they said she was in labour and should stay in. At 6pm they gave her an internal and her waters broke as they were doing it, they then left her alone in a dimly lit room as they were understaffed that evening. At 8pm she had her first contraction, at 9.45 I was born.

The fact that she was left to it in a dimly lit space and didn't have lots of people trying to intervene seems to have played a huge part in how it went, so it makes me feel really good about my HB plans.

After that ramble, has anyone got any experience with having a fast pulse during late pregnancy? My midwife has sent me off to my GP to get mine checked out as it was 120bpm at my appointment. I have a GPS appointment booked on Friday.

She said it was probably nothing but she would feel like she wasn't doing her job if she didn't send me off to get checked out as it has been a bit high (100ish) at my last couple of appointments too. She rang maternity assessment while I was with her, but they weren't interested in seeing me as there was nothing else wrong. My BP was fine, and I have some swelling of my feet, but not hands or face, and my urine has never shown anything untoward.

I think I'm just unfit! I work from home so don't get as much exercise as I should and particularly didn't from about week 6 to week 22 when my morning sickness was bad. So I'm getting at least a 10min walk in every day now, in a bid to help get me fitter.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm off to read Rachie's birth story now.

Oh and my midwife went over my birth plan with me, and was totally onside with all of it. When she got to the 'in case of transfer' bit, she put it down and said "I'm not going to read that bit, as it isn't going to happen", which was good!
trumpetbum, I used hypnobirthinglady for my hypnobirthing classes. https://www.hypnobirthinglady.com/ She is just off the M77 near Pollock Park and does the classes out of her house.

It was 195 quid for 4 sessions, and you get the book and CD, and then hand outs at each session. I think her prices might have gone up slightly this year though.

Fiona was lovely and has used hypnobirthing herself with her second birth. She came to it as she works in dentistry and had used hypnosis with phobic patients for that. And she has the most relaxing voice when she is doing the sessions!

PM me if you want to know anything more about it/her. But I would recommend her (as far as I can without having actually put it into practice yet!).
Just had a call from my drs surgery, my Hb is 10!!! That is just pure awesomeness, I could SING! It means the supplements have been working and I am confident I will be 11 by the time Birth Day hits, or as near as makes no difference. I will have NO QUALMS about signing any risk forms they like. I could bloody well SING!

Sorry, ladies. Do carry on. :D
janie - you can have the other tracks certainly. We just need to go on MSN to do the transfer :)
WEll we spent the weekend rearranging the furniture downstairs so that we could fit the pool with access all the way round. It looks so empty down here now!!

I feel so prepared, a bit apprehensive, just because I don't know when things are going to start, but mostly I'm just looking forwards to meeting this little person who has been flipping around inside me for the last 9 months.

Come on out and say hello little one!!
How exciting Hen!! I dont think I have you on the front page - just remind me is this your first baby and HB and I take it you are team yellow, due 3rd May? :flower:
thanks urbanbumpkin that is really helpful to know - and so nice that you have your mum with you and are able to talk to her about it all. My parents are very nervous that Im having a homebirth, my mum had a bit of a hard time with me and my brother, but they seem to be slightly warming to the idea - anyway they have no choice in the matter haha.

Hen how exciting that you are all ready to go!! I can't wait to meet this little guy either!!

madasa great news on your bloods too!! I must be the only person in this thread who hasn't had bloods taken since like 16w lol. My iron was slightly low then - who knows what it is now ;)

Ooops that reminds me -need to get my birth plan actually in my red book - I've got it online but not in the book :) here it is if anyone's interested:

Birth Plan - Laura xx(22 yo)


* Ideally, I hope that the midwife who attends me in labour will remain entirely in the background, taking observations to check on baby and my safety, but otherwise not getting involved in my labour, unless I request otherwise.

* I would like to avoid internal examinations if possible at all stages of the birth and do not wish to have my waters broken.

* Please do not offer pain relieving drugs unless I ask for them.

* My husband (Jonathan xx) will be the only other person attending the birth, his mobile number is 077 xxx.

Second Stage

* Please keep the room as quiet as possible during the second stage. I would like to minimise distractions at this time.
* If any discussion needs to be done please do it out of my earshot.
* I intend to catch my own baby, or if my husband wishes he may catch it.

Third Stage

* I plan to have a fully natural (physiological) third stage, and to cut the cord only after the placenta is delivered.
* I want to allow the placenta to turn up in its own time. It is important that the cord is not clamped or cut until the placenta is delivered.
* Please do not administer any drugs unless you feel there is a real need. I would appreciate your advice to help me deliver the placenta naturally.
* Please do not pull on the cord or use fundal pressure unless there is a specific indication to do so, as I have read that this is contra-indicated in drug-free third stages.
* Please set up resuscitation equipment as close as possible to the place where you give birth, so that if baby needs resuscitation, this can be done with the cord still attached - thus giving her the benefit of all the oxygenated blood which is transfused from the placenta to the baby when the cord pulsates.

We do not wish to keep the placenta.
* I would prefer to avoid having stitches if possible, so if you think any tear will heal of its own accord, without stiches, please let me know

Care of baby

* Please do not give my baby supplements of glucose water or formula milk without my permission.
* If supplements are necessary, please give them by spoon or other method, not by bottle.

I would like to breastfeed my baby as soon as possible after the birth.

I would like to keep the baby unclothed and close to my skin immediately after birth, to maximise skin-to-skin contact.

Please do not administer prophylactic Vitamin K after the birth. If the birth is traumatic for the baby or there is some other risk factor for HDN, I will be happy to discuss this with the midwife and allow vitamin K if we both decide it is appropriate.

In case of transfer to hospital


If transfer by ambulance becomes necessary, please do not strap me in on my back - I would prefer to be on my side.

Please do not offer Pethidine/Demerol as I am concerned about its possible effect on my state of mind in labour, and on my baby's health. I would prefer to have an epidural.

I agree to student doctors being present during my treatment strictly only to observe.

I am very keen to avoid a caesarean section if it is at all possible, as I do not want to enter future labours with a scarred uterus. I particularly would like to avoid a caesarean just for slow progress.

Please do not offer a caesarean unless my baby is in danger.

If a caesarean section becomes necessary, I would prefer to remain awake with epidural or spinal block anaesthesia. I would like my partner to stay with me at all times, and would like to breastfeed the baby as soon after birth as possible.
I had my 28 week midwife appointment today! :) I got my rhogam shot. It was neat, my midwife massaged/pinched the area where the shot was to administered so that it was sore before putting the needle in and the result was that the needle didn't hurt at all.

The little guy is breach right now, but I'm not too concerned. He has lots of time to turn plus if he is breach at birth I may not get my home birth but I would still like to deliver vaginally. My midwife let me feel the sides of his head which was really awesome and strange at the same time, lol.

Mine and little guy's heartbeats were a little high, but she suspects that it was just due to me getting a jab and us poking around his head. My iron was one level under the normal range so I need to start eating iron rich food.

And sadly despite all my hopes, I didn't get signed off due to my foot problems (I can hardly walk), instead I have to get in and see a podiatrist as soon as possible.

I'm loving my nightly hypnobabies practice, I find it so relaxing. And I've decided I'm going to purchase the CD/script for turning breach babies as well, doesn't hurt to try. :)
Sid was breech from 28 wks. My hypnobirth teacher turned him with a breach script ;)
Sid was breech from 28 wks. My hypnobirth teacher turned him with a breach script ;)

Thanks! That's good to know. I plan on getting the script/CD and adding it into my practice to see what happens. :flower:
Hi Girls :)

BabyHaines has 2 books to return and she cant remember who she borrowed them from. A home birth one and a hypnobirthing one - anyone?

I think they might be Carries....

Yes they are mine. I am happy for them to be passed on to anyone else who wants to borrow them?
Thanks for those Janiepops :)

I had my MW appt today, home visit and mood assessment.... she has taken more blood to check my iron and said they would prefer me to go into hosp. if it is still low. I told her I would have to give it a lot of thought, because I would be giving up a lot of the benefits of staying at home and she said that if I still wanted to be at home, that was fine, I just had to sign some forms to say I was choosing to do it against medical advice... IF my Hb comes back low. If it comes back 11 or higher it's a non-issue.

I feel a bit nervous for some reason, maybe because once I've signed the forms then if the sh*t does hit the fan it's all on my head.... But on the other hand I'm confident that I've done my homework on this one and I'm no going to be putting myself at risk....and I'm just glad and relieved that I'm not going to have to argue over the HB, or be pressured to go to hosp.

11 is fine. I think mine got down below 10 with Oscar and then I refused to have anymore blood taken :) No results...no argument! You could always agree to a managed 3rd stage which is where most of their concern lies?
I've put in my birth plan I would like to try for a fizzy 3rd stage if possible, but I'll have the injection if they are concerned about bloodloss/placenta slow coming. I've also put that I would rather avoid fundal pressure or cord traction, because I think that is more likely to result in blood loss... but I'm totally willing to be flexible :)
That looks very similar to my birth plan, Lola! (I think I pinched most of it from someone on here).

I've just had a message from my midwife saying my iron levels are low, so she has organised a prescription for me at my GPs (she didn't say what the level was though).

Are there any liquid iron supplements that are good enough to do the job does anyone know? I am rubbish at taking tablets, so would prefer a liquid.

For now I will go and eat some baked beans for my lunch and get some spinach and watercress to go with my dinner tonight. Oh! and that means I have a licence to eat dark chocolate too, doesn't it? So long as I wash it down with orange juice.

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