Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Definitely sounds as though she's going for the worst possible situations. They shouldn't' let pessimistic people be midwives! it's simply not fair to those who are actually looking forward to it and don't want to get scared by horror stories of what 'could' go wrong. Might still be worth explaining to her though.. if she's so concerned about something going wrong she should be made aware that her attitude could make that more likely x
Speaking from a point of view who had a MW who seemed to be "over-cautious" previously, I would say that if you are uncomfortable with her care, at least try to get another midwife to deliver. I had one of these overly cautious midwives, and ended up in the hospital despite the fact that I was in transition, there was nothing wrong with the baby (except he was an undiagnosed breech), and I could have easily given birth on the way to the hospital. Not only that, my MW missed the turn for the hospital, and wasn't even at the hospital for the birth. I was very unhappy with the way the birth went and how I was treated at the hospital. I believe it would have been different had I a different midwife. I felt alright in the beginning with her, but over time there were signals that I missed or ignored that I wish I hadn't. I hope everything turns out well for you, and I know its late in the game, but maybe one of those other MWs who have attended you in the past would be availiable?
I think I might be in labour?? I think I'm having contractions.. but not sure really... feels like waves of period pain lasting about a min long. TMI but been number 2's twice this morning already and its 6.30am here. Can't lie down because it makes the pain worse so I think I might be up for a while now lol. Is this labour? Or is this something else?
LolaAnn - sounds like it! The fact that lying down makes it worse is pretty much a sure sign :D Have a nice hot bath, and let us know how you're getting on! Fingers crossed this is it!!!!!

Madasa - do we have the same MW?!?! You seem to be getting the same stories that I got with one of mine when I booked my HB. I got the whole shoulder distocia/your baby could die scenario, as well as a million and one other wee things. And yes, last time for me too there was nothing brought up like that at all, but I was always going into hospital, where it's 'safe'. Pfffft. These women should seriously re-think their profession if they don't feel 100% behind the mother who has put their trust in them to look after and reassure them!
I complained about this certain mw, and have spoken to her several times since, and she's been fine. I hope you can get your issues resolved with her :hugs: (I should really say HER issues actually lol)

I've actually got the witch coming round this afternoon to do the home check (yes, I know, bit late), and I know she's gonna say something about the pool. I have a birth pool in a box, and I can clearly remember her saying that I HAD to have a rigid side pool. Obviously I totally ignored her :haha:

Hope everyone's good today!! xx
Great advice as always from the girls :)

I'd be tempted to talk to her first and if you still feel she's being overly negative rather than realistic and honest then I'd talk to the head of community MWs. In your area does your MW deliver you or is it an on call system?
It's an on-call system, so I may not even get her On The Day. So for that reason, I am unwilling to rock the boat.... that and I am just not a confrontational person really. I see her again in a week, so I am trying to work out what to say to her, because otherwise I'll chicken out and not say anything. Another reason is because if it IS just policy, my next MW might not be any better, or may be worse! Plus, last time I had about 6 different midwives thru my pregnancy and then 2 different ones during delivery (shift change). I can't even remember their names or anything. This time I am so relieved to have some continuity tbh.... and there's a little voice in my head going "better the devil you know!!" I think I do need to speak to her tho, just no idea what to say :shrug:

LolaAnn.... sounds promising! :happydance: Hope it's progressing well for you! :happydance:
Good luck LolaAnn. Sending you quick, easy delivery vibes.
thanks guys, still having tightenings every 6 mins on average, but they are still short (30s). seeing my MW at 2pm so should be enlightening...
I think it is a good idea to talk to her madasa, she does sound overly negative. A kind of 'while I do like to be informed, the way you are giving me the information is presenting the whole experience in a negative light which isn't helpful to my frame of mind'. After all it isn't that you don't want info - you always seem very well read and informed. It is just how it is presented and the relative weight that needs to be given to any particular piece of info.

Good luck LolaAnn!

I had almost identical tightenings and period type pain and back ache that was more uncomfortable when lying down (about every 6 mins lasting 30 secs) last night, but getting up and having some paracetamol took the edge off it enough to allow me to sleep and when I woke this morning - nothing! Maybe I should have stayed up and bounced around on my ball! I also felt really hot when it was happening, like a wave of heat rolling over my body.

I had a midwife appointment this morning and the head is 4/5ths engaged though, from only 1/5th last week. I declined the sweep, and will be seeing her again next Weds. If nothing has happened by then I think I will have a sweep though. She said she would want me to go into Maternity Daycare next Friday for a scan and CTG just to check all is well.

She had such a difficult time feeling the head (it was a long way back) that she did a lot of double checking between what we assume is bum, and head, just to make sure she had it right! She said it had a very bony bum, so she thinks it is a long thin one - first time she has commented on possible size/weight etc.

As she was leaving she said it was her on call 'til Monday so 'anytime now is good!' and that I should have a little chat with the baby to let it know everything is good to go and it can come out anytime it likes. And she liked the pool.
yay urbanbumpkin! lucky you that your mw is so relaxed :) and cute about having a little chat to the baby :)

I've been having lots of little chats to mine letting him know he can come out because my parents are here lol. it was either that or all the sex I've been having hur hur hur that has made these start.
Hope things keep moving for you! We've been on a regular sex regime too, at the midwife's suggestion!:haha: Her words last appointment were "your best source of prostaglandin is your man".

I'm going to bounce on my ball while I have lunch and then I'm off out for a walk to the doctors to hand in my repeat iron prescription. I thought I might as well do that rather than phone up as I feel a bit crampy again, so it might get things going.

Interestingly on the iron front she said that normally they wouldn't start treating 'til a level of 10.2 (I was 10.7) but that since they ended up with lower than needed blood stocks (due to feeling they needed higher stocks because of last year's swine flu panic) they have started to treat from anything below 11 now round here.

And that they would normally expect a drop of 1 anyway from where ever you were at booking bloods. Which I thought was interesting to know. I do like it when things are explained to me properly.
Hope things keep moving for you! We've been on a regular sex regime too, at the midwife's suggestion!:haha: Her words last appointment were "your best source of prostaglandin is your man".

I'm going to bounce on my ball while I have lunch and then I'm off out for a walk to the doctors to hand in my repeat iron prescription. I thought I might as well do that rather than phone up as I feel a bit crampy again, so it might get things going.

Interestingly on the iron front she said that normally they wouldn't start treating 'til a level of 10.2 (I was 10.7) but that since they ended up with lower than needed blood stocks (due to feeling they needed higher stocks because of last year's swine flu panic) they have started to treat from anything below 11 now round here.

And that they would normally expect a drop of 1 anyway from where ever you were at booking bloods. Which I thought was interesting to know. I do like it when things are explained to me properly.


Good thing I like reading, I guess....
Good Luck Lola!!

madasa - I cant remember if you are Hypnobirthing? If you are why dont you talk to the MW in terms of that? Sort of saying how you want to be informed and you appreciate there will be circumstances out of your control but overall you are approaching your labour in a very positive fashion as you feel this will affect the out come and the type of experience you will have.....?
Hmm, maybe I'll take that angle, thank you!

I read Hypnobirthing (Mongan) and I've got the affirmations, rainbow relaxation etc. which I listen to, but I'm not a hardcore hynobirth-er! I don't practise the relaxation or breathing stuff as much as I "should" and I haven't bothered with perineal massage.... I've sort of cherry picked the bits I think will be most helpful to me!
Had my 28week MW appointment yesterday. I knew i would be having bloods done & the injection for RH-. I have a serioulsy bad fear of needles. I was waiting over 30mins for my appointment which just seemed to intensify my fear.

I have seen 1 MW up to now apart from yesterday i saw another MW who was quite a bit older. She works in the same area & said that she may be the one who comes out when i go in to labour. She spoke very positive about my HB (i supose there is still plenty of time for them to try & put negative thought my way) & everything. But the whole apointment felt very rushed like she wanted me out of the door ASAP. This really didnt fill me with confidance about her.

She hardly even looked at my notes which clearly states my huge fear of needles. I had to ask several times if i could lie down for the blood work & RH- injection.

I just didnt get a good feeling from her at all which made me a bit aprehensive about her attending my HB.

I had looked at the sheet in my notes that tells you what will happen at each apointment. I didnt get the second pregnancy pack, nor get to discuss vit K or breast feeding with her & i also wanted to talk about applying for MA as my employer cant pay me SMP. It was basicly, take blood, give injection measure me, listen to babys HB then up out the door, bye.

I'm hoping i have my regualr MW in a couple of weeks time for my 31 week appointment.

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