Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Excitign that you are planning already, Celesse!

I found this:

VBAC facts

That study only looks at vbacs within 2 years, but there is mention of a study on within one year lower down. The risk of rupture doubles, but it is still quite a low risk. And it doesn't mention if there were contributory factors such as induction, etc.

On a different note:

Does anyone have any thoughts on sweeps?

My next midwife appointment is at home tomorrow morning and she has offered to do a sweep if I want one, and of course if my cervix is favourable.

I'm dithering a little as I would like this baby to cook as long as it wants to without any interference, but also a little conflicted as the NHS had me down for 40 weeks being the 14th May (whereas I'm convinced of 20th as I was charting my cycles/ovulation). So when I get to 28th May then I start getting sent for scans etc to check placental function. But my midwife knows about my date conflict and is totally happy with me going over their 42 weeks and just getting scanned to check all is still well.

I know the sweep won't do anything if I'm not ready to go anyway, but does anyone have any thoughts/experience?


Oh, and congrats Cactusgirl!
Hello Ladies,

I was just popping by to update you on Cactusgirl and Che but see that the lovely Nikki-Lou has beaten me to it - thank you lady :)

I am so proud of Cactusgirl. Whilst she did not end up having the homebirth she desired, she managed to stay calm and keep the homebirth state of mind and has come away with a positive birth experience which is ace :mrgreen:

So neither of us got our homebirths :rolleyes: My LO decided to come at 34w+5 so I did not even get (or want) a try at a homebirth. Maybe it will be 2nd time lucky for the two of us :winkwink:
Congratulations CG :happydance:

And congratulations Hen :happydance: Don't worry about not being able to BF, I have decided to FF from the start.
Pool arrived today! Thank you Deej23! Can't wait to do the test run :)

Also had a MW appt.... Baby's heart rate was a little fast so I was sent to the hosp for a CTG. I had to lay there for 30 mins while they monitored it, and that was pretty uncomfortable tbh.... I HATE lying still on my back! DS was an angel and waited very patiently until it was over. End result - very reassuring trace, completely normal, very active baby, quite a few BHs (but normal for this stage of pregnancy).

Seriously, it feels like every time I see her there is SOMETHING wrong... my bump is too big, my iron is too low, my baby's heart rate is too fast.... I can't help wondering whether this MW is just over-cautious, whether I'm just unlucky and she is abiding by the policies for this area or whether she is trying to scare me off the HB option!

She measured my bump again - 4 weeks ahead again, said that if it carried on at this rate it could end up being a 10lb-er and that would be another reason to consider going to hospital... insert shoulder dystocia horror stories here..... So she is going to speak to her supervisor and see if it's OK to go ahead with the HB as is, or if I need to sign the "against hosp. advice" forms. She has left the home birth kit and told me not to worry about the torch, hand mirror etc etc.... Just that they need flat surfaces for their kit and the resus. equipment, and that the floor and furnishings need to be covered with plenty of sheets and towels and to make sure I have some shower curtains or similar. That's basically IT, the rest is stuff I might want for me, like snacks and drinks etc...

She also mentioned that I can't have G&A if I have candles lit, which I never would have thought of, that I can't have pethidine if I am in the pool (which I didn't know) and that the supervisor needs to visit to check that it's OK for a water birth (enough space etc.)

I'm almost dreading the next appt. I never feel relaxed and comfy with her and I always feel a little bit stressed out and "maybe I should just bl**dy well go the hospital and save all this HASSLE"afterwards :( I don't want to change MWs at this late stage tho. Argh! Why can't I just be excited about my baby and my birth?? I'm off to play my hypnobirthing affirmations now, to counter the negative effect :wacko:

On the positive side, I did mention my birth plan and said the only part I was really firm about was the moments just after the birth and that I really didn't want a repeat of last time (where DS was cleaned and weighed and all sorts before I finally got to hold him and feed him.) She was very reassuring about that at least. Phew.
Madasa - Sounds like your MW is giving you every reason not to have a homebirth. I would ignore all of her horror stories and calmly go into your homebirth with confidence. Your body was made to do this, no matter what your MW thinks :hugs: I would caution you against unnecessary intervention during your labor as well, sounds like this MW will do anything to get you into the hospital.

CG- Congrats on your little blessing!
Pool arrived today! Thank you Deej23! Can't wait to do the test run :)

Also had a MW appt.... Baby's heart rate was a little fast so I was sent to the hosp for a CTG. I had to lay there for 30 mins while they monitored it, and that was pretty uncomfortable tbh.... I HATE lying still on my back! DS was an angel and waited very patiently until it was over. End result - very reassuring trace, completely normal, very active baby, quite a few BHs (but normal for this stage of pregnancy).

Seriously, it feels like every time I see her there is SOMETHING wrong... my bump is too big, my iron is too low, my baby's heart rate is too fast.... I can't help wondering whether this MW is just over-cautious, whether I'm just unlucky and she is abiding by the policies for this area or whether she is trying to scare me off the HB option!

She measured my bump again - 4 weeks ahead again, said that if it carried on at this rate it could end up being a 10lb-er and that would be another reason to consider going to hospital... insert shoulder dystocia horror stories here..... So she is going to speak to her supervisor and see if it's OK to go ahead with the HB as is, or if I need to sign the "against hosp. advice" forms. She has left the home birth kit and told me not to worry about the torch, hand mirror etc etc.... Just that they need flat surfaces for their kit and the resus. equipment, and that the floor and furnishings need to be covered with plenty of sheets and towels and to make sure I have some shower curtains or similar. That's basically IT, the rest is stuff I might want for me, like snacks and drinks etc...

She also mentioned that I can't have G&A if I have candles lit, which I never would have thought of, that I can't have pethidine if I am in the pool (which I didn't know) and that the supervisor needs to visit to check that it's OK for a water birth (enough space etc.)

I'm almost dreading the next appt. I never feel relaxed and comfy with her and I always feel a little bit stressed out and "maybe I should just bl**dy well go the hospital and save all this HASSLE"afterwards :( I don't want to change MWs at this late stage tho. Argh! Why can't I just be excited about my baby and my birth?? I'm off to play my hypnobirthing affirmations now, to counter the negative effect :wacko:

On the positive side, I did mention my birth plan and said the only part I was really firm about was the moments just after the birth and that I really didn't want a repeat of last time (where DS was cleaned and weighed and all sorts before I finally got to hold him and feed him.) She was very reassuring about that at least. Phew.

Not to make light chick, but it seems as though next visit might include a story about a 'homebirth baby' eating ogre or the like. :lol: Keep positive. :)
Congratulations CG!

Madasa - Sounds like you may have an overcautious MW there... but at least she's being thorough!

Don't like the thought that you can't have G&A if you have candles burning... I've bought loads of apple and cinnamon flavoured ones but think the G&A would be much better at calming me down :)
Silver - I am very aware that she might be a bit intervention heavy. DH is being briefed as to what I really don't want and he'll step in for me on the day I think.

Not to make light chick, but it seems as though next visit might include a story about a 'homebirth baby' eating ogre or the like. Keep positive.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks! I needed the chuckle!

Don't like the thought that you can't have G&A if you have candles burning... I've bought loads of apple and cinnamon flavoured ones but think the G&A would be much better at calming me down

Go ahead and have the candles! If you decide you need G&A, you'll just have to blow them out! And if you decide to stop teh G&A..... you can light them again! Simples! I'm just glad I found out before the day, because I never would have thought of that!
Go ahead and have the candles! If you decide you need G&A, you'll just have to blow them out! And if you decide to stop teh G&A..... you can light them again! Simples! I'm just glad I found out before the day, because I never would have thought of that!

I'll definitely have G&A, simply for the fact that I love it! It makes me feel very at peace with myself and find it puts me into a very similar state that the self-hypnosis does. When I had some early on in my pregnancy I'm pretty sure I was communicating with LO :haha:
Congratulations CG!!!!

On another note, I am super annoyed with my insurance company (through work). My dr recommended that I not work for at least 12 weeks and they phoned today and they only approved 2 weeks. Seriously... Now I am having to scramble to figure out what to do next, if I go back to work my foot will get bad again and then I will end up not being fully mobile with a newborn. Totally ridiculous.
I was knee deep in candles while using G&A - Madasa your MW is DEFFO trying to put the kibosh on you HB or at least make you wobble. I measured consistently ahead ad was sent for growth scans....talk of 10lb babies....he weighed less than my daughter who they measured as bang on....
I do know that in my Birth Centre they say youre not allowed in their pool after pethadine but they gave it me with my second baby and THEY suggested I got in the pool!!
Nothing has been mentioned about candles and G&A to me either, but I'll ask my midwife tomorrow. And I'm not going to have the pethadine on hand but nothing was ever mentioned about not getting in the pool after having it when I was asked to think about the pros and cons and decide if I wanted it available.

Sounds like they have pretty strict policies at your place madasa, which I guess may be why she is bringing all of this stuff up - it may be that she is obliged to by her hospital/trust and that once that is out of the way then she will be OK. It does sound like a downer to have to go though though, at least you have the affirmations to buoy you back up again. I hope they got you back to a better place.

MrUrban had a HB encounter in the street today, he was accosted by the woman I mentioned who lives across the road and whose daughter is having a homebirth too. She was on the street as he nipped out to the shop so she came and said hello and mentioned she had spotted our birth pool and then they had a little chat with him about home birth in general. I think he found it quite odd, but nice.
I'm jealous reading about all of your birthing pools...

I think I may have left it a little late but has anyone ever used or known someone who has used a paddling pool instead? I would have been quite happy in the bath but unfortunately it is VERY shallow and I just feel like a beached whale :(
I'm jealous reading about all of your birthing pools...

I think I may have left it a little late but has anyone ever used or known someone who has used a paddling pool instead? I would have been quite happy in the bath but unfortunately it is VERY shallow and I just feel like a beached whale :(

So long as the sides were rigid enough, and it was deep enough, I don't see why is wouldn't work. Although once you have got one pump for putting the air in it and another for getting the water out (plus hoses etc) then you might be at the same price as a second hand birth pool kit and a new liner.
I had candles lit & more ready to go in the same room as the G&A. in fact the cylinder was resting on the leg of the table the candles where on. I never even thought twice about it.
Sounds like they have pretty strict policies at your place madasa, which I guess may be why she is bringing all of this stuff up - it may be that she is obliged to by her hospital/trust and that once that is out of the way then she will be OK. It does sound like a downer to have to go though though, at least you have the affirmations to buoy you back up again. I hope they got you back to a better place.

I have no idea whther all this stuff is policy, or whether it's *her*, because I didn't get ANY of this when I was pg with DS... evrything was normal, average, fine, reassuring ya da ya da ya da at every appt. But I knew from the start I was having a hosp birth last time. The other midwives and nurses I have had contact with (when I've been referred to hosp for more tests etc.) have been much more cheery and relaxed... now either because they are not her, or because they don't realise I'm down for a HB? Who knows. But it's made me very wary.... DH has also said he is not sure whether to trust her judgement because of it all..... And it's making me question my OWN judgement too and I'm starting to think of her as the MW who cried Wolf! I mean, what if there is a situation where I do actually need to go to hosp, but because she is suggesting it I brush it aside?
Sounds like they have pretty strict policies at your place madasa, which I guess may be why she is bringing all of this stuff up - it may be that she is obliged to by her hospital/trust and that once that is out of the way then she will be OK. It does sound like a downer to have to go though though, at least you have the affirmations to buoy you back up again. I hope they got you back to a better place.

I have no idea whther all this stuff is policy, or whether it's *her*, because I didn't get ANY of this when I was pg with DS... evrything was normal, average, fine, reassuring ya da ya da ya da at every appt. But I knew from the start I was having a hosp birth last time. The other midwives and nurses I have had contact with (when I've been referred to hosp for more tests etc.) have been much more cheery and relaxed... now either because they are not her, or because they don't realise I'm down for a HB? Who knows. But it's made me very wary.... DH has also said he is not sure whether to trust her judgement because of it all..... And it's making me question my OWN judgement too and I'm starting to think of her as the MW who cried Wolf! I mean, what if there is a situation where I do actually need to go to hosp, but because she is suggesting it I brush it aside?

If it was me I'd tell her what I was thinking - as tactfully as I could. Maybe just explain that you are set on a HB and you would appreciate it if she could specify which 'problems' won't have an affect, which make you slightly higher risk and which would mean you DEFINITELY have to go to hospital. It's terrible that she's making you feel that way and if she realised what effect she's having she might change her tactics? :shrug:
Sounds like they have pretty strict policies at your place madasa, which I guess may be why she is bringing all of this stuff up - it may be that she is obliged to by her hospital/trust and that once that is out of the way then she will be OK. It does sound like a downer to have to go though though, at least you have the affirmations to buoy you back up again. I hope they got you back to a better place.

I have no idea whther all this stuff is policy, or whether it's *her*, because I didn't get ANY of this when I was pg with DS... evrything was normal, average, fine, reassuring ya da ya da ya da at every appt. But I knew from the start I was having a hosp birth last time. The other midwives and nurses I have had contact with (when I've been referred to hosp for more tests etc.) have been much more cheery and relaxed... now either because they are not her, or because they don't realise I'm down for a HB? Who knows. But it's made me very wary.... DH has also said he is not sure whether to trust her judgement because of it all..... And it's making me question my OWN judgement too and I'm starting to think of her as the MW who cried Wolf! I mean, what if there is a situation where I do actually need to go to hosp, but because she is suggesting it I brush it aside?

If it was me I'd tell her what I was thinking - as tactfully as I could. Maybe just explain that you are set on a HB and you would appreciate it if she could specify which 'problems' won't have an affect, which make you slightly higher risk and which would mean you DEFINITELY have to go to hospital. It's terrible that she's making you feel that way and if she realised what effect she's having she might change her tactics? :shrug:

It;s tricky - because I don't HAVE to go to hosp under ANY circumstances. If I have been advised to go and choose not to, I need to sign something to that effect. But I could be advised to go for all SORTS of reasons, some of them ridiculously minor.

I don't buy the shoulder dystocia scare tactic. She said that if the head is born and the shoulders are stuck, then we'd have minutes to resolve the problem, or get me into hosp. She mentioned one manouvure (knees to chest) to get the baby out, but she didn't mention about other positions which I thought were helpful.... hands and knees etc. I'm quite aware that the rate of SD is lower in home births, and that even if the baby is huge, I've got a better chance of a smooth delivery if I stay mobile and clear headed and listen to my own body.... If I am continuously monitored, stuck on my back, etc etc. then I'm not going to be free to get in a position that feels "right" and that means the baby can't get in a good position for birth either. It's slightly worrying to me that none of this reassurance or information is freely forthcoming from the person looking after me... but she is quite happy to tell me that if they can't free the shoulders then they have to push baby's head pushed back in and do a CS, "and of course babies can and do die in these situations...." (<<<her words). Seems a very one sided approach, and one geared towards pressuring me into doing something.... not making sure I have all the info I need to make an informed choice. Humph!

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