Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Oh and Lisa I totally agree about this 'allowed' malarky. I got really annoyed last time when midwives (usually the ones at the hospital) kept saying "oh no, they wont let you do that"

I cracked once and asked who "they" were! She had no answer for me and mumbled something about know it all mothers to be! Cheeky mare

Welcome to the group Kelly - I've added your due date :)

OK sooooo.......question:

La Bassine users (and any other pools for that) - how did you find your pool retained the heat? How often were you topping up with more hot/warm water? I have a real 'thing' about the temperature of my bath - it has to be as hot as possible but this isnt practical for the pool. When I was in the pool labouring with Hebe I kept moaning it was too cold and eventually that (plus transition) was why I wanted out! We have our fab cover which is insulated but obviously that's for when I'm not in it.

Hmmm now I like my water hot but was told that you cant have it about 37 I think for labour (check with midwife though)

I laboured in December so was chilly in the house but I think the general rule is that they lose about 1 degree an hour.

We had an old water tank though and so the water ran out and everyone was boiling kettles and saucepans to keep me warm!

I would be more concerned that you have adequate supply of hot water than worrying about topping it up. You will hardly even notice them doing it as they (at least in my experience) just scooped out a couple of bucketfuls and topped it up.

One useful tip is to have a couple of spare towels that they can wet and then put on a radiator to put over your shoulders...does wonders if you do get a bit chilly!
I would be outta there at the first sign of chilliness!!
Hi Everyone,

So just come back from first consultant appt, well I didnt get to see him. I saw a midwife and a doctor, but glucose tolerance test came back as normal, bp is normal, urine is normal. I have to come back next week for a growth scan, why? Because of my BMI,it was 35 on booking in. Sigh. The midwife and the doctor were shocking, they completely shot down my consideration of a home birth saying they think its completely unwise to do that for a first birth and that if they were me, they would " go where the drugs are " . They said, " why dont you want an epidural? I said, I wanted to have as natural labour as possible and they said..." Ah thats what you say now! :growlmad:" They then started joking around saying " she is confident isnt she? " Well actually, I am not confident at all! :wacko: Seriously, I must have idiot written on my forehead since becoming pregnant as I have never been spoken to like this in my life. I called the birth centre inside the hospital, and they said that because my BMI is 35 they wont let me have my baby there so that back up is out of the window. They were so negative about homebirth it was untrue, and I feel like I am losing my will to look into it further as no one I talk to seems to be pro-homebirth at all.

Just called community midwife, and she said there attitude wasnt good really but even she cant give me a definate answer as to whether I would be allowed a homebirth as she says its way too early to consider one and they usually like to look at me at around 37 weeks, feel the position/size of the baby and make up there mind then. Sigh. She said she will talk birthing plans with me at 34 weeks and will put her " homebirth hat " on ( her words ) to see whether I look fit enough to have one. Oh ok, so she has suddenly got amnesia and cant remember what I looked like from last week friday?

I just feel like giving up to be honest. I am losing faith fast in the health profession, and to think I want to be a doctor someday :dohh: Sorry for the rant on your thread Lisa as I know your trying to keep it positive on here just needed to let someone know x x x
Thought I would add, the doctor said today that Abigail is in head down position.
During labour you can have the pool at whatever temperature is comfortable for you. It's for the second stage that you want it to be as close to body temperature (37 degrees c) as possible for the baby to make and easy transition.

I had it very hot, about 40 degrees and only had it topped up once - I was in it for about 6 hours.

Eternal Rose - it is not their decision whether you have a home birth or not. It is your decision and yours alone. BMI is not grounds to not have a home birth. Why don't you want an epidural?? What kind of an attitude is that? Do they even know all the risks associated with epidurals?! I think you were spoken to appallingly. A letter of complaint to the Head of Midwifery is in order, and insist upon supportive MW only care for the rest of your pregnancy (regardless of whether you choose to continue in your home birth plans or not). You can refuse to see either of these naysayers ever again too.
They won't perscribe pethidine in staffordshire either. I was told they used to but not any more.

Not that i would use it as i would be worried about the effect on the baby and i don't feel i need it.
Hello, I'm due on 8th April and hoping to have a home birth! :hi:

I wanted one last time, but as it was my first my hubby insisted that I went to hospital. I had no complications during pregnancy or birth (none so far this time either) and just after giving birth the midwives said I'd be great at home birth, which made hubby kind of proud! :haha:

Mentioned it briefly to my midwife at my last appointment, who said "yes you're an ideal candidate for home birth" and then carried on. I do know that they are very pro-home birth here though, so that's great.

Hubby is not 100% convinced, mainly because my mother had a stillbirth and seems to be very paranoid about safety as a consequence, so he has doubts every time he speaks to her! He also seems to think that it would be too noisy for the neighbours and that the blood will ruin all the carpets in our newly rented house. :dohh:

My mum also thinks that women should stay in hospital for a week after labour to rest and be looked after and wants me to have a hospital birth for this reason, despite the fact that a) they would probably discharge me after 6-24 hours anyway, b) I hate being in hospital, it is far too hot and definately not restful and c) I can't think of anything better than snuggling up in my own bed afterwards!

Ah well, I'll have to be firm with my mum and hopefully hubby will become more keen on the idea. I'm the one that has to give birth, so at the end of the day it's my choice anyway! :D

Hope plans are going smoothly for the rest of you!
Mon, they definitely weren't encouraging, were they?! As Shifter said, it's your decision anyway. It's their job to inform you and support you. I was thinking, we're not too far from each other - if you ever think you need a bit of encouragement and want to meet up, maybe we could meet halfway (like Staines or something?). You have my MSN anyway from studentnurse, even though I know I'm not on it much.
ER - I totally agree with everything Shifter has said. I'm dashing out now but when I get back I'll reply properly :hug:

Welcome freckleonear! Do you want adding to the OP list of hopefuls? :)
Oh eternal rose im so sorry you had such a negative experience today! That is a shocking (and patronising) way to be spoken to. I agree with everything that has been said above, a letter of complaint is needed and a BMI of 35 is no reason not to have a homebirth! This is your choice!
Hi Everyone,

So just come back from first consultant appt, well I didnt get to see him. I saw a midwife and a doctor, but glucose tolerance test came back as normal, bp is normal, urine is normal. I have to come back next week for a growth scan, why? Because of my BMI,it was 35 on booking in. Sigh. The midwife and the doctor were shocking, they completely shot down my consideration of a home birth saying they think its completely unwise to do that for a first birth and that if they were me, they would " go where the drugs are " . They said, " why dont you want an epidural? I said, I wanted to have as natural labour as possible and they said..." Ah thats what you say now! :growlmad:" They then started joking around saying " she is confident isnt she? " Well actually, I am not confident at all! :wacko: Seriously, I must have idiot written on my forehead since becoming pregnant as I have never been spoken to like this in my life. I called the birth centre inside the hospital, and they said that because my BMI is 35 they wont let me have my baby there so that back up is out of the window. They were so negative about homebirth it was untrue, and I feel like I am losing my will to look into it further as no one I talk to seems to be pro-homebirth at all.

I was told with my last baby i could not go to the MLU because my BMI was too high that is why i insisted i was having a homebirth (with my previous 2 i had been talked into the MLU)

I had a very straight forward birth with no problems!!:thumbup:
Most of the "problems" that can arise from a high BMI are things that will show up in pregnancy NOT birth!:nope:

Please don't give in if you really want a homebirth! they are the best!:hugs:

Someone said everyone is due soon so no one will be left but my EED date is 22/9/10 (and i always go at least a week over:dohh:) so i'll be here a while all being well:haha:

Oh can you add me to the list please Lisa :) June 12th Ta x
Thank you everyone, and Manda that sounds like a nice idea it would be lovely to chat to someone positive about homebirth. Everyone I have spoken too since I have been pregnant has not been positive about it at all. I am trying to keep my resolve, so I can pursue this homebirth but I am struggling at the moment due to all the negativity. I think this lovely positive thread Lisa has set up will help me a lot x x x
Thought I would add, the doctor said today that Abigail is in head down position.

Thats great! My baby is in breech position just now. Hopefully she moves soon to head down position.

Sorry that everyone that you have spoke to has been so negative about home birth. Thats so unsupportive.. I haven't mentioned to my mid-wife what I have been planning so hopefully they will ok it. and i hope they do that for you if thats what you want.

During labour you can have the pool at whatever temperature is comfortable for you. It's for the second stage that you want it to be as close to body temperature (37 degrees c) as possible for the baby to make and easy transition.

I had it very hot, about 40 degrees and only had it topped up once - I was in it for about 6 hours.

Eternal Rose - it is not their decision whether you have a home birth or not. It is your decision and yours alone. BMI is not grounds to not have a home birth. Why don't you want an epidural?? What kind of an attitude is that? Do they even know all the risks associated with epidurals?! I think you were spoken to appallingly. A letter of complaint to the Head of Midwifery is in order, and insist upon supportive MW only care for the rest of your pregnancy (regardless of whether you choose to continue in your home birth plans or not). You can refuse to see either of these naysayers ever again too.

I am so glad that you can have the pool hot in the beginning, because i don't think i would like the pool if it was luke warm!
ER - ignore your cmw too. You are perfectly entitled to put plans in place now for a home birth, you do not need to wait until you are full term! Sure, if you develop a complication during pregnancy or labour then you can change your plans if you decide that home is no longer where you feel you want to be.
Hi. Just a quick question.
Was just wondering how you went about having a home water birth? For EG where do you get the birthing pool from? How much? What else do you need etc
I think we are deffo going for a HB but MW asked if i was hoping for a water birth? I dont even know where to start? x
When I was thinking about a water birth I just googled it and found lots of options.
i'm sure those going for water births will be able to advise better.

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