Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

In Newcastle we get absolutely no opioids, so no pethadine or alternatives. It's a choice of Gas and Air, or Gas and Air or transfer!
It's not really a problem for me as I wouldn't want any because of the effects to baby. However if you do intend to use pethadine or similar for pain relief it's best to check what your local policy is asap.
I'm not sure what the local policy is now, but you used to be able to get diamorphine prescribed here for homebirth. A prenatal midwife said they wouldn't bring any out in case my door got kicked in because I lived in a deprived area with high incidence of drug abuse. I think that this was deliberately misleading though, as I now know that it would have been arranged between myself and my GP and simply administered by the m/w. I didn't want it anyway, but I hate smoke and mirrors :(
I live in Canada does anyone know the procedure for homebirths here.. i most definitely want a homebirth for my 2nd child.

I laboured at home with my first and when i got to the hospital i was 9.5cm dilated so was so pleased with that. I am glad i went to the hospital with the first as i had to go to theatre in the end for forceps or c-section delivery as his left shoulder was stuck behind my pelvic bone.. thankfully had a forceps delivery but it was still a very positive experience for me. The doctor told me that my next baby should fall out were her words as i tore so badly.
Hi Goddess! I'm close to you!

I think the biggest factor in having a homebirth here would be seeing a midwife (which is covered by our healthcare in BC). If you would like a recommendation, PM me, I am a big fan of my MW. She was a MW in Europe, moved to BC, became a nurse at lions gate and then started practicing midwifery again once it became legal in BC. She's attended over 750 births.

When choosing your MW make sure that you ask abour HB during your interviews. And you want to find one ASAp as they fill up quick. If you can get one out of Vancouver, they aren't as busy. I have heard that the Vancouver MW practices can be pretty busy, but I've also heard good things. Another thing that may help is finding a doula who is pro homebirth.

I can PM you more specifics later one about HB procedures, my mw and I will be discussing details further along in pregnancy.

I LUV that pic of your little one in the pumpkin patch!
Thanks Gina!! Great that we are using this group to help hook people up! I feel like I'm learning lots from everyone and thinking of new things to do/consider :thumbup:
Definately, goddess, if you want a homebirth contact a midwife as soon as you get pregnant. Here they tend to fill up quickly because they are a smaller body of medical care which do not work out of a hospital or center. They have priveldges of use of the hospital where I live, but are still a private practice... Not sure how it is in BC.
Midwives have hospital privileges in BC too, so you have options as well. And they definitely fill up quick as there isn't that many in BC as well.

I totally should have posted this link earlier. https://www.bcmidwives.com/ They list all the midwives by area on the site. I would contact a lot and interview a bunch. :)
For anyone not yet on the homebirth yahoo group, someone posted recently about the fantastic support she has managed to arrange to enable her to have a natural breech birth at a local MLU as a compromise on her HB plans :thumbup: It doesn't HAVE to be a choice of CLU or c-section.
It wouldn't bother me if the midwife only offers me gas and air, i think thats another reason why I quite like the idea of a homebirth. I like the idea of being able to walk around my own home, have a bath and put me feet up or maybe take the dog for a slow walk - maybe I have my rose tinted glasses on :blush:
Hello ladies I was just re-reading some of the posts and got a little worried. I noticed from the first page that most of you are due Feb/ March and Im due Apirl 16th I thought I would be on my own for a while :-( But then I noticed SB due on the 20th and remembered that eternal rose is due 21st April I think so I will still have some company at least :)
I have my pool and I'm just wondering when I should test it out?????? I had a feeling from very early on that my little easter egg would be a girl and I was right and I have also had the same strange feeling that she will be early.. not drasticly but a week maybe two???? then my MW warned me last week to stop work because if I did'nt there was a high risk of not getting to term???? Have any of you done a dry run with the pool yet??? I have a La Bassine pool any one had/used/got experience with them?????
Are they any good anything to watch out for or tips welcome:)
I have my pool and I'm just wondering when I should test it out??????

Tonight! LOL! I loved using my pool to relax in during pregnancy :thumbup: plus, you will need to check that there are no problems with connecting the hose to the tap etc and know how long it takes to set up etc. By the time I went into labour DH had it down to 35 minutes :rofl:

I have a La Bassine pool any one had/used/got experience with them?????
Are they any good anything to watch out for or tips welcome:)

I had a La Bassine too. The bottom would go flat in mine with the weight of the water. But I got mine 2nd hand and don't know of anyone else who has had this problem. We just put an only duvet and some pillows under the pool to keep it soft when it had gone flat :thumbup:
For anyone not yet on the homebirth yahoo group, someone posted recently about the fantastic support she has managed to arrange to enable her to have a natural breech birth at a local MLU as a compromise on her HB plans :thumbup: It doesn't HAVE to be a choice of CLU or c-section.

I read that and thought it was really great. I hope it all goes her way in the end (or that the baby turns and she gets her home birth!).

Deej, I think you'll probably still see some of us posting in this group after we have our babies, in order to give experience, advice, support and encouragement to those not yet delivered. There are already a few that post on here that had their home births before the group was started. :winkwink:
I have the La Bassine and it inflates in under 5 mins with the electric pump. We have yet to fill it with water.....

I'm hoping this discussion group continues after my baby is born. We are being joined regularly by other mum's who have or are interested in home birth and I think it will continue. We are all 'hopefuls' until the big day so i dare say anyone who manages to make their dream of a HB a reality will be back with lots of help and encouragement for future members! :D
Finally, I've got to the end of the thread, so feel I can post. :p Thanks so much for setting the group up, Merv's Mum (can I call you Lisa?) - I love it!

We're planning a home birth and our little boy is due 1st March. We've also done a hypnobirthing course and I'm really looking forward to a calm, relaxed home birth. Ideally we'd like our baby to be born into his daddy's arms. :cloud9:

I had a bit of a fright yesterday when I went to the GP for an antenatal check. I've been feeling really well, aside from the general niggles and slowing down of late pregnancy, but the dr was really concerned that my BP had jumped quite a bit from my booking in appt, although I had no accompanying symptoms. She spoke to the obstetrician on call at the local hospital and they asked that I go in to be monitored. :( I had a feeling that my vision of my lovely home birth was slipping away from me. :cry: As it turned out, there was a bit of miscommunication between the GP and the hospital, and the midwives and drs there were totally happy that my BP was well within normal range, and that the big concern with a jump from the 'baseline' measurement was now seen as old school. They said a rise in BP was absolutely normal for my stage of pregnancy and mine was not at a concerning level at all. :dohh: Great news, but the 4 hours we spent on the ward only cemented my desire for a home birth. I have to say all the staff were lovely, but I hated the idea of birthing my baby in that environment. :nope: On the way home, I said to my husband, 'we're not going back there, are we?', and he said 'no, we're not'. We're both totally committed to home birth, and whilst we'll of course go to hospital if there's a real medical indication, we're definitely of a very positive frame of mind that everything will go smoothly in the remainder of the pregnancy and throughout labour and birth, and that our baby will be born into our comfy, loving little nest. :cloud9:
Welcome Nat and of course you can call me Lisa!! :)

Looking forward to talking to you! When do you see your MW again? I guess you'll be almost ready now? 3 days till term so they will be thinking about dropping off your kit soon?

Finally, I've got to the end of the thread, so feel I can post. :p Thanks so much for setting the group up, Merv's Mum (can I call you Lisa?) - I love it!

We're planning a home birth and our little boy is due 1st March. We've also done a hypnobirthing course and I'm really looking forward to a calm, relaxed home birth. Ideally we'd like our baby to be born into his daddy's arms. :cloud9:

I had a bit of a fright yesterday when I went to the GP for an antenatal check. I've been feeling really well, aside from the general niggles and slowing down of late pregnancy, but the dr was really concerned that my BP had jumped quite a bit from my booking in appt, although I had no accompanying symptoms. She spoke to the obstetrician on call at the local hospital and they asked that I go in to be monitored. :( I had a feeling that my vision of my lovely home birth was slipping away from me. :cry: As it turned out, there was a bit of miscommunication between the GP and the hospital, and the midwives and drs there were totally happy that my BP was well within normal range, and that the big concern with a jump from the 'baseline' measurement was now seen as old school. They said a rise in BP was absolutely normal for my stage of pregnancy and mine was not at a concerning level at all. :dohh: Great news, but the 4 hours we spent on the ward only cemented my desire for a home birth. I have to say all the staff were lovely, but I hated the idea of birthing my baby in that environment. :nope: On the way home, I said to my husband, 'we're not going back there, are we?', and he said 'no, we're not'. We're both totally committed to home birth, and whilst we'll of course go to hospital if there's a real medical indication, we're definitely of a very positive frame of mind that everything will go smoothly in the remainder of the pregnancy and throughout labour and birth, and that our baby will be born into our comfy, loving little nest. :cloud9:

This is exactly how I felt yesterday hun, there is a thread on it in third tri.:hugs:

Im so excited to hear how your homebirth goes, as after my experience I am swaying more in this direction.
Ready? :dohh: That's a sore point atm. :haha: Our flat is still pretty much in chaos while we purge a ton of stuff, do general rearranging and deep cleaning and turn my office into little boy's room. :blush: I'm getting a bit stressed about the slow progress tbh, but just pushing on with it. Our bedroom is almost completely done, and little boy will be in with us for at least 6 months, so things aren't too bad. We can have our bedroom and the sitting room ready in a couple of hours if need be, if I go into labour. The office may be a bit of a dungeon for a while though. :blush:

They don't bring the kit in advance here, the midwife brings it all with her when she comes. Yay, less for us to store. :p I don't see my CMW for another two weeks, till my 38 week appt. :( She's so supportive of home birth and hypnobirthing, really experienced and 'mumsy' - I absolutely love her. The chances that she'll get to attend the birth are pretty slim due to the way things are organised here, but if it does work out that way, it'll be the absolute icing on the cake.
This is exactly how I felt yesterday hun, there is a thread on it in third tri.:hugs:

Im so excited to hear how your homebirth goes, as after my experience I am swaying more in this direction. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

I hope your hospital visit was a false alarm like ours. :hugs: I'll go have a look for your thread. I found myself planning strategies, should we end up having a hospital birth - like relaxing with a blanket over my head to keep oxytocin levels up in the bright lights. :haha: The great thing about booking a home birth is that it leaves your options open, as pps have said. You can still end up choosing to go the hospital if that's what feels right for you on the day.
Nat - getting ready for the baby isnt that big a deal and if they bring the HB gear with them then you're good to go! :D

I am going to treat myself to some fancy smelling candles to get things nice and cosy....
This is exactly how I felt yesterday hun, there is a thread on it in third tri.:hugs:

Im so excited to hear how your homebirth goes, as after my experience I am swaying more in this direction.

I hope your hospital visit was a false alarm like ours. :hugs: I'll go have a look for your thread. I found myself planning strategies, should we end up having a hospital birth - like relaxing with a blanket over my head to keep oxytocin levels up in the bright lights. :haha: The great thing about booking a home birth is that it leaves your options open, as pps have said. You can still end up choosing to go the hospital if that's what feels right for you on the day.

:rofl: This cracked me up, yeah I am keeping an open mind but I so badly want a homebirth blinkie ..:haha: I am going to get a few results back, and then see how I get on. Loving the candles idea Lisa :thumbup: x x

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