Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Ohhh jealous of 2 x homebirthers! And so many NZ mums in this thread, yay! I'm from NZ but living in London atm.
^ The pregnancy magazine that I just picked up recommended that course. How much is it where you are?

It was $350 (NZ) for us....I know that isn't cheap, but it was two full days from 9.15-6pm, with snacks provided - and what we got out of it was definitely worth the money! (No, I am not being paid to promote the course! :haha:).

Happy to answer any questions you have about it :flower:

What is the outline of Calmbirth? I am doing a hypnobirthing course through positive births which cost us $395 and includes 6 night courses, books, cds and ongoing support. We were not in a position to pay upfront but the tutor is so keen on everyone being able to attend if they want to that she's allowing us to pay $20 a week until it's paid off. :happydance:

Here is the NZ Calmbirth website - https://www.calmbirth.org.nz/

I think it is pretty similar to hypnobirthing - I asked about that at the course and the facilitator said it was similar but that hypnobirthing had a bit more emphasis on certain 'techniques' or specific things to try, while Calmbirth is more concentrated on creating a general approach and state of mind. Not sure if that makes sense?

It was a lot about the physical things that happen in your body during labour (and other times!) - especially the connection between fear and pain. The focus is really on relaxing, staying calm etc, and doing things to increase your oxytocin and decrease your adrenaline. We did lots of guided relaxations and visualistions, and breathing exercises. There is a real focus on your own inner resources and is based on the idea that birthing a baby is a natural process, and that we can learn to work with the process instead of against it.

What I really liked about it was that it emphasised that it was an approach that can be used in any situation - wherever you were planning to birth. So it means that for me, even if I can't have the home birth I want, or I have to transfer, I can still have a positive birth experience - it doesn't have to be all negative just because things don't go as smoothly as I would like.

It also had a lovely focus on the birth experience as something between you, your OH and your baby - I know my OH left feeling like he really has a role to play and that he is a bigger part of the whole experience.

We left feeling really confident - and they give you a CD and booklet to take away, so you keep practising the breathing and relaxations all the way up to birth, so by the time labour starts it is familiar to you to get into a relaxed state.

Wow, sorry about writing a novel!! I am just still buzzing from it all!

That is awesome that your tutor is making the course so accessible for you and others - I really hope you enjoy it and I am keen to hear about your experience!
Woohoo, nearly 37 weeks! All set for my homebirth now, all I need is baby to make an appearance! Please send me lots of labour dust girls!
^ The pregnancy magazine that I just picked up recommended that course. How much is it where you are?

It was $350 (NZ) for us....I know that isn't cheap, but it was two full days from 9.15-6pm, with snacks provided - and what we got out of it was definitely worth the money! (No, I am not being paid to promote the course! :haha:).

Happy to answer any questions you have about it :flower:

What is the outline of Calmbirth? I am doing a hypnobirthing course through positive births which cost us $395 and includes 6 night courses, books, cds and ongoing support. We were not in a position to pay upfront but the tutor is so keen on everyone being able to attend if they want to that she's allowing us to pay $20 a week until it's paid off. :happydance:

Here is the NZ Calmbirth website - https://www.calmbirth.org.nz/

I think it is pretty similar to hypnobirthing - I asked about that at the course and the facilitator said it was similar but that hypnobirthing had a bit more emphasis on certain 'techniques' or specific things to try, while Calmbirth is more concentrated on creating a general approach and state of mind. Not sure if that makes sense?

It was a lot about the physical things that happen in your body during labour (and other times!) - especially the connection between fear and pain. The focus is really on relaxing, staying calm etc, and doing things to increase your oxytocin and decrease your adrenaline. We did lots of guided relaxations and visualistions, and breathing exercises. There is a real focus on your own inner resources and is based on the idea that birthing a baby is a natural process, and that we can learn to work with the process instead of against it.

What I really liked about it was that it emphasised that it was an approach that can be used in any situation - wherever you were planning to birth. So it means that for me, even if I can't have the home birth I want, or I have to transfer, I can still have a positive birth experience - it doesn't have to be all negative just because things don't go as smoothly as I would like.

It also had a lovely focus on the birth experience as something between you, your OH and your baby - I know my OH left feeling like he really has a role to play and that he is a bigger part of the whole experience.

We left feeling really confident - and they give you a CD and booklet to take away, so you keep practising the breathing and relaxations all the way up to birth, so by the time labour starts it is familiar to you to get into a relaxed state.

Wow, sorry about writing a novel!! I am just still buzzing from it all!

That is awesome that your tutor is making the course so accessible for you and others - I really hope you enjoy it and I am keen to hear about your experience!

No, thanks for the novel, it really is lovely to hear how empowered you feel after your course. I'm still wavering back and forth in my mind and really hoping that my course will concrete in my mind that I can do it and will do it. Where in NZ are you LuckyD? When are you due again? Looks to be really close to my due date - we might both home birth on the same day! How cool would that be - homebirth baby buddies! :hugs:
Woohoo, nearly 37 weeks! All set for my homebirth now, all I need is baby to make an appearance! Please send me lots of labour dust girls!

Not long pinkie! Hope baby doesn't make you wait too long - although I suppose you may want him/ her to arrive either before or after xmas, not on xmas day! I was in your position 2 years ago and was worried about going on xmas day but baby ended up arriving on new years day!
^ The pregnancy magazine that I just picked up recommended that course. How much is it where you are?

It was $350 (NZ) for us....I know that isn't cheap, but it was two full days from 9.15-6pm, with snacks provided - and what we got out of it was definitely worth the money! (No, I am not being paid to promote the course! :haha:).

Happy to answer any questions you have about it :flower:

What is the outline of Calmbirth? I am doing a hypnobirthing course through positive births which cost us $395 and includes 6 night courses, books, cds and ongoing support. We were not in a position to pay upfront but the tutor is so keen on everyone being able to attend if they want to that she's allowing us to pay $20 a week until it's paid off. :happydance:

Here is the NZ Calmbirth website - https://www.calmbirth.org.nz/

I think it is pretty similar to hypnobirthing - I asked about that at the course and the facilitator said it was similar but that hypnobirthing had a bit more emphasis on certain 'techniques' or specific things to try, while Calmbirth is more concentrated on creating a general approach and state of mind. Not sure if that makes sense?

It was a lot about the physical things that happen in your body during labour (and other times!) - especially the connection between fear and pain. The focus is really on relaxing, staying calm etc, and doing things to increase your oxytocin and decrease your adrenaline. We did lots of guided relaxations and visualistions, and breathing exercises. There is a real focus on your own inner resources and is based on the idea that birthing a baby is a natural process, and that we can learn to work with the process instead of against it.

What I really liked about it was that it emphasised that it was an approach that can be used in any situation - wherever you were planning to birth. So it means that for me, even if I can't have the home birth I want, or I have to transfer, I can still have a positive birth experience - it doesn't have to be all negative just because things don't go as smoothly as I would like.

It also had a lovely focus on the birth experience as something between you, your OH and your baby - I know my OH left feeling like he really has a role to play and that he is a bigger part of the whole experience.

We left feeling really confident - and they give you a CD and booklet to take away, so you keep practising the breathing and relaxations all the way up to birth, so by the time labour starts it is familiar to you to get into a relaxed state.

Wow, sorry about writing a novel!! I am just still buzzing from it all!

That is awesome that your tutor is making the course so accessible for you and others - I really hope you enjoy it and I am keen to hear about your experience!

No, thanks for the novel, it really is lovely to hear how empowered you feel after your course. I'm still wavering back and forth in my mind and really hoping that my course will concrete in my mind that I can do it and will do it. Where in NZ are you LuckyD? When are you due again? Looks to be really close to my due date - we might both home birth on the same day! How cool would that be - homebirth baby buddies! :hugs:

I totally understand the wavering back and forth...while I have always felt sure I wanted a home birth, I have had little worries and niggles get in the way at times. One of the good things I found about the course was that it wasn't about pretending these worries don't exist - it was about acknowledging them and releasing them, knowing that they may pop up at times but that they aren't the over-riding thing on your mind when it comes to birth - plus giving you the tools to deal with them when/if they do arise. We actually did a guided relaxation that was about releasing these worries - I found it really useful, I haven't done a lot of visualisation before but I found this one really helped me just let go a lot...

I hope that your course provides you with that more concrete feeling you are looking for...I am sure that a lot of it will be around trusting your own body and the natural process of birth, and that has got to be helpful!

I am a Wellington girl, but currently living in Otaki on the Kapiti Coast...where are you?

I am due March 28th - I think we are really close in dates! Yay to being home birth bump buddies!! Love it :flower:
Would be so amazing to have a home birth, and realy feel like its possible with hypnobirthing. I have booked onto a course in hypnobirthing St Thomas' hospital in London.

I've read so many comments like yours and am really looking forward to it! :flower:
I had a wonderful dream about giving birth last night I never dreamt about birth or my baby in my last pregnancy!

I was in slow labour for 2 days (Like last time) but stayed mobile and calm and then dealt really well with established labour but had a long latent 2nd stage but when for a walk and then pushed my baby out with little discomfort not tearing and caught him myself...then put him in a bucket??

(It had to get weird somewhere lol)

Here's hoping that s god omen for my HBAC (except the bucket bit I dont plan to put my baby in a bucket)

In other news I'm really disappointed for my husbands friend, she's due Jan 1st and has now had 2 failed ECV's so baby is still breech. It her first and I don't think she'd even think about a vaginal breech.

I pointed her i the direction of spinning babies weeks ago and she went and had acupuncture but baby just isnt shifting. She's booked a section for Jan 6th, all I can do is hope if she goes into labour bubs will turn for her - you never know!
LoL - what a funny dream!! Apart from the bucket - it all sounds ideal! hahaha!x

Wishing your friend all the best too, I do hope her lo turns, there is plenty of time at least. Tell her to get cleaning the skirting boards on hands and knees! I know a few people that sware by it.
I've passed on all the advice I know of (despite not having had a breech myself BnB works wonders lol) but she is very petite and I just think she's run out of room!
It's unfortunate that vaginal breech isn't really done anymore. My doctor has no problem with vaginal breech and there is a photo on his wall of a vaginal breech water birth with everything but the head out. I guess he is older and it is back in the day when it was actually taught.

DH's twin was born breech. I don't know why but apparently the doctor reached in and yanked him out. All I could think was "Whoa!" I much rather the photo at my doctors where all you could see in the photo was the baby and mumma.
In my area they support vaginal breech deliveries. It's crazy this skill is being lost - it's another variation of normal. :(
I hope if she needs the section (turn bubba turn) that seeing as it's elective she'll get a good un not a shitty one like mine in the middle of the night with no one with me and no time as a family afterwards.
I had a wonderful dream about giving birth last night I never dreamt about birth or my baby in my last pregnancy!

I was in slow labour for 2 days (Like last time) but stayed mobile and calm and then dealt really well with established labour but had a long latent 2nd stage but when for a walk and then pushed my baby out with little discomfort not tearing and caught him myself...then put him in a bucket??

(It had to get weird somewhere lol)

oooh I totally read that wrong first time :rofl: missed the dream bit and thought you'd actually put your baby in a bucket after having it! hehe

Lets hope the rest of it comes true though :D
lol I'll plan to pop him in a bucket if I get a good HB!

My dreams always tend to be very involved and detailed but also be very odd...this was no exception.

We have our 20 weeks scan on xmas eve hoping all is well, Hubby really wants to find out what flavour I'm cooking, I'd kinda like a surprise so I'm secretly hoping it keeps it's legs crossed. It's just if I don't get the birth I'd like I'll still have a lovely surprise at the end
Having the surprise bit is brilliant!

At our 20 week scan, I really didn't want to find out, but we had decided that as alot of the whole pregnanacy stuff had been about me and baby.. My OH would decide if we would find out.... I was very calm.. trying so hard not to let him know my feelings - as I really wanted it to be something that he could own.

So pleased we didn't go for the temptation of finding out! But it was still a great idea to let him have the final say either way.
oh my hubby wants to know, he's a planner he cannot stand not having information. If there are reviews to read, pros and cons to weigh up he's doing it. It would stress him out being able to know and not. If the US cannot see then thats jst tough luck and he'll accept it.

He struggles with the labour/birth thing because you cannot control it. He has said in the past he doesn't understand why every woman doesn't just book an elective so you so you don't have to labour and you know when and where it'll happen! <facepalm>
You guys could always find out the sex, and then just not tell anyone else - I had some friends that did that. It's hard to keep underwraps, but it meant they didn't get lost under a sea of pink or blue bits and pieces from well meaning friends and family.. and they were the ones that had the surprise! I quite like that idea.

HAHAHA! I know what it's like - I bombarded OH with loads and loads of natural birth videos, after I had decided that home was for me, but he still wasn't quite on board yet and still panicking about the unknown. I think it verged on torture! I used to load one up.. then just turn the laptop round and say "watch this!" Then tell him to work on the look on his face - or I will be telling him to go down the pub when I was in labour! haha!

He did come right around, and really got into it - he was my rock and greatest defender of our homebirth plans in the end! Quite a surprise!
My hubby was the same in the end too. Any you only have to read the first opening post and first few after on this thread to see he wasnt in favour at all to start with! Now he'll tell anyone who'll listen!! :lol:
I sound a lot like your husband Chuck. I feel like I need to be in control as much as possible. So I found out the sex as soon as I could. My hubby could care less but seeing as I wouldn't have it anyother way and also seeing as I can't keep a secret there was no use in him not finding out either. It probably makes a lot of sense as to why I wanted a homebirth in the end. I feel more in control in my own home.

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