Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Oh so it's a history of post-partum bleeding? That I don't really know anything about. Perhaps a plan can be put in place in case of transfer need? Maybe you could talk with the supervisor of mws at the other hospital and see if they will take you. They might not consider you so high risk as your mw thinks they will. Hopefully someone else here will know more about this and offer some better advice!
That's mad moomin. Definitely one to keep pushing against, especially as you didn't actually need treatment last time. The homebirth site has some good info on this:

"You'll need to look at the circumstances of your postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) and find out if they are likely to recur. There is lots on this on the separate page on postpartum haemorrhage and home birth https://www.homebirth.org.uk/pph.htm. Midwives can treat PPH at a home birth just as they would in hospital, but in fact PPH is less likely to occur after a home birth. This is mainly because PPH is most likely after interventions such as induction or augmentation of labour, assisted delivery or caesarean section, and none of these will be happening at home."

Good luck!

Jenni, so glad your BP went back down! Bring on the HB!!

Gina, sorry the full moon didn't trigger the labour... your hooterus (as DH and I call it) is nice and toasty!
i spoke to the mw yesterday and because of hemeraging (sp?) and blood loss i might be classed as high risk and wont be able to get transfered to a different hospital or have a homebirth :(

How much did you loss?

Do you know the reason why you had a pph? You may have not had a blood transfusion but did you have fluids, synto drip other meds to control the bleeding?

Sorry for all the questions but you should get as much info as possible, if you had a pph in a previous birth then the dr/ mws will want to manage the 3rd stage to reduce the likelihood of this repeating.

A pph is an obstetric emergency, any blood loss that compromises your health has to be considered. The mws at home are equipped to deal with it but that's only to manage it until you transfer into hospital.

You may even consider getting Misoprostol 800mcg prescribed so that the mws can give this straight away if you do start bleeding, its a great drug to have, we used to have it in our drugs kit for homebirths but due to prescribing issues we are not allowed to keep it unless prescribed for each individual women.

Good luck
Hi ladies,

I want to have a home water birth and dh is all for it he has been soo supportive xxx
Jenni - so glad your bp went down. i had it with my first, would get a high reading st docs, get sent to hospital, sit attached to machines and it was fine by then..at least twice!! I think i am just more chilled now at my (sparse) check ups! Home birth here you come!!

Speaking of which...the shower curtains I ordered off ebay have arrived :haha: strange what you get excited about!! we don't seem to get provided with anything here in Norfolk...including a health visitor! Jjust had a letter to say they haven't got enough to send me one, ah it's so good to feel valued! Either that or it's 3rd child syndrome :shrug:

hope everyone is feeling good and chilled today? I went to see the Lion King in London yesterday - 3 hours coach journey to get there! It was amazing, and I think Bubs enjoyed it :)!!

looking forward to hearing more birth news, Jude :)
Thanks cupcake,

One question, why is there clinical weight put on blood lost in a previous pregnancy to indicate 3 stage management in a subsequent pregnancy? Should the current pregnancy not be treated individually?

Of course, if it was me I wouldn't discount my previous obstetric history..and would like to have Ergometrine or Misoprostol to hand, but wouldn't see it as a NEED to have a managed 3rd stage?
Is it no longer in the kit to reduce out-of-date drug wastage?
Sorry for all the questions!
i spoke to the mw yesterday and because of hemeraging (sp?) and blood loss i might be classed as high risk and wont be able to get transfered to a different hospital or have a homebirth :(

How much did you loss?

Do you know the reason why you had a pph? You may have not had a blood transfusion but did you have fluids, synto drip other meds to control the bleeding?

Sorry for all the questions but you should get as much info as possible, if you had a pph in a previous birth then the dr/ mws will want to manage the 3rd stage to reduce the likelihood of this repeating.

A pph is an obstetric emergency, any blood loss that compromises your health has to be considered. The mws at home are equipped to deal with it but that's only to manage it until you transfer into hospital.

You may even consider getting Misoprostol 800mcg prescribed so that the mws can give this straight away if you do start bleeding, its a great drug to have, we used to have it in our drugs kit for homebirths but due to prescribing issues we are not allowed to keep it unless prescribed for each individual women.

Good luck

they say i lost 400ml but it felt and looked like more, i had a drip put in but it was never used.. the bleeding stopped before i needed anything doing. they didnt look into why i bled so much but my mum hemeraged with all 4 of us so think i get it from her. plus i have neg blood but not sure if that was a cause
The fact that your mum hemorrhaged often would definitely be more concern for the midwife so you may want to keep that tidbit of info to yourself, hahaha. You should definitely be asking your midwfie questions about management at home other than just an all or nothing answer of "no you can't have one" cupcake mentioned Misoprostol and where as it seems her midwives don't carry it mine does. I just had my midwife drop off the viles of meds she can use and one of them was this, I hadn't heard of it before and asked what it was she mentioned it's another med they have just in case I PPH that greatly helps stop or even just to decrease any bleeding until I can get to the hospital.

Also a question I have for you is did you go for a physiological third stage last time? As great as they are someone in your situation may actually want to go with the syntocin shot as soon as possible to stop any bleeding. That's the main reason this drug was created. Not every women needs it, so yes I think it's a bit over used for "just in case" but then you do have women like yourself where it is great for using. Just another thing to think about.

Hi LadyGecko!! :wave: So great that your DH is supportive. What made you pick a home birth? :flower:
Hey Stacey!! Welcome to the thread!
Brilliant your OH is all on-board! Waterbirth is awesome!!
i spoke to the mw yesterday and because of hemeraging (sp?) and blood loss i might be classed as high risk and wont be able to get transfered to a different hospital or have a homebirth :(

How much did you loss?

Do you know the reason why you had a pph? You may have not had a blood transfusion but did you have fluids, synto drip other meds to control the bleeding?

Sorry for all the questions but you should get as much info as possible, if you had a pph in a previous birth then the dr/ mws will want to manage the 3rd stage to reduce the likelihood of this repeating.

A pph is an obstetric emergency, any blood loss that compromises your health has to be considered. The mws at home are equipped to deal with it but that's only to manage it until you transfer into hospital.

You may even consider getting Misoprostol 800mcg prescribed so that the mws can give this straight away if you do start bleeding, its a great drug to have, we used to have it in our drugs kit for homebirths but due to prescribing issues we are not allowed to keep it unless prescribed for each individual women.

Good luck

they say i lost 400ml but it felt and looked like more, i had a drip put in but it was never used.. the bleeding stopped before i needed anything doing. they didnt look into why i bled so much but my mum hemeraged with all 4 of us so think i get it from her. plus i have neg blood but not sure if that was a cause

Well technically then you didn't have a PPH... the definition of a PPH is

"Primary postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the most common form of major obstetric haemorrhage. The traditional definition of primary PPH is the loss of 500 ml or more of blood from the genital tract within 24 hours of the birth of a baby. PPH can be minor (500–1000 ml) or major (more than 1000 ml). Major could be divided to moderate (1000–2000 ml) or severe (more than 2000 ml)" RCOG, 2009.

If you didn't need any treatment then I don't understand what the issue is?

When a PPH occurs you are looking at 4 Ts
-Tone, uterus well contracted?
-Tissue, placenta or membranes still left in uterus?
-trauma, tear or heamatoma?
-Thrombin, unknown blood disorder?

You go through each one and rule it out... the most likely is uterine atony, that's why you need to find out why they are saying you had a PPH. Did you feel fine afterwards? what was you FBC like afterwards?

If you dont feel it affected you then I personally see that they are making excuses for you not have a hb:shrug:


Bournefree, I agree with what you say... I only ever cannulate/ get meds ready if the women I am caring for has had a previous major PPH >1000mls

It really depends on the circumstances, If she has a loss because of a tear which will only be fixed by suturing I don't see the need to pump drugs in and call it a PPH which will effect the management of later pregnancies. Its very difficult in the first place to estimate blood loss, I can imagine the majority of women having a 'PPH' but we are able to cope with this loss, its only when its over managed its a problem.

In regards to Misoprostol, midwives only have a few drugs that we can give (standing orders) misoprostol in not one of them, the kit gets checked every day so if something is going out of stock its replaced and put on delivery suite, it will be used within the next 24hrs:wacko:

So pharmacy has kindly informed us that if we need it we have to get it prescribed, its a shame as its fast acting and very useful if a major PPH occurs.
i felt awful after i had zane, my eyes sunk in and i went whitter then usual, which makes me think i lost more then the 400ml. i also had huge blood clots with zane, like the size of his head, which again my mum had.
placenta came out in tact, and i did have a episiotomy which was lovely lol

i will wait and speak to this so called consultant and make sure they give me good reason and then some before sticking me in hospital
I just want to say again this thread is amazing. Thanks so much for all that info cupcake. I've not had PPH but it's brilliant to read all this.

Who are the people that think we are hippy nutters? We're more scientific than all of them put together. I bet most women never think anything like this much into their births.
Well you do what you feel is right, no body knows your body better than you do so hopefully you will not encounter any problems.x.
PPH is so difficult to really difficult to assess as well due to frequent under *or* overestimates of actual blood loss. Cupcake's information is fantastic, especially those 4 T's!

So, on a slightly less scientific vein, can I ask a shallow question? For those women who have had a waterbirth, did you get out of the pool to wee? :dohh: Or did the MWs want to see you actually get out and sit on the toilet to wee to ensure you were actually wee'ing? I put it on my birth preference for my MW and doula to ensure I empty my bladder often as I know a full bladder can slow things down...

I guess poo'ing would be a bit different (although we have a sieve).

What about you ladies who are planning a water birth? What do you think of this?
I piddled in the pool last time. It was more a case of 'nothing is getting me out of here' than a desire on my or anyone else's part to do it in a particular place and the midwife was quite happy knowing that I'd gone. She didn't need to see it to believe me. :)

Having said that after a couple of hours of getting a half-hearted pushing urge that wasn't getting stronger she did then suggest I get out to use the toilet. Of course, she would also have been thinking of the movement maybe helping too and as it happened I never made it back into the pool again and gave birth over the sofa not long afterwards. I'd imagine an open mind is a good thing to have on this front. See how you feel at the time. It's not a problem if you do wee in there - there is no shortage of other bodily fluids being added to the mix. ;)

Gina. x
Wow this thread moves so quickly nowadays!!!!

I love how there are so many people on here that really know their stuff, feels like no matter what problems any of us encounter, there is someone who can help with it! :)

Thankyou to all the wonderful passionate people on here ;)
hahaha peeing in the pool lol i never thought about that. i wanted a water birth with zane and didnt get it :( so hoping for one this time, but think id get out to pee lol
Hi Stacey! :wave:

Oh snaggle the moon didn't do any favours for anyone by the sounds of it! Meh!

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