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I don't know about the states jenni. As part of our data protection laws we are entitled to see any records held about us though accessing them isn't always as easy as it should be and usually incurs a charge.

Bourne I can't see the vid on my phone so will have to remember to look later!
I don't know about the states jenni. As part of our data protection laws we are entitled to see any records held about us though accessing them isn't always as easy as it should be and usually incurs a charge.

Bourne I can't see the vid on my phone so will have to remember to look later!

Is accessing and seeing them different than owning them in our own possession?
You don't get to keep them. Sometimes a copy will be made for you. I guess you could make your own. I don't really know as I've never done it, just what our rights are! Lol I know of girls on here who copied their notes before discharge. Wish I had facilities to have done that last time. Here you keep your notes until you're discharged by the mw I think usually 10 days after the birth assuming all goes well.
Interesting replies ladies! I havnt had a chance to read them properly because I'm on my phone and iv got charlie sat next to me with his head in the screen asking to watch fireman sam!!
I don't know what I think about it all really! Risk of infection from waters braking! I think because one of my best friends (amy some of you might know her) had prom at like 20 then 24 weeks and got an infection twice and ended up going in to labour as a result of the infection it scares me a little bit, not that I would ever think that my water would brake early harry was almost out before the midwife broke them for me! Charlie broke with the big tv gush and the contractions started really intense seconds later it was like a proper movie labour!! I always wonder though if harry would have came out in his fluid had the midwife not broke it! He was born only about 30 mins after it was broken! Or maybe my labour would have just dragged on! Maybe if the same thing happens again I'll tell her to leave it and see what happens!
Zara, the very first birth I witnessed was of a baby who was born in the caul to a mother who went from 5cm dilated to birth in 20 minutes, so it definitely didn't slow things down for her. :) As with all these things, we have to ask what really are the benefits of doing it, and what would go wrong if we just left well alone? I was also at a birth once where the midwife broke the waters towards the end ('to help things along') and there was slight meconium present. This meant the last 45 minutes or so of the birth were continuously monitored and much more stressy than they would have been if we simply hadn't known. Baby was fine - it was old meconium, but hospital policy didn't distinguish between that and the fresh, more concerning stuff that never appeared.

Gina. x
Funny you should say that Snaggle - when I was having Sid at home my hind waters were still intact when I had my first and only VE (at my request) and the MW said she could break them and the baby would be with us within 30 mins (which was tempting!) but she decided that it was best to leave well alone in case of meconium - based on the 'what we dont know wont harm us' principle. As it was I stood up, moved to the birth stool and they popped clear and he was there 10 mins later. had they broken them and there been mec they'd have had to advise transfer.....
Our boiler broke. I think we may have over worked it trying to fill up the birth pool so many times. The guy said the pump was like 30 years old anyways though, so really wasn't our fault persay. Anyways now I'm freaking out completely that for some reason she'll decide to come now when there's no hot water!!!! They said it'll be a few days until the pump can even come in. grrrrr.
oh Jenni, that is not good, cold water birth pool does NOT sound tempting!!
You have been having too much fun in your pool Jenni! Hope the part comes in soon!

Back to access to medical notes - The data protection act includes Scotland.. (I just had to go a check, as some laws are only England and Wales.

While you have your carry around notes.. you can make copies of them there and then, or just after birth, if you wish, as they are in your possession. (if they are in the hands of your mw - they don't have to let you have them back to copy them, as it their responsibility to transfer your notes back to the trust, and only release them under the terms of the DPA). Most notes will state on them that "these notes are to remain the property of your Trust".. this just means they will go back to the Trust as they are the data controller of your information.

Under data protection you can either request to view your medical records or for copies to be made of them for you, or both. Your request usually has to be in writing (some trust will send you out a standard form) although the act does allow verbal requests.
There will be a data controller department in your trust who is responsible for your information, and your request should be made to them.
There are maximum fees that apply; £10 to view and have copies made including postage, or upto a maximum of £50 if they include x-rays etc.
You have rights to access ALL of your medical records - that means anything from the time you were born.. but it is important to state what areas of your medical notes you would like, as well as your hand written notes you carry, there might be separate written notes held at the hospital (i.e consultants files), and also all electronic notes. Plus you have to provide sufficient information as evidence of your identity (this is because the data controller has to keep your records secure, and would be in breach of DPA if they didn't)

Your data controller can deny access to your records without giving you a detailed explanation, (though - for there own purposes they have to record an explanation, so it can be verified, if you dispute it at tribunal)
The exception to access to medical records are if the data or information may cause serious harm to the physical or mental health or condition of the patient, or any other person, or access would disclose information relating to or provided by a third person who has not consented to that disclosure. (though the 3rd parties doesn't include health professionals who have added to your notes)
Also you are entitled to a detailed explanation of all abbreviations or medical terminology used in your notes.
DPA states 40 days to comply and health requests should be handled within 21 days.
Fees payable in advance or on release. - you will be advised after your request.

I have used DPA to have copies of an MRI I had done of my kidneys once.. (only because it was seriouly cool!) and also to obtain all of my bank records from lloyds tsb, when I was having a bit of a fight with them! True to the law they gave me everything.. even the some stuff that ultimatly was very damaging to them.

I think that although my MW has requested copies of my old notes, I might get copies for myself too - off to phone my old NHS trust! I'll let you know how I get on.
I hope this helps.
Just got off the phone to my old trust - It was all pretty simple really!

I spoke to the corrospondance team of the Medical records department.. they deal with patient requests. Nice man called Dave took some of my details, then as I was requesting written notes and not electronic, he had to physically go a check they were there.. so he called me back in 5 mins, confirmed they had them and as they a paper notes it would cost me £50 to get copies. He is sending me a form in the post tonight which I should have tomorrow. I fill in the form along with a copy of my driving licience and utility bill - and bob's your uncle, I get my notes within 40days (though he they are running at about a week at the momnet). He couldn't tell me if my MW had requested a copy yet, but did say if she wanted them, all she had to do was send a fax (he gave me the fax number) on headed paper to him and it would be sent out free to my G.P.
All straight forward.
I think I'll chase my MW to see if the request has been made, before paying £50

My G.P's Secretary has just faxed the records department.. so should have them by the end of the week! Result!
Oh Jenni! Poor thing! You've made me worried now.. our boiler is about 25 years old!! I hope you get yours sorted before bub decides to come! If not - there is always the good ol' kettle and pots on the stove!!! ;)

I've also just realised that we are a day apart in EDD....
Hey ladies
I'm off to the pub! Not to go drinking of course, though I might have a cheaky spritzer, but to go to a south Dorset NCT meeting - to discuss homebirth! Hooray! Hopefully, I can find a local homebirth group, as I have mailed one I found on the net, but it doesn't seem to exist anymore.. perhaps I'll start my own.
It's gone quiet on the thread, is Gina having a baby?!
Ergh just tried to speak to my husband about the birth and have been called fucking stupid for wanting a birth pool and if I want one I should go to hospital.

Great. Nothing like having support from your spouse who didn't even come to theatre with you last time.

Boy do I feel special.
Sorry I don't mean to rant on here where we're usually so positive. Just sat in the bath feeling very lonely right now.
What a thing to say to you!! So sorry he's not being supportive. I hope he comes round to the idea soon hun!

Maybe its just a male thing :shrug: My dad is ok about it now but was a bit funny about the whole pool idea at first, I dont think he sees the point. He just sees Labour as something you just get through like everyone else in hospital and then its over you forget about it.. :dohh: I was upset the other day when i was asking about parts of my last birth that arent very clear to me because of the G&A and Pethadine and he just said 'Oh I dont know I cant remember how it went really' I was so shocked and upset. I thought it meant a lot to him to be there but I actually only think he's there because he feels I want him to be. How can you forget something like that! :dohh:

Big :hugs: for you :flower:

Sorry I don't mean to rant on here where we're usually so positive. Just sat in the bath feeling very lonely right now.

Oh sweetheart! Don't worry about ranting, that's for sure.
I don't know what to say other than, at least if he is angry enough to say something like that, then at least there is passion.. It's just a matter of turning it around. Perhaps he is feeling pretty useless.

One thing that I might be able to help with is a pool - I have been thinking about offering you my pool for a while, as I know you really want one.. and your money is all streached out at the moment... Only thing is, I need it back by the end of june.. if thats ok?

I'll have to find all the bits and pieces, so you have everything you need.. but would be happy to post it to you. Just PM me your address and give me sometime to get it sorted and posted.
Oh Chuck, I'm so sorry your husband was so unsupportive and dismissive. I'm not surprised you feel lonely when you have that to deal with. Did he give any indication of what his problem with it is?

How do you two normally find agreement on things? Is he the kind of guy that just needs time to come around to an idea? Would he read info if you gave it to him? Would he listen to another home water-birth Dad? (Because I know a very passionate one whose wife has had two and is planning a third, despite being extremely reticent before the first time, and he's happy to have contact with other Dads in the same boat.)

I don't have much else to say other than to offer you a mountain of virtual hugs. Don't ever feel bad for ranting on here. We've managed to make ourselves a really lovely little network here and it's here to be used - good day or bad day.

No birth here today, though I am feeling pretty uncomfortable right now. I have to say I think it's more likely to be because I ate too much of the lovely curry I made tonight from a new recipe, rather than because it's done anything to trigger birth action, but hey!

Gina. x
Thanks for your support ladies I appreciate it. But he's made up his mind NO POOL! Now he's said it there will be no changing his mind no matter what. It's having it in the house which is the problem to him if things get wet and having a hose trailing through the house. He hasn't even read anything about them how they work or watched any water birth bids to see the benefits. To him it's a stupid idea and if I want that I go to hospital.

Sorry was on my phone earlier so here's a bit more behind it....I'm not surprised he feels like this and is not really very supportive to be honest. To him everything is black and white t and there's no room for feelings it seems.

I have been told that 'there must be something wrong with me if I still that way about Dewi's birth' - when I said I was still very upset and felt horrible about the whole experience, and another great one has been 'I don't understand why you don't just all book CS and get it over with you'll know when it's happening then wont you' not to mention the illustrious 'the professionals know best' line.

I sometimes wonder why i married this arrogant, intolerant ass.

He wants to babies but seems to not really care how they arrive as that's the least important bit and then do no night feeds, next to no nappies and only seems to enjoy it once they're old enough to play.


He's not much of a talker, I wish he was h threw the 'you never ask what I want' comment at me last night...well sorry I replied but you aren't the easiest to talk to, you've never been forthcoming about anything (and he tells me off for getting emotional).

I just can't stand that the person who is supposed to be my strongest supporter and advocate is the person who seems to be standing in my way.

All I want is to try and get a birth rather than suffer a delivery.

I get that he doesn't want to watch at the business end, catch the baby or cut the cord that's fine but why doesn't he see that's its more than just something horrible to get through?

I know there'll be no changing his mind about the pool, even if I just get one he wont allow it to be used it's not as if I'll be setting it all up and filling in myself. He's blimmin turn the water off or something knowing him he's so adamant about things.

It makes me more determined to find a doula although he's said about them its a lot of effing money just for that - what a waste (and I was talking about the max charge of £200 for a trainee). I just dont think he's going to be able to support me in trying to get a positive experience and I dont want to do it all myself.

I'm trying to get him to read the book that came with my natal hypnotherapy CD's for a week, no luck yet.
Have you managed to find a homebirth group in your area, because I think what Gina has suggested is a great idea and perhaps talking to others fathers in similar situations might help alot.

It's easier said than done I know, but try to set sometime aside one night to have a discussion about what your birth plans are. don't spring it on him.. set an evening aside a couple of day away and let him know that you want to talk to him about it, as it is important, and is starting to really upset you. Talk through each point of your birth plan, and any concerns you and he might have. Allow him to tell you what his worries are without becoming offended.. or you won't be able to explain yourself fully, and neither will he.

Of course you might read that and think, bollocks and that won't work in our situation!.. and that's cool too

G - Hope your discomfort eased this morning in the bathroom! ;-) I love love curry, but crikey can it get you going in the mornings! However bowl sitmulation does seem to sitimulate the womb and vice versa.

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