Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

OK ladies - tell me about pre-eclampsia and homebirth - am I right in thinking it's a no no?

I am not a stress bunny about things - but I have a worry I have started some of the symptoms (floating stripe in vision, headache, swollen hands and feet and a dull ache under right ribs)

Am going to give myself a couple of hours to see what happens. I'm really stressed at the moment so could be that that is affecting me - am going to get lot so of juice and see after I've eaten lunch. I'm sure I'm probably worrying about nothing but I never EVER get floaters so it's unnerved me a bit :(

How's your B/P been??? Any protein in your urine???? Feelings of impending doom??? In all honesty it would probably be best to get checked out just in case due to the potential seriousness of PIH but in all reality you're probably absolutely fine and those symptoms can easily be displaced to other causes.

Pregnancy is notorious with messing with vision and it's certainly not unheard of for women to experience floaters or blurriness and still be completely fine (btw dark grey/black lines/floaters are much less worrisome then bright shiny sparkling lines/floaters). Also, the onset of floaters can occur in anyone pregnant or not at anytime and tends to be the result of aging (you may just be getting old! :haha: j/k)

Headaches can be caused from numerous things... The list just goes on and on and on from a nagging MIL to dehydration to pre-eclampsia to a brain tumour..... But more then 99.9% of the time the cause is completely benign and of no reason to worry at all.... even you've never experienced headaches before.... Again pregnancy is notorious for causing benign headaches in women who never ever experienced headaches before.

Nearly all women with pre-eclampsia will expereince some swelling.... However, most pregnant women will experience some swelling (especially of the hands and feet... facial swelling tends to be a little more worrisome but even healthy non-pre-ecclamptic women will develop facial swelling from time to time). So edema is definitly not a reliable sign in itself.

Epigastric pain can be result of sleeping the wrong way or some internal bruising caused by your sweet little bundle of joy....

But again just to be on the safe side do get checked out!

And if it is pre-ecclampsia and it's a sure diagnosis complete with elevated b/p, proteinuria, scary blood results.... then a homebirth would definitly not be advised (though it is your body and your baby).... They'd want to get baby out sooner then later and would likely want to start magnesium sulphate as well. Thing is things can go bad fast so acting sooner then later is the preferred method of dealing wtih it..... Pre-ecclampsia when not treated can quickly move to ecclampsia which would be very scary to deal with at home.....

But again... you're probably completely fine!!!!!!!
Mervs mum I'm sorry you feel I have brought negativity into your thread. It wasn't my intention and was enjoying reading all the interesting comments until I read the comment slagging me off (which I quoted FYI) and I'm one of these annoying people who don't take that kind of thing lying down. I speak to people with respect on BnB and expect the same back.

Thankyou for your post date induction posts as they have been very useful. I will be unsubscribing from this thread as clearly I'm not welcome and wish you all the best for your homebirths and you all have the births of your dreams as it is what every woman deserves to have.

Bournefree good luck with your fight for your rights. My tip from what happened with me is to speak to the Head of Midwives as we as writing. It seemed to resolve my problem rather quickly by talking to her directly.

Yes you have. I still dont know what has happened and where this supposed slagging off is (I cant see it on here - either that or I am missing a whole post) but you know what EVERYONE is welcome here. Everyone. What's not welcomed is aggressive and accusatory tones. So please, stay, go, do what you will but yes, please, please, please take the negativity elsewhere.
How's your B/P been??? Any protein in your urine???? Feelings of impending doom??? In all honesty it would probably be best to get checked out just in case due to the potential seriousness of PIH but in all reality you're probably absolutely fine and those symptoms can easily be displaced to other causes.
BP has been fine up to the last 2 visits, but thats also when they changed to an automatic cuff (rather than the use a stethoscope type) so it could be that. I am stressed to f*** at the moment so tbh any raise is probably because of that! No doom, no protein in wee (saw MW on tuesday so fairly recent results!)

Pregnancy is notorious with messing with vision and it's certainly not unheard of for women to experience floaters or blurriness and still be completely fine (btw dark grey/black lines/floaters are much less worrisome then bright shiny sparkling lines/floaters). Also, the onset of floaters can occur in anyone pregnant or not at anytime and tends to be the result of aging (you may just be getting old! :haha: j/k)
Ah it was a shiney bright pretty colours type floater - tbh it was very pretty :blush: but scared the shit out of me - it has long since gone though and I'm going to keep an eye on it (boom tish :D)
Headaches can be caused from numerous things... The list just goes on and on and on from a nagging MIL to dehydration to pre-eclampsia to a brain tumour..... But more then 99.9% of the time the cause is completely benign and of no reason to worry at all.... even you've never experienced headaches before.... Again pregnancy is notorious for causing benign headaches in women who never ever experienced headaches before.
I'm drinking like a fish today as I suspect I was dehydrated yesterday :) headache easing (but since I got worried I seem to have found an inner peace about work and that quite frankly they can all fuck the fuck off - my health comes first!

Nearly all women with pre-eclampsia will expereince some swelling.... However, most pregnant women will experience some swelling (especially of the hands and feet... facial swelling tends to be a little more worrisome but even healthy non-pre-ecclamptic women will develop facial swelling from time to time). So edema is definitly not a reliable sign in itself.
Again seems to be easing as the day goes on. Today is the first day I can leave work at a normal time, so will be doing that and then heading home for a lazy evening (maybe even a chinese takeaway :))

Epigastric pain can be result of sleeping the wrong way or some internal bruising caused by your sweet little bundle of joy....
epigastric? that's an ace name and just made me laugh :D I need to get out more :dohh:

But again just to be on the safe side do get checked out!
I will I promise :) because most of it has eased off I'm just going to see what happens. If it comes back (esp the floater thing) I'll ring the hospital :)

And if it is pre-ecclampsia and it's a sure diagnosis complete with elevated b/p, proteinuria, scary blood results.... then a homebirth would definitly not be advised (though it is your body and your baby).... They'd want to get baby out sooner then later and would likely want to start magnesium sulphate as well. Thing is things can go bad fast so acting sooner then later is the preferred method of dealing wtih it..... Pre-ecclampsia when not treated can quickly move to ecclampsia which would be very scary to deal with at home.....

But again... you're probably completely fine!!!!!!!
fingers crossed! I've had such a lovely pregnancy I really don't want it to go tits up at the end!

Thanks love xx
MrsPop do not feel chased away - I for one would like to hear your comments on home and natural birthing based on your NHS experience - and for the record I thought PeanutBean's comments were appropriate, as I had been reading the thread in second tri as well and I did not see any of your posts stating your particular experience (job or prev. pregnancy). In a thread where so much information was anecdotal and not based on fact or personal experience it would have been easy to miss, and in large forums so many posts are skimmed or scanned, and even when read thoroughly it's so easy to misunderstand something in writing.

MervsMum is also so right - we face negativity from every corner and this particular section of the forum is such a haven of positivity, whatever your birth choices, background, preferences - sniping at other women is taken for granted in some forum sections but I think it is good advice everywhere that if someone can't say something nice, not to say anything at all.

Do let us know any information you find on post-dates and post-term, make one last return here even if you don't stay.
Post dates/term is my current 'bot topic' as my wonderful first time mum client is 42 weeks and just refused induction today in favour of expectant monitoring AND she's a hospital birthing mum *gasp* :lol:

This is a good resource for anyone interested who might not have seen it :)

Hello Ladies! :wave: Haven't posted in here for a little while, but have been trying to keep up with you all!

Just thought I'd let you know I had a fantastic meeting with my consultant this morning :smug: I'd really wound myself up about it, as a stand-in midwife a few weeks ago suggested I would 'possibly not even be allowed a VBAC' let alone a home birth *gasp!* :roll: Fortunately, Mr Consultant was incredibly supportive, and I am once more on track and full of optimism :happydance:

Wow where do we find one of those LOL

Sorry but mine was a scaremonger and an ass so i'm not seeing him again!
hello ladies, feels like ive been away for ages :)

im now 19 weeks on saturday so its going too fast. i spoke to a consultant who agrees that i didnt lose enough blood with zane to be classed high risk so a home birth is still on the cards :) im still looking into different hospitals other then my local incase i need to be treated after.

next week i am going to start calling doulas and then look into hypnobirthing classes which im so excited for. :D

im also still keen on a water birth, this pregnancy and birth will go smoothly lol
Lousie that's ace!!

Moomin I can't believe you're almost half way!!!
Sorry if you were offended MrsPop. It's as the lovely ladies said, frustration from a very vexing thread and not intended to be personal. I can't control how you interpret it and whether or not you stay to participate in this thread but we're all friends in here and everyone is welcome. I hope you've found some interesting links. There are also various interesting discussions down the threads too on a broad range of topics. Naturally you'd be very welcome here to share your plans and experiences. :flower:

Welcome back moomin, it feels like it's been ages! Hope you're doing ok.

And yay for supportive consultants! Maybe they have a network we can use to find some more. :lol:

No news from me except I finish work this week! Can finally devote myself to the battle ahead.
That is really cool ladies - everything is moving along nicely! So nice to hear from Moomin, and Lou!

Thanks for the PE info KK! You are legendary!

WoooHooo to finishing work PB.. bet you are itching to get out the door tomorrow!!! Will you be having a cheaky spritzer with collegues to celebrate?

Great link MM! Do hope some of the stuff we all dug up was helpful to your lovely lady.. She is very lucky she has you at her side.. It can be so pressurised. So it must be wonderful to have you in her corner.

To quote some wize women?!? ;-) (MM) lets spread the earth with positive brith!

Update from me - is that I'm fighting on.. and went to my MSLC meeting today and dominated it (hopefully in a good way) Well I couldn't help myself, I had Head of midwifery and a commissioner in the room - so I've got all the contacts I need to start my revolution across Dorset.

I didn't know that it is International day of midwifery on the 5th of may... there is a stand going up in our large shopping centre to promote homebirth!! :)

And I am going to start a homebirth group for East Dorset, have backing.. and it looks like I'll be offered a charitable grant by the Trust to buy in some birth pools to loan out. They cost £500 and come with 20 liners, and the suggested charge from the other homebirth group I go to is £30 (for the whole 5 weeks from 37-42) - amazing value.. and as they can be used 20 times, they end up paying for the next new one.. and it all starts paying for it's self (happy days!)
Other news is they have an action plan to reduce c-sections (currently a shocking 29%). They are running VBAC clinics lead by midwifes.. as there isn't going to be an assumption to be under consultant lead care for 1 previous c-section... and there is an automatic decline for women requesting c-sections for social reasons.
I'm really bouyed up.
Prob because I made it mostly about me..;-) and what they can do to help support me and support homebirths.
I would encourage anyone to get involved with their local MSLC (this one was dorset wide)... it is for women to voice there concerns and get input into the maternity services in your area.
All positive!

I've been so busy, I've almost forgotten I'm pregnant! (what week is it?!)

Go you Bourne!!!!! You are EXACTLY what MSLCs need!!! Lucky Dorset women!! Which by the way is our annual summer holiday usually (Corfe Castle and surrounding areas) except this year we are going local so as I have doula babies due! Next year perhaps a meet up for a cheeky cider might be an idea??
LouiseLou - Glad you have had a good meeting with your consultant.. it makes things so much easier when they are supportive! :thumbup:

Moomin - Aww half way already! Good luck looking for Hypnobirthing classes and finding a Doula.. Im so glad I did this time, I probably would have my hospital bag packed by now if I hadnt had the extra support over the last few weeks :D

MervsMum - Awww I cant believe your lady hasnt had baby yet, I was hoping for some news today! but good on her for refusing induction. Thats great! I hope shes feeling better about it all and little less wobbly.. baby will make an appearance soon im sure! Then my little lady is your next baby due woooo :happydance:

Been an eventful day here, been having contractions most of the day!! Well from 11am to around 4pm regular ish (10-15 mins lasting 40-50secs) then started to ease off and become irregular and not as strong until about half 6 and nothing now just the odd one every now and again.. So looks like she was just teasing me, i said to my dad i was going to give it until 4pm until I phoned anyone (Thats why I havent let you know Lisa! lol I didnt forget you dont worry :p) and by then they started to ease off so good job I didnt get myself all excited!

So now the kids are in bed and I finally get my birthing ball to myself :rofl: Im going to sit on that while I catch up on the soaps I've missed all week lol!

I'll smack your bum if you don't tell me things like that missus!!! :lol:
Go you Bourne!!!!! You are EXACTLY what MSLCs need!!! Lucky Dorset women!! Which by the way is our annual summer holiday usually (Corfe Castle and surrounding areas) except this year we are going local so as I have doula babies due! Next year perhaps a meet up for a cheeky cider might be an idea??

Yummy cider! Oh there is plenty of cider don er dorset way! Square and Compass Pub on Perbecks is where you wanna go - real spit and saw dust!.. and so so many local ciders. Will have to meet up if you come down.. gosh I could do some serious drinking by then!

But this year we are going for a hols in the bell tent (one of my favouriate things I own.. I'll dig out a picture, I'm so proud), very close to Corfe this year. I'll be just about due?! Who knows maybe I won't have an issues with MWs as i'll be in a tent in a field!


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haha oops sorry! :blush: :p

My mum is coming over on Tues.. she lives pretty far from me and isnt supposed be coming over until baby is born.. but shes coming next week until LO arrives :shock: Although im sure it will pass the time over the next couple of weeks for me she is so hard work and Ive got to live with my mum AND my dad in my house.. thats enough in itself to put me in labour!! :lol: She means well but today she said 'Aww Simone I bet your not looking forward to all that pain again soon.. will you have an epidural this time' :dohh: She actually still after weeks of me preparing for it, thinks Im joking with everyone about having a homebirth lol Shes going to be in for a shock when the pool comes out! :haha:
Got a question for you ladies seen as you know what you're talking about.

Started drinking 1 cup of raspberry leaf tea but it's horrible lol Do the capsules work just as well and how many and what strength do i need to take?

I've had a bit of a snoop around but fed up of reading "oh it'll put you in early labour" etc etc I just would like a nice toned uterus lol

Any help much appreciated!
I've got some tablets as I'm veggie and only do real tea! :lol: I'm going to start taking them tomorrow now I've finished going to work. So I can't say if they do anything yet but will keep people posted if I start getting major bh or anything!
OMG Bourne! Your tent is TDF!!! (to die for in text speak :winkwink:) we are :coolio: caravanners....we used to camp proper but we like to go away all year round!! Hebe's first holiday was a cold trip to Northumberland at February half term age 15 weeks! We will be back for some cloudy cider next summer for sure. Keith will be gutted as I'm normally pregnant or breastfeeding when we are down there and so I have to be the sensible one! :lol:

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