Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Hi :)
I thought I would pop in here as I am planning a home birth with this baby. I have booked an independent midwife (highly recommended by two good friends). I could have tried to get in to the home birth program at one of the hospitals here but prefer the idea of having an IM even if I have to pay.

Are most home births in the UK through the hospital system?

gertrude - are you having your first? With DS my BP went up towards the end and at about 39.5wks there was protien in my urine so I was booked in for an induction at 40wks for PE. Recently talking to a few midwives, including my IM, they suggest that it probably wasn't true PE as it is normal for BP to rise towards the end with all the extra blood you are carrying and even small amounts of protien are fine. I had no other signs so I'm doubting my induction was necessary. Lucky for me I had a quick 5 hour labour anyway but it could have turned out worse.
Hey ttc bubby no2,

Where are you from in Australia to have acess to a homebirth program at a hospital? There are none around here that do that but I know of places in WA and NSW that do. I reckon an independent is far better, if you can afford it. They are far more flexible than hospital programs as they are less afraid of the law and offer more personal care. I do wish more hospitals would provide home birth programs but even still, the IMs wouldn't go out of business because they have so much more to offer.
Welcome bubby! Yes in the UK our homebirths are usually with community midwives that are part of our overall NHS team. How supportive they are of homebirth is widely variable. We have a very pro homebirth maternity department where I live but I have found that even in such cases the medical mentality seems to override all others at the first sign of anything even slightly out of entirely 'normal'. I'd actually love an IM but couldn't possibly afford one and they can't get insurance here either.
Hey Bubby#2! Welcome to the thread. If you sent Mervs Mum a Private Message with your due date etc, she will be able to put your info on the front page, if you like? Good to have another Australian lady!! I really feel for what might be happening to homebirths in Oz! Has your Independent MW managed to get insurance? And if not are you bothered by it?

You are right, the majority of homebirth’s in the UK are through the National Health Service, though, a few women find that they have problems obtaining a homebirth through the NHS, or rightly, love to have an independent MW as the continuity of care is better - as with an independent, you are only seeing them for all your antenatal care, labour and birth. The NHS system means that any number of MW could be present at the labour and birth, and may also change while you are in labour, due to shift changes etc.
Also lots of ladies find that if they have a less than 100% perfect pregnancy, they are made to jump through some hoops to get there homebirth - but this isn’t right.. And the NHS system still has a duty to attend a homebirth despite any medical advice otherwise. For example having twins at home, breach high BMI etc presentations… what is sad for the NHS system is that those women often choose to go to an independent (if they can afford it - £3,000), and the independent Mws arguably has greater skills, as they are seeing some of the less than typical births and know how to attend women in these situations - So our NHS MWS are decreasing their skill sets by not attending these women and therefore narrowing the margins of what is “normal variance” of birth.

Gertrude - I agree with Bubby about blood pressure. Try not to worry about it too much - easier said than done!
Also I’m guessing that your measuring big by fundal height, and not by scans? Wait till you have a scan done.. And pay little attention to the estimated weight.. As it is just that estimated! But the head circumference is the important bit. Interestingly, while we are talking about weight, the “average women’s pelvis is very equipped to deliver upto a 10lb baby… and that average women is 5’5” so I don’t doubt you’ll be fine!

I posted my birthstory and some piccies over here: https://www.babyandbump.com/birth-stories-announcements/569511-seth-harrison-born-home.html

Something that happened the other day that made me think about how much birth has changed over the years - our elderly neighbour came over. She'd seen visitors coming and going so she imagined that we'd had our baby. She was asking how things were and then said "so he was born here" and I said "yes" and she said "oh yes, good" in a really casual way. Obviously in her day, homebirth was normal. Everyone else I had told about my homebirth plans replied with a "oh! Really?!" in a shocked sort of way. Just made me think about it is that birthing anywhere but in a hospital isn't normal anymore.

Lisa - can you add my birth details to the first page please? I've been looking forward to being able to see "Home birth!!" next to my name for months! :D
Irgh I had a big most bleed last night too. I never get them :( still, I have to go to work today for a few hours then that's me totally finished, am sure ill feel better.

Thanks ladies for your kind helpful words. My bp was 145/92 which is high for me. Will begin a programme of slob to see if that helps :haha:
My waters have gone! No strong or regular contractions yet, I am off to bed to try and get some sleep.

Hoping that things will step up and I can avoid the whole induction issue, but I am feeling calm about whatever will happen...just excited! Will let you know how things go xx
It's 5am and I can't sleep so I've been catching up.

gertrude - do you know what your b/p is? It definitly is normal for it to rise some towards the end of pregnancy and a sfh measuring 1 week off is not a major concern at all. Unless there's accompanying pathology like severe gdm [note the severe] your body is designed to make a baby that suits your body. First off, your not a petite person so it does make sense that you likely won't have a teeny tiny baby and secondly even if you were barely pushing 5' tall it's still very possible to push out a 9, 10 or even an 11lbs baby! Not as likely if you spend your labour flat on your back numbed by an epi but that's a whole other topic....

pinkmonki: how ridiculous it is that they wanted to deny you a homebirth for no medical reason. hopefully the consultant will see the foolishness of it all! I don't at all blame you for considering going unassisted but do be aware that though safety re homebirths are = to that of hospital births those good stats drop quite alot when a skilled provider is not present....

Brandi : my hubby is grossed out by amniotic fluid to :shrug: oh well!

I've also been getting alot of negative comments re my decision for home birth. Lately 'WOW! you're brave!' has been popular and the other day my grandma asked if I was still planning to birth at home to which she replied 'I'll be praying for you, too many people around me are dying and I don't like that you're increasing your chances...' NICE! :wacko:

kiwimom: lovely to read your story and it's great to know your finding people out there accepting of the normalcy of birthing at home.
oooh, good luck LuckyD!!! Fx'd that contractions kick off soon :)

KandyKinz - can't believe your grandma said that, its almost so bad its funny! I've not really had much in the way of negative responses but I can tell my MIL is worrying (not that she would ever say anything as I have the nicest MIL...makes up for my mum being a cow really lol)

I'm still killing time playing with kittens.....
kandy - BP was 145/92 so definitely high for me, but not HIGH high
Hey ttc bubby no2,

Where are you from in Australia to have acess to a homebirth program at a hospital? There are none around here that do that but I know of places in WA and NSW that do. I reckon an independent is far better, if you can afford it. They are far more flexible than hospital programs as they are less afraid of the law and offer more personal care. I do wish more hospitals would provide home birth programs but even still, the IMs wouldn't go out of business because they have so much more to offer.

I am in Adelaide. The Womens and Childrens hospital offers home birth through their MGP program. I have a friend who had her baby at home last year though this system.
I am close enough to go to that hospital but actually zoned to another one that doesn't offer it. I went to that one last time with DS and was in the MGP but because I got induced I had to use the labour ward and not birth centre. My birth was good but I can see how much better being at home would be so that is what I want to do. I think I am afraid to go through the hospital system because they may decide at the last minute that I can't have a home birth but an IM doesn't have those same policies to follow.

Hey Bubby#2! Welcome to the thread. If you sent Mervs Mum a Private Message with your due date etc, she will be able to put your info on the front page, if you like? Good to have another Australian lady!! I really feel for what might be happening to homebirths in Oz! Has your Independent MW managed to get insurance? And if not are you bothered by it?
Thanks :) I'm not too sure about the whole insurance thing but it was my understanding they could practice without it until July 2012 and after that it may be illegal for them to practice. I really don't know! I haven't asked her about the insurance stuff, maybe I will next week when I have my first appointment.
ARGH I've just checked my notes and I misread my BP - it was 123/92

so the diastolic is high but the systolic is fine
just borderline high, something to 'watch' but definitly doesn't warrant intervention at this point.
Hi! I'm Alice, 19 and 4+6weeks with my second, after a very bad hospital (not labour or birth just the hospital) experience with my first I'm determined to push for a home birth with this baby. After I gave birth to my son, I was told by the midwife that I would be a perfect candidate for home birth with my next one, (3 hours established and under 5 mins pushing) So I'm really really pushing for a home birth now! Hi!!
hi Alice! Welcome to the group :) sure u'll like it here, evereyone is fab and there's loads of info available too :) x
Welcome Alice!

Yay and good luck Lucky!

I am back from my debrief. Abridged version - all good. No problems with homebirth and GBS stuff though no antibiotics at home should I need them. She was really good and cross about some of the things I had to relate and supportive of things for my plans this time. Full details in my journal (in sig) and GBS specific stuff in the GBS thread so I won't type them all here again. But everything is ok!
Lucky D - BIG Woohoo for the spontanious rupture of your membranes!! Lets hope you don't have to fight agaist induction and for the expectant management if you want it.

Remember the following info: By,
<24hrs - 86% of women will go into spontaneous labour
<48hrs - 91%
<96hrs - 94%
Leaving only 6% who haven't gone into established labour 96hrs.
"Home management for mothers with PROM at term is safe" Beckworth and Reed, British Journal of Midwifery, Feb 1996, Vol 4

Things are going to start getting really good! You are going to have a fabulous birth!!! How exciting.. so pleased for you. I wish we were all there with you - bet you don&#8217; t though lol ! ;-)

Bubby - Yeah your right about the whole it might be made quazi illegal. It's a real horror. So hope it doesn't happen, and the hospital MWs and IMWs will be able to offer homebirths.

Kandy - I know that things are a little up in the air at the mo, but have faith, things always sort themselves out in the end.. you'll find the right place.

Kiwi - I've been really looking forward to your birth story.. thank you for posting! I'll get myself a box of tissues and a cuppa. :)

Alice - Welcome!!!! Congratulations on deciding that you would like to have a home birth - it is really amazing! You are going to love it! It has so many advantages.. let alone you don't have to worry about going anywhere, just relax and make a phone call or 2, or three! (I called the MWs out a couple times in early labour!;-)

PB - Brilliant news about your debrief, I'm going to have a read of your journal.. It's silly, but I didn't even notice that you had one! I'm so observant. hahaha!

My little update Re: legal action and homebirth provisions in my area - is that I have a meeting with the director of my solicitors next week.. (seems like the law firm I have choosen are just as interested as I am) after that, we can start kicking some bums!
I should really update my bloggy-type thread.. but there has been far to much paperwork and letters going back and forth to keep the thread up with it all! I&#8217;ve really pleased by the semi progress that I&#8217;ve been making - and so excited that all that hard work having done my law degree didn&#8216;t just mean a profession, it just MIGHT mean I actually get to clarify the law and bring a test case (getting slightly head of myself! ;-) See we not all horrible money grabbing lawyers.. some of us have silly notions about freedoms and justice!
Oooh, lots of excitement for everyone today then! :happydance:

Off to see my MW later (got my appointment wrong apparently - I've been cursing her all week as I thought I don't see her again until next week but it's actually this afternoon - oops!) We're going to tackle my birth plan. OH is coming with me as he is ten times more assertive than I am :D
Good luck louise! You never know, you might be pleasantly surprise by your MW! :) Fx'd

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