Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Baby Richards arrived a healthy screaming 6lb 11oz delivered onto mummies tummy at 3:51am with only gas and air!

We were transferred to hospital at fully dilated for blood loss and positioning concerns. Ended up in stirrups pushing for what seemed like an age.

Had a managed third stage but had a good hour or more skn to skin straight away, I cut the cord!

No stitches but a little tear so not to shabby. Hoping to be home for tea time.

Go Chuck! A due date VBAC! Hope you are super proud of yourself.
Oh congrats Chuck! Well done and welcome to the world baby Richards!!
Well done chuck! Vbac! :happydance: Congratulations!

Huge hugs Bourne. I just wish I had something constructive to say to help you feel better. :(
Firstly massive congrats to fellow VBACer Chuck :)

Secondly, sorry you are having such a bloody awful time Bourne, I really feel for you in the situation you are in! You've put so much work into where you are today and it still seems progress has not been made far enough. I know you don't want to wait and see, but from reading all through it, I don't see they have left you many other options! You know the legalities better than anyone I know so you are aware of what could happen in court and what you could potentially lose. I'm sure you've already looked into it but might there be a chance you could use a different hospital and birth in a friend or relatives house in an area where homebirth is still an option? I know it's not the ideal situation but it's the only thing I can pull out the air right now other than saying keep pressure on who you are in talks/letters with, wait and see or go it alone. I think this is what I would look at next, and then seeing if I could save enough for an independent midwife. Big hugs :hugs:x
Huge congratulations Chuck!!!!!!!! Well done! You got your VBAC (in your face nasty consultants!;-)
Hope you get home soon. Your a star!

Thank you ladies for your support. Truly, it means so much to me!

You know what Indigo, I was talking about this with my friend who falls under a different hospital catchment area.. with a seperate dedicated home birth team. She suggested coming round with my pool to their house in labour. Which is lovely and something that I will consider at the time. But I don't want to say yes just yet, as it isn't MY home.. (although nicer than my flat) I would be a labouring guest. Do you know what I mean..? I wouldn't be getting into my own bed after.. I would have to get in the car to go home. It makes me feel slightly ill at ease. But, for me it is better than being unsupported (though, OH thinks I should and can get on with it by myself, if there isn't anyone coming) Or, I could drive the 40mins down the m-way to my parents house and hampshire (and get the same team I had with my daughter) I feel better about that. Think I'll put the pool in the car at 37weeks and see what happens.
Thank you again, these are all good ideas!
Amazing chuck, well done! :)

Bourne - your parents home seems like a good option given the circumstances - how lovely that your OH has such confidence in the whole thing to suggest going it alone though! Mine keeps coming out with things like "Oh, I reckon we could do it ourselves you know..." to which I say he's been reading too many unassisted birth stories in his father's home birth book!!
Well done chuck!!!!! VeeeeeeeBAC bayyyybbbbeeeeee!!! So pleased for you my lovely!!!

Bourne :hugs: so many of us have said 'I don't want a fight' when it come to the end of our pregnancies and home birth has seemed to be slipping away from us. It's particularly difficult to fight the way you have had to when you're so pregnant. I just wanted to say you are inspirational. That is all.

congrats chuck, so pleased you got your vbac :happydance:

sorry youre still fighting bourne, I have been following this thread although I dont often post. I really do hope things work out :hugs:

I'm actually being cheeky and popping back for a bit of advice. SIL is 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow, was booked for hb but is now booked for c-section at 39 weeks as baby is breech and its 'the only safe option'. Perfectly normal, heathy pregnancy apart from this! I'm not sure if I should butt out or diplomatically let her know there may be other options (and how lol). Any advice gratefully recieved, I dont want to undermine her decision iywim but I would like to let her know that health proffesionals do have a habit of giving you the options that suit them and not always the full picture.
It is really difficult isn't it pinky, esp when it is someone you know well! A friend of mine is trying to fight the hospital the other way round to me (to get a planned c-section after a previous - they have just changed there policy of offering routine c-sections to second time mums), although I'm sure she is aware that I don't agree with her decision. She is so very scared of attempting a vaginal delivery and having another emergency c-section, rather than a booked one. She does know that I'm all for choice and if that is what she wants then she has the right to fight for it. Most of the time I do have to keep my thought about her choice, just on the basis of her health, in check, but she can’t see herself as not having something going wrong - understandable given her previous experience.. ;-)

But this is different, you SIL was planning a home birth, so at the risk of sounding generalist, she prob is more open to different options, and perhaps she would want to explore them more easily, than say another women who has not even considered any other options than hospital and doing what they are told, when they are told to do it. So I think there is hope in presenting her with the different choices she has.

I would say the options she has are:
1 - See what happen to baby in the next 2-3 weeks. after all it is a bit premature (excuse the BAD pun) for her to be considering a c-section as a first option. Baby has time to turn. It is only significant at any stage in her "term-time" where baby is at the start and during labour.
2 - Point her to look a the spinning babies website for great tips on OFP (Optimal Fetal Positioning)
3 - If she goes in labour naturally before the booked c-section, position of baby can be checked. (she can either call MWs out to home, or go in for this). If baby isn't breech she should feel more than happy to continue with her home birth. Or if it is still breech, she then has 3 further options - a) deliver a breach baby naturally (there are some great sites and videos on this) b) go into hospital and Obst try to turn baby (I say hospital, as there is merit in her having a scan to check cord hasn't become tangled in the process, and also for pain relief, as by all accounts it is reported not be very uncomfortable) c) opt for the c-section. (possibly after trying b)
4 - if she does not go into labour naturally before the planned c-section date. She can again have babies position checked, then either a)refuse the c-section, whether baby is breech or not and wait for spontaneous labour to start, or b) again opt for the repositioning or c) go with the booked c-section.
That is all as above really, but what she might not want to do is have her labour induced in the breech position.. baby will only get deeper into the pelvis in the breech position and she certainly doesn't want her membranes ruptured

You are going to have to be very diplomatic. I hope that I haven’t missed anything, (prob have), but these are just options.. and not opinions, so I hope she can look through those, without you or her getting into the various benefits of each. Just let her explore that herself.. (perhaps with her MW, or her own research) for her to make an informed choice.
Thanks Bourne, that's brilliant! Like you said, it's all about choice rather than breech = automatic c-section. I'll give it a try, going to take some time to think about the best way to approach it
Ergh still waiting in discharge. Flipping rhesus negative blood group, gotta get some antiD before I can go. Huff.

Want to go home fir cuddles with my whole family!
Im a tentative hopeful :) Just contacted my first doula to see if we click. Im due Dec 20th and the hospital are already telling me that I have to have an induction at 40w or the baby will die (which is nonsense, wont go into the details, but theyre scare mongering based on no current medical need at all)

Bit nervous about it rly, but I have weeks and weeks to either calm down or wind myself up more! thought Id start stalking here tho to get an idea of it all

SIL is 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow, was booked for hb but is now booked for c-section at 39 weeks as baby is breech and its 'the only safe option'.

I was in the exact same situation with my SIL - I said nothing at all and it was probably for the best in my case, as I think I would have sounded a bit patronising to her - however I'd have phrased it, I could hear how it would have sounded like I had some sort of moral high ground for planning a HB and the suggestion that she was somehow not doing things the "right" way. In the end, it is totally her call for her family.

BUT I agree with Bournefree, if she was planning a HB in the first place then she must be a bit more open minded to relative risks and safety concerns surrounding birth. My SIL & BIL were very happy with their decision in the end, even though personally I would have given vaginal birth a go, particularly as it was her third. Where she has found it hard has been postnatally, and I mean very hard, recovery has been difficult (split stitches and infections, not getting enough help around the house and with the kids) Maybe your SIL will bear the recovery period in mind when making the decision as it is such major surgery and people seem so blase about the recovery, thinking people should be up and running about within the week when it's just not the case - maybe you could put it to her that vaginal birth will be easier on her this way.
Absolutely bl**dy fantastic Chuck :yipee::yipee::yipee:

You're amazing and inspirational to all us vbacers :headspin:
All home safe happy and healthy and still on a bit of a birthing high to be honest!
Welcome cranberry!!! This is the place to be if you want to surround yourself with strong, well informed, positive birth goddesses!!!!


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