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that henna is so pretty, you are a brilliant artist indigo

we dont have anything dropped round for HB here, and ive never had the gas but last time she didnt even have any with her!!

Sam I'm not far from you, (Cambs) and we don't have a HB kit dropped off here either, apparently all the MW's carry their own equipment with them. Good in a way I guess as there is less things to store in my already cluttered house. I've been told they do bring g&a with them, they'd better do!
mine have always bought everything with them, then cleared up and taken everything when they leave too... i thin thats better else i would just be rummaging everyday trying to tidy with my obsessive nesting i get!!!!

Im sure they will bring gas - i think my last MW had an empty cannister in her car... just as well i didnt want any else id have had her by her hair!!!
Well I want the option at least lol if for nothing else for stitches (ouch) if I need any.
yer totally.. and fingers crossed you wont need any stitches :)
i was given a injection before they did my stitches with zane, didnt hurt but i could feel it being done. i just took my mind off it by talking crap to the mw lol

ive got some gauze strips for healing incase i need stitches again, altho im praying i dont
I am really scared of stitches, i always have been and thank f**k i haven't had to have any i would have some sort of panic attack i think - its one of my many irrational phobias :rofl:
my mum scared me before i had zane about stitches. she had then 29 yrs ago and they have to take them out as they didnt desolve so she said that pain was worse then labour.

being cut and having stitches really wasnt half as bad as i thought, i also looked at them after 2 weeks and they looked weird but healed fine. i was just really sore but zane being my first i didnt have anything to compare it to. because i was cut im now beyond terrifyed about tearing
Oh and Cranberry, don’t worry about all the other risks of child birth! Why by deciding to have a home birth are we singled out to have a special talk about any of the risks that are associated with ALL pregnancies?!? I would like to see them do it to other ladies that have booked a hospital birth! >?

Thanks, I hadnt thought of that. I had been looking into the stats for shoulder dystocia etc and now I realise its gonna happen if its gonna happen and they treat it exactly the same way in hosp or at home. Also, there rly wasnt any need for the scare tactics the MW put on me as 75% of shoulder dystocia occurs in women with no risk factors, and of those who have risk factors the actual occurance is stupidly low, I cant remember the stats but it was like 4% or something.

One thing which irked me is yday the MW went oooon and on about the risks of HB and not once talked about any benefits. Consultant later said oh we'll induce you at 38w and didnt say based on bullshit evidence which doesnt even apply to you (not that she was v likely to say that). Wheres my balanced view? Wheres my informed consent. I shouldnt have to bloody google things to find the other side of the argument.

Also, MIL has again (3 times now, ok I get it) brought up the fact that SIL had a EMCS due to baby being in apparent distress after a good number of hours. She also said 'oh well ofc I went into special midwife led unit' like thats any different from a home birth, its just a different building. And with SIL shes talking out of her ass as SIL said that when they cut her open they admitted that baby wasnt in distress. The whole point of HB is so that I dont get into the situation of me and bubs being knackered and stressed. PFT!

Ive told DH to have a word with her as if I hear her say that a 4th time we're gonna have a row.
Also, MIL has again (3 times now, ok I get it) brought up the fact that SIL had a EMCS due to baby being in apparent distress after a good number of hours.

I had an emergency section for fetal distress. I started out as a planned home birth and when baby got distressed I got transfered into hospital in a blue light ambulance (with onboard gas and air!). Once in hospital was monitored, decided to have epidural and progressed to a section because she stayed distressed. Same outome for me if I'd had a planned home birth or planned hospital birth.

You may wanna tell your MIL of these wonderful inventions called ambulances that are there to transfer you to hospital if needed. After experiencing a home birth transfer, I'd rather have half a labour at home and transfer into hospital with a real need than go into hospital from the start.
Thing which bugs me about mil is that sil said that the drs said oh baby was fine after all, there wasnt any distress in the end, she just doesnt have all the facts as she never listens to anyone. She'll have heard that sil had a csection and gone oh thats for the best then. I do agree that theyre sometimes needed but when a dr tells you there wasnt any need thats pretty strong evidence. Its not even like shes saying oh thousands of babies are saved every day by c sections (which Im sure they are), shes basing all her argument on one birth.

Sorry, massive rant there, shes bugging the crap out of me.

I agree with you also, Id rather have as much time in my own environment as possible with a mad dash to the hospital with someone whos a trained emergency driver, than a mad dash at 1cm with DH whos apt to crash the car then a massive long time in hospital.

I think that might be my response from now on, Ill mention that in the big city we have fun rides with flashy blue lights :) Not like in the sticks where she lives.
that henna is so pretty, you are a brilliant artist indigo

we dont have anything dropped round for HB here, and ive never had the gas but last time she didnt even have any with her!!

Sam I'm not far from you, (Cambs) and we don't have a HB kit dropped off here either, apparently all the MW's carry their own equipment with them. Good in a way I guess as there is less things to store in my already cluttered house. I've been told they do bring g&a with them, they'd better do!

We only get paperwork brought round for them to fill in when Im in labour, and they brin g everything else with them. Only thing I have to sort out is pethedine if I want it.

They bring gas & air in a taxi apparently :haha:

Mine bring the kit with them too. How do you go about sorting the pethadine? Not sure I'll use it but want it there just in case.
Mine bring the kit with them too. How do you go about sorting the pethadine? Not sure I'll use it but want it there just in case.

My MW said I could get it if I asked for it from my doctor, I think it gets stored in your fridge until/if you need it.

Linzi that made me laugh about the g&a arriving in a taxi, put quite a funny image in my head :haha:
personaly i wouldnt bother with pethadine.

it doesnt so anything for the pain (well not for me) all it did was make me sleepy and it made my mums face numb when she had it lol
i agree about the pethidine i had it with #1 and it made me feel awful... sick and spaced out and like i had no control bleugh...!
I hated Pethadine!! The mws pushed it on me with Hebe and I was seeing bloody yachts sailing past and all sorts of crazy crap!!! My friend had it and the CTG machine turned in to a speaker at a rave and the mw was Papa Lazarou from The League of Gentlemen was trying to get her to come raving with her!! :rofl:
:rofl: thats some crazy shit!!!!!!! i kept falling asleep sitting up mid conversation when i had it - but i dont know what i expected i can barely handle a paracetamol without feeling off my tits!!
I have to say I don't like the idea of pethadine. Also once it's in you can't like take it out. With g&a if you don't like it then it wears off quickly. I think I'll just feel better having it in the fridge and that it's an option if i want it.
I just think if it made me feel that freaked out and out of control how horrible must it be for the bubby :(
Hi ladies,

I've still not officially 'put myself on the list' for HB in here but it's still very much the plan... I'm just not sure how things will pan out at the moment. I'm 30 weeks tomorrow so thought I'd do a weekly countdown getting me in the right frame of mind for what will hopefully be a nice straightforward labour ad birth....

10 weeks to EDD

- Pregnancy wise I'm feeling fit and well, apart from awful heartburn making me sick. GP has prescribed something stronger than Gaviscon which seems to be helping so I'll continue with that for the time being.
- Work wise - I'm a teaching assistant in a secondary school, working Mondays and Fridays. School breaks up on 21st July, so I only have 5 more working days. Mat leave doesn't officially kick in until after the summer holidays though.
- Home wise (here is the tricky bit) we're moving house in the next couple of weeks! We're moving back to my home town - about 80 miles away. Our sale completes next week, and hopefully our purchase will be finalised a couple of weeks down the line. In the interim, we'll be staying with my Mum. Once we get in, I need to register with a GP and MW ASAP. I'm really hoping to be in and unpacked by mid August so I have a month to settle and nest... and sort out the pool and stuff!

Plan for the next week, tidy, pack what I can and try not to stress about the financial and legal sides of moving house... wish me luck!

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