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I had it with Seth & i loved it tbh, I think it probably helped my labour progress quicker because I was freaking out when they gave me it and it made me relaxed & sleepy. I didn't like coming round from it though.

I'll be getting it again this time though, hopefully not using it, but I can't have gas & air and Im not sure how confident I am managing without anything. As I said tho fingers crossed I wont need to use it.

Indigo - your henna tattoo is lovely :flower: I'm hoping mine arrives today so I can do it in time :haha:

I know that was in my mind too :winkwink: I thought something was going to happen last night as it felt like a had a heavy menstral ache all night, but woke up to it being gone. I don't mind though, my doula is further away today with her fulltime job so I have no problem with baby waiting a little longer. :thumbup:

Are you being offered sweeps and such like now? Are they getting a bit twitchy now with you being a VBAC or quite relaxed about you going to 42wks?

Yeah the MW offered a sweep last week and I declined - she seemed a bit narked :growlmad: but it was just so horrible last time to be told after the 3rd one that my cervix was still 'unfavourable'. She said I should really think about it for my app on Thurs. I can't decide - I wondered about having one but getting her not to tell me how dilated etc I am. But then I'm also worried about the risk of infection or my waters breaking :shrug:

MW seems ok about me going to 42 weeks (I don't have a scheduled CS app if I go past 42 - I refused to make one :winkwink: ) so I guess I'll do the monitoring etc. MW also said that if I still want a HB after 42 weeks then they have to support me?! :thumbup: Not sure if that will hold true though if it came to it

How about you?

MM - Papa Lazarou sounds extremely scary :wacko:

Hello HayleyJA :)
When i was approaching 42 weeks my MW told me i would need to go for a scan to chack the fluid around the baby, and she warned me that the consulatant would try all he could to bully me into staying in there and then to be induced but she told me to stay strong and not listen.... luckily the morning she talked about it and booked the appointment and the evening i went into labour!!
I hoep your MW will carry on the support after 42 weeks (( although fx'ed you will not get that far :) )) x
The labour and birth section is open :)
There's definitely a place for pethadine/meptid etc. It can really relax an anxious woman enough to lower adrenaline sufficiently and get her dilating :)
I won't be going in either....I've been banned once and I'm being good! :angelnot:
my mws just left after my hb visit. she says everything seems fine ect but had to go thru a check list and tell me why the hospital would want me transfered, one being staff shortages :dohh: i just said i wouldnt go straight in, im avoiding that hospital as much as i can.
instead of the cord being clamped with plastic i wanted silk to be used instead....my mw loves the idea but says some might refuse as if something went wrong they would be liable which i understand but am annoyed about.

because i want a natural 3rd stage she said id be left 30 mins n they would then think about interfering....they can try all they bloody want.

ive also been told cord might need to be clamped before it stops pulsating as im rhes neg they need to get blood from the cord to test to see if i need anti d the next day.

they last time my mw took my blood she made a right mess of it so im hoping she doesnt take my blood.

i was also asked how i felt about a student mw being present. after i had zane it was the students who tried to offer my support so i said id be ok with it.

i was also asked how i was feeding corey so i said im going to try bf even tho i wasnt given any support last time....she then told me about how much support id get from the mws ect......errm where the fuck was that last time then?

even tho nothing negative has really been said i still bloody hate hospitals
Moomin - If you or your OH supply and tie the cord with whatever you wish to - they wouldn't be any problems regarding liability. This that is a little OTT of potentially some them to be petty about something like that>? (we live in a litigious age, apparently;-)

30min for a physological 3rd stage isn't really all that long for them to be getting twitchy! I'm surprised about that. 30mins with a managed 3rd stage, now that I would understand.. perhaps they have their timings a bit wrong? Doesn't make much sense to me. My MW thinks my birth plan for upto 2 hours 3rd stage is reasonable... but I know you will do what everyou feel is right at the time.

Also if they do clamp/tie early for whatever reason you decide it is necessary .. you can always get them to clamp baby side and cut your side - so blood can continue to drain from the placenta, making it smaller and easier to deliver; less chance of a retained placenta... Afterall they only clamp your side as well to stop the mess anyway -it's not your circulating blood, you don't need it.
my doula is making my silk tie and she has said she will tie it. im not letting them rush the 3rd stage again unless its needed.

think they are going to have a shock when im having my son as im not taking crap from a shitty hospital....think my hormoans are raging today lol

doesnt help my mum has just picked zane up from nursery....hes been there 4 hours and they havent changed his bum so im fuming
At the risk of coming over all american "you go girl!" It feels so right, when you know your right and nothing is going to stop you from having your birth experiance. :)

Also 4 hours without a nappy change - it must have been bulging round his knees, poor chap!
i was fine with the whole meeting until she mentioned them being short staffed:dohh: why the hell would i want to be in that hospital again only to be ignored when i could be at home and they have to find someone for me.

and if i do get dragged to the hospital i will not be strapped to a bed, they can f off and i will also demand a birthing pool lol they wont like me at all
Hello! Me with a probably silly question again - Moomin, is there a benefit to the cord being tied with silk? It's not something I have heard of before now so am quite interested to find out.
Hello! Me with a probably silly question again - Moomin, is there a benefit to the cord being tied with silk? It's not something I have heard of before now so am quite interested to find out.

no real benifit really it will just be more confortable for the baby to have silk rubbing his tummy rather then a horrible plastic clamp
I really hope you ladies do pop into the new section, your wealth of knowledge and ideas would benefit so many mums to be.
Indigo - your henna tattoo is lovely :flower: I'm hoping mine arrives today so I can do it in time :haha:

I know that was in my mind too :winkwink: I thought something was going to happen last night as it felt like a had a heavy menstral ache all night, but woke up to it being gone. I don't mind though, my doula is further away today with her fulltime job so I have no problem with baby waiting a little longer. :thumbup:

Are you being offered sweeps and such like now? Are they getting a bit twitchy now with you being a VBAC or quite relaxed about you going to 42wks?

Yeah the MW offered a sweep last week and I declined - she seemed a bit narked :growlmad: but it was just so horrible last time to be told after the 3rd one that my cervix was still 'unfavourable'. She said I should really think about it for my app on Thurs. I can't decide - I wondered about having one but getting her not to tell me how dilated etc I am. But then I'm also worried about the risk of infection or my waters breaking :shrug:

MW seems ok about me going to 42 weeks (I don't have a scheduled CS app if I go past 42 - I refused to make one :winkwink: ) so I guess I'll do the monitoring etc. MW also said that if I still want a HB after 42 weeks then they have to support me?! :thumbup: Not sure if that will hold true though if it came to it

How about you?

MM - Papa Lazarou sounds extremely scary :wacko:

Hello HayleyJA :)

I know its a toughy isn't it! Especially with the risk of breaking waters, we really don't need that added extra. I'm not going to have a sweep on my next appointment, and I'm pretty sure my MW will be a bit miffed with me.

I might not have to worry about it tbh as last night I was getting braxtons around every 5mins for about 4hours at least, I fell asleep with them still going on, expecting to possibly be woken up by true ones. They keep coming and going today, was pretty strong for practice ones last night though. ...there goes another one right now, definitely couldn't ignore them, feels so tight and makes my stomach really hard and hot, and gives me a heat wave through my body! Feels like its taking the air out of my lungs too, so it's giving me a chance to practice my breathing. Are you getting them? I didn't get them with my first, apparently they are more common after your first baby.

Regarding the 42wks+ they will try to tell me I can't have my HB, as part of the criteria is not to be over 41+5 I think, but I don't fit the criteria anyway so that won't make much difference. I'm hoping my MW will be supportive as she knows I'm not going to do anything I don't agree with. The only way I'll be going in for another CS is if it's a true emergency, definitely won't be booking one either :thumbup:
Hello! Me with a probably silly question again - Moomin, is there a benefit to the cord being tied with silk? It's not something I have heard of before now so am quite interested to find out.

no real benifit really it will just be more confortable for the baby to have silk rubbing his tummy rather then a horrible plastic clamp

Thats a really good idea... ! :thumbup:
Hi ladies,

I've still not officially 'put myself on the list' for HB in here but it's still very much the plan... I'm just not sure how things will pan out at the moment. I'm 30 weeks tomorrow so thought I'd do a weekly countdown getting me in the right frame of mind for what will hopefully be a nice straightforward labour ad birth....

10 weeks to EDD

- Pregnancy wise I'm feeling fit and well, apart from awful heartburn making me sick. GP has prescribed something stronger than Gaviscon which seems to be helping so I'll continue with that for the time being.
- Work wise - I'm a teaching assistant in a secondary school, working Mondays and Fridays. School breaks up on 21st July, so I only have 5 more working days. Mat leave doesn't officially kick in until after the summer holidays though.
- Home wise (here is the tricky bit) we're moving house in the next couple of weeks! We're moving back to my home town - about 80 miles away. Our sale completes next week, and hopefully our purchase will be finalised a couple of weeks down the line. In the interim, we'll be staying with my Mum. Once we get in, I need to register with a GP and MW ASAP. I'm really hoping to be in and unpacked by mid August so I have a month to settle and nest... and sort out the pool and stuff!

Plan for the next week, tidy, pack what I can and try not to stress about the financial and legal sides of moving house... wish me luck!

Hi Hayley :) I've not posted on this thread either, but I'm the same gestation as you, give a day. I'm also hoping for a homebirth and this is my first baby. I've just moved house, and I've had one appointment with the midwife attached to my new GP surgery, and I've had to book in with a new hospital too "in case you need to transfer" says the MW, and she's said they will want to make an appointment for a consultant to see me as apparently I'm high risk. I haven't told her I will be cancelling any consultant appointments they make me as I'm like you, I've had an utterly straightforward pregnancy, I'm healthy and well, no bleeding, scans all good, baby moving round fine, and the things they're concerned about are either things I can't change now (like my v high BMI) or things in my history like some abnormal heartbeat rhythms 5 years ago which haven't been a problem since.

Hopefully we'll both be here in a couple of months with everything prepared for our home births waiting for labour to start :)

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