Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

OT - but how long does everyone think it will be before there are some confrontations in the new labour and birth section?!?!? I put a thread in when it opened saying i hope it can be there to offer support etc... i have already seen a comment about this section being wrong/unfair etc..... *raises eyebrow*

When I saw your post in there I thought it was a really good idea hun :)

Just a shame people are judgemental :/
OT - but how long does everyone think it will be before there are some confrontations in the new labour and birth section?!?!? I put a thread in when it opened saying i hope it can be there to offer support etc... i have already seen a comment about this section being wrong/unfair etc..... *raises eyebrow*

When I saw your post in there I thought it was a really good idea hun :)

Just a shame people are judgemental :/

I think maybe some folk feel a bit guilty and feel we judge them, even though we are simply offering an alternative view and info. I think what the poster meant when she said this section was unfair, was as it was the only birth section, there was no section for birth for the "mainstreamers" who don't want natural birth, but most just used third tri, didn't they? I think she was annoyed that we were getting special treatment, lol! :dohh:
Can you ladies add me in? Due 11/11/11, Team Yellow, homebirth/waterbirth hopeful after a very traumatic first birth. :thumbup:
Welcome Ashy! What a cool due date, would make an unforgettable birthday, wouldn't it?!
it would but i hope i will go late!! Its Remembrance Day in Canada, my husband is in the military, they tend to get drunk with older war veterans that day and it just wouoldnt be suitable LOL
Hey Ashy! Welcome to the thread - Lots fo fab ladies on here with brilliant advice!

Hayley - I moved house 60miles down the m-way at about 35wks. We weren't buying a place.. but teh move was well stressful as they always are - but on the whole good! I managed to organise my GP and MW really quickly..

I found my new local GP surgery I would like to register with and called them up. explained I was moving to the area - they couldn't register me until I had physically moved, but they were good enough to leave a message with the Ante-natal MW to call me... she did, and I got her mobile number so I felt safe and secure. we had talked and she knew about my home birth plans and made me an appointment for week 36.. along with a home appointment with herself and a senior mw. When I finally saw her in week 36 she had also arranged appointments for scans, bloods, consultant appointments (I had GD - so they can move fast, though I wasn't bothered!).
Don't worry about your care, moving is a pain in the bum at the best of times, they will accommodate you! I WOULD try to get hold of your new MW. Exciting times!

As well as using silk for cord tying, rather than those big plastic clips, as I agree they are horrible; you could as a back up, use dental floss - it's really strong stuff!

Things are sound good for you Indigo! :)

I'm also getting a bit excited! (and slightly sad) Had my final appointment with my wonderful MW this evening.. (he flys out to teach in Malta on Friday and isn't back till the 19th. But i have been "assured" cover from the birth centre from a few volunteer MWs in the next week, we’ll see? - but that's another story!)
Anyway....So, this baby is so very engaged we are 0/5ths Palpable and as a result my fundal height has dropped from 37cm to 32cm !!! I knew I had that bowling ball in my knickers feeling!! Think that if I sneeze a little hard, this LO is just going to fall out lol. - could be something to do with my crap pelvic floor muscles though, and not the birth being imminent ;-) Braxton Hicks had also been kicking in with more gusto.. Which is comforting and good practice for baby and me.

LOVE THIS THREAD, and everyone in it!
Morning ladies, how are we all today? I was hoping I might have some exciting news as I thought things were moving in the right direction yesterday - steady period pain all day and then for about 30 - 45 seconds every hour it would increase considerably. But it never dropped below the hourly intervals - was feeling pretty excited about it all. I told OH how I was feeling, said I didn't need him to come home as I thought I would be like this for ages but he turned up at home about an hour later as he couldn't concentrate at work (thankfully for his job he can work from home). The strength if the hourly cramps intensified a little and I had to breathe through them, but didn't feel I needed my TENS just yet. Decided to have a bath lastnight about 9pm, got out and everything seemed to STOP! Didn't think much about it other than that the nice warm bath obviously helped to calm the cramps and no doubt they would come back soon. Decided to go to bed and try to sleep and to my utter surprise I woke up at 6:15am!!! This is the first full nights sleep I have had since about week 8!!

When I woke up I have to admit that I was pretty depressed as I was hoping things would be moving along. So in my head everything that I had yesterday was just a practice run and it will all kick off again when it's ready. But within about 30 mins of getting up the cramps have returned, this time with back pain. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up as this could be nothing and I haven't had any of the other signs, like a bloody show. I think I'm getting myself into a bit of a tizz over it and need to relax as being tense isn't going to help me. OH is working from home again so it's nice to have the company.

Sorry for the rambling post ladies - first baby and I think I might have hit that point where I start to micro analyse every twinge thinking "ooh, could this be it?" and that's probably not the best thing to do! :-(
Oh Murmur - it can be really confusing can't it! I totaly symphtise! With my first I was all about the place wondering it this was it and very excited - of course it is natural to be excited.. but try to go with it rather than forcing yourself to relax, as that might be worse for you! Distraction is one of the greatest tools you have! .. and there is nothing worng with dancing about if you have excess energy! ;-)

Things are happening I can assure you! It will happen, but these babies just sometimes don't let on their secrets of getting here at first.. they gear up slowly, as does your body. It all part of the process and it is great news your uterus is prepping you.. and that you had an amazing sleep!

Do whatever you feel you want to do instinctively. Eat, sleep, relax, keep busy - anything you like.. enjoy it!

Sorry for the rambling post ladies - first baby and I think I might have hit that point where I start to micro analyse every twinge thinking "ooh, could this be it?" and that's probably not the best thing to do! :-(

Aw Murmur - I know exactly how you feel :hugs:

Bourne - wow 0/5 palpable :happydance: although I know you don't want baby to come until your MW is back :wacko:

Hello Ashy - cool due date :D I once taught a wee boy whose birthday was 3/3/03 :D
I'm finding the whole 0/5ths palp a bit crazy¬!

With my first, I was in early labour and still 3/5ths palp - so haven't had these sensations before except in labour.. and i'm deff not in labour.. *chances of legs crossed for a week!!!?? We just never know when do we, but it's all part of the magic.
Wow, I hadn't realised there were so many of you ready to pop! It's so exciting!

Good luck Bourne, Murmur, Smokeyjoe, Indigo, is there anyone else nearly ready?

Oh I can't wait to read all your stories, not that I'm hurrying you, all in it's own good time....

Ashy, oh I see what you mean, though I'm sure he'd pass it up for one year if you miraculously went into labour on your due date - it's not likely anyway. Hope it's not the next day either or he'll have a stinking hangover, hehe!
:hi: Ashy, hope your pregnancy is a happy healthy one :flower:

Bourne sounds like you should be crossing those legs! But as you said, it can mean diddly squat... fingers crossed baby knows the plan :thumbup:

Think I may have had some of my mucus plug come this morning, not the typical blood tinged stuff, just an excessive amount of milky looking mucus. Last time I lost my plug (typical blob of it) a few hours after the sweep, and went into labour really quickly. This time I'm guessing it's just coming away gradually as my body is preparing?

I'm loving the weather change here today, not hot or worse still humid, lovely showers, cloudy, but then sunny, windy... :happydance:
Those aches & pains are really frustrating aren't they :( never know whats going on!!! I kind of feel the same this time because my first labour was very quick every time I get a niggle Im like "oooh whats going on!!" :dohh:

Ive been having quite a lot of painful braxton hicks, and I lost a lot of my plug last night (though it has been gradually going for a few weeks) I think she's nearly ready & Im almost certain she'll be early but hopeing Ive got at least another week!!

Good luck all the ladies nearly due :hugs:

Good luck Indigo! I hope it happens soon for you!

I don't know what I'm feeling today tbh - still got the 'period pain' feeling and a steady back ache, but I am also getting regular 'rushing' feelings ( about every 20 - 30 minutes, each lasting about 45 seconds) which I need to breathe through now, but they are not 'painful' in any sense of the word. Just weird and uncomfortable, like a wave of warmth and nausea starting in my toes and working its way up - it's the only way I can describe it. Afterwards my tummy tightens for a short while then relaxes. - I have no idea if that is what a contraction is but I think I would feel a bit silly phoning the midwife to say that's what I'm feeling as you always hear that contractions are pain like you have never felt (although I know contractions feel different for everyone).

I've spent most of the morning pacing up and down listening to music and we went for a walk on the beach, which seemed to help me. It's all very bizarre to me but exciting too! Knowing me nothing will properly happen for days so the best thing is for me to just go with the flow. :)
this pregnancy has been so EASY so far, very little exhaustion, only a bit of nausea, no pain like last time, heres hoping labour and birth go the same way! i got lucky and got one of 10 midwives for the entire city, they arent as popular this side of Canada but are desperately wanted and needed! its so helpful to have an easy pregnancy with a 21 month old! as well im working full time but hope to go to 36 weeks instead of 30 like last pregnancy.

i get thinking about having a homebirth and i am getting SO excited! :D
:wave: welcome ashy and all new peeps!! Just in box me yr details for the front page please and anyone who I've forgotten so I can do them all together later :flower:

I'm staying out of the new section....I dont want another ban on my record :cool:
Oh and re comfy things to tie cords with. Silk is fab but a simple shoe lace that's boiled when you are in labour is fine too. The mws may ask you to do it yourself or sign a waiver as it's not 'standard policy' :)sleep:) but that's no biggie :)
how long does the tie stay on for? Both me and dh have rly sensitive skin, im allergic to hypoallergenic plasters even so wouldnt be surprised if a nasty plastic tag caused irritation.
Gosh, we are all gearing up to something!!! We might have a wonderful rush of home births!!!
I had a Neals Yard Organic pamper party last night which was attended by doulas, birth counsellors, inde mws, NCT teachers and other birthy types and all the birth talk has stimulated my ovaries into over drive today!! Spontaneous ovulation!!! I'm not broody but sheesh I wish I were about to give birth again myself!! :wacko:

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