Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

So my midwife never showed up today. Im really disappointed coz I was looking forward to my appointment. As it happens because she didn't know about my appointment (I booked it with a different MW who clearly never passed on the message) she's not ordered my kit either. So Ive got to wait til Wednesday now to see her. "but it's ok, because if I went into labour before next Thursday anyway Id have to go into hospital so it doesn't matter".

Not sure what magically changes at midnight on Wednesday, but who knows!!

So my midwife never showed up today. Im really disappointed coz I was looking forward to my appointment. As it happens because she didn't know about my appointment (I booked it with a different MW who clearly never passed on the message) she's not ordered my kit either. So Ive got to wait til Wednesday now to see her. "but it's ok, because if I went into labour before next Thursday anyway Id have to go into hospital so it doesn't matter".

Not sure what magically changes at midnight on Wednesday, but who knows!!


mws do my head in they can never give u a time as to when they are going to turn up and sometimes they just dont bother:dohh:

its mad that if u go into labour a day before 37 weeks they drag u to hospital, im just still pissed off my mw bought up me going into hospital if they are short staffed....which thanks to here and my doula i no they cant do that so they can kiss my ass.

its also on my notes that i want to wait till 14 days over before im induced?...thats funny i didnt agree to that lol oh well
Working on a SCBU, we hear about 35-37 weekers all the time that get discharged straight to postnatal ward with mum and never see the inside of our unit. Unless I had other risk factors, I'd be staying put if I were over 35 weeks.
Weird how many people have things written intheri notes that they never agreed to or know about!

I still havent gotten the notes that the Head of Midwifery said she was going to get copied for me! I'll have to chase that up.
I sent off for mine about a month ago and haven't heard a peep. I can't see that my cheque has been deposited either. Grrr! I want it for sheer nosiness, but I also want my antenatal blood results for a family I'm donating milk to.

Oooh, in case anyone is interested, half price on all TENS stuff at Lloyd's.
Working on a SCBU, we hear about 35-37 weekers all the time that get discharged straight to postnatal ward with mum and never see the inside of our unit. Unless I had other risk factors, I'd be staying put if I were over 35 weeks.

I understand why they say it, but it just seems like at this stage now... Im 36 weeks today, so if I went into labour monday/tuesday (36+4ish) I struggle to see what the difference those 3 days could make to the baby at this stage. Just seems a bit silly :/ If I was like 34/35 weeks Id understand but Im so close now it seems a bit ridiculous.

Especially when my dates worked out I was due 27th July, not 4th August, and apart from my 12 week scan baby has always measured about a week ahead, and my fundal height is 1cm above as well. Go figure. I could be 37 weeks now :shrug::shrug:

Anyway. Ill get my stuff next weds & then it'll be all go :)

catching up as not been online now that OH back from Lima
moomin im jealous you have your pool! hope you can hang on for you MW to be back
indigo that looks so pretty! lovely painted bump :)
sam, how on earth can this section be wrong or unfair?? i havent looked in there yet....... dunno about you´re brave but I had "you must be mad!" I couldnt help snap back, well I think people who have planned c sections (without a medical reason I might add), epidurals and get induced are mad! so there lol!
same moomin, ive seen a few replies from you in other posts ive been nosing in and thought, I cant be bothered to read peoples nonsense anymore!
welcome ashy :flower:
exciting bournefree :)
murmur I hope its the beginning for you but if not that you can get some more rest before it kicks in. those rushes sound promising though! in my labour contractions built greatly from what you are describing to the full on tearing me in half pain! but this time I dont think it will feel like that, positivity and and a new way of thinking and all that!
good luck all nearly ready ladies! :)

my super MW is back yay! :happydance: saw her yesterday.... bad news was
I havent gained any weight since 10th may :nope:
not enough fluid around baby....and baby is breech!!!!
but good news is, im on her strict regime now of what to eat, natural things to take (i.e pulsatilla which is a homeopathic remedy for breech!? & drinking raw egg yolks yuk for anemia plus iron supplement) and loads of exercises to turn baby, ive been crawling on my hands and knees a lot! I have a scan on saturday to check the fluid and the positioning of the cord as MW said if I cant turn baby by 38 weeks she will do it, but depends on getting the fluid up and if the placenta and cord are positioned ok.
I really thought I drank enough fluid but have had the 2 litres she said minimum today and I really struggled to get it down me! I think I have a tiny bladder ive been back and forth to the loo all day and realised i really must not have been drinking enough.
Aw good luck Jodie! positive vibes coming your way... Some people swear by visualisation of baby turning too - worth a shot, eh? xxx
hi ladies, im hoping 2 hav a homebirth with baby #3. had 2 hospital births, 1st baby, my son was overdue by 14days,
daughter was born 5 weeks early after waters breakin at 34wks, so homebirths would hav been unlikely with both previous deliveries.
the main reason i want a home birth is bcos i had such a horrible experience when i had my daughter, the hospital made me feel like i was wasting ther time, sent me home after my waters broke, left me 1 whole week, labour started at 35wks, and then i delivered my lil girl alone in a room. no m/w, no family, no birthing partner, as the m/w who was dealing with me told me i had "hours until i was ready 2 push" and then ignored the buzzer when i called 4 assistance and i was pushing, so i delivered alone, it was the worst and most scary experience i hav ever been thru!
and my daughter was born wiv an infection from the waters breakin early!! i felt really neglected and wished i had stayed home, at least i wudnt hav been alone!!!!

i hav been told by my m/w*s that i cant hav a homebirth as they cant guarantee i wud hav a midwife wiv me,
they r very unstaffed!! but im angry that ther lack of staff is guna stop me havin a homebirth when i now hav a genuine phobia of hospitals!!!
my midwife said she wont authorise the A.OK 4 homebirthing as they prob wont b in attendance while i deliver!!!
should i jus attempt an unassisted homebirth and call ambulance once baby arrives???

*also i hav been trying 2 get in touch wiv my midwife regarding sum blood results, i havent been able 2 get in touch at all!!! been tryin since monday, i only hav 1 number 4 him, !! (male midwife)

i am genuinely thinkin i jus wana b home :( i dnt wana put my trust in the hospital again!!
Jeeees I'm not surprised you don't want to go back into hospital, the experience with your daughter sounds awful. You're MW can't tell you that you can't have a homebirth, it's totally up to you, don't accept short staff excuses... It's not your problem, they have bank midwives for this reason. You don't need them to authorise ANYTHING, they have to send you a MW when you are labouring at home. I'm having a homebirth due to my previous horrid experience in hospital, and being a VBAC I'm going 'against' advice going for a homebirth and have had to fight quite a bit, but have stood my ground and done my research and they'll be sending me a MW when I go into labour sometime soon!
glad uve joined here kimberleywats :)

well today i went into holland and barratts to buy some clary sage for when contractions start.

i went up to the till and even before i opened my mouth she said u want clary sage ot RLT? hahaha
I'm still at the same point as I was yesterday! Went for midwife appt today and she said it looks like it is happening for me, just very slowly. She has offered a sweep at her clinic next Friday if I want one, although she said "I really don't think you'll need it". She also asked me my thoughts on induction - I said I don't want one and she said that's fine. She then went through the list of things she would suggest to speed things up, curry, RLT, sex, keeping active etc.

Moomin, I got some clary sage oil earlier this week. I massaged some on my belly yesterday and it sent me to sleep! I'm sure I probably did something wrong. Had a good snooze though!
haha might use it now if it will send me to sleep lol

but im not using it till im in labour anyway as sniffing it on a cloth can help contractions become more effective and will also relax my muscles....fingers crossed lol
I've had my birth reflections appointment today. #1 labour was pretty much as I remember; slightly slow labour, worrying heart rate that got worse and only sensible choice for her well being was c-section. The midwife who did the appointment was lovely and very much into informed choice and non judgemental....and didn't use the word "allowed once".

Only thing I didn't know is that LO was LOT (facing sideways) during the last 2-3 hours of labour. I reckon if I'd been more upright and not tied to the bed she would have been in a better position and labour would have been quicker. Also makes me feel better about the section as chances were it would I would have been in labour a lot longer and could have ended up with forceps. I stil feel getting monitored and having the epidural were the right things to do. I went in cos her heart rate was worrying, got monitored cos her heart rate was worrying and had the epidural as I was worried about crash section/ or instrumental.

She also had a look who my consultant is this time an apparently he is very pro-natural birth, so although he will probably recommend hospital VBAC he may be more willing to listen than others. My plan is as it was before I got pregnant; stay at home or go into hospital depending on what feels right on the day. If its a perfect labour and pregnancy I'm sure I'll be wanting to stay at home.
they jus dnt want me 2 hav a homebirth :( even tho i am fit and well in this pregnancy, she said it would b "stupid of me 2 risk my health and my babys health 4 the sake of being stubborn" i guess she/they jus dont understand that i now hav a genuine fear of hospitals, i am goin 2 stay home and when labour starts i will b stayin home!!! if they dnt send a midwife it will b me doin on my own again, (not like i havent don it b4!!!) jus want a good experience and a healthy baby at the end of it all!!!
Kimberley, you should write to the Head of Midwifery and tell her in writing that you will be staying at home and you expect a midwife to be sent to you when in labour.

Was it Milton Keynes General? It has a terrible reputation. My sister recently had her baby there and it wasn't a brilliant birth. But she was considering a home birth at one point and changed her mind cos the midwife forgot the home birth appointment and my sister lost confidence in the community midwives and staying at home. She decided she would feel more comfortable and confident planning a hospital birth rather than worrying if the midwife would turn up during labour.

Another option could be changing to a different hospital. You can choose to change to another hospital if you wish. Depends of course on if you want to be at home, or just don't want to be in the same hospital that treated you so badly. https://www.birthchoiceuk.com/ has information on all birth places in the UK.
it wasnt milton keynes hosp. it was almost 6yrs ago when i lived in south yorkshire, it was barnsley hospital, now my phobia is of ALL hospitals, milton keynes general has a bad rep anyway, a few babies actually died ther from conditions/complications which could had been resolved if the doctors/nurses/consultants had noticed alarming symptoms, and/or done the most basic of assesments,
i wana b home, i want 2 b able 2 care 4 my other 2 children, and i want them 2 c ther baby bro/sis str8 away, i want 2 feel comfy, usin my own bed, my own pillows, gettin in my own bath etc! and i want my OH 2 b able 2 relax while labour progresses, playin on his ps3-eating, sleeping even!!! i do NOT EVER wana go hospital ever again, if ther was sum risk 2 me or baby, i wudnt hesitate 2 go hosp at all!! phobia or not!! i wudnt endanger my life or baby's,

i may write 2 head of midwifery, altho i am not actually too concerned if they dnt show up- i am fairly sure i wud manage! its guna b hit n miss wether i hav a midwife anyway right??? baby #3, im sure i cud manage......i hav minimal faith in the british medical service, from my previous experience, i had 1 midwife who understood how i felt, she said she dint blame me 4 wantin a homebirth....but still said if they cudnt get a midwife 2 me, ther was a chance i wud hav go hosp!!

i jus wana kno whether i am comin or goin, i dnt kno what my options r, i havent even seen the same midwife twice, and havent seen my actuall midwife at all!!!!
seen 4 seperate m/ws, ther jus seems no consistency, or general care wiv the m/ws around here!!!
when i went into holland and barrat at about 37 weeks with harry they said exactly the same thing - as soon as i apprached the counter the lady pointed me in the direction of the raspberry leaf tablets without me uttering a single word!!!

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