Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

good luck smokey :D
huge hugs indigo (((~~)))

i have got a rather shamefully large nappy stash building up for my little lady - girly cloth is uber addictive.fact!
Girls do get better fluff....plus they get to show it off more.

Boys get fewer cool clothes and fluff and dont get to wear clothes and show it off. Huff.

I couldn't do girls though, I'm useless with hair.
Just checking in, still reading along with you all.
New birth section is no doubt going to throw up lots of interesting conversations.

Good luck to those due pretty much now.
Cranberry - you don’t need to argue about it, or even give any reasons. Sometimes in fact it is just easier to keep saying the same thing over and over “thank you for the information, I have made an informed decision and I would like to do or not do X” The repetitive stance is one of the hardest to argue against ...and if they upset you, tell them that you are going to have to walk away if they insist on harassing you and not supporting your choices! You don’t need any Dr or MW to approve of your choices - you won’t get some crazy black mark for it!

Hey Indigo!!! J guess that same goes for you! Brilliant to hear from you - so pleased .You are doing so well!! And you don’t have to make any decisions today. It’s ok to have a think and take the pressure off. Let us know how it goes with the MW, it’s a shame because you should be looking forward to it!

I've just been swimming with my little girl and I was telling one of the ladies there about how low this baby is, and how I don't have a vagina anymore. Think she was worried I might pop in the pool, esp as I had a big-ish Braxton Hicks at one point! lol! I've got to tell this baby to hang on in there fro a least another week! Kind of the opposite problem.. and if it get any pressure, I'll have no trouble telling them, very simply, "thanks, but I'm not ready"
(Although all my jobs are all done, place is spotless, and I have a keen obsession with not having any washing up or clothes in the linin basket at the moment - but don't tell anyone!)

Aww I just got off the phone to the counsellor I saw after having Dewi (an ex MW) she was wanting to check in and see how I was after having had Stanley and did I need to see her at all?

NHS ain't all bad it turns out.

I'm so pleased to be able to tell her she can close my case file.
Bug hug indigo. You dont need her to agree with your reasons. Don't feel you have to justify yourself. You're advocating for your baby and yourself and that's all there is to it. Xx
i love the fact u r all so suppritive on this thread, very pro-choice, i hav had so many ppl tell me that u shud "jus do what the docs say, they kno what they r on about"" but sumtimes it jus doesnt "feel" right 2 u, i was 15 when i had my 1st baby (and i hav raised him single handedly as a single parent) but i did get mws and docs making me feel like i was too young, stupid and unaware of life 2 do as i wished, i went 14 days over after refusing a sweep! and finally caved in (when i felt comfortable with havin a sweep!) and ended up havin prostin gel!

i want this pregnancy 2 b nice and relaxed, a ton of complications wiv my daughter made it the worst and least enjoyable preg ever!!
anemia, blood tranfusions, countless hours on monitors b4 labour ever started!! early ROM!
this time round i wana do it on MY terms, in MY time, and when i feel READY! hence my decision 2 hav a HB= i am actually startin 2 think i may prefer 2 deliver wiv no mw! mayb daddy cud deliver his own baby! what an experience that wud b! lol
Good luck Smokey :)

I'm worried about the dates thing too indigo, because at the 12 week scan they put me forward 7 days - and that's not biologically possible, my dates were accurate. I was expecting to be put forward 2 or 3 days as I don't ovulate on day 14, I ovulate on day 12 or 12. So I'm worried that I'll go overdue and end up in the same position as you. We all understand where you're coming from though, and you have your reasons and you can absolutely choose what procedures you want and what you don't want. I've read that a sweep won't do anything unless you're ready anyway, so what is the point to it, when you'd probably go into labour the same time anyway, it just seems like it was the sweep that did it.

I'm 30+6 now by their dates, about 30+1 by my dates. I've not had any pregnant pictures taken at all so far but here's one from this weekend which I love. I usually hate any pics of me because of being obese but I love being pregnant and I love this picture. I'm drinking fizzy grape juice by the way (Scloer) not alcohol. Hope you don't mind me posting it in here.

You look blooming Mrs Cob! Lovely picture. I don't really have any of me. That's the trouble with being the one that remembers to take picutres! So they are always of my little girl and daddy, mummy doesn't get a look in!

I'll have to take one with my phone soon. Love pregnancy pictures, everyone women looks so beautiful. Xx
ive got loads of bump pics but theyre all with the head cut off as i take em in the mirror at the top of the stairs on my phone! once im proper big will start bugging dh to snap me more
You look fab missus!!! Bumpy has changed since I saw you and you are definitely glowing!!!
Hi everyone! Just to say that I did get my homebirth without any midwife staffing issues! LO was born in the early hours of Friday morning, at home, and without so much as a paracetamol in sight :) I can highly reccommend Natal Hypnotherapy - it worked really well! One well chuffed Mummy here!
I loved being massive each time, it's the only times I've ever felt proud of my body and felt that I looked awesome.

Hubby did point and laugh at me when I was big but I didnt care, being massively pg is frickin awesome looking.

This was me quite late on with Stanley
[IMG]https://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv72/miss_charlie_photo/57a075c2.jpg[/IMG]...love it
Hi everyone! Just to say that I did get my homebirth without any midwife staffing issues! LO was born in the early hours of Friday morning, at home, and without so much as a paracetamol in sight :) I can highly reccommend Natal Hypnotherapy - it worked really well! One well chuffed Mummy here!

Awwwwww good stuffs missus!
I'm quite curvy already but now every time I think urgh I look fat (my usual reaction) I remind myself that its baby now and feel fricking hawt!

Lush bump pic :)

And congrats solitaire! Hope you're enjoying new mummytime :)
Lovely pic, and I love your butterfly tattoo, that's gorgeous!

Congrats solitaire, you're awesome :)
Thanks for the support ladies, congratulations Solitaire, really good news :flower: and lovely pic Irish_cob I did have to look twice at your drink! lol because I saw pic before I read.

The appointment went pretty much as I thought it would. The first thing that was mentioned was induction, then sweep, then monitoring. All while the other lady was taking my blood pressure! When she said it was 150/90 which is really high for me, I said it was because of what she was saying and she took it again after 5 mins and it was back down to 128/80 which is ok. Just shows how it affects me.

I mentioned that I was quite relaxed because in my mind I'm not overdue. First reason being a normal pregnancy is between 37-42wks, second reason my dates are different to theirs. Neither of these mattered, she still went over the stillbirth increase risk, and how the placenta could just stop working. I know shes only doing her job, and she is quite nice really (different from my usual one).

We agreed on going for monitoring Wednesday, but I am actually going to change it to Friday when I'm 42wks by their dates. Once I'd thought about it I don't think its really necessary until then. MW said be prepared for them to go over all the risks and they will recommend but they can't pressure you into anything. They will make a plan and it's up to you if you want to agree to it. When I asked about induction policy for VBAC she said some consultants are happy to try a little pitocin (I think she said) gel, and some won't and will advise a repeat section! Talk about my worst fear.. aside from not having a healthy baby in the end.

She hasn't made anymore appointments for me, but did say to ring her if I want to see her. I think I may ring her and ask for her to do a sweep at 41+6 which is Thursday as I really really do not want to go back to the hospital, my blood pressure would be off the scale and I'm not feeling stable enough emotionally to handle it.

I've turned my mobile off as I'm sick of texts saying "any news?" "baby here yet?" "Baby STILL not arrived??!" its getting right on my nerves and I'm not answering anyone else who asks. I'm also getting sick of people telling me that 'they' won't allow me to go over x days, I've had to correct 2 people today that have said that to me, politely saying "actually they can't not allow me anything, its my choice".

I'm sitting here with my clary sage all rubbed in, just about to make a spicy dinner, then onto some ball bouncing in hoping that it will have some affect.

:growlmad: :cry: :nope:
Big hugs. Sorry the appt was stressful. You stuck to your guns tho so well done :)

I dont blame you for being annoyed about the texts. I reckon ppl think that they're the only one asking and are being caring but I guess it's just annoying. If your a Facebook person maybe put a post up saying you'll tell ppl when bubs is here so save your money ppl and stop txting me!! But nicer :p

Enjoy the ball bouncing. I did that last week in pilates and it made me feel thoroughly ill with a whole class of ppl bouncing around in there!

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