Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

I mentioned that I was quite relaxed because in my mind I'm not overdue. First reason being a normal pregnancy is between 37-42wks, second reason my dates are different to theirs. Neither of these mattered,

I find that really frustrating *bangs head on desk*

At my first scan I was put forward a week, but by the second blob was measuring almost exactly to my dates, but they won't change the official due date, so I'll probably end up in the same situation as you. Why won't they listen? You're not as far on as they are telling you you are :grrr: Your body knows what it's doing, your placenta isn't suddenly going to stop working. Just stay at home until you go into labour naturally, and keep posting on here, we'll keep you going!
i think a pregnant woman is beautiful, no matter what size u are, that is what the female body is designed 2 do, embrace the everyday miracle that u are achieving, if your body isnt beautiful whilst nurturing life and doing what it was made for, when is it??
i love pregnant bellies :)
i do too - and as i have got some random men adding me on fb so do some men!! Pregophiles!!
Look at you Chuck!!! You look gorgeous! Right that's it, I'm getting the camera out!
Big hugs. Sorry the appt was stressful. You stuck to your guns tho so well done :)

I dont blame you for being annoyed about the texts. I reckon ppl think that they're the only one asking and are being caring but I guess it's just annoying. If your a Facebook person maybe put a post up saying you'll tell ppl when bubs is here so save your money ppl and stop txting me!! But nicer :p

Enjoy the ball bouncing. I did that last week in pilates and it made me feel thoroughly ill with a whole class of ppl bouncing around in there!

Thanks, I know people are only trying show they care, but considering some have been asking since I was 37weeks and they are telling me how impatient THEY are getting and repeatedly ringing me and if they don't get an answer, when they finally do they are almost hysterical as to why I wasn't answering the phone, ermm I was OUT? its really p***ing me off now! lol

I came off facebook early in my pregnancy and do not miss it at all, glad I don't have it from that angle too :haha:
i do too - and as i have got some random men adding me on fb so do some men!! Pregophiles!!

i dropped zane off at nursery the other day and i had a bloke almost break his kneck to stare at me as he was driving lol
awww i do love bump pics <3 i will never tire of looking at a bump and thinking about the life inside there

here is a recent one of us
LOL they love it dont they!!! shameless *******s LOL :rofl:
As we're all doing it. Here's my minibump from today https://www.flickr.com/photos/helenshingler/5925798110/
Congratulations solitaire!

Welcome so many newbies! This thread is buzzing, I had loads of pages to go through. Big hugs to Indigo. What a shitter. I hope baby comes soon and you don't have any horrid decisions to make.

And look at all you foxy ladies! Bourne you are so wrong that all preg women look beautiful, you clearly have never seen me pregnant!! Not that I'm especially lovely not pregnant but I look like walking death when I'm pregnant, the whole way through. No bloom. And I think I have a single bump pic I like from 20 something weeks with Byron. I have never had the beautiful smooth looking bumps you ladies seem to have. Mine is all hairy stretchmarks!!! Very jealous of women who wear pregnancy so well. :D

I really thought some of you regulars would've had babies by now but perhaps Smokey is getting hers right now? :happydance: Feels funny reading through this with my probably 12pm by now 2 month old in my arms. Can't believe she was ever 6lb10, or ever in my tum!

We use bumgenius. I like them a lot though was a little surprised to see on their website that the year warranty is void if you wash higher than 40 given that the label says to wash at 60. Not sure that can even be legal! I've got a new mum friend whose due date was the day after mine getting some BG and I've touted them to others in the breastfeeding group I go to. We only get £25 from our council.
just wanted to say good luck to all due anyday! hope you all get the amazing experience of a successful home birth!

cannot believe its been 3months since my little man was born...I want to do it again already :blush: :D xx
Hi all, wow, I had heaps of catching up to do there...

Fab bump pics! I look like a whale already and I'm only 17wks - everyone is asking if it's twins, but I think it's just coz I'm so short and unfortunately had a bit of a belly beforehand. Don't get scan for another couple of weeks, don't have the appt yet, must admit, I'm getting curious myself - symptoms/sickness etc waaay more prevalent than last time, but I am a lot older and all pregnancies are different....

Congrats Solitaire! Story? When you're ready! I'm dying to read new ones!! Not that I'm selfish or anything, just put your lovely newborn down and write that story up for meeee, haha.

Hugs, Indigo, good girl for sticking to your guns, I hope they are ashamed at what they did to your BP!

Good Luck Smokey, sounds very hopeful and exciting!

Bourne, I hope yours waits!

actually, i think my OH is the ONLY person who doesnt want sex wiv me atm!!! HAHAHA! also at the school gates, altho they r the same guys who used 2 chat me up b4 i got preg tut, i think being preg makes us appear mor "approachable" they can always find summit 2 say "how long u got" "u kno what ur havin etc"
yeah my OH has gon off sex, after my lil girl was early, he is worried he might trigger labour! lol i was worried 4 ages too,....but i cant go 8wks wivout any,
i actually thought he was physically repulsed by me! :( cos i got a fat belly! hahaha!
ment 2 put " also get chatted up. i wasnt sayin ppl want sex wiv me at the school gate.......??? darn baby brain
Cor what a sexeh bunch we are, dark circles and pained expressions included LOL!

Kim...my OH wouldnt go near me when I got a bump like I said he kinda pointed and laughed, there was no sex to bring on labour in this house, the only attempt we had at DTD when I was big was abandoned half way through! I dont think he was getting mu out of it and all I got was indigestion and a mouthful of sick <facepalm>

Indigo...it is silly isnt it, the one time you need to relax and truly let go of you emotions and fears about labour so it can happen is when everyone starts bugging you like crazy!

Go on media black out and take it easy.

..or have a screaming row with someone! It worked wonders for me, releasing all the pent up fear, aggression and outright being narked at everyone for being scared for me having an HBAC and lo and behold I felt a million times better for having a good scream at someone and slamming a few door that I had my baby in my arms less than 24 hours alter.
Look at you Chuck!!! You look gorgeous! Right that's it, I'm getting the camera out!

You clearly havent looked at my scruffy hair and dark circles that would put a panda to shame! LOL

I loved my bump, here's the Dewi bump, he was an awesome bump all out on front,

Indigo - I really feel for you. I know first hand what the pressure is like!! lmost intolerable&#8230; They were so keen with my GD to have me in for induction with DD bang on 40wks, and then when I didn&#8217;t agree, an extensive plan of monitoring. I didn&#8217;t have any monitoring in the end - and I admit that I did turn up to the hospital, sat in the waiting room for a good 10-15mins while they were trying to find a consultant&#8230;(sure they were trying to find one to convince me of the induction again), and thank goodness I had that brief time to think (though it felt like a lifetime!), as it was long enough for me to have an over-ridding-instinctive-feeling that I just wanted to be home and I didn&#8217;t feel safe and was so worried that once in, it was going to be very hard to get out of there.. So I informed the desk I was off, and walked away. The releif was instant.
I was later contacted by my MW, to check to see how I was feeling (emotionally). I felt so much more comfortable with my MW, who had always been very supportive of my home birth plans and was intune with what I wanted. She made an open invitation to either have a look, and if favourable perform a sweep whenever I wanted, with her (she gave me her shift times and where she would be.. or when she could come to the house. So it felt free-er and without pressure).
I was probably charmed a bit, which isn&#8216;t hard when someone appears to be offering you a lifeline! I just got to the point where, with the help of the trust between us, I felt the sweep was certainly the lesser of any of the evils of getting things going. So just popped along one night at 9pm. She had a look with a speculum first. My cervix was 2-3cm 60% effaced, soft and slightly posterior.
So I agreed to the sweep. Only 2 days post EDD - which seems sooo silly now, but goes to show the pressure and emotional stress I was under and how all the mentions of risk this, risk that, was getting to me. I was determined to have my homebirth. I have the benefit of hindsight now, and know that I just wouldn&#8216;t put myself through that pressure again.
The sweep was odd.. not painful, very very weird and uncomfortable.. made me stop talking for a while! And I&#8217;ll never know if baby was going to come anyway, as everyone has said, you can&#8217;t perform one if your not all ripened up anyways! (the unanswerable question!).. But 48hours, almost exactly, baby was in my arms. I made the right decision for me at the time.. And I admit that it felt good to find out something was happening with my body, and I had tried to get going (along with all the natural methods) to get my homebirth before my own mind played a horrible trick on me, and I became convinced of the induction.
You have a normal pregnancy, you are not over term, over due or in a prolonged pregnancy. Your strengh is wonderful. I also wanted to say that I totally understand where you are coming from about the sweep, as I agreed that it was the lesser, in terms of risks of what they can offer, to potentially get into labour.
I thinks it&#8217;s great that you have switched off your phone, or not replying to the maddening texts¬! Clear your mind and trust your instincts. This time is all about what makes you feel comfortable, safe and protected.

Sorry I've waffled, I know! Chuck has said it so much better!
Said it better..what go have a screaming row LOL?!

I truly believe thats what allowed me to go into labour, I was tense and worked up about wanting my HBAC and no one supporting me that I screamed the place down and came to terms with the fact that other people may be in the room but I was doing it alone and sod it In darned well could do it alone !

You know what I bloody did too!

Huge congratulations Solitaire!!!! Hehehe &#8220;not a paracetamol in sight&#8221;
Well done mummy! It feels amazing doesn&#8217;t it¬?! Giving birth is just the biggest high! Ohh I can&#8217;t believe this might be the last time that I&#8217;m ever going to do it.. I&#8217;m going to enjoy every second!

Love Dewi's bump too Chuck!

...and I'm sure that you did look fab pregnant PB - My bump is a bit hairy, I'm convinced it is to keep baby warm! Think I'm a pregnophile!

I can't seem to get the pictures that I forced my OH to take last night onto the laptop - how frustrating!!
.. and it is that memory card I'm using for video . So oh yes ladies, I have fairy lights, camera and we'll just have to wait for the action! (2 hours should be enough!, don't worry I will edit before hand! ;-)


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