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Why does this make me want to smash my head off a wall.

'I'd recommend an epidural to anyone......and it was a good job I had one because I needed ventouse and episiotomy and stitches!'

*head desk*

hahaha i feel the same!

i had a unnecessary episiotomy and stitches and i cant say i needed a epidural for that.

lol didnt need the epidural for the episiotomy but could have done with it for the stiches lol im one of those ppl local anesthetic has no effect on so i felt it all both times
CONGRATULATIONS Bourne and Murmur.
Murmur - I hope you little boy is back home with you soon x
Bourne - Those photos are absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for sharing them.
:wave: HI! so Here i am pregnant AGAIN! and hoping for a Homebirth! Midwife seemed up for it at my booking apointment she asked if i wanted one before i even mentioned it! very exited!! :happydance:

WOOHOO!!!! Huge congrats hun so pleased for you!! xxxx

I wanted to say thank you for all the postive vibes yeterday because....

We have had our baby!!

Little girl, born at 9.32 last night in the pool in the living room, it was a bit fast a furious - (way more than my daughters birth).. and I had my orginal antenatal MW in come and a MW from my home birth group, who I just love - I couldn't have asked for 2 MWs that I trusted more to be there (other than my MW who was away of course!), oh and a student, as she hadn't been to a home birth. So everything turned out just perfectly and we are so happy and feeling so well.

Here are a few pictures..

Huge congrats hun, gorgeous pics!!! Hope you are all settling in nicely together :hugs: xxx

I've only mainly been trolling this thread waiting for you to have your LO bourne and am so glad I did, as I lost it and started crying when I saw all your lovely pictures. I'm just so happy for you I don't have enough words to describe it. You are truly such an inspiration to women and I feel blessed to have known you just a small bit. I wish you the best.

It was lovely meeting everyone I did here. But I think this'll be me signing off for a few years. There's a part of me that is convinced I can manage a VBAC even with the torn uterus I have. (even though DH will have none of that, lol) So who knows what'll happen. Good luck to everyone with their homebirths. Keep the faith!


:hugs::hugs: good luck with everything hun pop back to say hello if you feel up to it xxxx

Good morning ladies. Just wanted to let you know that my son Michael was born at home in our birth pool yesterday after 30 hours of labour and 2 and a half hours of pushing. I managed it on gas and air and a couple of paracetemol on the first day.

Michael is beautiful, however midwives had some concerns about him as he was very mucusy and gurgly. So we ended up going up to hospital where they checked him over and think he might have a small infection so he was admitted for monitoring and being given anti- biotics. He was on the NICU ward last night and I couldn't stay with him but hopefully he will be transferred to a normal ward today and I will be allowed to stay. All being well he will come home tomorrow.

The birth was an amazing experience but a total blur. I think it is going to take me quite a while to actually process everything that has happened this weekend.

Will try to write a full birth story up at some point soon. xxx

Congrats hun looking forward to reading your story!!

Been away for the weekend nothing to update here!

Congratulations Murmur, and I hope Michael is home very soon!
Why does this make me want to smash my head off a wall.

'I'd recommend an epidural to anyone......and it was a good job I had one because I needed ventouse and episiotomy and stitches!'

*head desk*

hahaha i feel the same!

i had a unnecessary episiotomy and stitches and i cant say i needed a epidural for that.

lol didnt need the epidural for the episiotomy but could have done with it for the stiches lol im one of those ppl local anesthetic has no effect on so i felt it all both times

But WHY don't they see that without the epidual they would probably not have had the ventouse or episotomy!!!! The epidual is likely to be the cause!!
Why does this make me want to smash my head off a wall.

'I'd recommend an epidural to anyone......and it was a good job I had one because I needed ventouse and episiotomy and stitches!'

*head desk*

hahaha i feel the same!

i had a unnecessary episiotomy and stitches and i cant say i needed a epidural for that.

lol didnt need the epidural for the episiotomy but could have done with it for the stiches lol im one of those ppl local anesthetic has no effect on so i felt it all both times

it didnt work on me either, i hate going dentist because the injections dont work :/! i could feel it all and OH didnt believe me till i described everything she did during cutting me....and he was like omg ok then hahaha
massive congrats bourne and murmur xxxx
MM, things like that make me scream, too. "Thank god for the interventions I had because they helped me when I needed more!" Some people just can't connect the dots and think....wait a minute, one intervention led to another. It's almost like....I dunno....a cascade or something! hehe

I've got to stop reading that thread. They take providing information as being talked down to. They throw out the phrase, "at least baby was healthy, and that's all that matters" over and over, which shows they're on a completely different page. Birth is a rite of passage, something you can never repeat. Yes, a healthy baby is important; but there is so much more to it than that! And this one woman keeps coming in there like she's the thread police and has to unite everyone. Urgh, STFU!

And congrats, Murmur! Can't wait to see pictures! Are you an inpatient? If so, maybe he can stay with you and just be taken to NICU for the antibiotics (do they have transitional care?). Or maybe he won't need to have the full course of antibiotics if his CRP has come down significantly or his blood cultures come back negative. Either way, I hope you're all chilling out at home as a family soon!
Why does this make me want to smash my head off a wall.

'I'd recommend an epidural to anyone......and it was a good job I had one because I needed ventouse and episiotomy and stitches!'

*head desk*

hahaha i feel the same!

i had a unnecessary episiotomy and stitches and i cant say i needed a epidural for that.

lol didnt need the epidural for the episiotomy but could have done with it for the stiches lol im one of those ppl local anesthetic has no effect on so i felt it all both times

But WHY don't they see that without the epidual they would probably not have had the ventouse or episotomy!!!! The epidual is likely to be the cause!!

Because they are not told, if you have the epidural, then being on your back increases the risk of episiotomy. ALL the risks of interventions and common birth procedures are never explained. They just give a brief blah blah and move on. Birthing on your back, with an epidural and being cut is soooo common now, women don't really think about it much. It is just the way it is.
It's just so incredibly frustrating....Women of the earth! Take back your births!! (or at least educate yourselves FFS!) now where did I put that wall I was smashing my head off....:lol:
a point about mws was proven when i had my home visit to check it out for my HB. now my mw loves hbs but shes useless!

after the meeting i asked her if there was anything i needed to buy....her responce was "like what?" thats what im bloody asking u woman!

i then went on to say well ive bought x amount of towels and she said yeah thats good, i then said ive bought a hand held mirror and ive got a tourch.
oh yeah those things will come in handy :dohh:
thank god for Tina my doula because if it wasnt for her and you guys i wouldnt have a bloody clue lol
Thank you so much everyone! The support of the thread is just amazing. Everyone is amazing!

We have managed to choose a name. Finally! Peony Haf Rexana.. Poor girl has 2 middle name like her sister, so all the family is happy. Haf is Welsh for summer.

I knew it was all a bit quick, but looking at my delivery notes; fast was a 15min second stage! My body totally went for it then!
We had a 1 hour 50 first stage so that was great to have breaks move about.. Eat a banana have some toast and tea, but once in that pool for 2 mins.. there was no stopping it! It was awesome!
3rd stage was much longer at 50 mins. I did get out with baby attached, breast feed, had more tea, made phone calls, then delivered the placenta over a bucket, still attached. It was not quite the plan, as I wanted to stay in the pool this time, but damm it - I seem to always get cramp in my legs after, that is really debilitating!

We had two equipment hicups - we couldn’t fill the pool with hot water from the hose (negative pressure turned the boiler off) so that was all done with buckets... so that's why it wasn't as deep as I would have liked it - but couldn't wait any longer to get in, and hence the big smile on my face when I did get in! And not having it filled so much came in handy emptying it, as the pump we bought was useless! So OH had to bucket it all out again! - bless him.. he cleared everything away in the morning - but I did make him breakfast to compensate.

She is a little treasure, and doing really well, and I feel fab! Even better than I did with my first (and that was pretty awesome. We went out to the supermarket on the Saturday and people were asking how many weeks she was..? “about 18 hours old“, was OH proud response We all went swimming today (older sister’s usual swimming lesson) and I was slightly confused when one of the ladies asked me “when did you get out then if you had her on Friday night?” - it suddenly dawned on me that she thought it was a hospital birth! ;-)

Zara - what wonderful news about your pregnancy! So pleased for you!!

Great to hear from you ER - congratulations on starting your MW course!! That is brilliant news!

Jenni - you can’t be serious!? You can’t leave us.. Your part of the family!

Murmur!!!!!! Massive congratulations!! Well done Mummy! You must be over the moon. Hope little Michael comes home soon, esp after such a brilliant arrival!

I’ve only just got back on the net (silly laptop is playing up again) - prob just as well, as OH thinks I’m addicted to you lot! It does mean that I can’t edit up my birth video, but I hope to have that sorted sometime in the near future.

Off to have a laugh at this thread then… ;-) Way I see it is that if it just makes one person think then it’s all good in my book.
Seriously. It is SO sad... It makes me want to cry sometimes. That's why I just encourage women to be educated. You don't have to have what's best for your baby... But ATLEAST be educated so that if what you choose changes the out come then atleast you know what you chose. WOMEN ARE CAPABLE and pregnancy and birth is NOT a sickness! We don't NEED all the crap that they practically force on you! People pride themselves in being educated but they can't even educate themselves in one of the MOST life changing experiences!! Sorry... I am ranting again... Must.. Stop... lol I thank God for women like all of you who care. Because I care!
Big squish to you and Peony Bourne.

What a fab weekend!
Ack... I am now a one person "everybody" and I was just asking for clarification before I started an unnecessary arguement.

Birth is supposed to be empowering to the woman herself. Its supposed to be her day, not the doctors', not the midwives', nor the nurses'. They don't need to be empowered by the experience. Its not their baby or their body. It is that individual woman's. The differences between my hospital birth and home birth (yes, unassisted for personal reasons) cannot even be compared. IT is like night and day. However, I would not have had one without the other, so I am grateful that I had the experience just for the knowledge and power it gave to me. I hope my last post in that thread doesn't get on people's nerves, but I just wish everyone would go into birth informed of their options and what the choices and interventions will do to your body and baby. Its your health, and you have to hold it preciously in your own hands and not give it to someone else who does not care for it as much as you.
Congrats, murmur on the birth of your son! I hope he can return home to you soon!
Well, I mortally offended people on hospital vs homebirth.. Oops.. lol I think I'll just stick here where everyone feels the same. :)
Bourne i love it when people ask things like that and you get to say ''no i had him/her at home'' :smug:
I know its sad but i love the chance to tell people all about home birth.... i have already inspired 1 of my neighbours and she had a lovely home birth... and now another neighbour is pg and is 90% having a home birth :D

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