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Its just that it makes night feeds so much easier, especially when they're cluster feeding!

Sorry for butting in but i second this!

Willow cluster feeds 9-12 then wakes 3 times between 12 and 7.30 and co sleeping makes it so much easier. Im getting way more sleep this time then with River and she was FF so i had help at night

Well done on breastfeeding :thumbup: How are you finding it?
i will more then likely give in to co sleeping as when i was bf zane i used to fall alseep with him on me all the time lol
i slept with zane in my arms and still do now if he lets me :)
Its going well i think. Me and my left boob are best friends but the right one is a bit full and painful. Enjoying it though and Willow definitly seems content with it. Love her little face when shes full
I can't wait to breastfeed again, I only hope I'm lucky enough for it to work as perfectly as it did with Seth. I never had any pain, any problems with him latching, it just all worked out perfectly! I really hope it all works out again because I loved it :)

I used to fall asleep sitting up feeding Seth though and I know that's dangerous so I'm kind of thinking of co sleeping. I don't really want to, but at least I know if I do it properly I can do it safely rather than just falling asleep on her which scares me :( Saying that Seth decided to climb in with us last night and neither of us knew anything about it til we woke at 630 this morning :rofl: we must have been sparked.

we will be co-sleeping once i go to bed but baby will be in a bedside cot/sidecar cot till I go up to bed our bed this time isnt as big as when EJ was born but bigger than the one we had when we were co-sleeping with both of them last summer lol, im gonna loose access to my drawers by having the bedside cot but oh well , i guess we could turn the bed around though lol
We just bought a co sleeper cot and I'll have to switch sides with DH as it wont fit on my side of the bed :(

I'm not sure that it'll get that much use as I expect to be carrying the baby or having it sleep in the crook of my arm like I did with DD. We'll see though.
I can't wait to BF again too!!! Brennan was such a good nurser, I really hope this baby is too.

So I had an appointment with my doula yesterday, and as we were talking I said I was worried about the baby being breech, and how I know you can deliver vaginally, but wouldn't have the guts to do so at home. She has worked with a doctor a few hours from here, only an hour from where my parents live, that will do a hospital breech. She said he is amazingly supportive of allowing women to vaginally deliver. He had just done a twin or triple breech birth after 5 c-sections!!! How amazing is that. So that is one more worry off my plate. I have so much confidence in my birth team this time around. Now I just need to work on my own confidence.
I LOVE nursing. I am pretty sure it's my favorite part. It's so relaxing and bonding.. It was painful at first I think about 3 weeks.. I cringed every time Baylee latched on but once we got past that first 3 weeks it was smooth sailing. (I got blood blisters from her nursing so hard.) Oh I recommend to anyone who has troubles breastfeeding to read The Art Of Breastfeeding. It is a VERY informational book with all kinds of ideas and helps with latch problems and positions. Definitely worth buying.
Congratulations Kala!

My bf experience seems to be so different to everyone else's. Neither baby latches properly though Indigo is better for my having prior experience. I know how they should but they don't or maybe can't :shrug: They both feed/fed exactly the same so maybe it's my boob shape? I had plenty of crying through feeds in the first couple of weeks with both and Indigo even made my nipples bleed which was a step further than Byron I think but that was because I couldn't sit to feed for a week after the birth. My nips are sore at the moment as the quality of her latch comes and goes. I had no support with bf from anyone, just got on with it really but have never been able to imagine formula feeding instead. That's not any kind of a boast by any means. Maybe I'm just pragmatic about it? I don't get any fuzzy feelings about it. I don't find it particularly more bonding than cuddles and have never fallen asleep feeding though I might've wanted to a lot! It's definitely convenient though I'm a bit of mess when I do it in public. :blush: I dunno...I get a bit envious of ladies who enjoy it.
I find it so odd that I got pain that was agony compared to labour, even synto augmented contractions were nothing on the pain both kids gave my in my nips. whereas some people just get sore and others noting!
Definitely sounds like thrush to me. It is SO painful way worst then just the normal breastfeeding discomfort. My sister got thrush week 2 of breastfeeding and didn't even know she had it.
Congratulations Kala!

My bf experience seems to be so different to everyone else's. Neither baby latches properly though Indigo is better for my having prior experience. I know how they should but they don't or maybe can't :shrug: They both feed/fed exactly the same so maybe it's my boob shape? I had plenty of crying through feeds in the first couple of weeks with both and Indigo even made my nipples bleed which was a step further than Byron I think but that was because I couldn't sit to feed for a week after the birth. My nips are sore at the moment as the quality of her latch comes and goes. I had no support with bf from anyone, just got on with it really but have never been able to imagine formula feeding instead. That's not any kind of a boast by any means. Maybe I'm just pragmatic about it? I don't get any fuzzy feelings about it. I don't find it particularly more bonding than cuddles and have never fallen asleep feeding though I might've wanted to a lot! It's definitely convenient though I'm a bit of mess when I do it in public. :blush: I dunno...I get a bit envious of ladies who enjoy it.

Oh man.. I am sorry that stinks. :( I wish everyone could have a wonderful experience. Nurturing you baby in the way only YOU can is beautiful. Even if it's terrible. You made a sacrifice that isn't easy to make. :thumbup:
It's just a thing I do really. Even in the better times when it's not uncomfortable at all. I don't dislike it but like sneezing or eating or having a pee I'm ambivalent about it really. I don't think I'd be a great candidate for extended bf. I fed Byron to 8 months but expect to go to 12 with Indigo. I have plenty of bonding in other ways, I don't think it alters our relationships at all just might be nice to actually enjoy it!
zane wouldnt latch and i didnt get help from the mws around me so i was in so much pain for those 6 days i just felt like i had to give up. but im happy that i gave it ago and he atleast got something.

he did well because he only lost 2oz after he was born
So I had an appointment with my doula yesterday, and as we were talking I said I was worried about the baby being breech, and how I know you can deliver vaginally, but wouldn't have the guts to do so at home. She has worked with a doctor a few hours from here, only an hour from where my parents live, that will do a hospital breech. She said he is amazingly supportive of allowing women to vaginally deliver. He had just done a twin or triple breech birth after 5 c-sections!!! How amazing is that. So that is one more worry off my plate. I have so much confidence in my birth team this time around. Now I just need to work on my own confidence.

wow - that must be a relief!! What a great doctor to do that after 5 c-sections!!

i am afraid of breech b/c mw's can't home-birth them in this state, and none of the OB's in town do them vaginally. but, the risk of breech is only like 3%, right? have to think positive. :)
Hi everyone! So, I've been reading sheila stubbs birthing the easyway, and she mentions being at home being "queen of your castle" and also dreaming and fantasising about the birth you want, so that got me thinking maybe it would be a good idea to get a pretty little note book and make it my "birth book" were I can write all my hopes and ideas in it! Obviously I've still got a long time to go (28 weeks if the boys are anything to go by!) But wouldn't it be nice to have a record of all the crazy ideas and demands I hope to achieve for though they might change it might remind me why I thought they were a good idea to start with! So far for the first page of my book I will have, number 1 I do not want that god awful injection which hurts more than child birth its self to get the placenta out quicker, it will come out when it wants with the help of feeding my baby! Number too I do not under any circumstances want anyone to tell me to push or stop pushing nor do I want them to tell me they aare doing an internal if they ask and I say yes then they can! Number three I want my bedroom set up as a birthing room I want the windows blacked out so no matter what time of day it is its nice and warm and dark, ok iv lost count now... I want nice clean bedding on my bed for when the baby is born, I may have him in the pool I may have him on the bed, I may even have him on the floor if I feel like it! I want to take a nice soak in the bath with him after he is born I want to be the person to clean him up and get him dressed for the first time, I then would like to get in to bed with him (new clean bedding) and have a lovely snuggle with him and his big brothers! Then maybe we will all get up and eat birthday cake! Oh also I want my hubby to cut the cord! He never got a chance with the last two, its his castle too its only fair! :) I'm going to be an utter birth diva this time around they're going to love me! Haha
Oh yes their tongues look just normal. They just refuse to open their mouths fairly consistently and suck me in instead so it's hit and miss whether they suck in enough. Every once in a while they go on properly but it never lasts and no amount of encouragement makes them open up. I can only suppose my huge boobs are the wrong shape for their mouths. Lol
Thrush? Hmmm it never occured to me it may have been something like that and certainly no MW/HV e3ver mentioned it. Huff...yet another reason I feel kinda cheated out of it all.

I loved the few times I did BF when it wasn't so painful I would have to yell and cry and want to drop the poor baby feeding at my breast

I know Dewi was tongue tied but not bad enough to need it snipped and that contributed to the problems - he did tear me to shreds. Stanley didnt make me sore, cracked and bleeding but boy oh boy it was like he had me in a vice, after a week of so I couldnt do it anymore.

Both boys never lost any birth weight though, they gained in the first week, despite all the problems I had with Dewi and me having NO colostrum for days due to dehydration and all the flippin drugs.

Anyhoo...we all have the snots here at team Richards. It's Delightful.
Hi all,

Just flying in to update.... 7 weeks to EDD

- I had my mid trimester transfer booking appointment on Monday, with a lovely MW who has now transferred me in to the new PCT. She was very friendly and supportive. When I explained that I'm hoping to go for a homebirth again she was great; she said that I may encounter a slight issue in that the old 'we're short staffed, you're going to have to come to hospital' line, but if I stand my ground and insist on someone attending me, they are obliged to do so. I obviously knew all this already, but to actually be told rather than have people skirt around the actual 'rights' of a woman is very reassuring. I also said that I may decline internal examinations throughout labour, and she again reassured that whilst some MW's will word things in a way whereby you feel you don't have a choice, if anyone did anything without consent, you could actually have them charged with assault. (She did tell her student to block her ears throughout these conversations but it's still great to come across across a MW who seems to be a real advocate for women!) Everything points towards a low risk pregnancy, labour and hopefully birth, and now being officially on the books, I will start to allow myself to get a bit excited about labour.
- We've had another stressful week house move wise, BUT we're hoping it's all systems go for next Friday now.
- Baby is doing well... getting bigger and bigger. (Bump pic from this morning - 33 weeks - below).
- I continue to feel well other than extremely emotional but I honestly think that's more because of the circumstantial stress I'm currently feeling than pregnancy.
- Once we're in the new house, I'll officially list myself as a homebirth hopeful!


I find it so odd that I got pain that was agony compared to labour, even synto augmented contractions were nothing on the pain both kids gave my in my nips. whereas some people just get sore and others noting!

I could have written this chuck. :hugs: I have never known pain like it. I suffered with bleeding/cracked/excruciatingly painful nipples from about day 3, struggled through for a week or so before starting to express, and then suffered 2 bouts of mastitis by 4 weeks PP.

I 'blame' the hospital MW's I encountered giving mixed messages regarding positioning, latch etc and wish I'd seen a BF counsellor sooner. I did see one at around 3 weeks PP in an attempt to get April back on the breast once the nipples had healed, but I think it was too little too late by then. I was recommended some fabulous biological nurturing positions whereby I was practically lying down and April was 'climbing up' onto the breast herself. I wish I had that kind of support from her birth.

I really, REALLY hope BF is a more positive experience this time around.

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