Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

If you notice a massive difference in movement pattern it's worth mentioning but at this point I'd say it's highly likely to be the calm before the storm! :lol:

Every time you or Celesse post I wonder if it's the 'I'm in labour!' post!! Make sure you update this thread wont you so we dont miss it!! :happydance:

I was thinking that about the 'calm before the storm' hehe!!
Of course I'll update here - I tend to be on this thread more than anything else, as I love the positive feeling it gives me and how we all feel like one big happy group of friends!!

I am seeing my MW Tuesday and I have decided to go for the Group B Strep test. I feel so positive about labour, that I don't want any last minute 'niggles' IYKMIM?? It's only due to my sister having it with my niece, that I've even thought about it, but I am such a worry wort, that I need to know.
However.....IF it comes back positive, I shall not give upon my homebirth. I have an allergy to penicillin, so would need an 'alternative' anti-b anyway (I assume they IV a penicillin based anti-b usually??
Whatever happens, I've read up on plenty of very successful homebirths with GBS positive mums, and providing I can still provide a safe labour for lo, I will look to being at home!!

Come on baby.....I wanna get in the pool!! Haha xx

I dont know if this is late but in hospital we give IV Clindamycin...If clients plan to have a homebirth we treat with Oral ABs prior to birth.

Because of the high rate false positive results you get from GBS+ results I would still have a homebirth but obviously if any other risk factors come into play i.e raised temp in labour, tachy HR/ FHR, PROM....then I would transfer into hospital....otherwise you are still normal.

I dont know if its me being a midwife but when I discharge women home GBS+ or not I always tell them to be alert to baby, babies get ill very quickly so if you have any concerns at any point trust your instincts and take them into hospital, even though we dont routinely test for GBS in pregnancy we give families a info sheet on GBS so that they maybe aware of signs & symptoms.

I have an allergy to penicillin, so would need an 'alternative' anti-b anyway (I assume they IV a penicillin based anti-b usually??
Whatever happens, I've read up on plenty of very successful homebirths with GBS positive mums, and providing I can still provide a safe labour for lo, I will look to being at home!!

I'm sure Cupcake is better poised to answer this. But on NICU, we prophylactically give the babies amoxicillin or benzylpenicillin (obviously, both penicillins) and gentamicin with antenatally diagnosed GBS (well babies stay with mum but come to us, as at both my hospitals the midwives refused to administer the antibiotics). I don't know if they'd give just gentamicin. And they normally want to give it to baby as well until the swabs come back negative (takes 48 hours to see if they grow anything). And in those 48 hours, they tend to take blood from the baby as well to check gentamicin toxicity levels so they can adjust the dose, if necessary (if the dose is too high in the body, it can cause hearing damage).

The homebirth website says that GBS is:
a bacteria which is present in the vagina of up to 30% of women, and which can, rarely, cause a serious infection in the baby. You may be told that your only option is to have intravenous antibiotics in labour, in hospital. But a positive GBS test alone does not put your baby in a high-risk group for infection, and the antibiotics carry risks as well as benefits. For most women, a positive GBS result is of little significance.
It then directs you to have a look here for further information.

It’s funny how different hospitals use different drugs to treat the same thing....If babies have been adequately treated during labour and birth (and there are no other risk factors) then all we do is observe baby for the first 24hrs (every 4-6hrs) but if mum wasn’t treated or risks factors present then baby is taken to SCBU, IV access , bloods taken and IV AB started...baby is treated for 48hrs...no signs of infection then it is stopped but if there are signs of infection then baby completes a five day course.

Poor baby:nope:
Hey all.I am here looking for advice.I have had 4 births in hospital.2 were assisted (kiwi cup) and 3 were back to back labours.

A home birth is coming to my mind alot as I have been let down in the past with childcare and for this baby I can not find any one to have the kids if I go in to labour.Family are a 4 hour drive away and I tend to give birth in 3 to 4 hours.So a homebirth seems an option.My OH isn't so sure though but what other option apart from giving birth alone?

I am worried because my labours are agony because of the back to back.I have always had gas n air and meptid so I know I can do it with out pain relief as such but my last baby I had an epidural although she was born 15 mins after it kicked in lol.

Mervs mum has inspired me with the hypnobirthing and yes I think it's something I'd like to do but can't afford the courses.I know I get the 190 HIP grant but i need that for my pram.So I may get books and cd's.

Basically I am asking if any of you had hospital births assisted or with epidural and went on to have a successful home birth?Also what happens if you get complications? Will I have to go to hospital and then I will be alone.

Sorry for all questions but I am scared stiff about this birth as it is let alone do it at home x

Hello Eoz, :flower:

I had hospital birth but I had a ‘normal’ birth...no intervention and I only used G&A.

I'm wondering why you had instrumental deliveries...I know you said you had back to back labours but were they OP position at birth?

What was your last birth like? I assume that was a normal birth but you had an epidural due to it being back to back?

Well we know that you can give birth naturally but for some reason your babies like to give you a hard time!

This being your 5th child this baby should pop out!:haha: Being at home means you are more likely to be active and help baby get into the best position for labour and birth, plus second stage will be shorter.

Unfortunately we can’t predict if you need to go into hospital if a problem was to arise but could you get someone that could be in the back round just in case you did have to go in? I'm having my mum be on standby as I’ve not decided if I want my DS to stay with us during labour and birth, she is happy to pick him up or stay, but we are lucky that she lives close by.

3 posts in a row..Im on a roll:happydance:

OR am I sad...:shrug:

Hope you lovely ladies are having a lovely valentines day but Im covered in paint (decorating our flat...at last!)

So valentines day is a non event.

Take care. :flower:

My 2nd was a 23 hr labour the waters were broke far to early.( returnee midwife)So was pushin dry and also my son got into distress so they had to whip him out.My 3rd was a big baby she basically got stuck.Also I was getting 3 contractions in a miute and no let up.She was 8lb 5 oz I seem to only push out 7lb's.Also she was in distress and her heart dropped so again episotimy,forceps and vontouse.My 4th would have been an hr at least but my waters were hoding her back and the midwife didn't want to break so i was trying to push her and the waters but as back to back and she was small and not helping herself I had an epi to which my waters popped and whoosh she was out.

My 1st was a doddle.Waters popped at 3pm.I plodded round the house as i was told i had 12 hrs to suddenly get the urge to push 2 hrs later.A mad rush to hospital and out she popped within 10 mins of getting in the room.She was 5 weeks prem and was dinky though x
sorry very rushed in middle of burning dinner x
you have done fab job in all you labours and births.... I would have 'managed' your last labour differently (breaking your waters first would have been the priority)... But that's was then and this is now...I can't think why you wouldn't have a relatively 'easy' time with this birth. Your body knows what to do and like I said, you would be more active, the midwife attending your birth would help you achieve this and would do everything she could to keep you at home aslong as everything is progressing well.

I know it will be hard for you with 4 at home but try especially at the end to keep as active I.e all fours, bouncing on a birthing ball... To try and keep baby in the best position ready for birth, saying that your babies seem to like that position.

Thank you so much :hug:.the thought of being at home and having a distraction appeals to me.i do cope well with breathing and i always got commented on it so i'm sure can do it at home.I do wish they had broke my waters and the labour would have been different making this decision easier xxx
I professionally feel that if your waters had been broken first then second stage would have been quicker...it seems to me that the midwife was worried that you might have needed another assisted delivery so wanted you to be pain free but if you needed help and as long as baby was happy then you would have been given a spinal in theatre to make you pain free before they attempted a kiwi/ forceps delivery ( that's what we do in our hospital) so to me it's a shame that you had to go through having epidural when once your waters went baby was born so soon.

I feel that you would do very well at home. Good luck with what you decide.

Thanks for that Cupcake :)
I shall bear that info in mind. Do you know if that drug you meention is Penicillin based??xxxx
Thanks for that Cupcake :)
I shall bear that info in mind. Do you know if that drug you meention is Penicillin based??xxxx

Penicillin free...but you will have to check your hospitals protocal as we do like to do things differently:wacko:
Hi girls, hope you all had a great weekend. It looks like things might be gearing up for some baby action within the next few days at this end. :happydance:

I've been having irregular contractions since yesterday afternoon (and had some show last night). I'm experiencing all of the surges as back pressure, with some of them also giving me twinges at the bottom of my bump. The back pressure is the main thing though. Thing is, our little boy has been anterior for weeks and weeks and still feels that way to me, with his bum pushing out at front. I thought the sensations in your back happened when baby is back to back? :shrug: Can it also happen when they're anterior? Not sure what to make of this. :nope:

I'm monitoring my contractions atm to get an idea of the pattern, if any, so am not really in the place I want to be relaxation wise. Planning to do my rainbow relaxation once I've monitored a couple more surges though. My surge breathing is definitely helping, as is being upright for the surges - lying in bed in my side wasn't feeling good.

With luck, there could be a new home birth on this thread sooner rather than later. :winkwink:
~ 4 mins apart now. They're intense, but otherwise feeling great. :)
Good luck Nattie Lou, you can have some back pains and leg pains/aches with an anterior baby, they just are different from the overwhelming feeling of contractions in the back that an OP baby mum experiences, if i remember my first labour correctly.
Back from first GP appt. I love my new GP ♥ BP is fine, her scales make me 1/2 stone lighter than mine (hooray lol) and she ASKED me where I wanted going to give birth this time after asking me where the kids were born, if they went to term etc, and was absolutely fine when I said 'at home again, if all goes to plan.' Such a change from last time round and the whole 'you're going to bleed to death, palaver :)
I'm so jealous, Nat! Good luck, and I hope it goes quickly and beautifully for you!

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