Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

^^ ergh its so sad that some MW are probably amazing baby catchers but they have no clue about so much other stuff and need to get up to date info!

The antenatal class we went to with Dewi was shocking we didnt bother going back, I've heard plenty of women talk about how good a MW the woman was but she could present info to anyone!
Just saw my MW and she was especially pathetic today. Luckily I saw the funny side. No milk banks exist in the UK apparently. Fair enough if she doesnt know then thats one thing (ie crap) but telling me they do not exist is just stupid. Bloody google it woman!

Email being written to HoMw right now.

I remember someone getting the equipment to monitor baby's blood sugar at home. MW said that such alien technology does not exist. I'll ask the hospital about it but theyre so unhelpful I want to know what my options are rather than them tell me tbh. Anyone know anything about this?

Re: the milk banks, the only one i could tell you anything about is the one at Countess of Chester Hospital which is probably not your nearest so i'm afraid i can't be of much help other than to tell you that your MW is wrong (which you already figured out for yourself!)

You can easily monitor a baby's blood sugar at home but it does involve taking a blood spot sample from a heel prick and then placing the sample in a portable/hand held machine, so would need to be done by someone trained to do heel pricks and trained to use the equipment...under what circumstances were you thinking it would be needed? (If you don't mind me asking?) Because community mw's should definitely be able to do it, but if the baby needed regular blood sugar monitoring, e.g. pre and post feed sugars over a period of time, say 24-48 hours or so, then that would not be very practical for a community mw to keep stopping by to take a sample at each feed iykwim?

Not sure if that's any help? :flower:
I'm diabetic so would need to test and feed every 3 hrs I think for like 24hrs. I've a monitoring kit for myself but wasn't sure if i could use the same thing for baby but just adjust the depth to do it on the heel. I was under the impression that there was some special kit but maybe not.
I guess it's a good time to introduce myself. Ive already posted a Q on this part of the forum, and then saw this thread :)

So i'm having my 2nd baby in just over 6 years (have a DS), and it's a yellow one. I've had strong feelings it's a girl though, i will be AMAZED to birth a boy.

I trained as a MW for 2 years, but due to funding, i had to take some time out and have never gone back. I found the course both inpirational and frustrating, and still remain disillusioned by the maternity services. I have had poor care this pregnancy, and my homebirth plan has been the subject of speculation due to staff shortages. I've written to the unit to express my desire to continue, and got the same old reply back ie nothing they can do if on the day the HBs are suspended it's just tough i've got to go in. I'm a determined old thing though, and shall dutifully ignore and have the pool half inflated already. A friend of mine is an experienced Doula and so has offered her services free. Intrigued with hypno birthing, but clueless where to start - same with placenta encapsulation. Think i'm a bit late in the day and a bit skint too haha.

My due date is officially the 3rd Oct, next week, but my only possible conception date makes me the 10th in my dates, so i'm not sure where i stand on the due date realistically! It's measured consistently big, hence them moving me on a week, but scans are notoriously inaccurate, so i'll be intrigued to know it's birth weight when it arrives! My son was 8lb 4oz. This baby is with a new partner.

Ok, that's me. I hope to update with a successful home waterbirth story soon :) Good luck to all you ladies.

I'm sorry youre having a stress with your hb. Seriously. Why is it so hard implementing a choice which they actually do offer?! Not like were asking that much really. I mean if we were saying ok so I want to give birth on a bed of poisonous snakes so the mw needs to be a trained snake handler and must be able to whip the antidote for any type of snake out of her ass then I might understand. But all were doing is asking them to carry out our wishes for a normal birth in a place we feel comfortable. Just shut up and do it! Not like we don't research the risks ourselves. I guarantee that the mums in the majority of hospital births have not once even looked into the risks of the things they're getting themselves into.

Ok. Rant expunged there. Lovely :)

hi allaboard :)

i was to told staff shortages will mean no homebirth, i think if looks could kill my mw would have kicked the bucket lol
staff shortages are their problem, not urs.

when i had corey the mw just made it n she was useless haha i didnt listen to a word she was saying. i just about made it to the pool, which wasnt deep enough haha

cant wait to read about ur home water birth :)
Well I have my next app on friday, which is when my homebirth house assesment should be booked, so shall see what the midwife says, so far all my midwifes this pregnancy have been pretty excited about me having a home birth so fingers crossed! Although we are looking at moving house :haha: which would be done after the home visit but before babys birth if we get this house..

Babys stopped being transverse so often now, mostly laying down my right side I think she is head down when like that as its softer movements low down and the harder movements in my ribs! Kyle never got right up under my ribs so its a strange new feeling..

Ive not gained any weight yet this pregnancy so thats a plus.. Keeping my self very busy planning the wedding for next june, looking at moving house, possibly getting a new car, Kyles just started pre-school and the pups start going to their new homes next thursday! Just re-arranged my whole living room lol got to measure up for a birth pool see if one will fit eek
navy, congrats on team pink, and hitting the half-way mark!

j3ss, congrats on your bfp; welcome allaboard!

hope everyone's doing well. i have my home visit tomorrow, so i am taking a break from cleaning, lol! 35 weeks in and 35 days to go is a neat marker to get to today...
Well I am one day over-baked........I never really considered going over.......or the implications of them trying to induce me........I hope it doesn't get to that stage!
So I've been in third tri for 2 days and I'm already getting a little frustrated and annoyed at what appears to be common knowledge among the general pregnant population. There seems to be a lot of posts where people ask questions and they get responses as if its fact that are just myth, or misinformation. So many people seem to believe that doctors have to power to allow this or that in the same way a judge would.
I feel the same way when I watch A Baby Story here in the US.
I was told that I couldn't refuse scans. Really they obviously haven't thought it through as what on earth are they going to do if i say no. Also she called me hun so got both barrels.

I stay clear of the tri's tho really as they're generally just places for people to be neurotic. If I want that I'll call my mum.

Also. *waggle waggle*
Well stinky baby over here has gone head up again.

And everyone thinks it's a girl.
Lucy Elizabeth is here. I didn't get my homebirth. I'm crying just trying to type this. I fought so so hard for it. Went in to hospital early in my labour for monitoring because I'd had a small bleed. Looking now it was probably my bloody show. Was on CTG for about 6 hours, luckily I was able to remain standing, walking, sitting, anything I liked, and I was introduced to the wonders of gas and air! There was nothing disastrously wrong with the trace, but my blood pressure was up a bit (really? I'm in labour and in hospital which I hate) so they were worried about pre-eclampsia, I let them have blood samples and then checked myself out against medical advice - they weren't happy - sent the registrar in to see me, then when that didn't work sent in some doom sayer consultant, but that didn't stop me either. I had had a VE about 6am and I was 3cm and very thin so I knew I really was in labour.

I had to leave my beloved gas and air for the car ride home - ouch! Paul had been preparing the birth pool prior to us going up to hospital so it was almost ready when we got back, and the community MWs were on their way to us, by this time it must have been about 10.30am. I got in the pool before the MWs arrived but I was in pain and had to do something. Got through about half an hour by crying and moaning and breathing before they arrived, mercifully with gas and air - bloody love that stuff.

Initially the MW was really stuffy, uptight and a miserable cow. I remember leaning over to Lisa (Mervs Mum) and saying the latter to her. Once she checked my temperature, took my blood pressure (which was absolutely fine), and listened to baby, she realised I wasn't dying, and she came round and turned out to be absolutely fabulous. I had another VE about that point - she was a bit annoyed I was in the pool when she arrived, but I was still very definitely in labour and when she checked me I was 5cm.

I had 3 MWs with me all morning, they were all amazing. I had gas and air, and Paul and Lisa looking after me, bringing me drinks, wiping my face, topping up the pool. It was all going like I wanted to. I loved the gas and air, I was zoned out quite a lot of the time, the day flew by, until it was the next night. All the signs were good, baby's HR fine, my temp and blood pressure fine - lower in labour than ever before! I just wasn't getting any urge to push and I was getting really tired and in pain. I ended up asking for some meptid. I kept labouring in the pool, trying different positions for hours and hours.

I was examined again late at night and I was over 9cm dilated but waters still intact. The MW asked if she could break my waters to get things going. This terrified me as I knew I'd been in much more pain, so I asked for more meptid. I'd already had the 2 doses you're allowed so the MW had to get permission from the hospital but I got my meptid and I had my waters broken.

Apparently there was meconium. Don't know how much or how old. Contractions were coming on thick and strong and I was in a load of pain and so so tired by this point. I was starting to feel sick on the gas and air, so wasn't getting any pain relief by this point. Had to make the decision to transfer to hospital. Ambulance and 2 paramedic cars arrived (must have been a quiet night) and I struggled into some clothes and into the ambulance.

I was sick immediately we got to the hospital, vomiting into the sink - classy. I felt so sick after that I couldn't use the gas and air, and the next hour was basically just me screaming continuously as contraction after contraction came with no break between them. They had me on the CTG monitor on the bed and the baby was fine. I had the most painful VE ever, the consultant must have been shaking hands with the baby, I was literally screaming "get him off me, make him stop" and trying to pull myself away from him up the bed. It was hideous.

He determined that my baby had stuck her chin out. I was pretty much fully dilated, just a lip of cervix left, and the baby wasn't pressing on it properly to open. I had been in labour over 24 hours by this point and was in absolute awful pain. I was labelled failure to progress and off I went for a c-section.

I won't lie, the spinal was a relief. But the section was hideously awful. I was vomiting everywhere despite being given anti sickness drugs. I didn't get any skin to skin with her, I don't even remember really seeing her in theatre, just seeing a few glimpses of her in Paul's arms but I had to keep turning my head the other way to vomit. And putting everything back and stitching me up seemed to take ages.

I was wheeled to the delivery suite after, and I remember Lisa having her in her arms, and talking to me, and I said I hadn't even seen her yet, and I could see she was shocked and upset that I hadn't even seen my own baby, and it was her who stripped all the blankets off her, and pulled my tshirt up and stuck her on my chest. I don't remember clearly much about this point, I was so out of it, but I remember a rush of love as she was placed on me.

Lucy Elizabeth was born at 3.25am on 22nd by emergency c-section weighing 8lb 14oz.

My blood test results from labour showed no pre-eclampsia but did show raised white blood cells suggesting an infection somewhere, although I felt completely fine and still do. So both Lucy and myself were given antibiotics. We ended up staying in the horrible hospital for 4 days. The staff were bloody amazing, I have to give that to them. They were so so busy but were so so kind. They knew I was struggling with breastfeeding and spent hours helping me with it. It was just so hot and I was in a tiny tiny corner cubicle and feeling like the walls were closing in on me. I kept having to have blood taken over and over again and they could never get a vein, so I look like a second hand dartboard. Lucy was also heel pricked again and again, and had a catheter in her hand to put in iv antibiotics. My blood pressure went up and up.

Eventually got out of there. So glad to be home. But so many hurtful memories at home, looking round my living room, remembering my labour, thinking about how close I was to having her here. It hurts so much. I'm trying not to be selfish, I know the end result is a healthy baby and a healthy mum, but my hopes and dreams were dashed, and I had the one thing I dreaded most, a c-section. I'm absolutely gutted about not being able to drive for 6 weeks either, I'm so independent and this will kill me.

We're still struggling with breastfeeding and have seen an independent breastfeeding advisor and the area's NHS infant feeding specialist. Lucy is tongue tied which explains the difficulties with latching. We are overcoming the problem by feeding with a nipple shield, much to the disapproval of the NHS lady, but really, what choice do I have? The long term plan is to get the tie separated and get her latching onto the nipple, and get rid of the guard. I'm also expressing which I started in hospital, and I keep up with, just so I have EBM around in case I ever can't get her to latch on, and also to keep up my milk supply.

I'm so happy to have her, but so so upset about how everything went, it's taking the shine off things. It also doesn't help that Lucy has decided she should sleep all day, then wake up between 11pm and 2am and be wide awake and either feeding, pooing, winding or crying. I can deal with it, I'm accepting of it, but Paul's really struggling with it. How can we gradually ease her away from the 11pm to 2am waking?

Oh and congratulations JD. You made me cry looking at the picture. That should have been me. So so happy for you :)

So that's my first birth story in full. I'm buying the next one off ebay!

Emma x
We're planning a homebirth with an independent midwife, please can I join?! :thumbup:
irish_cob your birth story made me cry, especially the end part about no skin to skin :(. Congrats on your little girl :hugs:

& welcome veedub :D congratulations on your BFP!
irish cob, i feel so sorry for you reading your story (big hugs), you did brilliantly though, and i also thought the bit in theatre was awful and not being offered skin to skin! congratulations on your little girl and i hope the bf improves, and screw the advisor if using the shild makes it easier for you both then carry on as you are. xxxx
Oh irish cob :hugs: i'm so sorry things didn't go the way you'd planned and you didn't get the birth experience you hoped for :( a couple of parts of your birth story really stand out as being shocking/upsetting, like the lack of skin to skin and the VE by the consultant, i'm so sorry you had to go through that :hugs:

You should feel very proud of yourself though as it sounds as though you did fantastically well. Many many people, once in hospital at the start of their labour, wouldn't have made it back home so you did brilliantly to fight your corner and get back home and experience labouring in your own environment. I can only imagine how hard it must be to get your head around c-section when you'd been planning a home water birth but i hope you still feel proud of yourself for bringing your little girl into the world. Congratulations and well done :hugs:

I'm diabetic so would need to test and feed every 3 hrs I think for like 24hrs. I've a monitoring kit for myself but wasn't sure if i could use the same thing for baby but just adjust the depth to do it on the heel. I was under the impression that there was some special kit but maybe not.

Ahh okay, well if you already have a blood glucose reader then that's a start :thumbup: What do you use to stab yourself with? On the NNU we use specific heelpricks for newborns, we have different sizes obviously as we deal with anything from teeny tiny prems to big chunky term babies. We used to use ones called 'tenderfoots' which were very straightforward to use but changed to another type recently. You'd need to have someone show you where on the heel is ok to stab and give you guidelines on what they would consider to be a satisfactory level but otherwise i can't see a problem...

Hope that helps.

Celesse- i know exactly where you're coming from :winkwink: I tend to glance over third tri every now and again but on the whole try to avoid it as i am particularly short tempered at the mo and it doesn't take much to 'set me off' :blush:

Labour dust to shiv :dust:
Irish cob - congratulations on the birth of your daughter, I am sorry that you didn't get the birth you had hoped for though. I hope you can find peace eventually. If using a nipple shield is the way to get LO to latch on then don't let anyone make you feel bad, much better to use that than to give up (assuming you want to breast feed of course). Keep up the good work.

As for me , well I woke up to a bloody show in the night and started contracting at around 4am, contractions were regular at 6 minutes apart for a few hours but are now all over the place. Sophia has been picke dup by my parents and the pool is up and half filled (and rapidly getting cold :dohh:) COme on contractions, sort yourselves out!

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