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Watching 'The business of being born' and getting very emotional. :(
Ladies....please help.
I am sorry, this is far TMI, but I have had a bad tummy since 7pm last night (before dinner). I have been getting up constantly through the night and still have it, although I have nothing left in me IYKWIM.....
Hubby ate the same as me and he's fine.
My tummy has been quite hard at times and painful, but I can't distinguish whether it's period pains or the other, as it's low down.
My back is aching too, but I've had no show (that I know of).
I have a MW appointment at 12.25, but am at home alone and hubby is 75 miles away :(

Feel crappy - any ideas??xxxx
Massive congratulations Nat!!!!
I'm so pleased both you and your little boy are healthy and well!
Bought a tear to my eyes :hugs:

Well done you!!!
Some people say they have a 'clear out' just before labour starts. I wouldnt worry too much though honey because it's not a sure sign and I know you're quite close but there could still be quite some time yet - especially with a first baby....they like to make us wait!

Just make sure you drink lots so you dont dehydrate and get food down you - everything you should be doing anyway really :hugs:
I had this too - I don't know why it is?? But as MervsMum put it.. they do seem to have a bit of a clear out before hand!
I think it's to make more space which is why it's a good thing to avoid getting bunged up and constipated as it hinders the baby's head when it's descending.
Ah, I did wonder....!! I had heard it could be a sign.
I can't possibly've picked up a tummy bug though - I haven't been anywhere!!

I'm kinda hoping the MW will have a little check to see where I'm at (if anything at all) xxxx
Congratulations Nat!!! :wohoo:

BH - could be the clear out. Could be a bug. Your MW won't do a VE as standard but you could ask for one.
Afternoon all,

I have just got back from 38 week appointment. Baby is measuring big and always has been a little bit on the large side. The midwife is a little concerned about the implications of delivering at home if I go over. Therefore we are going for a "big-for-dates" scan at term, which will inform a decision of whether or not to continue with plan for home birth.
I think my plan if she is big would probably be to labour at home and see how it goes, which my midwife is happy with.

Hopefully I will go into labour before next week and before she gets too big. I'm gonna try some eviction tactics this afternoon. We took the scenic route back from the clinic, I'm having a spicy lunch and gonna spend the afternoon on my birthing ball.
Let us know how the eviction tactics are going. I'd like my little one to make an appearance, as I don't want to have to deal with the "overdue" battle for a home birth.

I've been drinking my RLT, taking my EPO and trying to remain upright. I had the worst sleep last night, waking up every hour or so to pee. Then, this morning [TMI], I had a poo, which is normal for me after eating breakfast; but half an hour later I had to have another, which isn't normal (would've been pre-pregnancy I guess, but my IBS has dissipated during pregnancy so that I have normal once-daily poos like normal people). I just feel drained today and was feeling really woozy when checking the message board earlier and had to lie down. And I have an ache along the left side of my bump, which I figure is probably a pulled ligament or muscle or something from flipping over and getting up so much in the night.
Right, ok....have been to MW and she thinks bubs is well and truly ready.
She made me an appointment for a growth scan for tomorrow, to be on the safe side and so we are both 110% confident for birth @ home, then she tested my urine......

I have 3+ protein and blood in my urine :'(
I have to go to hospital and I'm scared girls xxxx
Hopefully all should be ok. Sounds like a potential UTI is all (your BP is ok, right?), which is sorted with antibiotics. When you next do a urine sample, try to give yourself a good wipe down there before starting to wee, don't bump the rim of the container against your bits at all and try to get a midstream urine sample (so after you clean, start to wee then swoop down into the stream with the container and out again quickly). That should help to avoid any contamination from discharge or anything else that can give erroneous results. Those stupid cylindrical urine pots don't make it easy, especially when you can't see what you're doing down there!

*big hugs!*
Right, ok....have been to MW and she thinks bubs is well and truly ready.
She made me an appointment for a growth scan for tomorrow, to be on the safe side and so we are both 110% confident for birth @ home, then she tested my urine......

I have 3+ protein and blood in my urine :'(
I have to go to hospital and I'm scared girls xxxx

Oh hun, please try not to worry it sounds like a urine infection.. Have you had any burning or discomfort when weeing? :hugs: x x
Hopefully all should be ok. Sounds like a potential UTI is all (your BP is ok, right?), which is sorted with antibiotics. When you next do a urine sample, try to give yourself a good wipe down there before starting to wee, don't bump the rim of the container against your bits at all and try to get a midstream urine sample (so after you clean, start to wee then swoop down into the stream with the container and out again quickly). That should help to avoid any contamination from discharge or anything else that can give erroneous results. Those stupid cylindrical urine pots don't make it easy, especially when you can see what you're doing down there!

*big hugs!*

What Amanda said....:thumbup: x x x
congratulations Nattie! glad you and baby are doing well.x.
Right, ok....have been to MW and she thinks bubs is well and truly ready.
She made me an appointment for a growth scan for tomorrow, to be on the safe side and so we are both 110% confident for birth @ home, then she tested my urine......

I have 3+ protein and blood in my urine :'(
I have to go to hospital and I'm scared girls xxxx

Keep us updated... I'm sure everything is ok:flower:
Am just waiting to be seen. I have gad no signs of a urine infection, and ManaAnda - I wee'd into one of those diamond shaped paper mâché thingys. Could I still contaminate it??

The only strange things that have happened are the dizziness on Sunday and the horrendous diarrhea (sp?!) last night and today.
I am very, very swollen, but assumed that was normal. My BP was slightly raised, but not massively xxxx

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