Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Hmm, I wonder if the blood was from the diarrhoea? The thing you weed in doesn't sound sterile, but that doesn't mean it's not ok for a urine dipstick (just probably wouldn't be ok to send to the lab for culture and sensitivity). It could've been contaminated if you didn't wipe beforehand and/or get a mid-stream sample, so make sure you try for that when you next give a sample.

As for swelling, I know they worry more if it's your face and hands but not so much if it's your feet. Do you remember what your BP was? Of course, Cupcake will know more on this.
BH - hope you're not worrying too much hun. I had some protein last time (+1) but my BP wasnt up so they didnt bother checking me at all. Protein on it's own isnt always bad chick so fingers crossed it's nothing xx
My protein is 4+ and BP around 150/89. If you have any idea what that means?!

Oooh, BP now 158/78 - that's the latest from the arm breakingly tight machine strapped to me!!

The MW is lovely - me muchos impressed, especially as I'm on my own!!
My bloods have been sent to the lab xxxx
Best we dont try to play Dr/MW!! I'd say the BP sounds pretty good though :) Mine got up to 98 Diastolic (the bottom number which I believe is the most important) and I was sent home after a few hours monitoring when it settled down to the high 70's (which is still high for me.....mines normally 60-65).

My BP readings are:
175/85 then
154/87 then
149/89 then
158/78 then
164/76 then
145/81 all at 5 minute intervals in that automatic BP thingy.
Have posted about this in 3rd tri too - must keep busy (good ole' iPhone!!)
I have no idea about BP readings, just that MW says '70' is on the cusp for me usually??xx
Best we dont try to play Dr/MW!! I'd say the BP sounds pretty good though :) Mine got up to 98 Diastolic (the bottom number which I believe is the most important) and I was sent home after a few hours monitoring when it settled down to the high 70's (which is still high for me.....mines normally 60-65).


Just seen this, ooops!!

Yes, you're right - I was just bored and trying to keep occupied (and am long sighted, so can read the print out from where I'm laying!! Aha!!
Stop it woman!! :rofl: You should be relaxing!! :lol: Play a game on that iPhone and no googling!! :lol:
It doesn't sound too high, but then you do have to take into account what your normal is.. MM is right - the diastolic (bottom number) is of the most interest. Just try to relax and no playing on that iPhone with the same arm the BP cuff is on!
Watching 'The business of being born' and getting very emotional. :(

did you enjoy it? I really liked it. I know it's probably more aimed at the US but it's still an brilliant film.

I did enjoy it although it's obviously more of an opinion based documentary than anything else and there could maybe have been room for looking at the midwife situation in the states, as theres huge differences from State to state in midwife education, status and laws etc.
Hehe - I have avoided Google at all costs!!
I'm just waiting for bloods back and a scan I think xxxx
Oh sh*t!!
Scan was good (baby is big by all accounts - big abdominal circumference!!)
but have been admitted, as they are concerned about PE developing rapidly. They said they will keep me in overnight and collect urine and monitor BP. Then the consultant said they may induce me in the morning.....!! Sh*t, sh*t, f*ck, f*ck!!
Sorry - just can't believe it.

Mind you, guess there's still time for my BP and protein to drop, eh??xxxx
Oh dear BH try not to stress out. Must be horrible having to stay in, especially if your Oh isnt there but like you said, plently of time for things to change. I really wouldnt like to try and analyse your stats but just wanted to send you a big hug and send you my best wishes xxx
Oh and congrats Nattie! Glad to hear it all went well xxx
RE: big baby - late scans are inaccurate to 10% in either direction. Abdominal circumference is irrelevant in birth. Women have birthed 11+lb babies at home in water without so much as a graze. Unless you have diabetes it is extremely unlikely that you will grow a baby too big for you to give birth to.

:hugs: BH. It is normal for BP to be slightly raised at the end of pregnancy and it doesn't sound like yours is that high. I hope they are talking sense in the morning. Remember that you do not have to consent to induction but if there are other signs of PE then it is obviously the best thing. Thinking of you, I hope everything is ok.
BH - I agree with shifter. Try to relax and see how things go. Good luck! I'm rooting for you. :)
Thinking about you BH! :hugs:

Today we've been to our last hypnobirthing class. She also did hypnotherapy to turn Sid.....so watch this space. I have to keep visualising him turning and she suggested that he will have turned by the time I have a presentation scan.....so watch this space.....:)

Tonight we had a 'dry run' at setting up and filling the pool. Inflating it was quick but filling it with water takes aaaages! Once we'd run the hot water tank empty we had to wait for it to heat up again.....that took forever! In the meantime we boiled the kettle and some big pans and we also covered it with the insulation I got. That worked really well. The whole thing is going to take a good while to do so I'll have to get OH on with it as soon as I'm sure I'm in labour. Hebe had a play in it and I then took advantage and relaxed in it with some nice lighting and my labour music.....:cloud9:
Oh and thank you Carries! I got the book and am already on with it now! :D
Thinking about you BH! :hugs:

Today we've been to our last hypnobirthing class. She also did hypnotherapy to turn Sid.....so watch this space. I have to keep visualising him turning and she suggested that he will have turned by the time I have a presentation scan.....so watch this space.....:)

Tonight we had a 'dry run' at setting up and filling the pool. Inflating it was quick but filling it with water takes aaaages! Once we'd run the hot water tank empty we had to wait for it to heat up again.....that took forever! In the meantime we boiled the kettle and some big pans and we also covered it with the insulation I got. That worked really well. The whole thing is going to take a good while to do so I'll have to get OH on with it as soon as I'm sure I'm in labour. Hebe had a play in it and I then took advantage and relaxed in it with some nice lighting and my labour music.....:cloud9:

Oh I am so jealous!!
I'm laying on a hospital bed, strapped to monitors :(
I received the books today Carries - thank you. Bought the Hypnobirthing book in with me in my hospital bag, and was just having a read, but started getting all upset....guess my labour plans are on hold if I have PE....??

Shifter, I agree about size and he registrar didn't seem to think it was a big concern, it's the Pre-Eclampsia that is the issue.
My BP has been over 30 over my booking in and just (whilst on the monitor) went to 40 over.
I would be too scared about baby's safety to disagree I think. I feel so strongly about birthing at home in the pool, and could argue my point if the bab was just 'big', but PE terrifies the life out of me, as I can't risk lo.

I'm just hoping that 'if' I'm induced, the pessarys will work and I might be able to be mobile and get in the pool?? Does anyone know if that's allowed??
Also, the MW said that PE labours can often be quicker....??

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