Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

*sigh* Just finished seeing my midwife who reminded me that it doesn't necessarily mean anything is imminent. I know she's right. He's still 4/5 palpable as well (although I feel that he's down further). Wee is fine. BP is fine and actually better than last week. Fundal height was perfect at 39cm. Baby's heart beat is fine. She figures I'll go over by a few days. I don't wanna. :nope:

I'm due to next see her for an antenatal check and stretch/sweep at 40+2, then further stretch/sweeps at 40+3 and 40+5 to try to get things going and stay away from that induction that I'm desperate to avoid. She said they tend to schedule an induction around 41+4, give or take a day. So, this bean had better get out by 12/03! I keep reminding myself that he's not even due for another 8 days.

Manda, please remember that normal pregnancy is 37-42 weeks. Your estimated due date is completely meaningless and you are not "overdue" until after 42 weeks! On average caucasian babies (sorry if I am assuming incorrectly) arrive at 41+1 for primiparous women and 40+3 for multips. You do not have to "avoid" induction, you may simply state that you do not want one. By all means accept the offer of sweeps if you want but these are also voluntary and it is generally accepted that they only appear to work if the cervix is already ready. In which case what is the point really?!

Thank you, I am aware of that. :thumbup: My EDD has been consistent over three scans (going by my LMP would've had me "due" a month ago), so I'm happy that it's pretty close to that date. However, I wouldn't feel comfortable with an induction before 42 weeks, and if it comes down to booking one, I will be informing my midwife of that. And even though it's not ideal, I would agree to an induction at 42+ if it came to it, as I personally feel (due to informing myself and also my line of work) that it's a better safe than sorry approach. So, in that vein, I'm happy to accept the offer of sweeps (I've read some good stats on them....somewhere), again if it comes down to it.
Good luck Manda! Here's hoping that baby cooperates and shows up before 42 weeks. :)
Manda :hugs: I'd take the sweeps too. If there's a smidging of a chance that they will give things a nudge then they are worth it!! I'll be taking them again this time if it means that psychologically I feel like I'd doing something to improve my chances of a HB and not going too far past 40 wks :)
A fellow American (she posted on this site...not sure if she posts here anymore) who had her baby a few weeks back just mentioned to me that when she saw her GP at 38+6 (exactly what I am today), her baby was still 4/5 palpable (as my baby still is), and her waters started leaking the next morning and labour started. So, I'm reminding myself of her example - it can seem like not much is happening, and then it can all happen at once. I'm just going to breathe and enjoy however much of my pregnancy that I have left (yes, even though I'm dying to meet him!!!).
I know I started to engage last Wednesday just due to the way I felt. In my previous antenatal appt he had been completely free. On Sunday night I had a show and by Monday lunchtime Isaac was with us. So yes, just because there are no signs as of yet, it doesn't mean your LO won't be spontaneously on their way to meet you very shortly. :hugs:

I had planned to have some reflexology to get him moving when I hit 39 weeks though. I figured the worst that could happen would be I'd get some lovely relaxing pampering, and the best would be to stimulate the little fella to get a wriggle on.

Just out of interest, it's my understanding that in France, they use a 41 week gestation period to calculate the EDD and you aren't considered post-dates till 43 weeks. But I'm open to correction on that as it's just something someone else told me.
Just out of interest, it's my understanding that in France, they use a 41 week gestation period to calculate the EDD and you aren't considered post-dates till 43 weeks. But I'm open to correction on that as it's just something someone else told me.

I've heard the same thing. Not sure where, possibly a TV programme.
Hello ladies,

Well.....hardly any progress on my front. I went to see the consultant last week Thursday and still no date for this meeting. :wacko: He called me yesterday to tell me that the senior midwife he wanted to talk too was on annual leave but another senior will give me a call to arrange this meeting to discuss the 'issues'..so I am still waiting :coffee: My fiance is not happy though, and says I should give her untill Monday and call back again as it seems no one is taking my plans seriously really.

Went to my first antenatal class yesterday, I really enjoyed it but the word 'homebirth' was not even mentioned at all. It seems as if, homebirth is taboo in this area or something and the two midwives were so airheaded I would probably freak out if they turned up to my labour. One of them even made a joke about babies going into distress when mothers have had epidurals in hospital, I kid you not! :growlmad:

I only want experienced midwives turning up at my homebirth, can I even request that?

Anyway, how is everyone else...I am sorry to hear your midwife will be away for your labour MM. Do you know any of the other midwives on the team? I am going to have a proper read through all the recent replies, as I only just skimmed it quickly..:blush: x x x
I remember my antenatal classes well for this very reason! I had to keep reminding the woman who ran it that I was having a homebirth and she was very dismissive basically saying that as there is a chance you will have to transfer the hospital based info was more important.

I agree with your hubby. Phone on monday and if you get no joy tell them to sod off, that you are having your homebirth and would appreciate it if they put the necessary plans in place. End of.


I agree with your hubby. Phone on monday and if you get no joy tell them to sod off, that you are having your homebirth and would appreciate it if they put the necessary plans in place. End of.


Ita :thumbup:
Yep, in France (and some other countries I believe) they use the Mittendorf EDD calculation, as that is based on actual evidence. Pregnancy simply isn't 40 weeks for most women. I've seen the stats for stillbirth risk and the highest risk is between 38-39 weeks. 42-43 is about 0.1% higher than 41-42 weeks. I was happy to wait until 43 weeks, personally, as the risks associated with induction were just so much higher than that. But everyone should stick with whatever they are comfortable with. I'm afraid I'm not a believer in "natural" induction, i.e. reflexology etc. Babies just come when they and mum are ready. A bit of pampering and relaxation might be a good way to get yourself ready and that's great, but if bubs isn't ready yet then nothing will happen.

Mon - you can request that specific MWs do not attend. If you put something in writing to the HoM stating that you expect them to provide competent, confident and experienced MWs only then that is what you will get. Even your hospital, with its appalling HB attitude will have a "golden mw"! They just tend to have to keep their heads down in some areas but if they get wind of someone wanting gold standard care they will come out for you!
When I first got pregnant I was expecting to go to about 10 days over, because I was 10 days late and was my mums first. I have started getting inpatient and anxious since having a show at 36+2. I had a midwife appointment at 36+5. At the 38+6 appointment she said she hadn't expected to see me and thought I would have delivered by now. I also made the mistake of telling my mum I had a show, so now magically my nan and sisters know and are phoning for updates. I just about get myself calm and thinking she will come when she comes and I spend the night in pain, expecting to be in early labour by the morning. For the last 2 weeks most nights I have spent with period pains and hourly BH.

So atm I am struggling to remind myself that she will come when she comes and 40 weeks + is normal.

And I really don't wanna get to 40 weeks as I am having a growth scan to see just how big the baby is. She is big, but me and OH are big. I still plan to labour at home no matter how big she is. And if I get to 40+6 it's another antenatal appointment and bloods for iron and a random blood glucose. I know I can refuse these investigations but I would rather know what was going on and make a decision based on this....I just dont want to get to the stage where they are needed if that makes sense.
Aw, I really feel a lot the same as you, Celesse. My midwife hasn't said anything about blood tests, and a growth scan has never been mentioned (I was measuring dead on 39cm yesterday). But I liked that she was more than happy to do a sweep at my 40 weeks appointment when I mentioned it yesterday and even schedule a further two in that week to get things going. However, I'd still love it if he came before.

Maybe this is what I was reading about sweeps before, or maybe it was just the NICE Guidelines that it quotes. Anyway, the UK Midwifery Archives are often used as reference on the homebirth.org.uk site.
Just adding a link I found on yahoo homebirth group


x x
Thanks for that ER! :thumbup:

Going back to your issues with this meeting: I agree with the others. Chase them up and then sack it off. Dont waste energy on it for now. Crack on :winkwink: and get your own plans in place so that when they do next meet you they realise they're not dealing with a push over. I'd be aware in the back of your mind that if they pick up on certain insecurities of yours, like the experience of the MW they'd send to you at home, they may play this to their advantage. Play your cards close to your chest on that one. Tell them what you expect but dont let them think they've got your Achilles heel and them start saying 'oh well we cant guarantee the level of experience you'd get blah blah blah.....My guess would be that they seem soooo over cautious, that they'd be shitting their pants if they didnt get everything spot on for you and send the person they know wouldnt put a finger wrong - if they are not meeting mum's expectations on this they know they'd be in the pap much higher up if you were to really kick up a fuss before or after your birth. I personally think YOU are firmly in the drivers seat here and you just need to keep them reminded of that.

Thank you MM :hugs:

Well I have been posting recently on the yahoo homebirth group, and today Ahorn replied to me asking whether I even checked out the BMI they wrote down for me as she said it doesnt seem write from what I have said........well I havent. :wacko:

So this morning, I thought I would check it out. I put in the weight she had down for me at booking in, and my height and would you believe its wrong! :dohh: She has put down 35, it works out to be 32 when I used the nhs calculator thingy.

Now, even the weight she has down is a bit suspect as well to be honest. ...so only God knows what I weighed at my 10 week booking in appointment but my fiance said " They have f***** up your BMI " :haha: I think he is right..

EternalRose x x x
Thank you MM :hugs:

Well I have been posting recently on the yahoo homebirth group, and today Ahorn replied to me asking whether I even checked out the BMI they wrote down for me as she said it doesnt seem write from what I have said........well I havent. :wacko:

So this morning, I thought I would check it out. I put in the weight she had down for me at booking in, and my height and would you believe its wrong! :dohh: She has put down 35, it works out to be 32 when I used the nhs calculator thingy.

Now, even the weight she has down is a bit suspect as well to be honest. ...so only God knows what I weighed at my 10 week booking in appointment but my fiance said " They have f***** up your BMI " :haha: I think he is right..

EternalRose x x x

I'm glad you've checked. When I read Angela's suggestion on the Yahoo group, I thought she just might have something there. Especially considering I'm 5'7" and was a size 16 pre-pregnancy and had a BMI of 31.4 (I just checked it on the calculator as well, which says I'm obese - nice), I thought it was quite bizarre that yours could be higher than mine.
Yeah, she wrote it down wrong and now I dont know what my accurate BMI was at booking in, because the weight she has down seems a bit off as well. :wacko: Oh well, I will be bringing it up to the consultant tomorrow when I call in.

Edit: I will be contacting AIMS tomorrow as well x x
By the way MM, I have read your book it has made me want my homebirth even more..:thumbup: It was a great read, so I am ready to pass it on. I am happy to lend out my Ina May Gaskin guide to childbirth if anyone wants it too x x x
I can't believe she messed up your BMI. My BMI at booking was 28.5 (height 5'7'' weight 13stone). My midwife had forgot her reading glasses and let me work it out myself on the chart. Her comment was "well that puts you as overweight, which is really unfair" and proceeded to rant about BMI charts.

From what I've read of the NICE guidelines a BMI of 35 seems to be the cut off point for a lot of things.

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