Home Birthers & Hopefuls!


My HB list, do I need anything else ladies? I know it's a while off, but I like to have my list done and start collecting early so it's not a big rush!!

  • Pool
  • Pool Liner
  • Towels
  • Old Blanket
  • Big Blanket (for me)
  • Shower Curtains
  • Incontenance pads
  • Maternity Pads
  • Waterproof Matress Cover
  • Tarp (for under the pool)
  • Spillproof cup
  • Tub for PLacenta
  • Breastpads

Anything I've left off, or don't need off that list?
you def need everything on your list! what about a tens machine and music? xx
Yeh tens I found usefull, Recieving blanket and a little hat, thermometer for pool, mw will bring a shed load of inco sheets so you shouldn't need any of those. And if your planing on using any oils, candles etc. so exciting sorting your birth box out. Xxx
I had to provide inco pads! they brought a few but not nearly enough. Plus they're very handy to have afterwards to protect the bed :blush:
Really, mine had a suitcase with a massive wad in there lol.
now i feel done :haha:, i bought pampers bed sheets, way bigger and worked fantastically! something to check what your area does then jellybean :)
Do feel too hard done by, I never got any use out of more than one when my waters broke cause I ended up in back of ambulance instead ha ha. Although I got a maternity pad out of it rather than using my own ha ha ha.
:dohh: ok so not quite to plan!! next time fx'ed you get to stay at home ;) xx

my left over pads are still in the cupboard ready for next time! fx'ed next year :D
I'm gonna point blank refuse to step out of the house next time ha ha! Oh put my pool up in the loft the other day (only taken 4 and a half month!!!) all ready for next time :)
haha Caro, I still have my home birth box semi-ready to go. And my little boy is 26 months, and we're only TTC.
haha Caro, I still have my home birth box semi-ready to go. And my little boy is 26 months, and we're only TTC.

Totally OT, but i see in your siggy the blinkie that says "save a life, donate milk". Do you donate your milk? If so, i just wanted to thank you! I have Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT aka: breast hypoplasia/hypoplastic breasts) and at my best i only produce 50% of my babies milk (ive done everything, have an IBCLC and everything). With DS1 i had no idea that donor milk was even an option. I thought it was only for premie/sick babies. It was tramatizing enough to find out that i cannot do something so natural and normal such as feed my baby. I had to witness him throw up every formula out there (projectile vomit :sick:) because he had an intolerance to it. It was so heartbreaking. One thing after the next. ..But then i learned about milk sharing. And with DS2, i am quite pleased to say that he is 100% on breast milk/nursing. :dance: He is over 3 months old and still has a virgin gut! I nurse as much as possible, then i give him the donor milk through an SNS/Lact-Aid. We have about 20 different donors and i am just so amazed and grateful for each and every one of them. If it wasn't for donor milk, i would have never found healing with my IGT :nope: I can't thank milk donors (everywhere!) enough. If it wasn't for moms that choose to help, my babies would either be on formula (and very much sick from it!) or be dead...cold honest truth....i thank God for the women (and the babies!) that share their gold!
hi Ladies,

i hope you dont mind me joining but i decided i would like a Home Water Birth with this pregnancy and having discussed it with my widwife this morning she's very encouraging.

She has passed my details onto the midwife who does the home births in our area so we're just waiting to hear from her to find out the next steps.

Ive watched many videos on home birthing and every one of them looked amazing. I really want that for my last birth.

i know i have a long way to go still but im praying i have no complications which would prevent this from happening.

Hi Ladies

Well, after my failed attempt at homebirth in Aug 2010 I am going for it again :) This will be my last baby so hope it works this time :)

I have told my midwife and we are sorting all the paperwork etc at my 28 week appointment which in 20th July :)

Starting to get excited now :) :happydance:

I'm 39 wks today, planned home birth arranged, was in here in 2010 hoping for one with my son Charlie but had to transfer last minute as home birth team still with another lady couldn't come to me.

Its been confirmed by head of midwifery dept. that will not be the case this time, i will refuse to leave my home anyway, will transfer if complications or failure to progress.

this baby has been a bit naughty, she turned breech at 36 wks but after lots of techniques to get her to flip by 37 wks she was head down.

Last wk confirmed 2 cms dilated and 3/5 th engaged but had major movements today so going to get that checked out later to confirm presentation.

Really hope i get my wish this time, all down to baby and position though.

What will be will be though!
Good luck Rebecca! Cheeky baby flipping like that though! Really hope you get your hb this time around. Xxx
Good luck Rebecca!!! You dont have to transfer for failure to progress either. If you and baby are both ok, then there should be no reason to put you on a timer ;)
This is my first pregnancy, and barring any complications, I will be giving birth at home.
I will have a birthing pool, and will be using hypno techniques.
I also recently heard about lotus birthing, and am definitely going to research that one better.
Hi all :flower:
As of tomorrow (37 weeks) i will hopefully be able to have a home birth. Its been planned from the beginning; its my first baby but i'd rather be in a calm, controlled home environment with several midwives to look after me and baby than in a hot, busy, noisy hospital where the risk of intervention is higher!
Hoping to use baths, birthing ball and breathing techniques/bit of listening to relaxation tracks and gas and air for pain relief.

My situation is quite different though- I recently moved in with my mum and she is a community midwife :) I'm very lucky to get pretty much around the clock advice. Good luck to all xxx
Wow its been quiet in here of late, sorry I havent been around but I've been doing various things from taking a BnB break, taking care of the VBAC support thread and what not.

Anyhoo.....hubby finally sorted out some photos so wanted to share.

For those that dont remember I planned to HBAC and got to 10cm at home but had blood loss concerns so went in but still had an awesome VBAC with only GnA and not a single stitch (w00p).

Now I warn you the pics in this thread are pretty graphic so careful....you wont find pics of me and hubby smiling with baby or anything it just didnt get captured on camera and hubby isnt like that so here is me moment after pushing my 2nd son into the world. It may be my 2nd baby but it was my 1st birth and NOTHING will beat that feeling.

Thanks for sharing Chuck, lovely photos (they don't scare me haha I've been there too!!). Glad to hear you were satisfied with the doula, she just cleared her $900 cheque and OH is a bit hesitant so I'll pass along the message :)

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