Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

I had bright red spotting at 5 weeks which stopped after a few hours, it is a scary time but my lo is coming upto 3 months now!
Brown blood is old though so should be nothing, maybe due to implantation but if your worried give epu a call for reassurance and maybe they'll offer an early scan to check things out. Xx
Not pregnant however have a few questions for number #3 eek some of you will remember me that are still in and out of here however for those who dont here is the reason for my questions.

DS 4hours start to finish 9cm when got to hospital
DD 2hours start to finish 5cm at 8:10am delivered at 8:25am

So obv after having had 1 homebirth for #3 I would love another also of those times by the time I realise im in labour I doubt I would get to hospital in time, however I also doubt a midwife would get to me intime with DD took the midwife 45mins ish, she had just got and checked me over then unloaded the car.

So what times of things would I/Oh need to read or have ready etc as tbh if I get faster every time (took me an hour to realise I was in labour and not a false start) I expect #3 to be a unassisted homebirth. I know it would be a 999 call if I wanted to push before anyone got here but just wondering..

hope all you ladys waiting for your homebirths have a wonderful time!
Eeeeek Lesley!! Talk of number 3 very exciting. If it was me I'd read as much as I could in the lead up, already having two children im sure you'll know the signs of when things are getting towards the end. I'd educate oh on assisting a delivery if he needs to get involved. I'm sure you'd do great though and as you say you can ring 999 and they'd help your oh too until someone got there. I'd prefer a mw present but if they didn't get there in time I'd like to think I'd take it all in my stride and trust my body etc.
Im sure others who have done uc planned or unPlanned will give you much better advice though. When you planning ttc? Xx
Well oh wants to already but I'm thinking one lexi is one, selfish reason because then I won't be pregnant on my 21st and over christmas and oh should get another payrise around then. Oh has said he wants another girl tho not a boy lol (not that he would not love a son just he loves giving me his card and me buying cute outfits for her lol)
Aw lexis only 5 week older than Freya felt like forever waiting for her to arrive after you had your lo! But now it's nothing ha ha. It'll soon cone around to her being one so it's not a long wait. I'm hoping I don't have to put mine back another year! I'm looking at going into health visiting but don't know if I'll get onto this years course with going back to work end aug( uni starts sept) my maternity policy says I have to be back at work 3 months boooo! Xx
Oh that must suck Hun I cant imagine leaving lexi, is there not a course you can do online? I was doing my health and social care before/while I was pregnant with lexi. That can lead onto all sorts hv,mw,social worker,care worker,nursing etc I was planning on going back on another course once lexi was 1 and a half but me and oh have decided aslong a his wages keep going up I shall be a sahm then a housewife once the kid are in school unless I find a job I want to do purely because I enjoy it. Oh has a very traditional mindset on the man works and the women does not but that's about the only traditional bit lol can't say I mind haha

I'm just scared about the next labour I mean I would hate a c-sec but I keep thinking it would be so much easier if I got pregnant with twins and had a planned "early" c-sec lmao see my minds in overdrive about the fact I don't really want an unassisted birth takes oh half an hour drive to work! So I could be home alone with the kids!!
Its weird cause a few weeks back I became obsessed with c sections even though I'm forever away from ttc ha ha! But even if you did have twins you could still hopefully have a hb! Eeek.

Eta I didn't read your post properly lol! Next time just call that mw at the first twinge and tell her to get her arse round there ASAP lol! I know what you mean though now I think I could uc if I had to but if it became reality it must be scary!

I would prefer to do the course this yr, it's 5 days a week but I know from been at uni doing my nursing it's not all day and my mum would have her like she will when I return to work anyway. I do 3 12hour shifts a week, I've emailed royal college of nursing for career advice but I wish my oh had your oh's mind set ha ha. Xx
Had a hb with my first and my whole labour was 90 minutes ( with midwife only present for about 15-20 mins before she was born!!) obviously planning hb again but yup same a little nervous of the possibility of unassisted birth though OH mum isn't far away and is a nurse so hopefully at least her there! I don't have any plans or wishes for a couple of paramedics being there trying to get me out of my pool/bathroom or wherever I decide is comfy!!!!
We had a planned UC with our second. As long as you plan for it and know what you're doing, it isn't scary at all (at least it wasn't for us) If I did have a MW there, I would have had to tranfer to hospital and be induced due to my waters breaking and labor not starting for over 24 hours. However, I knew my body and trusted it. I also drank tons of water, monitored my temps, and took a lot of vit c and immune boosters.

On another note, I feel so out of place in 1st tri. Forgot how much I felt the same last time. I don't have any scans done, no bloodwork, and I don't ever really get many symptoms. Sigh.
I wasn't too keen on the tri forums (and i was having scan) after spending all my ttc time thinking how excited I was to be able to go there lol!
It must be so exciting planning and anticipating an uc especially when you've already experienced it so know what it's like.
Are you hoping to be bf all three? I wish imm hadn't of self weaned I'd love to experience random nursing and seen as its probably Likely ttc is gonna be put back a year (unless I dont get into uni next year) it still most likely won't happen. X
I've been at a few BBAs or unplanned UCs and they're some of the most amazing, peaceful calm births I've been blessed to attend. I think once it becomes apparent the baby is going to beat the mws an air of calm descends, if it wasn't already there, and you just allow things to unfold. The mums who had UCs /BBAs by accident often then go on to say it was 'perfect' and they wouldn't be bothered if it happened again. I can see the appeal of UC since being at a few although my personal preference (for me not clients obv) is to call the mws when it's pretty obvious birth is fairly imminent ie transition unless I felt instinctively that I wanted them there sooner. My ideal would be they walk in the door and the baby is about 15/20 mins after them!
Not posted in here for a while. Still TTC so feeling a little out of place here at the moment :blush:
Hey y'all, just to let you know, i attempted a homebirth on the 9th March. Got to 7cm at home in the pool before my little monkey's position took control of my brain and started me pushing. Ended up with an emergency section in the early hours of the 10th. Sad but actually really pleased at how long I stayed at home.
I'm really hoping to give birth at home. I'm still a while away (only at 17w), but I've done some research and I think it would be a good option for me.

I've bookmarked this thread and will come back to read more :)
just clicked on the Facebook page! we're hoping for a homebirth this september with baby #2! it's so awesome to talk with other women also trying for a homebirth =]
Congratulations and happy babymooning MissyB!! Rest and heal well xx

Welcome shadow and CJ! x
Just popping my head in here :dance: We are planning a homebirth for our first Booflet!
Awesome Boofle! So nice to see another lady due around the same time wanting to homebirth! :happydance:
:wave: Shadowy, Boofle and CJ!

Congrats Missy, hope your recovery is a smooth one and enjoy your babymoon! :)
Hi everyone!

Have posted here once or twice in the past as I had a homebirth in March 2010... and am excited to be here 'properly' now as after a rollercoaster ride of 18 cycles ttc #2, we're finally pregnant. 8 weeks tomorrow. :)

L was born at home in the birthing pool... turned down induction, labour started naturally at 42+1 and she was born at 42+3 - 53 hours after first contraction... loooong and very intense 'unestablished' labour followed by a pretty swift 3-4 hour established labour including a 2nd stage of just 2 contractions. We had 2 NHS midwives there for 3 hours before she was born.

Expecting to go to around 42 weeks again... so keeping our fingers crossed and hoping to be welcoming our second child into the world at home in late November/early December 2012.

Looking forward to chatting with you all. Have requested to join the fb group too.

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