Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Well, haven't posted in here in a while. Thought I'd give a little update. Things are going really well for my UC. Baby is growing so fast now, measuring dead on for 25 weeks + 2 days. Listened to baby's HB and its wonderfully strong. Getting all my things together for the birth, but things are coming together really.well. :happydance: Can't wait for January and my UC. Hope everyone is doing well.
Hiya guys...unfortunately I did not get my home birth. Here is the full birth story if you're interested! Basically we had to go in as the midwives were all on call. But it's a good job I did, as I had a PPH of 1.8l after the birth!
I have just created a new thread in this section as I am booked in for a homebirth and my due date is next Thursday (11th). Hoping this time it goes to plan, the last one didn't!!!

You know you'll have it in the bag this time! I know you will. Can't wait, come on LO get a wriggle on! Xx
hello everyone!

i am still hopeful for a home water birth but at my 20 weeks scan we found out my placenta is fully covering my cervix.

i have to go back for a scan at 34 weeks to see if it has moved.

fingers x'd it has moved and i will still be on track for my home birth!!


I had a 3D scan at the weekend and asked her to have a look at my placenta, she said yes it had moved slightly and is still low but judging by the position of it says she thinks it will have moved by my 34 week scan.

I'm so worried i wont be able to have my home birth but obviously will go with what is safest for myself and bubs.

I've decided to still go and see my local home birth group, just in case i can still have my preferred birth. They meet once a month on the 2nd Thurs, so basically i only have a couple more sessions to be able to attend... eek!

Well I did everything except deliver at home!
DD Cassandra Ann (Cassie) was born by emcs on Saturday after over 24hrs in labour. No pain relief except tens and pool til 8cm, got to full dilation but she was grinding against my pelvis and couldn't go any further down. I made the decision to transfer in. They looked at forceps but she was still too high. Just the same as DS. We gave it our best shot but sadly vbac didn't work for us. She is absolutely gorgeous and we had a much better section than last time - delayed cord clamping etc.
Well I did everything except deliver at home!
DD Cassandra Ann (Cassie) was born by emcs on Saturday after over 24hrs in labour. No pain relief except tens and pool til 8cm, got to full dilation but she was grinding against my pelvis and couldn't go any further down. I made the decision to transfer in. They looked at forceps but she was still too high. Just the same as DS. We gave it our best shot but sadly vbac didn't work for us. She is absolutely gorgeous and we had a much better section than last time - delayed cord clamping etc.

Congrats fifi!! Sorry the VBAC did not work out but well done on making it through 24 hours without pain relief, I am in awe :) Glad you had a better section experience. Pictures!!!
Aw fifi I'm so sorry you didn't get the birth you wanted, I know that gutting feeling when you know you won't get what you planned for all so well. Buuuuut congratulations on your baby girl!! Xxxx
Congrats! Sorry you didn't get the VBAC you hoped for but you have a beautiful,healthy little girl! Yay!

Cannot believe I am getting so close to the end...preparations for the home birth are in I'll swing. I have an US to check placenta and position etc, and I see the midwife weekly now, and have started hypnotherapy for birthing...so close now!
pic spam...



Lovely photos and I can't believe the smile!!! :) She looks like a big girl!
Thank you! She's a cutie!!! 8lb 11oz, 56cm long, 36cm head circumference, with giant hands and feet!
I had a home birth. Wasnt planned I just didnt make it to hospital in time. In comparison to being induced with my 1st it was amazing! Although a bit scary at the time lol!
Leonie - that exact thing happened to my friend last month! She was happy to be home in the end but yes, having planned it ahead of time would have been less stressful!
Everyone was ssying you should be pleased loads of people long for a home birth I was like well yeah but these people at least have someone that knows what there doing and has some sort of set up for the birth not just popping them out on the bathroom.floor lmao! My induction was planned for the next morning due to him having lung issues was supposed to be a Dr present! So scary stuff. I was so surprised at how well i.managed pain wise with my 1st I had gas and air and morphine and was still in agony. This time I was doing the dishes telling myself to pull myself together cause I was nowhere near giving birth to then have him very soon after lol! Definately would go down a natural route.should I ever have any more! The only downside was the mess. I was mopping the floor as the paramedics were trying to get me to the ambulance lmao!
Mine were born in the bathroom too. Unassisted as well, but planned. Glad it went well for you, even if you werent expecting it!
Hello all, just popping my head in as OH and I are now TTC no. 2 and can't wait to plan home birth no. 2! Circumstances quite different this time round but just excited to get pregnant again and give our lovely son a little brother or sister.

Good luck to all you hopeful girls, knowledge is power when it comes to home and natural birth, hope to get to know you all soon!

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