Hopeful for a pregnancy after a m/c


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
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Hello everyone I am new here..February 14th 2011 I was six weeks pregnant and found out I was going to miscarry,all they saw on the ultrasound was the sac and I had begun to bleed, this news was devastating for my husband and myself, I had three healthy pregnancies and I never thought about how high the chances of miscarriages are, My husband and I have no children together and I would love to have a child with my soul mate, my ex was horrible to me through my pregnancies, I would NEVER wish this on any one.
I stopped bleeding March 7th, we are trying again, the waiting is driving me crazy, I have read that many are futile right after a m/c I bought some LH strips but I don't even know when to test as I have not had a period since the m/c. I have moments where I am okay but always in the back of my mind is that emptiness this cloud of depression that fallows me everywhere...Any way I'm always looking up information tricks on how to conceive, what to do, what not to do, how to tell when the best time to try is, I have also been charting my temperature, my cervix and fluid, if any on has and advise any information or if you just want to share your story anything helps, and I'll keep writing about my situation and venting my feelings, my heart is broken and I feel it wont truly heal until I can have a healthy pregnancy I can't have the baby we lost but I just need to fill this emptiness that I lose sleep over...soon....It felt great to get that out.

Jaqueline :dust:
Hi Jaqueline,

I am so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing your story. Mine is similar to yours. I went in for my 8 week scan on 2.15 and doctors said that I would miscarry and to schedule a D&C. I choose not to but eventually miscarried naturally on 3.8.11. Heartbroken since we lost the twins but my fiance and I are ready to TTC.
We can be TTC buddies, especially since I timing is so close. I haven't been charting though.
Crossing my fingers for your success.
Oh double the loss I am truly sorry..So many friends in family have told me they have gone through similar situations I believe now we are lucky if it takes it's 50/50..Lets be TTC buddies I like that..I'm wishing you luck and praying for us that we will have a healthy pregnancy soon, lets keep in touch and know you can count on me, your not alone, neither of us are :hugs:
I was only 5 weeks and couple of days when I started to M/C... I am still bleeding as we speak. My HCG started decreasing on Weds/Thursday of last week. My DH and I will be trying again when this is all over. I am not sure when I will get AF again due to the fact that I had bleeding the first day of my expected period on February 28th and the bleeding stopped on March 4th. I started bleeding again on this past Friday. I will just wait and see what happens I guess. I plan on buying ovulation tests when we are ready again if AF does not show her face.. Best of luck to both of you ladies.
Im so sorry JPARR01 for your loss, one thing I'll tell you is I am a very impatient person and it happened so fast I bled for 13 days it went surprisingly quick I went through a period where I could not even get out of the bed, and I was thinking all I want to do is sleep and let time go by so I can be done with this and get back what I lost, and here I am "trying" it will go by in no time, just do things to make yourself happy don't sit in the dark and plan for the future, go ahead and get those strips I bought mine when I was still bleeding as a matter of fact go to Amazon I paid $10.00 and got 30 Ovulation tests and 30 Pregnancy tests..Also I have read a lot about this and us ladies are super fertile after a m/c they call it a period your body must think you just had one so it goes ohhh it's time to release an egg...I'm taking 5mg of folic acid..Good luck I bet you will have a pregnancy soon let us know!!!
<3 <3
I had a mmc on 24 Jan at 12 weeks + 2 days. They found a large cyst at the same time which twisted my ovary and meant an operation a month ago where they also found endometriosis. Am just finishing my first AF since last october and have everything Xed that it will happen as I am getting on a bit. Physically I am doing well (so it seems) but mentally I am so angry at everyone. Not sleeping much either. Have now had 8 weeks off work with the whole situation and am so annoyed with my body for letting us down so badly :(
I went for my 12 week scan on Friday (11th) where they discovered that the baby hadn't developed - they don't know if it was a blighted ovum or that the baby died early. I decided to opt for the medical management route and I had the second lot of treatment on Monday which did its job, I'm still bleeding obviously but I think the majority of tissue came out on Monday. I have to go back for a scan on the 29th to check everything is clear, so I assume I have to wait until then before we can start trying again...

Sorry to all you ladies, this is the worst thing I have ever experienced - I wouldn't wish this on anyone xx
im sorry to hear of your loss .. i wasnt too far gone the 3rd time i m/c on 14th feb .. but the 1st i was 5 months and even though i didnt know i was pg it was a blow to my confidence and my heart.
i am ttc now so can be another ttc buddy :) this month so far is negative as af showed horrible face this morning x

msg me anytime x
Oh double the loss I am truly sorry..So many friends in family have told me they have gone through similar situations I believe now we are lucky if it takes it's 50/50..Lets be TTC buddies I like that..I'm wishing you luck and praying for us that we will have a healthy pregnancy soon, lets keep in touch and know you can count on me, your not alone, neither of us are :hugs:

I never thought about the risk of miscarrying until I was faced with it. Thanks for the luck. Have you had your first AF since miscarrying yet? I haven't but not sure that I'll wait either.
Sorry for your loss JPARR01. I know what you are going through. Good luck with your journey as well.
Hey Vix, Pink and Suferbabe. Sorry to hear of your losses as well. Everyone's story is so touching. I wish you all the best of luck with TTC. I'm here if anyone needs to talk.
When my DH and I started TTC I never thought that a M/C would happen to me... but it did. Best of luck with everyones journey to a BFP!!!!!

@Robertsgirl- I have such a hard time reading the OPK strips that have the lines on them.. I swear by the "Happy Face" OPK sticks..
Us girls have to stick together, and this is I'm sure is the hardest thing we will have gone thro, second will be how fast our babies will grow..And I can't wait to see it!!! I am totally going to soak up every second of being pregnant, knowing what could come of it, and when I see that little tiny heart beating I will have tears of joy. This is probably a silly question but what is AF Blu_Butterfly? @surferbabe thank you for sharing your story, I am so sorry for your loss, I am happy all is moving along your almost there keep positive, and I am here to chat any time :) @pink80 that's horrible I can't imagine the grief this will make you very strong it will for us all...@vix1972 please update on your health, and its okay that your angry I was angry with myself I felt like I let my husband down and we made the mistake of telling his children and mine, and everyone else we new :( And they said it was not me but I still can't help but wonder what happened could I have done something different, my heart and prayers go out to you all :) <3 <3
JPARR01 Happy face?? I like it, where do you get those? I use the lines dip in a cup strip..lol and it can be hard to read, but be careful, the day after I stopped bleeding I tested and got a positive found out it was just the left over hormones from my failed pregnancy..I tested two days after and got a negative and I think I'll start testing today at the same time and they say not to drink too much and do it later in the day...and just to be safe, have sex every other day..my big problem right now..and this is embarrassing, but I seem to have a dry issue...The sperm safe lub is costly, so I'm shopping around for something, intercourse can be painful with this..sucks I missed a few chances..maybe :(
Jaqueline. AF = Aunto Flow, period. I had to learn the lingo too. Still learning actually. There is a post that has all of the acronyms spelled out. It'll help you learn what everyone is talking about. When I first got here I thought everyone was speaking a foreign language lol.

And the dry issue, I believe is a result of the hormone fluctuations. I'm getting ready to say entirely too much but, here it goes - tell your DH to spend more time teasing, tasting and arousing you (I can't believe I actually wrote that) but it works! Natural body fluids work as the best lubricant.

I haven't been using OPK strips. My finance and I want to just have sex and test for pregnancy. Kinda flightly right? But he thinks (and I agree) that all of the testing, measuring and etc. makes it feel less like romantic, love making and more like "operation: make a baby." We want to have a baby but dont want to stress ourselves out trying to get it down to an exact science.

We'll see how it goes!
Thanks Blu :)I like your thinking on that..lol..im blushing, but it's true...its dry but it seems like also its clumpy like glue (very painful) I'll see how it goes tonight..more fourplay I like it! lol...I am so happy I'm working at home today I feel so queasy I have lost my apatite completely,I called my Doctor to see if it's from the high dose of Floic acid I'm taking he said no, my step son was complaining of a stomach ache this morning I really hope I'm not getting sick :( we had plans for this 3 day weekend and the kids will be with their other parent. I have not had a period yet I heard it can take 30 days..but I have also heard we are very fertile after a m/c I think maybe because our bodies think they just had a period and it thinks ohhh better drop an egg..I hope I am right 30 days is way to long...So when are you two getting married? Robert and I got married October 1st 2010..I was excited I thought it would be neat, before my first ultrasound they thought I was due October 3rd, but this is how I learned my cycle must be way late because they did my first ultrasound and said it was so early I was only 3.2 and so the due date went to October 22nd and they could see the pregnancy nothing more and oh that it was not in the tube and see for some reason I felt from the beginning something was wrong..such a bummer I went and bought a baby bath duck and wrote on the bottom we are having a baby! and put it in the bubble bath I got the idea from him, before we got married I was staying the weekend he ran me a bath with candles I went in and found a bride duck and a groom duck..lol..thought I would do the same..Oh well I'll have to look up neat ideas to tell him the good news next time..I like your idea on the no stress :) Sorry I wrote a book..lol
Thanks for sharing! We are getting married on July 2, 2011. I went to the bridal shop and made an appointment to have my dress altered three weeks before the wedding date, expecting that I would be going on 7 months. My original due date was September 22. I heard it can take a while to get your period as well. Some people say we should wait until after that but I think its mostly for dating purposes. I mean, if our bodies aren't ready, it'll let us know right?
I believe so, that's what I have been reading, I'm sorry about your dress but I'm sure you will be a beautiful glowing bride :)
sorry i havent been talkative ladies .. finding it so hard atm .. my best friend (the one who shared her pg before my 3rd mc) has now decided she wants to have a quick wedding this year after i started asking her about ideas for my bridesmaids dresses.. its like i cant have anything ... i dont know if im being petty here tho :( just annoys me she decides to start ttc after i told her i had been ttc for 4 months .. then on her 1st month she falls :( ... now after canceling her wedding she said because of me talking about mine she wants to do hers when she is 6 months gone.. now i feel slightly betrayed and that i cant have any happiness as she will steal that too .. :(
so sos hun..
i use opks 3times a day but nothing :(
feeling like an alien at present...
gl to u xx

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