Hoping 3rd time lucky xx

Ugh! So no good new for me this time either. They saw a very small fetus, only about 5+5 and no heartbeat. They said it probably stopped beating about a week ago. I am scheduled for a D&C tomorrow. This time they are going to send in the tissue for testing and I will start seeing a fertility specialist to see why I can't hold a pregnancy. :sad1:

Good luck on your pregnancies and I really hope it will be 3rd time lucky for all of you!!!
Oh Im so so sorry hon :hugs::hugs:

Thats really pants! :( I really hope they can get to the bottom of it and fix whatever it is hon x
Hey ladies - hope its ok if I share my good news :flower:

we went in and I mentioned we'd already had a scan and the baby was 4mm last Friday and that we've had 2 mmc and she was lovely, put the wand on my tummy and straight away there was a much larger baby with a strong heartbeat - yey!! We were like wow - weve never seen a baby that big before - not one of ours anyway!

the baby is 11.5mm!! Its nearly tripled in size in a week - yey! She put the sound thingy on and we heard the heartbeat which was wonderful! Its exactly right for 7 weeks 2 days so thats brilliant!

What a relief!! I think we may actually be able to look forward to our next scan on 25th instead of dreading it!

I'll pop my pics on my journal :flower:

Hope everyones doing ok x
That's excellent news rowan. So reassuring to hear.
I've been so anxious recently. That has made me think that we may be ok this time too.
Congrats :)
Awwww congrats Rowan!!! Thats so great and I am so happy for you!!! We need someone to be sharing some good news and give the rest of us hope!! O:)
How you doing Beach. I hope you're holding up ok xxx
Yesterday was a long day. I feel like I was at the hospital all day. I have a little cramping but overall feel ok today.
Congratulation everyone on ur bfp and your growing babies.
Beach Chica I'm so sorry for ur loss.
I am still trying to convience my third time lucky and hope to join you all soon. This thread is what I have been looking for to help spur me on to try again. Thank you and good luck all of u with ur scans and keeping a PMA
Good luck with getting a quick bfp Hun. Hope it won't be too long before you're joining us for third time lucky :)
Thanks so much Beach - Ive been thinking of you :hugs::hugs: have you read coming to term by Jon Cohen hon? It gave me a lot of comfort after my last mmc x

fingers crossed for you just waiting :dust:

Hi Embo :)
Hey Ladies, can I join you? I had 2 mmc last year, first pregnancy in Aug at 6wk and second 22nd Dec at 12+1. I just got my BFP on the 11th, and I'm hoping it will be 3rd time lucky for us. I keep going back and forth between trying to be positive and being absolutely terrified. We haven't told anyone yet as we want to have the early scan first. I think I'm 4-5 weeks (that's what the CB said on wed). I'm waiting to hear back from the EPU. Thanks for listening and I wish you all the best!!!
Hi rowan :wave:

Hi canadianlady :wave: welcome :) I'm exactly the same. I go between being extremely negative to positive and then back again so many times each day!! Its so frustrating because I want to be positive for my baby but scared to incase I have another loss. Missed miscarriages are supposed to be so rare but I've had two so what does that say?!? Very hard to fund positivity but I just have to keep trying.

It definitely helps that there are other people in the same boat. That's why I love this thread in particular x
Can I join too? I lost my son at 26 weeks last June 5th to a stricture in the umbilical cord. In November, I fell pregnant again and had a missed miscarriage in December, a couple of days after Christmas. On April 20th I found I am expecting again and due on New Year's Eve. Hoping the 3rd time is the charm for us too! We had our first scan a few days ago at 6w5d and baby measured 6w2d, but we could see a nice strong healthy heartbeat. :happydance: We go back in a week (May 19th) for scan #2. Hoping for the best but paranoid every second that my bbs aren't as sore, etc. What a roller coaster ride!

Beach - :hugs: I am so so very sorry for your loss. I wish you all the peace in the world and hope you find the answers you need. Have you been tested for clotting disorders and/or progesterone issues? If not, demand those first!!

Everyone else - Congrats to those of you who have had great scans so far and wishing luck and sticky baby dust to all of you still (im)patiently waiting! :dust:
Hi tisiphonie :wave:

I'm so sorry for your losses :hugs:

Congrats on your first scan and seeing the heart beat.

My first scan is a week on Friday and I'm so scared. I just try not to think about it.
hey canadian lady :hugs: sorry for your losses - fingers crossed that you'll be 3rd time lucky and that this will be a healthy and happy pg x

Hey Tisiphonie :hugs: so sorry for your losses - losing at 26 weeks my heart goes out to you x Brilliant about seeing a good heartbeat and fingers crossed for the 19th that everything will be just as it should be :)

its such a shame that we all feel such worry when it should be a happy time - Im hoping that we all get to a point when everything looks great and we can relax and look forward with happiness x
I don't know how to thank you all for your good thoughts! Today is a pretty positive day so far. I tested again this morning and moved from 2-3 to 3+ on CB! Then I heard back from the EPU and have an early scan booked for 31st May. It seems like ages away but have had problems in the past with not being as far along as I thought because my cycle is so irregular. For now just trying to concentrate on one day at a time and look forward to seeing our baby for the first time on the 31st!
Sending out big hugs, and lots of sticky baby dust!
yey thats always good to see the hcg going the way it should :) brilliant that you have a scan booked in - how far do you think youll be by then?

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