How you doin' this morning ERose?![]()
Cramping and bleeding now.
Thanks for checking in with me dear.
ERose-I agree with Charlie15. Several people have had early bleeding, so don't freak out too much. I'm still thinking and hoping the best for you, love.
Well, it's rant time-
You know we went to the Globetrotters game on Saturday, and that was the day I had my open circle and my red lingerie. Afterwards we went out for some beers, but I only had one drink while hubs had a beer at the game and several strong beers and a whiskey drink afterwards. No red lingerie and we both fell asleep downstairs on the couches. Well, Sunday, I had my blinking smiley and since we woke up late for church, I figured I'd put on the lingerie and we'd chill out in bed. Well, he was up making coffee and doing whatever-but feeling miserable from drinking the night before. He said 'Tonight we'll have a party.' That's when I changed clothes and went to the bar to watch the Ravens. Well of course, the Cowboys game was on last night and that is his team (which means more drinking) so I don't even know when he went to bed, but we did not have a party and he woke me up at 2:45a to go pee, and I ended up half-sleeping downstairs. And now today is my solid smiley and I don't feel like having a party. He doesn't understand that there are a few good days to have a party or else we're not going to have a baby, and it's very frustrating. Then I think, if he's going to be drinking so much after I go to sleep, maybe I don't even want to have a baby because he'd be getting drunk watching the Cowboys and I'm watching the baby. BUTTTTTT...I want a baby. If we don't have a party today or tomorrow, I'm not testing in January. /end rant.
Smiles013 said:He has plenty of time for sleep after the deed is done! Lol. And hopefully once the baby gets here your hubby willl see that he can't stay up to drink AND be productive as a dad. Lol. Now get in there tonight and have a party!!!!!
My beta was 10. And my cramping is SOO bad. Bleeding is so heavy, that I can barely keep up with it....very clotty too (sorry, TMI). Even though my Beta was so low, the Dr's office wasn't fully losing hope themselves (which I thought was weird since that number is pathetically low), but when I told them about the severe cramping and heavy bleeding, they said it is most likely a very early miscarriage / chemical pregnancy. I went in to give them more blood so they can make sure the hcg goes down completely.
So now I need advice: I thought with a CP, that you could just pick up and keep trying right away. As sad as I am right now, I thought this bleeding would be considered AF and CD1 (as devastating as that thought was for me, I didnt want to lose a month). Well, the nurse was telling me that I can't consider this AF, that it is miscarriage bleeding. And that it could be a few weeks before I get AF?? I might sound crazy, but I want to try again right away. I'm not supposed to start my Clomid when I normally would since she's telling this is NOT the start of a new cycle. Is that really the case with a CP?? I could've sworn those of you who had CPs were able to jump right back into the game, no?
I understand you wanting to try again right away. As painful as CPs can be, they can also provide you with a lot of hope, and all you want is to be pregnant again. I've also read about so many positive outcomes the cycle right after an early loss.
I got my BFP the month after my chemical, but in my experience my period came as normal. It was no heavier than normal, and actually I think was a day shorter than normal. I also wasn't late at all (I have a long LP and tested positive at 12dpo as I did with DS and this pregnancy). I'm wondering if since you were so late in your cycle if you were a little further along than I was? And maybe this is contributing to it being heavier bleeding and more of a miscarriage scenario than a period? I have always heard with a true miscarriage you should wait, but I haven't done that much research into it since I haven't ever faced that.
Anyway, I hope my experience helps you a little. I'm so sorry, and extra sorry if you have to wait longer to try again. Hope you feel better soon and get through this bleeding!![]()
Thanks everyone for your support and yeah, I'm going to have to force him to "make babies" tonight, but I'm not counting on anything special. I want to at least PRETEND I have a shot at being pregnant this month.
Sorry to hear you're going through this ERose, sending you lots of hugs.
As for jumping back in, not sure about a chemical pregnancy but I experienced a Missed Miscarriage and my body let go and miscarried at 10 weeks. Mine is an unusual case as I bleed heavy and solid for 7 weeks. But anyways, I did not wait for AF and once my MC bleeding finished we started at it every other day and I kept peeing on sticks until I got my positive so I knew I ovulated. I had a positive OPK 8 days after bleeding stopped. I don't temp though as my sleep pattern is erratic so didn't want that as added pressure.
I'm sure I was told the start of your bleed with a miscarriage is cycle day 1, idk, could be wrong. Hopefully one of our other lovely ladies can offer you more advice.
I took Black cohosh up until I ovulated along with red raspberry leaf supplements to help with womb lining. Not sure if you can take those because of your clomid, probably not. Other supplements I took; Evening Primrose Oil (until ovulation), B Complex, Royal Jelly, CoQ10, Omega 3-6-9, Magnesium, Calcium with Vit D3 and a separate D3 along with my prenatals. Once I got my BFP I stopped everything except prenatals, Vit D3, Calcium, Magnesium with D3 and Omega 3-6-9. I took the black cohosh as I read it helps with women's cycles and ovulating but also helps with the progesterone in your LP. But for conceiving you need to stop when you get your positive for ovulation. The build up in your system does the job.
Hope you're over your bleeding soon and sorry I cannot be of specific help.
AFM, I'm seeing my GP tomorrow as midwife called today to say she can't refer me to the early pregnancy unit, only doctors can do that. WHAT, wasted time. So I'm still spotting, it dried up Sat and Sun but returned today with mild cramping so who knows. I will also push for progesterone test but I mentioned it when I miscarried before and they poo poo'd that, not the done testing in UK. That shocked me too.
Anyway dear, sit tight and wait and see what your next blood results are. You may be surprised and still be progressing but if not, try try again and intent a healthy wee babe in your arms in 9 months.
Good luck.![]()
How you doin' this morning ERose?![]()
Cramping and bleeding now.
Thanks for checking in with me dear.
Thanks everyone for your support and yeah, I'm going to have to force him to "make babies" tonight, but I'm not counting on anything special. I want to at least PRETEND I have a shot at being pregnant this month.
It's not a matter of him being tired, he just wants to watch tv and drink his beer/whiskey. I think he finished the bottle last night (I couldn't find it this morning), so I should be ok for a while. His coworkers always get him liquor for his bday and Christmas, and now that it's gone, he won't be getting another bottle soon.
Aww, Sis...
ERose-What did the doctors say?
Lenka-Have fun in Vegas!
My beta was 10. And my cramping is SOO bad. Bleeding is so heavy, that I can barely keep up with it....very clotty too (sorry, TMI). Even though my Beta was so low, the Dr's office wasn't fully losing hope themselves (which I thought was weird since that number is pathetically low), but when I told them about the severe cramping and heavy bleeding, they said it is most likely a very early miscarriage / chemical pregnancy. I went in to give them more blood so they can make sure the hcg goes down completely.
So now I need advice: I thought with a CP, that you could just pick up and keep trying right away. As sad as I am right now, I thought this bleeding would be considered AF and CD1 (as devastating as that thought was for me, I didnt want to lose a month). Well, the nurse was telling me that I can't consider this AF, that it is miscarriage bleeding. And that it could be a few weeks before I get AF?? I might sound crazy, but I want to try again right away. I'm not supposed to start my Clomid when I normally would since she's telling this is NOT the start of a new cycle. Is that really the case with a CP?? I could've sworn those of you who had CPs were able to jump right back into the game, no?