~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

Hello ladies,

Here we are again... Please put me down for December 26th. FX for all of us to get our BFPs this December!!!

AFM, my period is quite light this time, but I am having some major cramps... Wonder what could it be... Negative hpt.
TTCSeattle, I pretty much only use Wondfos. They have been super accurate for me, both for OPK and PG and caught my last pregnancy at 10 dpo. I only buy FRER when I want to be sure after lots of BFPs by Wondfo.

I am using them now as well to follow hcg down - have not tested today but pretty sure I am getting down close to 0. The last strip was super light and my temperature is down (midweek it was still in the post-O/pg range). Keeping fingers crossed that cycle is about to start.
Wow, there's going to be some serious testing going on come the end of the month!

Sis ~ Will your nurse be in tomorrow? You do sound like a busy momma this month. :hugs:
Hi girls.
I have a question. Has any experienced bloating or a heavy feeling in the uterus and got a BFP? Since my iui I've felt bloated and heavy down there. Also (TMI) gasy. Totally not cute. Today is 5DPIUI. It's the meds right?
Holy carp! A girl leaves for the afternoon and this thread explodes! :haha: Ok Chatty Sallies :D :

Mom of 3 Girls I beg to differ I have 2 boys w/out trying been trying for a Girl for over 2yrs now!!!!

I think some of us are boy makers and some girl makers that's it!!! :shrug:
My hubby seems to make boys and his brother seems to make girls lol. I'll be surprised if I get a girl :coffee: .

Ugh! Cramped (ovarian cramping) until 4dpo, then the cramps disappeared. 7dpo cramps came back in all of their glory! At least these aren't side cramps, those sucked! These are like a low-level AF-type cramping. Not painful, but an annoyance. I feel bruised inside!

On the lighter side, I bought some more cheap pregnancy tests today. Only used five!! :thumbup:
:haha: You're a pillar of restraint my dear! I get those cramps of which you speak. They happened pretty much my whole LP last cycle (that was such a weird cycle :wacko: ) and were more painful than this time. This LP they started/stopped/started the way you say here. Right now, nothin' :shrug: . Wait, NM, spoke too soon lol.

Older - Are you on any medication hun those temps look really good - now with the cramping - sounds good to me:happydance:

Momof3 - I have to agree with sis on this one I have 2 boys - no idea where I was in my cycle :dohh: but with the little one (see my sig) we had BD 4 days before O or 7 days after:wacko: that month also I was the only one to produce boys for 3 generations - even though my xhubby (boys dad) had only ever had girls up until that point:shrug: Also going back two generations (my nana) she had twins :wacko:

Sweet - So sorry hun - we are creating some good short names in here - GTFO (get the f Off?) DPFO (Days Past Fake Ovulation) any more? we will need a new TTC dictionary all of our own:haha:

Terri - Don't worry about what she will be able to see - as any mama in here knows that you leave your dignity at the door when you have a baby:haha: it seems like everytime I went to the drs I was dropping my knickers the last time was for a sore throat:haha: only kidding:flower:

AFM - So I've been for my scan - in and out no messing - she started of abdominally but said she couldn't see my right ovary/tube.

She then did a transvaginal one and said hmmm that's a little bit clearer - I will send the results to your doctor you should hear in about 2-3 weeks:dohh: haven't we got Christmas in between again?

So whilst I am not worried at my scan - I don't think it went as well as I hoped I do have endo so that's maybe attacked my Ovary/tube:wacko:

So for now I'm trying to carry on regardless - will try and seduce hubby again this evening as I appear to have lots of EWCM (I'm sure it's not the gel) but still a barely there OPK:wacko:

Not had a lot of luck with my seduction plan - he's to tired and to stressed:growlmad:


We certainly will need a revised and expanded list of acronyms won't we! :haha: . GTFO=Get the F Out lol. I'm sorry the scan didn't go as well as you would have liked doll and that DH is so exhausted and stressed :hugs: . Is he receptive to the massage and hot bath treatment? Maybe that will relax him a little? And surely someone can go over the results with you sooner than 2-3 weeks?! These folks must really not get how intensely stressful and/or aggravating all this waiting is?

Testing again tomorrow before I stop the progesterone. Much better prepared this time, hopefully :p . Hoping AF isn't a wretched hoar this new cycle :dohh: . 'Cause really, as badly as I want a BFP, overall I want to GTFO of hormonal hell, ugh!

[-o< Here's to getting out of hormonal hell!
I'll drink to that! :beer:

Found you all!!

Ok - if I take the shot tonight I should O on wednesday - so put me down for the 19th. I am debating taking the shot in the morning because hubby is out of town tomorrow night and so we will not be able to BD before wed night. Since it is unlikely to work naturally, should I just take it sooner (tonight) so AF comes sooner?
No advice from me here but GL moni! :dust:

So, I've been thinking for a few days now, and had an idea for the testing list. You guys let me know what you think. I'm loving all these cute Christmas smilies, and want to include them. So I was thinking as everyone starts to get a bfp (hopefully) or af (hopefully not) putting :bfp: or :witch: to the right of the name. But then to the left of the name, a Christmas smiley like:



:xmas5:name:witch: This one is throwing a snowball at witch. :haha:
Etc. . . .

Let me know what you think. You can either let me know what face you want when you get bfp or heaven forbid, af; or I can pick if you don't pick one.
That's an excellent idea Momof! So fun :D . To pick or be surprised, that is the question lol.

Moni oh it was a Cyst yea I had to have a 34mm one drained a few months back!!

I had one on my right when I got scanned Wed which hasn't ever happened I don't think I got a strong o without the trigger and that's what causes them!!

I called the FS myself since they haven't called my nurse is still out so that's why no call and the other nurse just said well its to Late!!! Wtf!!!

I feel like once again they screwed me last time it was w the IUI now this!!

Not Happy :nope:
Ugh, I'm sorry about the lack of empathy you're getting from this office Sis :hugs: . I would be livid for sure. Have you shopped around for a different FS or is it more the nurses that are full of nonsense and the office is actually good as far as treatment goes?

I think we need a :shrug: for those of us who test BFN but don't have the witch yet, or maybe a smiley impatiently stamping her foot!! :haha:

Okay, I need a weigh in on HPTs. I'm currently sitting on 10 Wondfos (which I bought for the express purpose of early testing without wasting too much money) 2 FRERs (I wish I had 45!!!) and 2 Clear Blue Weeks Predictors which I will not be taking until I know I'm pregnant - that "Not Pregnant" is just way too insulting!

I'm wondering which I should use on Wednesday? I know I should use my Wondfos, but I also really want to use the most sensitive test since I'll be only 9dpo! What do you ladies think, are Wondfo as sensitive as FRER?

I got my first light positive last month at 12dpo with evening urine (that was a CP) so I'm hoping with FMU it will show up earlier, although not expecting anything at 9dpo, but I'll be testing every day from then :winkwink::wacko:
Maybe this link will be helpful seattle? GL! :dust:

Hello ladies,

Here we are again... Please put me down for December 26th. FX for all of us to get our BFPs this December!!!

AFM, my period is quite light this time, but I am having some major cramps... Wonder what could it be... Negative hpt.
I hate it when AF goes all superfreak :wacko: . GL this cycle! :dust:

TTCSeattle, I pretty much only use Wondfos. They have been super accurate for me, both for OPK and PG and caught my last pregnancy at 10 dpo. I only buy FRER when I want to be sure after lots of BFPs by Wondfo.

I am using them now as well to follow hcg down - have not tested today but pretty sure I am getting down close to 0. The last strip was super light and my temperature is down (midweek it was still in the post-O/pg range). Keeping fingers crossed that cycle is about to start.
Come on new cycle! Good to get into a fresh one when the old one has worn out its welcome :winkwink: .
Hi girls.
I have a question. Has any experienced bloating or a heavy feeling in the uterus and got a BFP? Since my iui I've felt bloated and heavy down there. Also (TMI) gasy. Totally not cute. Today is 5DPIUI. It's the meds right?
Hi Lovepink. I've had the heaviness and bloat and been both pg and not pg. Seriously, we need a signal of some sort for pregginess! Maybe our nipples could turn all glittery or something. Good grief, any clue would be just aces as all this guessing and waiting is :telephone: .
Woo this thread moves fast!

Some of you ladies are cracking me up with all your taking your clothes off for a sore throat!! Hee hee, child birth sure does take away all dignity forever!!

I love all the icons, great idea! you can chose mine!

Not much to report here...on 7dpo but maybe should tell you about me...I am 41 have a 13 month old who I am breastfeeding and trying my luck at getting a BFP while feeding. I got my cycle back last July so 8 months pp and pretty much straight away started taking B complex 50 to increase my LP...I am not sure that was such a great idea for me though as I increased it last month to 100 and my cycle was even shorter and my LP 8 days where before was 9 days. Now having done more research think maybe the B complex has delayed O and shortened my cycle not quite what I had in mind :dohh: so this month is my 1st with no B complex and will see what my body is up to.

Oh I also have hypothyroidism, which I didn't when I last fell preggers. I got post partum thyroiditis. They would normally test me without the thyroxine to see if it has resolved itself but as we want to TTC I am carrying on with treatment.

So my 3rd month TTC and if we don't get a BFP this time I am probably going to start weaning Sophia off the boob :cry: quite sad about that as I love breastfeeding and even though she only has 2 feeds a day, it's our quiet time together. So that's pretty much me at the mo!

Christmas :dust: to everyone x
Well, charlie, at least you're in the waiting game. That makes thing more exciting. A few more days and you'll know! yay!!

I couldn't have planned things any better. As you know, my appt. is this evening. This morning, I got my first solid smiley!! So my doctor will be able to watch the miracle of life. :winkwink: HA!!HA!! I'm sure she hasn't seen that in a while. :blush: Babymaking 101. I'm in the front row.

I will get the scoop on everything that she does and report back! Have a great day, Sunshines!
Yay on the solid smiley Terri! Great news! :)

Yes let us know what else she's looking for in this test.... I'm getting to a point where I want every test there is since I just hit the year mark of ttc. So even if it means jumping in the stirrups, I'm in.
I think I'm on these forums too much. I referred to my husband as DH at work yesterday, and they looked at me like wtf?
I think I'm on these forums too much. I referred to my husband as DH at work yesterday, and they looked at me like wtf?

BWAAHAA!!! That is too funny. I will let you know what the doc says/does/recommends.
Welp girls, BFN at 14DPO w/FMU :rolleyes: . Oh ya'll know I willed the frack out of that line to be there :haha: . Stopping the progesterone today and waiting for Madame Broom Banger :growlmad: . I really despise the letdown of trying something new each cycle then getting my bubble busted again. Really want my body to stop being stupid and for my hormones to calm the hell down :nope: . Ah well, now I can get back to NGAF (Not Giving A F, to be added to our dictionary :D ). Ready for drinks and cake :toothpick: .

Aaaaaaannnnnddddddd I think I'm getting sick on top of it all :dohh: . I haven't been sick in forever! Getting AF and being sick is just plain wrong.
I think I'm on these forums too much. I referred to my husband as DH at work yesterday, and they looked at me like wtf?
:haha: I randomly start talking in acronyms sometimes too lol. It's reeeeeally hard to convert the acronyms to everyday speech sometimes! I don't think about what the date is any longer but what CD I'm on; that can't be good! :haha:
I'm the same way ladies I'll text people and use the acronyms and everyone's like WTH???

Oops my bad :haha:

Waiting on a call from my nurse I might just break down and call her both boys stayed home today so I'm dealing w them the House stuff and Drs!!! Booooooo

Sweet sorry about the BFN I know how u feel :hugs:
Welcome Charlie! I know what you mean about stopping breastfeeding... I breastfed for 2 years (the last year was only in the evening and sometimes when he was sick/tired) and did not get my period back for like 11 months. I had a hard time letting go...
Sending you cool, calm, and mellow vibes Sis :hugs: .

I may be the only woman ever that AF came for ASAP after birth despite EBF around the clock and extended nursing my booby-babies 'til past their third birthdays. With both my sons AF came for me something like 4-6 weeks after lochia ceased :growlmad: . Weak!!!
Sending you cool, calm, and mellow vibes Sis :hugs: .

I may be the only woman ever that AF came for ASAP after birth despite EBF around the clock and extended nursing my booby-babies 'til past their third birthdays. With both my sons AF came for me something like 4-6 weeks after lochia ceased :growlmad: . Weak!!!

I miss nursing DD too. When my cycles started back up at 4 months post birth, my milk supply dried up. Tried everything to keep it going, pumping, extra feedings, nothing worked. Stopped totally at 6 months. :(
Maybe this time (should this ever work) I will go to a lactation specialist.
Oh, and for those of you ladies who really want to go down the rabbit hole (like yours truly), there is a blood-on-hpt thread:


My fingers are still sore.
I've seen that thread - it's mad:wacko: I even tried it - desperate times calls for desperate measures:winkwink:

One lady on their was a scientist (or something) and ended up with triplets - she was on clomid though:haha:

Careful ladies pricking your fingers, picking scabs/ flossing teeth can be become addictive :winkwink:



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