~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

I couldn't stop reading it either. It was like a fascinating novel I just couldn't put down. I don't much like blood, so maybe not an option for me, but I'm only cd6.... The closer to the end of my cycle I get, the more looney toons I become.

I know it was so interesting.. And then I kept wanting o know how each ladies test actually turned out :haha:

Hi AshnAmber. I got married this past October as well. Congratulations!! It's such an exciting time.

I lived through the doctor's visit. We made babies around 5, and then I quickly wiped down and then put on a pad and rolled out. The doctor laughed when I told her that I had intercourse :haha: at 5, and it was only 6. I told her that she's the boss, and she could tell me to do a headstand once a day, and I'd be all over it. Hubs did have a little performance anxiety once he remembered that the doctor was taking a sample, but we ended up working it out! hee hee.

I had the exam, and she took three slides-CM, sperm collection and something called vaginal pull. She didn't talk about the third slide, but she said my CM was very stretchy (I guess she and the PA were pulling it and measuring). HA!!HA!! It is CD12, and since I had that positive OPK, it should be stretchy and eggwhitey. HA! Oh yeah…so on the slide, the CM looked like a fern. To me, it really looked like an icy snowflake. You know how they look on your windshield when it's cold, and there is a small amount of precip in the air? Enough to freeze, but not enough to make an icy windshield. That's what it looked like. She said 'I see good ferning.'

She checked out the sperm and I got to look under the microscope. The first look was a low power and there were like 5 sperm on the slide. 4 were moving and there was one casualty. The casualty made me nervous because it was not moving at all. It looked like a dead little ant or strawberry seed. Then she turned to high power and those bad boys were swimming all over the place. She was pleased that they were moving within the CM. It was crazy!!

So, the bottom line is that everything is fine. I have two months more of trying with OPKs and then she will do that dye test (HSG she called it) to see if a tube is blocked. She doesn't think it will be, and she is surprised that my temp is still on 97.6. It better skyrocket tomorrow! I'm feeling really happy and good about everything. I think that solid smiley that keeps staring at me is also making me super happy. HA!!HA!! I'm so easy…

Now I'm almost at the tww. I will not be doing that BOAS. My next success story will actually be buying a pregnancy test. One day!!

Thank you Terri.. Congrats on your wedding :) What day was yours on? Mine was the 25th.. Everything with your doctors appt sounds like it went great.. I'm sending you loads of baby dust and :rofl: at you would stand on your head.. I think your right we would all do just about anything if it meant a BFP
SweetPotato ~ Sorry about the bfn. I'm not going to update you yet until you officially get af though if it is bfn, just in case. It's never over till she shows!

Terri ~ Yay, for the solid smiley and the good appt. :thumbup:

Sis ~ Sorry about the nurse again. And I hope your son is doing ok.

Ash ~ Welcome! Lots to keep up with in this group.

ttcinseattle ~ :dust: for tomorrow! GL!

AFM ~ AF has officially left the building! Hoping I don't see any more of that until September. :winkwink:

Thanks Hun.. I hope I can keep up :). I think me and you are pretty close in cycle AF was done yesterday..
Ok, so terri, I love those tests they did (not to sound creepy)! My DH has already had his SA, but I'd love to have a doc's point of view on my cm, and I'd especially love to see if the CM is enabling the spermies to swim through there nice and smooth or not. For some reason, I can't help but feel like that's what's preventing conception for us. Did your OB do this? I'm wondering if my OB does that, or if he'd refer me to a FS. I want to do the HSG also, but again, wasn't sure if OB does that. I'm seeing him on Dec 11 to discuss getting all my hormones and thyroid checked, so I'll ask him then. But I was curious if yours is your OB or not?
Welcome Ash! :flower:

Glad your appointment went well, Terri! It sounds like everything is good so far!

ERose: I thought so the first 50 or so pages I read...but now wish that I had a good "negative control" from before ovulation to compare my army of BOAS tests to.

Hubby came home with 20 cheapo tests yesterday. *sigh*I love him! :kiss:
Welcome Ash! :flower:

Glad your appointment went well, Terri! It sounds like everything is good so far!

ERose: I thought so the first 50 or so pages I read...but now wish that I had a good "negative control" from before ovulation to compare my army of BOAS tests to.

Hubby came home with 20 cheepo tests yesterday. *sigh*I love him! :kiss:

Are you gonna BOAS?? I wish you would, no kidding! For some reason I get the feeling that you would so totally do it, Lmao! Although you are correct, a negative control prior to O would've been good.
Welcome Ash! :flower:

Glad your appointment went well, Terri! It sounds like everything is good so far!

ERose: I thought so the first 50 or so pages I read...but now wish that I had a good "negative control" from before ovulation to compare my army of BOAS tests to.

Hubby came home with 20 cheepo tests yesterday. *sigh*I love him! :kiss:

Are you gonna BOAS?? I wish you would, no kidding! For some reason I get the feeling that you would so totally do it, Lmao! Although you are correct, a negative control prior to O would've been good.

Heehee! The question is, when will I stop?
I have done a few though....

more on BOAS:

Ok, so terri, I love those tests they did (not to sound creepy)! My DH has already had his SA, but I'd love to have a doc's point of view on my cm, and I'd especially love to see if the CM is enabling the spermies to swim through there nice and smooth or not. For some reason, I can't help but feel like that's what's preventing conception for us. Did your OB do this? I'm wondering if my OB does that, or if he'd refer me to a FS. I want to do the HSG also, but again, wasn't sure if OB does that. I'm seeing him on Dec 11 to discuss getting all my hormones and thyroid checked, so I'll ask him then. But I was curious if yours is your OB or not?

Some ladies swear by PreSeed, or Robitussin. We use preseed, and it works pretty well.
Ok, so terri, I love those tests they did (not to sound creepy)! My DH has already had his SA, but I'd love to have a doc's point of view on my cm, and I'd especially love to see if the CM is enabling the spermies to swim through there nice and smooth or not. For some reason, I can't help but feel like that's what's preventing conception for us. Did your OB do this? I'm wondering if my OB does that, or if he'd refer me to a FS. I want to do the HSG also, but again, wasn't sure if OB does that. I'm seeing him on Dec 11 to discuss getting all my hormones and thyroid checked, so I'll ask him then. But I was curious if yours is your OB or not?

Ash-I got married on 10/12/13. Yay!! Best day ever.

ERose-You're funny and not creepy. My ob/gyn did the testing right there in her office, and she is the one that would do the HSG if I needed it. Just remember to put the notes in your notepad and don't forget to ask. I hope he can do it. My doctor has been delivering babies for over 25 years. A lot of people have come through there, and the baby pics are all along the walls. It's pretty impressive. My doc said for the HSG test, you do not need someone to drive, but it is a little uncomfortable and you'll have cramps. I never like to bother other people when I have to get a procedure. Hope that helps.

Oldermom-your stories kill me. :p Glad your hubs is on board with the testing. No groceries for you guys! Just tests and more tests.
Erose ~ I had that testing done as well through my OB - the one terry just had is called the postcoital test - that was the first sign we had that hubby had issues - there was only 1 little guy swimming in the microscope. The rest of the analysis was fine. I also had the HSG scan - I had a little cramping while they were putting the dye in but otherwise I was fine. I think it hurts more if you have some issues or if they do it too late in your cycle - make sure you have the timing right!

AFM - I took the trigger yesterday morning so should ovulate tonight. CBM still had a high reading. Hubby will be home from his business trip by 7pm - so we can have a nice romantic evening - with the exception of him being sick as a dog and me a little under the weather as well - the blowing of the noses is going to be great for the mood! I feel like it is going to be like that episode of Friends when Monica and Chandler were trying to get PG and she was sick...
I know the odds are against us this cycle but I still want to try!
moni-what exactly is the trigger? I see people talking about it, but I'm clueless (and at work, so a tad lazy). You guys will do great. I wouldn't let an opportunity pass by because you have a cold. Go for it!!

Also for ERose-my doctor said that she does the HSG after you period but before ovulation, so that's between days 5-10 for best results. You have to call as soon as your period is done and schedule the HSG. It's important to do it in that range. Oh, and sometime hubs and I use preseed. Depends on what's going on. :)
BFN for me this morning :bfn: Not surprised or discouraged. I'm going to keep testing daily, and prob use an FRER on Fri or Sat. If I am knocked up, I wonder what day it will show?!
moni-what exactly is the trigger? I see people talking about it, but I'm clueless (and at work, so a tad lazy). You guys will do great. I wouldn't let an opportunity pass by because you have a cold. Go for it!!

The trigger is a shot of ovidril (or some other form of an HSG agent). You give yourself the shot (in the stomach) and then you will ovulate 36 hours later. They do it to time IUIs and IVFs. You would normally do the IUI 24-36 hours after the trigger shot is taken. It also means that a pregnancy test will show a faint positive while it is in your system - usually about 10 days.

Don't worry we are so going for it!!
Also my temp has been 98.1 for four days straight. It's a good temp, I'm just weirded out by the consistency - I've never seen such a straight line on a bbt chart. Do you think the progesterone has something to do with that?

Good luck Moni!!
TTC yes P will give u flat temps mine usually look like Stairs!!!! GL

Moni..... In the stomach ouch I do mine in the butt or Hip!!! ;)

AFM.... Talked to my nurse this AM going in for a scan on 12/10(suspected O day) to see what's up and the DR will be in incase we have any issues!!!
If this weird spotting continues I might go this week but w my busy schedule we will see what happens!!!
DH shoud be home Tom sometime so let the Dancing begin!!! :dance:
BFN for me this morning :bfn: Not surprised or discouraged. I'm going to keep testing daily, and prob use an FRER on Fri or Sat. If I am knocked up, I wonder what day it will show?!

:dust: to you!!!

moni-what exactly is the trigger? I see people talking about it, but I'm clueless (and at work, so a tad lazy). You guys will do great. I wouldn't let an opportunity pass by because you have a cold. Go for it!!

The trigger is a shot of ovidril (or some other form of an HSG agent). You give yourself the shot (in the stomach) and then you will ovulate 36 hours later. They do it to time IUIs and IVFs. You would normally do the IUI 24-36 hours after the trigger shot is taken. It also means that a pregnancy test will show a faint positive while it is in your system - usually about 10 days.

Don't worry we are so going for it!!

I took it for a few of my IUIs a few years ago. It tells you how you will potentially feel in your early pregnancy...I found it interesting!

TTC yes P will give u flat temps mine usually look like Stairs!!!! GL

Moni..... In the stomach ouch I do mine in the butt or Hip!!! ;)

AFM.... Talked to my nurse this AM going in for a scan on 12/10(suspected O day) to see what's up and the DR will be in incase we have any issues!!!
If this weird spotting continues I might go this week but w my busy schedule we will see what happens!!!
DH shoud be home Tom sometime so let the Dancing begin!!! :dance:

Grow follies grow!!!
Sis-Yeha!! Have fun!
ttcinseattle-can you put your chart in your signature? I love looking at them all as time progresses.
Thanks for the info Sis, just looked through all your charts and that's just what I'm seeing! Good luck to you!!

Terri, yes, will figure that out as soon as I'm on a real computer today! My siggie needs some work anyway ;)
I am having a hard time keeping up with this thread, y'all have a lot of TTC energy!!

I am currently CD 6 so nothing exciting going on here. Started my Clomid Monday, CD 4, this is my 3rd round on it.

I also started temping this month and using FF and it already confusing me.

Happy HUMP day to everyone!
Good Morning Ladies!
Hope everyone is doing well. Today is 7DPIUI. I guess the trigger shot is still in my system. I've turned into a POAS addict. POAS this morning, very very faint line. Hoping it's not the trigger shot. We'll see.

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