~*~ Hoping for Our Special Stocking Stuffers! ~*~ December Testing: 7 BFP's, 1 angel

Let me know if I missed something or got something wrong!

ERose ~ if you don't like the shocked face, let me know and I'll change it. I figured that would be good for you since you had been trying over a year. I know I'd want the shocked face if I were in your shoes.
Miss Stacey - Also ask about endometerosis? - I have that and that can cause very painful periods - it's where the lining of the womb does not come away fully.

TMI - are your periods clotty and dark?

Sorry Ladies:blush:


Well ladies I feel like I should have just stayed Home today!! :nope:

Went for my scan and got told that I had a issue in my lining after my nurse saying it looked like a Friend and getting excited I was shot down after 2 more eyes and Drs opinion said its a Polyp!! :cry:

I have to go for a Hysterogram on Tue and go from there!!

Hope everyone has better news than I!!! GL to testers
Aw man, that just sucks Sis, I'm sorry :hugs: . I hope they can get things taken care of ASAP.

Well, I'm officially a jerk. My sister-in-law announces that she's pregnant with her second tonight and I start bawling as soon as I make it out the door. I'm 35 and she's in her 20's so everyone was expecting me and my husband to be next. I felt so humiliated which is so stupid, I know, and I hate myself for getting so upset. I just felt like everyone was staring at me (which I'm sure was in my head) and I literally couldn't control it. Ugggggh. :(
Oh doll :hugs: , you ARE NOT a jerk! Many, if not most, of us have been here many, many, many times over. We don't understand why it's happening for everybody but us and it hurts and it feels horrible. Don't beat yourself up; all of your emotions, wherever they may fall, are valid and necessary in this TTC insanity :hugs: .

So I was impatient and took a test or two yesterday and nothing. Something kept telling me to take a couple more tests this morning and I did. Does anyone else see what I see???? I'm not gonna get excited or anything, too afraid to get my hopes up.
Ha! Didn't even have to enlarge the pic to see it! Woohoo darlin'! That's a pretty BFP you got there! :wohoo: <3 :dust:

Maybe it's responsible for the breasticular activity too :huh: .

SPP....I so love your words!! You make my day when I read your posts. Lol
:haha: Webster bends to my will and insolence! :rofl:

Sis - Sorry you are going through hope it's a quick fix for you:hugs:

Kfs - Been there and sadly worn that t-shirt :cry: it will get easier hun.

Older - How are you hun?:hugs:

Terri - Your break sounds like fun:happydance:

ER - How are you this morning hun - have you tested again?:hugs:

AFM - Yesterday I went for my blood tests and whilst I was waiting for hubby to pick me up (NHS car parking is a joke) I saw this woman stood outside in her slippers obviously pregnant smoking and giving me the evils:shrug: ok each to there own but come on what had I done ok maybe she could read my mind:haha:

So I managed to sneak back on here as hubby is on his xbox one - but wowzers after Christmas my house looks like a bomb has exploded - so today housework:wacko:

Any ladies about to test?



With so many women wanting to have healthy babies and trying to have them I do get angry when I see a pregnant woman smoking; I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't judge but I do.
Shoot, I'm a major judgey face but just like Pierre "I don't care!" :haha: (anybody remember that tune? :D ) I just know how to keep things in perspective. I can make a judgement call but I also have some serious hyper-empathy going on and just get folks. IDK, I'm weird lol. But yeah, everybody judges, have no sweats about it :xmas4: .

Well the :witch: came on full force so I'm out. This was a weird cycle with the pre AF spotting. On to the next month!

When I had my first infertility appt with my OB she asked if I had painful periods and I said I don't think so I guess they are normal? So I was talking to my girlfriends last night, trying to get some input. And they can all function normally on their periods, cramping but nothing major. When I get my period I have to be curled up in the fetal position for 2 or 3 days with a heating pad or hot water bottle on my stomach because it hurts so bad. I also get so sick that sometimes I throw up. I have called in to work before due to my period due to cramps and body aches.

I am just curious what other people experience? I see the head OB of our clinic on the 9th about further testing, possibly getting an HSG and want to talk to him about this.
Yep, this has been me practically my whole menstruating life, ugh! After my m/c's it got worse :nope: . The year after giving birth to each of my boys was heaven though. I've been working on balancing my hormones this year as I'm sure this is the culprit and while I've had some setbacks, overall I'm getting better. For the dysmenorrhea, I think taking quite a few epsom salt baths throughout my cycle helped. Apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses is supposed to be good too I think though I've never tried those. I've been taking Vitex my last four cycles and great day in the morning I thank my lucky stars this herb exists! Here's a thread I started a few months back going in just a little on mennorhagia, Vitex, hormonal imbalance, and dysmenorrhea. I'm pretty damn sure that hormonal imbalance is what's behind this secondary infertility crap I got happening right now too :nope: . I hope you can find some ways to get your cycle on track :hugs: . We're definitely not supposed to have painful, clotty, heavy, miserable periods.

Me, AF should show her miserable face by tomorrow I'm thinking (should start either tomorrow or Monday). Got up to wee around 3 this morning and said "Ah well, WTH," and just got on with it. BFN and I've got some cramps coming and going now as well as some almost spotting so :coffee: . Cried and cried and cried and couldn't go back to sleep so I got a super great run in and lots of errands done :haha: . My body is so messed up :nope: . Hopefully AF isn't her usual wicked self this upcoming cycle. Gotta run! We're supposed to go looking at apts today and man, as much as I'm over where we're living I really don't feel like moving lol.
Well my temp dipped a bit today but couldn't help myself took a test BFN.. Sad and all went back to sleep woke up 6 hours later decided will take one more BFN not even a slight shadow of anything... AF due tomorrow I should start spotting today.. No cramps no soar bbs.. Nothing right now.. I just hope she shows on time... :cry:

:hugs: Sweet I think me and you POAS at the same time.. So think we cried together :hugs:
Miss Stacey - Also ask about endometerosis? - I have that and that can cause very painful periods - it's where the lining of the womb does not come away fully.

TMI - are your periods clotty and dark?


TMI indeed but yes I have thick dark clots of blood and lots of them
Miss Stacey - Also ask about endometerosis? - I have that and that can cause very painful periods - it's where the lining of the womb does not come away fully.

TMI - are your periods clotty and dark?


TMI indeed but yes I have thick dark clots of blood and lots of them

What you describe was me in my teens and early twenties (before I took BC). I bled very heavily and had so much pain I would occasionally throw up. It was endometriosis, which wasn't diagnosed until my early thirties. You are right to be concerned, it is NOT normal. I had to have a laparoscopy to diagnose it. With my waning estrogen levels, I don't have the pain anymore (my periods now are too light), but the infertility that came with it remains. I would ask your doc about it. :hugs:
You should be able to have periods that are mostly pain-free.
Shoot, I'm a major judgey face but just like Pierre "I don't care!" :haha: (anybody remember that tune? :D ) I just know how to keep things in perspective. I can make a judgement call but I also have some serious hyper-empathy going on and just get folks. IDK, I'm weird lol. But yeah, everybody judges, have no sweats about it :xmas4: .

OMG!!!! SPP, I remember that song!!!!! You just brought back some serious memories for me! LOL:rofl:
Great...so I am not going crazy! It's weird because yesterday the First Response digital gave me a no and I thought I saw a VERY VERY faint line on the HCG strip but thought I was seeing things since the FR digi gave me a big fat no. I chucked the strip and felt somewhat let down. What a difference a day makes, especially when POAS! :laugh2:

I'm trying not to let my emotions get ahead of me. Think I am going to be cautiously optimistic.
What you describe was me in my teens and early twenties (before I took BC). I bled very heavily and had so much pain I would occasionally throw up. It was endometriosis, which wasn't diagnosed until my early thirties. You are right to be concerned, it is NOT normal. I had to have a laparoscopy to diagnose it. With my waning estrogen levels, I don't have the pain anymore (my periods now are too light), but the infertility that came with it remains. I would ask your doc about it. :hugs:
You should be able to have periods that are mostly pain-free.

Well now I feel kind of stupid, I had no clue, this has been my periods for my adult life so I thought nothing of it. My period is mainly just large clots, I barely have any real blood flow. I thought this was "normal" UGH. I will talk to my DR about this when I call her Monday to let her know this cycle didn't work. When DRs ask you, are your periods normal, etc, maybe they should explain to you what "normal" is. It's not like I usually sit around talking to other women about what their periods look like LOL
Well my temp dipped a bit today but couldn't help myself took a test BFN.. Sad and all went back to sleep woke up 6 hours later decided will take one more BFN not even a slight shadow of anything... AF due tomorrow I should start spotting today.. No cramps no soar bbs.. Nothing right now.. I just hope she shows on time... :cry:

:hugs: Sweet I think me and you POAS at the same time.. So think we cried together :hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I've already started spotting :sadangel: . The Ladies are still heavy though :dohh: . I knew it was over when I started getting hot flashes one night/morning and I got a knot :cry: . I believe my stupid hormones are affecting implantation :nope: . I knew better anyway 'cause even though I got implantation cramps like I got with my boys and the whole aura around my head changed, I didn't get "symptoms" with those pregnancies until around 4.5-5ish weeks. My body has just been completely screwed up the last year+ :( . On the plus side my cycles are getting more back to normal slowly but surely so that's gotta work in my favor :) . Cycle buddies for January? :friends:

SweetPotatoPi said:
Shoot, I'm a major judgey face but just like Pierre "I don't care!" :haha: (anybody remember that tune? :D ) I just know how to keep things in perspective. I can make a judgement call but I also have some serious hyper-empathy going on and just get folks. IDK, I'm weird lol. But yeah, everybody judges, have no sweats about it :xmas4: .

OMG!!!! SPP, I remember that song!!!!! You just brought back some serious memories for me! LOL:rofl:
:rofl: Awesome! I knew somebody around here had to remember :haha: . Love me some Carole King :D . Got the boys the VHS (yeah you read that right, VHS baybay :haha: ) of a bunch of Maurice Sendak stuff and they loved it but they killed it :rolleyes: . DVD replacement time :p .
Smiles, i totally see your lines without a doubt! Congrats, congrats!!!

MomOf3, I think the shocked face is perfect. That's the exact face I got when I saw the YES+ on the FRdigital. Seriously, even after the faint BFPs on the FRERs, somehow that digi made my breath catch when I saw it!

I wanted to say thank you to all the sweet comments after I posted about my lines seeming more faint. You ladies are AWESOME. I did test again this morning, and I suppose the line is mostly the same as yesterday. Lighter than my Thurs line, but I'm desperately holding onto the fact that there are still lines. I'm trying not to think too much into it, and just be patient for my blood results Mon morning. Sometimes I have to just look away from the lines and pick the digi back up to remind myself! The result was only supposed to stay in the window for a half hour, but it's still there 2 days later, which is good for my mental stability at the moment! :winkwink:

SPP, one of your bits of advice is helping me get through the weekend.... "Today I am pregnant, today I am happy".
I'm back from NM with no problems at all except I wanted to eat Lorna Doone's on the plane, but I fell asleep as soon as they turned on the engine! HA!!HA!! Oh well, I'll use my casino earnings to buy some cookies.

MissStacy-So sorry about AF. I have a little cramping, and then she comes. It's not a big deal at all for me, and I am SO thankful that my periods aren't bad at all. I can be a little moody, but who wouldn't be when blood and other stuff is gushing out of your hoo-ha?? HA!!HA!!

Smiles-I do believe I see a light pink line next to the dark line, and I'm PRETTY sure, that's where I'm supposed to be looking. I'll be cautiously optimistic with you because I never know if I'm looking at the right thing. And now..I will study your BD days obsessively so I can follow your pattern. :wacko: I'm totally kidding. hee hee. Congrats!!! So happy for you. Looking forward to the next couple updates from you.

SPP and Ashley-UGH!! I'm so upset that you have spotting and/or temperature drops. That sucks big time. I was so hopeful for you both.Hope the apt. hunting goes well, and you can cry this week only and then it's back on the horse.

Oldermom-Nice temp jump today. woohoo!!

Momof3-Glad you survived the inlays.

Sis-Sorry about the polyp. I think you're very fortunate in that you can get checked out so often and know what's going on. Imagine if you never went to the doctor and all this stuff was happening. Count your blessings, mama.

AFM-I bought a fancy red teddy thing (some lingerie) that I was hoping to use on Christmas Eve prior to us leaving, but the hubs was being a slowpoke and we had to rush out to catch the plane, so tonight I'll wear it after the globetrotters game. Hopefully we can be ready for that egg this time around. I had an open circle on the CB digi today, which is what I expected, so we're just gearing up. I enjoy the days prior to O better than the wait, so now is my time!! hee hee.

Hey garfie, Driving and ERose. :flower::flower:
Smiles, i totally see your lines without a doubt! Congrats, congrats!!!

MomOf3, I think the shocked face is perfect. That's the exact face I got when I saw the YES+ on the FRdigital. Seriously, even after the faint BFPs on the FRERs, somehow that digi made my breath catch when I saw it!

I wanted to say thank you to all the sweet comments after I posted about my lines seeming more faint. You ladies are AWESOME. I did test again this morning, and I suppose the line is mostly the same as yesterday. Lighter than my Thurs line, but I'm desperately holding onto the fact that there are still lines. I'm trying not to think too much into it, and just be patient for my blood results Mon morning. Sometimes I have to just look away from the lines and pick the digi back up to remind myself! The result was only supposed to stay in the window for a half hour, but it's still there 2 days later, which is good for my mental stability at the moment! :winkwink:

SPP, one of your bits of advice is helping me get through the weekend.... "Today I am pregnant, today I am happy".

I'm seeing lots of good charts, reading lots of good symptoms, etc. I bet we'll see a few more BFPs soon. :)
:hugs: So glad it's helping doll :hugs: . I'm gonna tattoo that phrase on my forehead or somethin' next time I get preggers :haha: .

I'm back from NM with no problems at all except I wanted to eat Lorna Doone's on the plane, but I fell asleep as soon as they turned on the engine! HA!!HA!! Oh well, I'll use my casino earnings to buy some cookies.

MissStacy-So sorry about AF. I have a little cramping, and then she comes. It's not a big deal at all for me, and I am SO thankful that my periods aren't bad at all. I can be a little moody, but who wouldn't be when blood and other stuff is gushing out of your hoo-ha?? HA!!HA!!

Smiles-I do believe I see a light pink line next to the dark line, and I'm PRETTY sure, that's where I'm supposed to be looking. I'll be cautiously optimistic with you because I never know if I'm looking at the right thing. And now..I will study your BD days obsessively so I can follow your pattern. :wacko: I'm totally kidding. hee hee. Congrats!!! So happy for you. Looking forward to the next couple updates from you.

SPP and Ashley-UGH!! I'm so upset that you have spotting and/or temperature drops. That sucks big time. I was so hopeful for you both.Hope the apt. hunting goes well, and you can cry this week only and then it's back on the horse.

Oldermom-Nice temp jump today. woohoo!!

Momof3-Glad you survived the inlays.

Sis-Sorry about the polyp. I think you're very fortunate in that you can get checked out so often and know what's going on. Imagine if you never went to the doctor and all this stuff was happening. Count your blessings, mama.

AFM-I bought a fancy red teddy thing (some lingerie) that I was hoping to use on Christmas Eve prior to us leaving, but the hubs was being a slowpoke and we had to rush out to catch the plane, so tonight I'll wear it after the globetrotters game. Hopefully we can be ready for that egg this time around. I had an open circle on the CB digi today, which is what I expected, so we're just gearing up. I enjoy the days prior to O better than the wait, so now is my time!! hee hee.

Hey garfie, Driving and ERose. :flower::flower:
Yeah, waiting for O is just as bad as the TWW! lol Fancy red teddy things do help :xmas4: . Have fun at the Globetrotters! Been wanting to see them for years :) .
I'm back from NM with no problems at all except I wanted to eat Lorna Doone's on the plane, but I fell asleep as soon as they turned on the engine! HA!!HA!! Oh well, I'll use my casino earnings to buy some cookies.

MissStacy-So sorry about AF. I have a little cramping, and then she comes. It's not a big deal at all for me, and I am SO thankful that my periods aren't bad at all. I can be a little moody, but who wouldn't be when blood and other stuff is gushing out of your hoo-ha?? HA!!HA!!

Smiles-I do believe I see a light pink line next to the dark line, and I'm PRETTY sure, that's where I'm supposed to be looking. I'll be cautiously optimistic with you because I never know if I'm looking at the right thing. And now..I will study your BD days obsessively so I can follow your pattern. :wacko: I'm totally kidding. hee hee. Congrats!!! So happy for you. Looking forward to the next couple updates from you.

SPP and Ashley-UGH!! I'm so upset that you have spotting and/or temperature drops. That sucks big time. I was so hopeful for you both.Hope the apt. hunting goes well, and you can cry this week only and then it's back on the horse.

Oldermom-Nice temp jump today. woohoo!!

Momof3-Glad you survived the inlays.

Sis-Sorry about the polyp. I think you're very fortunate in that you can get checked out so often and know what's going on. Imagine if you never went to the doctor and all this stuff was happening. Count your blessings, mama.

AFM-I bought a fancy red teddy thing (some lingerie) that I was hoping to use on Christmas Eve prior to us leaving, but the hubs was being a slowpoke and we had to rush out to catch the plane, so tonight I'll wear it after the globetrotters game. Hopefully we can be ready for that egg this time around. I had an open circle on the CB digi today, which is what I expected, so we're just gearing up. I enjoy the days prior to O better than the wait, so now is my time!! hee hee.

Hey garfie, Driving and ERose. :flower::flower:

Terri...you are a mess!!! LOL I never went in to change the BD thing either LOL

And sexy, sexy with the red lingerie!! Go get 'em girl! :winkwink: Also, have fun seeing the Globetrotters!
Well my temp dipped a bit today but couldn't help myself took a test BFN.. Sad and all went back to sleep woke up 6 hours later decided will take one more BFN not even a slight shadow of anything... AF due tomorrow I should start spotting today.. No cramps no soar bbs.. Nothing right now.. I just hope she shows on time... :cry:

:hugs: Sweet I think me and you POAS at the same time.. So think we cried together :hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I've already started spotting :sadangel: . The Ladies are still heavy though :dohh: . I knew it was over when I started getting hot flashes one night/morning and I got a knot :cry: . I believe my stupid hormones are affecting implantation :nope: . I knew better anyway 'cause even though I got implantation cramps like I got with my boys and the whole aura around my head changed, I didn't get "symptoms" with those pregnancies until around 4.5-5ish weeks. My body has just been completely screwed up the last year+ :( . On the plus side my cycles are getting more back to normal slowly but surely so that's gotta work in my favor :) . Cycle buddies for January? :friends:

SweetPotatoPi said:
Shoot, I'm a major judgey face but just like Pierre "I don't care!" :haha: (anybody remember that tune? :D ) I just know how to keep things in perspective. I can make a judgement call but I also have some serious hyper-empathy going on and just get folks. IDK, I'm weird lol. But yeah, everybody judges, have no sweats about it :xmas4: .

OMG!!!! SPP, I remember that song!!!!! You just brought back some serious memories for me! LOL:rofl:
:rofl: Awesome! I knew somebody around here had to remember :haha: . Love me some Carole King :D . Got the boys the VHS (yeah you read that right, VHS baybay :haha: ) of a bunch of Maurice Sendak stuff and they loved it but they killed it :rolleyes: . DVD replacement time :p .

VHS??? I still have my DVD/VHS player and I refuse to get rid of it! LOL My husband brought Blu Ray movies for Christmas for the girls and he went to play it and it didn't work. He looked at me and said "this is not a Blu Ray player?"...Ummmmmm...NO! lmao and we don't need one either! LOL I'm going to go Google that song now and listen to it. LOL
SPP& Ash: I am sorry about the BFN's and impending AF's. It will happen ladies, even if AF shows her haggard face tomorrow. This is all that keeps me sane sometimes- chanting over and over IT WILL HAPPEN. Chins up. You are strong, and you can do this. :bodyb::flower:

Now this strong girl is going to bed.
Thanks ladies.... I'm still not feeling much of anything but a ball of emotions.. I've been crying on and off all day and just feel like a complete bitch ( sorry for choice of word) my friend is over and my DW and her are all laughs and having a great time.. I just want to stay in my bed and cry :cry: hate feeling so sad...

I know it will happen one day.. Just so tired of getting my hopes up to be let down month after month... Sweet you deff have a January buddie :friends: I'm just waiting for the spotting... No cramps yet.. Just waiting..
Thanks ladies.... I'm still not feeling much of anything but a ball of emotions.. I've been crying on and off all day and just feel like a complete bitch ( sorry for choice of word) my friend is over and my DW and her are all laughs and having a great time.. I just want to stay in my bed and cry :cry: hate feeling so sad...

I know it will happen one day.. Just so tired of getting my hopes up to be let down month after month... Sweet you deff have a January buddie :friends: I'm just waiting for the spotting... No cramps yet.. Just waiting..

Ash....BIG :hugs: Sorry you're feeling this way. Will be[-o&lt; for you.

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