Hoping in November - 148 testers so far, 31 BFP, 4 angel babies

Well feeling out this month unless my body is playing tricks on be?? Have ovulating CD 12 last 3 cycles with light lines developing usually from around cd 9 to a positive on cd 12 today not even line I would say had more of a line on Cd 5 after testing as strangely had ewcm on cd 5 (through last of my spotting of AF)Abd cd 6 first I put it down as watery but changed it back to ewcm as was definitely stretchy and plenty of it sorry for tmi!! Just don't know what's happening if I have ovulated early or if I will be late or not ovulate at all :-( I feel so crap as my hubs new job means he is away a few weeks at a time meaning we missed last month and may miss next cycle. This is a late return for baby number 2 and feel we are running out of time. Anyone else with pretty regular cycles have a month where they have a shy egg?? Feel free to look at my chart would love opinions :) x
I have!!! Cycle before last I didn't ovulate until like CD21 where I usually ovulate on CD18!! Didn't even check though cause me and DH had been on leave in the states, first night back home I do an OPK for the hell of it, and I kid you not STRONGEST LINES I'VE EVER HAD!
Hi! Sign me up for the 19th. My husband finally agreed to start trying and asked me when I am going to ovulate next. According to my app my fertile period was last week. The I went to the loo and (tmi) realized I had cm and thati didn't have it last week. So I am pretty sure the app was wrong. So we have been being and I have been really in the mood. Today I woke up with a sore throat out of the blue after being sick a week and a half ago. Wish me luck!!!
I'd suggest getting OPKs because you can't always judge ovulation based on your CM (some months I get no CM during O) and if you have a normal schedule I'd get a BBT thermometer also.
Thanks D will keep testing like mad got 6 days to show its little face as hubby away next week maybe holding off to give it some more baby strength lol :)

Hope you are good nice to hear that your other half has changed his mind over IVF. Love this thread like other one nice that we all follow each others progress and great to get everyone else's advice what I need to count myself lucky is that I know I can ovulate and have heard that its not uncommon for 1 in 5 cycles fir you not to ovulate xx
well af just got me.. good luck ladies. hopefully its ur months and you have to join me in December :)
Yesterday morning I wiped some pink and then nothing all day.
This morning, AF is still not here. Wiped more cm and brown this morning.
Feeling crampy- completely like AF might show up.

I actually had a dream I tool 3 tests and they were positive. And that freaked me out because it felt so real. I woke up really early and tested. bfn :(

Do I still have a chance? Or is the fact that I tested bfn at this point mean it's over? I was due to test on the 7th (day of my last period) originally.
I hope they can do something about DH's macrocephalic situation (I just learned that word so I might use it a lot lol).... I think that might be causing the low motility.
Little Sesame - where are you past ovulation now?

Somewhere in between 14-16DPO. This wasn't a trying month for me so I did not count or check. It just happened to be that the timing fit and I was getting insane symptoms so I decided to go with it.
I'm new to posting although I've been reading posts here for a few months. I'm due to test on the 22nd wish me luck! This is our 3rd moth ttc but the last two month things came up that kept us from dtd on the best days so this is our first month hopefully getting to really really try haha
Oh no :( awful cramping has begun.... Looks like ill be out this afternoon most likely and that af has showed exactly on time :(... Please stay away :(
I'm new to posting although I've been reading posts here for a few months. I'm due to test on the 22nd wish me luck! This is our 3rd moth ttc but the last two month things came up that kept us from dtd on the best days so this is our first month hopefully getting to really really try haha

Good luck! You got a long wait ahead of you but I hope it goes by fast and successfully!
Oh no :( awful cramping has begun.... Looks like ill be out this afternoon most likely and that af has showed exactly on time :(... Please stay away :(

I'm in a similar predicament. AF cramps for two days now with light spotting that disappeared completely yesterday and has returned today. Almost sure this will progress to AF even though it's unusual for me to spot for two whole days before it does. It's been a weird month : /
That would be unusual for me too... Usually I spot for the day or evening before and I am full blown af in a matter of hours. I usually cramp an entire week before af so this is new to me. If cramping continues ad spotting occurs I will consider myself out for sure. I wonder if anyone has had af cramping and then a bfp? One can only hope.
I'm out, AF just showed :(
I still have one more shot this month, can you please put me down for the 30th?
Sorry to hear, Sesame...but you're welcome to come join us in December thread!
Hi everyone, Im a newbie and am 2-3 DPO (got my smiley face on my Clearblue advanced digital on CD14 (2 days ago) and we took advantage of that day and the next, hope it worked - onto the two week wait now, I will test the day of my hubby's
44th b-day Nov 21 (day of expected period) and hopefully can surprise him for his birthday! Its a pleasure to "meet" you all!

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