Hoping so much that something happens soon!

I've been having even more period type back pains since last night, really had my fingers crossed that it was the start of something.

Had midwife app this morning and she said my cervix was still really far back and closed, tried to give me a sweep but she said its very unlikely to have worked :(

She booked in my induction for next Saturday, the 25th. I'm losing all hope of anything happening before then, so I suppose I'll just start counting down to that date now.
Awww :( that's the day after I'm booked in for :flower: At least we have definite dates! Silver linings and all that! This really sucks! I'd say this is so so much worse and the 2ww, morning sickness and exhaustion of the first tri rolled into one!
Awww :( that's the day after I'm booked in for :flower: At least we have definite dates! Silver linings and all that! This really sucks! I'd say this is so so much worse and the 2ww, morning sickness and exhaustion of the first tri rolled into one!

Completely agree!! I thought once I reached my due date I'd be content knowing that my baby would arrive soon and it would be an easy part of pregnancy, I was SO WRONG. I'd take morning sickness over this any day.

It feels good to know that I only have just over a week to go and something will happen then, but I got really upset about having the induction booked in. Luckily my hubby had a day off work today so he went with me, and was there to console me when I burst into tears at having to book in an induction:cry:
Awww :( that's the day after I'm booked in for :flower: At least we have definite dates! Silver linings and all that! This really sucks! I'd say this is so so much worse and the 2ww, morning sickness and exhaustion of the first tri rolled into one!

Completely agree!! I thought once I reached my due date I'd be content knowing that my baby would arrive soon and it would be an easy part of pregnancy, I was SO WRONG. I'd take morning sickness over this any day.

It feels good to know that I only have just over a week to go and something will happen then, but I got really upset about having the induction booked in. Luckily my hubby had a day off work today so he went with me, and was there to console me when I burst into tears at having to book in an induction:cry:

Aw Hun :hugs: that's a shame! Don't worry, I have every faith that you'll go before :flower: do you have an exercise ball you could bounce on? I don't find it that helpful but many people say its good to get the baby moving down and getting your cervix prepared? After bouncing on mine I had my show and lost my plug! Oh also, try acupressure!! I'm sure you know all this but just in case :flower: x x
I've been bouncing on my ball loads, it doesn't seem to be doing much unfortunately. Hubs and I just went shopping and walking around I had so much pressure in my pelvis it was insane, it was so unpleasant! Going to go for a long walk this afternoon and bounce on my ball this evening, see if anything happens.
Nothing yet here. Had contractions last night but nothing happened. Going today for my NST and ultrasound to check that the placenta and fluid and baby is all ok. My ob won't schedule an induction until I get to 41 weeks unless I ask her to. Which I don't want because I don't want any medication.
Nothing yet here. Had contractions last night but nothing happened. Going today for my NST and ultrasound to check that the placenta and fluid and baby is all ok. My ob won't schedule an induction until I get to 41 weeks unless I ask her to. Which I don't want because I don't want any medication.

That must be hard too. When do you think you'll schedule an induction, if at all? I really do want to begin labour naturally. I feel like my body is failing me, which I know deep down isn't the case! Some babies just take longer than others but I feel quite dramatic at the moment.

Been having contractions all day but nothing either :( GOD, this is so frustrating. Poor OH thinks he's a bloody OBGYN :haha: constantly asking what symptoms I've got and trying to tell me when it will be. Bless him. He's just so excited and eager and anxious. He wanted me to phone the midwife to tell them that I've lost my plug and nothing has happened but I told him that they won't want to know until my waters break or contractions begin. Poor man :flower:
I really hope we all go soon...after my long agonising walk last night, I am left with unbearable cramps and pains that I can barely walk, did loss my mucus plug this afternoon and was so excited and have been getting more cramps, I blame the huge walk!! I am begging to be given an induction date!! Im so ready for this baby to come!!

I heard from an old woman on the bus this morning to crawl about the living room like a bear, on hands and feet with bum in the air, she swears it put her into labour all four times!! I dont think I could get into that position but Im telling you something I am soooooo tempted to try :rofl:
My sil just had her baby at 41 weeks naturally on the 16 th...so I'm holding out hope that it'll happen soon. If I get to 41 weeks, she'll schedule an induction for close to 42 weeks.

I hope your contractions start soon! At least you've lost your plug, I haven't even had that yet.
I'm with you ladies, I've been having contractions for over a week now, got sent home from the hospital once, now I just wait 2 hours through painful contractions every 2-3 minutes and then they STOP. I've broken down crying about it a few times, it feels like I'm doing something wrong but I guess baby isn't serious about coming out yet. I'm 2 cm dilated and had a sweep yesterday, I'm hoping labor sticks at some point! Good wishes to all of us for healthy babies soon!!!! Hang in there!
I really hope we all go soon...after my long agonising walk last night, I am left with unbearable cramps and pains that I can barely walk, did loss my mucus plug this afternoon and was so excited and have been getting more cramps, I blame the huge walk!! I am begging to be given an induction date!! Im so ready for this baby to come!!

I heard from an old woman on the bus this morning to crawl about the living room like a bear, on hands and feet with bum in the air, she swears it put her into labour all four times!! I dont think I could get into that position but Im telling you something I am soooooo tempted to try :rofl:

Oh I might have to try this!!! I'm at the stage where I'll do anything to get baby out now. Have been weeding my garden today and cut the grass, couldn't really be bothered but just had to do something that I thought might get things going!!

:hugs: to you all ladies, thank goodness we can share these feelings with all of us. Really hope we all have our bundles in our arms very soon xx
Lol yesterday I was out in the yard helping dh spread dirt...didn't work!
Hope you dont mind me joining this thread but im so fed up today... my due date was last tuesday and i just want this pregnancy to END !!!

I have been getting some serious, nasty braxton hicks for the past couple of months... lost count how many times i thought 'this is it'....and then NOTHING. Im fed up with people saying 'you not had it yet' or 'any signs of it coming' .... I broke down in tears this morning as i didnt sleep well last night because of the tightenings and im so disheartened.

My fiance started his paternity tuesday as i honestly thought baby would have been here by now due to pains ive been having. One of his colleagues suprisingly shared the same due date and we both had a sweep last monday... bearing in mind this is my fifth pregnancy and it is her first she gave birth this morning and i would have bet any money i would have gone before her. I even had a second sweep yesterday morning as obviously the first one didnt work and NOTHING.

Apparently im 80% effaced and 3 cm dilated, I started contracting every 6 minutes for an hour today and they stopped. Ive tried EVERYTHING... fresh pineapple, raspberries, sex (every day), stimulating nipples, 2 mile walks, trampoline, birthing ball, curry ... you name it - ive tried it.

Im booked in for another sweep monday... :cry:

I can sympathise with you all and heres sending you lots of labour encouragement. xx
Of course you can join purplekitty :flower:

I didn't think I'd be this overdue! Everyone kept telling me I'd go early, I should never have listened lol!

Aw that sucks about your OH!! Poor you. I'm very lucky that my OHs work are letting him take his 2 weeks whenever I go into labour!. My fingers are crossed that you go soon then.

To make matters worse for me, a girl I work with had her baby today! She wasn't due until June 12th!!! Wtf! Obviously I'm glad that my baby had hung on until he is term but its sooo unfair! Another girl I know had her baby on Wednesday, her due date! Blahhhh.

I'm feeling very sore tonight and have had a million irregular contractions today, some painful. Lets see if anything happens! God, I'm starting to sound like a broken record :haha:
Wanna trade with me? Lol. I wish I was in your shoes I'm already over being pregnant! Lol. Good luck Hun baby will be here in no time!! Gl xx
To make matters worse for me, all those tightenings and cramps that I have been having, all those feelings that I have been having over the last 2 weeks that something is happening has all disappeared to virtually nothing at all, no pains, no aches, no indications that there is a baby in there wanting to come out!! Im so disheartened!!

Keep telling ourselves that our babies will be here within 2-3 weeks tops!!
i dont know if this means im closer but woke up last night with very loose stools, lots of tightnings, and just generally feeling rubbish "maybe a clearout"? feeling ok today though apart frm some backache earlier on while cleaning, really really hoping hes on his way very soon as my first was 5 days over dd and my 2nd was 2 days over dd, maybe this lil man may be a dd baby aha wishful thinking im sure lol xx
i need to join this thread lol, im going MAD. So my due date was the 13th, i had my first baby at 37 weeks so no1 expected me to go overdue!! Ive been having contractions most days but they just dont come to anything... Im also so fed up of people calling and texting asking "any news" "any sign" no bog off lol. I havent been checked internally at all but im pretty sure nothing is happening in there! I have chosen not to be induced at all as dont want any medication. I was offered a sweep at 40 weeks but declined, as i just want to give baby as much chance to come out on his own, but i might have one on monday if im still pregnant! I wont have an induction date so i have no date to look forward to! just have to keep waiting and hope to god something happens soon!!

feeling kinda miserable :( My lo is waiting to meet her brother too, she keeps asking when hes coming out lol..
i need to join this thread lol, im going MAD. So my due date was the 13th, i had my first baby at 37 weeks so no1 expected me to go overdue!! Ive been having contractions most days but they just dont come to anything... Im also so fed up of people calling and texting asking "any news" "any sign" no bog off lol. I havent been checked internally at all but im pretty sure nothing is happening in there! I have chosen not to be induced at all as dont want any medication. I was offered a sweep at 40 weeks but declined, as i just want to give baby as much chance to come out on his own, but i might have one on monday if im still pregnant! I wont have an induction date so i have no date to look forward to! just have to keep waiting and hope to god something happens soon!!

feeling kinda miserable :( My lo is waiting to meet her brother too, she keeps asking when hes coming out lol..

I agree, the constant checkup of well meaning friends and family is getting to be too much. I work at a church and they have been so sweet and understanding, but I dread going to work for yet ANOTHER sunday when everyone will say "what, no baby yet?" and then suggest I go walking/drink castor oil/ eat mexican food etc etc.

I've been having alot of contractions since 38 weeks, was hoping it meant something would happen soon. But I'm still waiting... trying to mentally prepare myself for this to go on for a few more weeks. Hang in there ladies!
Still nothing here. Too bad stress doesn't make you go into labor though...yesterday I lost my daycare provider (found a new one thankfully but I about lost it then), and this morning I woke up to a text message that my sil and her baby were getting kicked out by her bf and had nowhere to go. We're the only family that has our own place...so now we have an 8 month old and someone who's 7 months pregnant living in our 2nd spare bedroom. We had to go get them and all their stuff earlier today.

Oh and I've had a headache all day, and my stomach has been yucky too and I cant stay off the toilet. So I have hemmorhoids from hell (that'll be fun when giving birth!). I hope this kid decides to come soon!

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