How are you all feeling..........


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
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Now you are all in the third trimester, how are you feeling?

I still have a little way to go til I am there, but it has also been 8yrs since I was last there..................

So any ideas of problems or how good things are for you would be ace!!!

BRING IT ON! :wink:

I hope you are all glowing and not too tired! :hugs: xx
Awwwwwwww all natural hun, but as long as you are feeling good in yourself! :wink:

first ill list some good things then some bad lol

good things:
i can see my tummy moving
im finally looking 'pregnant' and not just fat
im starting to get things ready for baby's arrival
only 8 weeks till i finish work yay!
sleeping lots and lots (cant b a bad thing can it lol)

bad things:
every bone in my body aching
the bed suddenly isnt big enough for me and dp
not wanting sex lol
having to go to the bloody loo every 5 min
being forgetful
HORMONES - i hate them

but altogether not a bad pg so far... it has flown by and i cant wait to meet our little baby at the end of it!

Awww Terrie!!........You haven't mentioned many things in the bad bit I don't remeber *wipes brow* :lol:

Well you sound like on the whole you are enjoying it, get OH to give you plenty of massages, Paul gives me a back rub most nights and it really helps me get settled for the night!

I can't wait to see things and really feel baby moving, I can feel rollin gat the moment and it is ace!!

I hope the rest of your pregnancy is good babe, look after yourself! xx
got my dp to give me a massage lastnight .... was WONDERFUL lol.

dont know what he expected to get in return but i just rolled over and fell asleep hahaha !
Terrie said:
got my dp to give me a massage lastnight .... was WONDERFUL lol.

dont know what he expected to get in return but i just rolled over and fell asleep hahaha !

:rofl: Good for you hun :wink:

No harm in you having another one tonight babe!!! xx
lol i doubt he'd give me another one...mayb ill leave it till next week and ask again... for now a nice relaxing bath will have to do!

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