How did you get started on IUI/IVF? HELP


Jul 18, 2012
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Hi there! Quick story about my situation

My DH and I have been trying for two years now to TTC. We're both 25 and healthy. So far, I have been told that I have high FSH levels, and my DH has already done his SA, we're just waiting on the results now. I have an appt. set up with an RE next month, so I was just curious to know...

How did you get to the point of an IUI/IVF? Was this an option given to you once you met with your RE, or years after trying other interventions?

**EDIT**- Sperm analysis came back abnormal with a count of 9 million, with the rest of the count being abnormally low as well. My FSH is now normal and I'm ovulating like I should.

I'm in the UK so I imagine things will be a little different for you.

The first thing I was offered was Clomid. That didn't work and I;m starting injections next month. After that, it's IVF.

Most doctors will try the cheapest option if there is a possibility it will work. Obviously if you ovulate without any problems but your fellas swimmers aren't so good, Clomid won't really be beneficial to you so you will most likely go straight to IUI. It really does depend on the problems but most doctors won't give the expensive treatments if the cheaper ones stand a chance of working.

I'm in the UK so I imagine things will be a little different for you.

The first thing I was offered was Clomid. That didn't work and I;m starting injections next month. After that, it's IVF.

Most doctors will try the cheapest option if there is a possibility it will work. Obviously if you ovulate without any problems but your fellas swimmers aren't so good, Clomid won't really be beneficial to you so you will most likely go straight to IUI. It really does depend on the problems but most doctors won't give the expensive treatments if the cheaper ones stand a chance of working.

Thank you for your response! I was told that Clomid sometimes helps those with FSH issues, but I've read things online that contradict that. Ideally my DH and I would like to proceed to IUI or IVF, but I realize that is normally offered after other alternatives fail.

Anyone else?
Hi! I am on my second round of Clomid and my OB told me if this doesn't work, she will refer me to a fertility specialist. We have not done SA for DH yet, but most likely I am the issue, with PCOS and ovulation stuff here, although he's been suffering from low drive recently which throws off things. I am imagining IUI will be most likely next? It would for sure help the timing issue we have been having.
Hi! I am on my second round of Clomid and my OB told me if this doesn't work, she will refer me to a fertility specialist. We have not done SA for DH yet, but most likely I am the issue, with PCOS and ovulation stuff here, although he's been suffering from low drive recently which throws off things. I am imagining IUI will be most likely next? It would for sure help the timing issue we have been having.

Thank you for your response! For me, I have elevated FSH levels so I'm interested in seeing if the RE will just have me do Clomid with IUI from the start or just have me do Clomid. Was Clomid the only option offered to you in the beginning?
Well so far I am being treated still by my OB, so all she offered was Clomid and she only has me do day 21 test for progesterone, no U/S monitoring which I would like and will ask for next month... I am hoping to maybe start with an RE next year January.
I started out just doing Clomid as well because that was with my gyno. That was all he could do. After 4 rounds and no response I was referred to an RE. My RE usually likes to do one round of Clomid to get a base of how you react. However I didn't want to do Clomid again, we went straight to Femara and IUI. The RE should make a plan specific to what your needs are. Also, he should listen to your concerns and desires. If you want to jump straight to IUI and he doesn't want to listen, you may want to find another doctor. Of course listen to his reasoning and make a decision that is right for you and your hubby.
I started out just doing Clomid as well because that was with my gyno. That was all he could do. After 4 rounds and no response I was referred to an RE. My RE usually likes to do one round of Clomid to get a base of how you react. However I didn't want to do Clomid again, we went straight to Femara and IUI. The RE should make a plan specific to what your needs are. Also, he should listen to your concerns and desires. If you want to jump straight to IUI and he doesn't want to listen, you may want to find another doctor. Of course listen to his reasoning and make a decision that is right for you and your hubby.

In our case, we just found out my husband had a poor SA, his sperm count was 9 million, and everything else (motility, etc.) was very, very low. I think ideally we would want to just move to IVF even though I've read from experiences that they try to start out with other measures if possible. Its just been nearly two years for us now, and with his sperm count being so low I don't want to lose anymore time.

Your RE will likely talk to you about your options and discuss with you which you would like to proceed with. Since you have a little bit of male factor, they may suggest you move on to IUI instead of just doing clomid alone. It is much less invasive and much less clostly than IVF.

I did a clinical trial where I got 4 shost at IUI. All failed. I have high FSH as well - it as 13 on my last CD3 test. I am currently in a clinical trial for IVF in NYC. They want you to have tried IUI at least twice, unless there is a reason you know IUI won't work (blocked or no tubes, etc.) I have my first official visit this Friday and will hopefully be getting started. I am hoping to get pregnant my Christmas!

I started out just doing Clomid as well because that was with my gyno. That was all he could do. After 4 rounds and no response I was referred to an RE. My RE usually likes to do one round of Clomid to get a base of how you react. However I didn't want to do Clomid again, we went straight to Femara and IUI. The RE should make a plan specific to what your needs are. Also, he should listen to your concerns and desires. If you want to jump straight to IUI and he doesn't want to listen, you may want to find another doctor. Of course listen to his reasoning and make a decision that is right for you and your hubby.

In our case, we just found out my husband had a poor SA, his sperm count was 9 million, and everything else (motility, etc.) was very, very low. I think ideally we would want to just move to IVF even though I've read from experiences that they try to start out with other measures if possible. Its just been nearly two years for us now, and with his sperm count being so low I don't want to lose anymore time.
I think Christmas BFP would be so amazing! At this point, thats the only thing I'm hoping for.

My insurance is supposed to cover any type of procedure, even if it is IVF. Luckily my DH is a state of Illinois employee so we are covered for any procedures according to insurance. I also have to mention, I have the worst luck in the ENTIRE world (I mean, this situation is definitely proving that to be true :)) so I'm scared to do months of other interventions knowing that theres a higher chance for them to not work. Maybe I'm just being a big debbie downer.

It seems like male factor is the only thing we have working against us right now, and since the count and the motility/morphology is all extremely low, I'm a nervous wreck. I didn't expect this to ever happen, but I guess none of thought this would be the journey we would have to take.
So, my OB called today with the blood test day 21 progesterone level, and said it was measly 7.5 (last month was 8.5). I don't get it, I feel more prog flowing through my body this month, including my high BBT, white creamy CM, lightheaded, weird stomach feelings (hungry/nauseous), and especially super sore boobs! Plus, I really was hoping this month might be it? Anyway, I asked her if she would maybe monitor me next cycle, which is last one through her, at least to check my lining? She said that's what FS does. Then I asked how bout increasing my prog levels? She said no, as she is testing my prog levels monthly. And she suggested to make my FS appt like now! Thanks, lady, you made my day, totally :nope:
Good luck. Docs really don't like to do much; honestly I am not sure if there is much they are allowed to do. However I am glad I switched to my RE. Everything is done in his office with immediate results. They are a lot better at staying on schedule, which is nice since I have to take of work so much for appointments. I hope this next round works for you, but I would schedule an appointment just in case. It can take some time to get in depending on your doc. You can always cancel if you get your BFP.
If the insurance will cover it, IVF might be the way to go. There are so many factors at play with a successful pregnancy, you bypass so many of them with IVF. The fertilize the eggs in the lab, so you will know how many good embryos you have before a transfer takes place. Then you are only left with a decision of how many embryos to transfer, and then you will get your first beta within a week. If your beta is over like 5, that means that at least one of them tried to implant. If it doubles every 48 hours that is a great sign - and at about 8-9 weeks they will check for a heartbeat. If you make it that far and have a heartbeat, at that point you are poised in the same position as a normal couple pretty much.

I really need to go work in Chicago. All my friends who have insurance from there (I assume maybe company headquarters is there) get unlimited shots at IVF. NICE! But I am hoping to get a BFP out of the trial. I have to pay for some meds as well as travel but I will still come out way cheaper.

I think Christmas BFP would be so amazing! At this point, thats the only thing I'm hoping for.

My insurance is supposed to cover any type of procedure, even if it is IVF. Luckily my DH is a state of Illinois employee so we are covered for any procedures according to insurance. I also have to mention, I have the worst luck in the ENTIRE world (I mean, this situation is definitely proving that to be true :)) so I'm scared to do months of other interventions knowing that theres a higher chance for them to not work. Maybe I'm just being a big debbie downer.

It seems like male factor is the only thing we have working against us right now, and since the count and the motility/morphology is all extremely low, I'm a nervous wreck. I didn't expect this to ever happen, but I guess none of thought this would be the journey we would have to take.
Good luck. Docs really don't like to do much; honestly I am not sure if there is much they are allowed to do. However I am glad I switched to my RE. Everything is done in his office with immediate results. They are a lot better at staying on schedule, which is nice since I have to take of work so much for appointments. I hope this next round works for you, but I would schedule an appointment just in case. It can take some time to get in depending on your doc. You can always cancel if you get your BFP.

Yup I am out, yet again and it's getting harder and harder to stay positive, but will try. Already contacted two local FS for a consult. Is it ok to visit both place before I decide? I want to get a feel for the place, doctor(s) and pricing ahead, if I can!! What else should I be asking?? Success rates are online, saw that.
Good luck. Docs really don't like to do much; honestly I am not sure if there is much they are allowed to do. However I am glad I switched to my RE. Everything is done in his office with immediate results. They are a lot better at staying on schedule, which is nice since I have to take of work so much for appointments. I hope this next round works for you, but I would schedule an appointment just in case. It can take some time to get in depending on your doc. You can always cancel if you get your BFP.

Yup I am out, yet again and it's getting harder and harder to stay positive, but will try. Already contacted two local FS for a consult. Is it ok to visit both place before I decide? I want to get a feel for the place, doctor(s) and pricing ahead, if I can!! What else should I be asking?? Success rates are online, saw that.

I honestly think you should- I mean, if you shop around for a why not a doctor? :) Especially in these circumstances! I'm tired of these crappy doctors which is why we are going with the FS we are going with next month. Apparently she is very aggressive in treating infertility issues and we are needing someone who is willing to help us get pregnant and not put us through months of disappointment. I feel like for anyone who has to make the jump to see a FS, we shouldn't have to go through months of treatments just to keep getting BFN. My DH has a very low sperm count though, so we were told IVF might be our only hope. At this point I sure wouldn't mind, because I want to go with something with higher success rates.
Newlywedgal: If IVF was covered I would be doing it too. Oregon doesn’t cover anything. Not even ultrasounds. Just IUI is expensive.

Flagirlie7: I don’t see any problem with seeing two and getting a feel. I am glad that I clicked with mine right away. We were both on the same page and he really just felt right. I hope you find an RE that you like. I hear people complain about theirs all the time.

Mbrink: Good luck next month. I hope you get your BFP sooner rather than later.
Thanks, ladies!! I actually checked out some reviews, one had mixed ones, other good and I also found a guy who's doing it, so it seems, as a single practitioner... great reviews on him! first place replied that there's not a long time to get in and $358, yikes.
Thanks, ladies!! I actually checked out some reviews, one had mixed ones, other good and I also found a guy who's doing it, so it seems, as a single practitioner... great reviews on him! first place replied that there's not a long time to get in and $358, yikes.

Thats great that you're making progress!!

For you ladies or have already had your first appt. for IUI/IVF, was this a decision that your RE/FS made at your initial appointment to move forward with IVF or IUI?

I only ask because I'm not sure what to expect with my first appointment with the fertility specialist since I've already had diagnostic work along with my DH.
My RE didn't do any testing becuase of what we had already been through with the OBGYN. I assumed we would do IUI, but the doc was the one to bring it up. He was really nice though. He gave it as an option and we could choose if that is what we would do.
My RE didn't do any testing becuase of what we had already been through with the OBGYN. I assumed we would do IUI, but the doc was the one to bring it up. He was really nice though. He gave it as an option and we could choose if that is what we would do.

That is nice! I'm hoping my RE is like yours. I've been feeling kind of down about going because I'm terrified they will say "well, try some more and come back in three months to do another SA". I will be devastated. I just don't want to put myself through anymore disappointment or give myself false hope. :dohh:

Did they give you IVF as an option as well, or just IUI?

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