If you are a paying patient, I don't know if there is any reason they would ever exclude you. So I definitely don't think you need to worry. But for the clinical trial, they are comparing outcomes, to they have to make sure that certain variables are consistent. Here is what is listed on the website as eligibility, inclusion and exclusion criteria. But again, this is just fo the clinical trial.
Ages Eligible for Study: 18 Years to 38 Years
Genders Eligible for Study: Female
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: No
Inclusion Criteria:
Valid indication for IVF or ICSI
First IVF/ICSI attempt
Couples or female, with female between the ages of 18 and 38 years
If couple, partner 18 years of age or older
Both partners HIV free.
Must be able to understand that they may NOT become pregnant..
Female must be able to understand that she can not use the following medications during undergoing IVF: Advil, Alleve, Anaprox, Bactrim, Botox, Celebrex, Claritin D, Flax Seed Oil, Flexeril, Methotrexate, Motrin, Norethindrone, Phenobarbital, Procrin, Septra DS, Sudafed, Sulfa Methorzple Trimethoprim, Tylenol Cold & Sinus, Vioxx
Exclusion Criteria:
Not willing or able to sign the consent form.
Either partner has symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (including: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis) and has not been treated.
Female with active Varicella or/and Rubella infection.
Either partner with Hepatitis A, B or C and has not been treated.
Positive Genetic test results for: Fragile X (only if both partners are carriers), Cystic Fibrosis, Ashkenazi Panel (for Jewish Subjects) Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (for Asian, Latinos and African Americans)
Abnormal Pap Smear.
Abnormal Colposcopy.
Female with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome without regular period (PCOS)with irregular menses.
Female with diabetes, heart disease or/and has had heart attack or stroke.
I think it's worth looking into if you want to do IVF and don't have insurance coverage. There is some exclusion criteria, but once you are in, it's a godsend.
So far I have only been there twice. You go for your initial consultation, you and your partner, and you either get all the screening tests done before or get them done while there. They do bloodwork, ultrasound and SA. You should know then if you are excluded or if there are things you need to do (like lose weight). I actually did have to lose. They want your BMI to be between 18-32. Mine was 32.6. But I still scheduled my next visit and was down to a 30.8 BMI before the next visit.
So anyway, at visit 1, if ultrasound and b/w come back okay, that's it. You get randomized into either mini IVF or conventional IVF. I got randomized into mini. I left with my Rxs and that was that. They give you options for some of the medications so that you can get whatever is more affordable for you. And they work directly with
www.freedompharmacy.com where you will find rock bottom prices on the meds. They will fax the Rx right over to them.
So I am currently on Lupron. I am going to be doing local monitoring since my insurance covers it. You can do local monitoring if you can find a local place that will do it, or you can camp out in NYC to get everything done there. I work full time, so taking off a month was not feasible. About 5 days before your ET, you will be required to be in NYC. So I am going to have to take off that week. If you do fresh transfer, that will be 5 days every ET - if you do frozen, that will be a month later.
So for me, all in all, this will be my time spent in NYC:
10/3 (flew in in AM, out in PM).
10/19 (flew in in AM, out in PM).
Approximately 11/12-11/16 for egg retrieval.
Approximately 11/21 for tranfer.
And that's it! All my monitoring is done locally. And they only do one retrieval. So if the first one is not successful, you will only have to go back for your next transfer.
If you can afford the travel (as far as travel time with taking off work and the costs) you should look into the IVF trial that I am in. It is in NYC. This was definitely a godsend because we would have to save for another year if it wasn't for the trial. The only thing you have to pay for is meds. You would also have to pay for monitoring if you want to get that done locally instead of in NYC. Obviously you would need accomondations as well while in NYC so it may not be worth the hassle, but here is the link just in case.
Newlywedgal: If IVF was covered I would be doing it too. Oregon doesnt cover anything. Not even ultrasounds. Just IUI is expensive.
Flagirlie7: I dont see any problem with seeing two and getting a feel. I am glad that I clicked with mine right away. We were both on the same page and he really just felt right. I hope you find an RE that you like. I hear people complain about theirs all the time.
Mbrink: Good luck next month. I hope you get your BFP sooner rather than later.
If I am not sure about it, but think, hey maybe I should get more info, should I apply and see what happens? They probably won't take me based on my weight anyway.
Thanks! I did fill out the application
and it said I don't qualify. That is OK, I don't think I am ready for if yet. Good luck to you. Sounds like a good deal for you!
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what did the application entail? I'm going to try to pursue IVF and I'm nervous I won't be able to do it.