How do I convince a birth centre to take me? Previous C/S


Jul 7, 2009
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I keep coming across this kind of thing

Who can use the Birth Centre?
Expectant mothers need to be fit and healthy with no underlying medical problems. They should also be experiencing a normal low-risk pregnancy and have no previous history of complications in pregnancy or labour, such as a previous caesarean section.

My bold and Italics. This is really getting me down as I had a failed induction at 39 weeks after being loaded up with drugs and effectively "chained" to a bed as they wanted me to be constantly monitored and the machine was not working properly (had to stay in the same position for hours). Frankly I'm not surprised it failed :dohh: My Mom had four children all natural births (by that I mean vaginal) and hardly anyone in my family has ever had a c/s!
Have you spoken to your MW about this? She might be able to help you out. It would also be a good idea to find as much info as possible on the subject. But really i don't know - Im use someone else will have some good ideas xx
I wanted a VBAC for my second (first time round had an emergency c-section due to baby being breech). At first they were quite hesitant , then I was told if I wanted to attempt it I would have to be on the labour ward hooked up to machines the whole time. I confirmed with them many times whether I would have fredom to move about/ use ball etc etc to which they said yes.

When the time came I was on the bed, not allowed to get off the bed and ultimately giving birth in a lying down position, worse possible position and increased the p[ain for me as I had SPD and my legs were propped up which was so painful. The midwives seemed to ignore my pleas to stand up and move about and put my legs down, TBH it was a horrible experience, not at all calm and very stressful for me!

Third time round I was adamant I would not enter the hospital at all, I said I wanted a homebirth (because I would not be allowed a birth centre/ home from home centre due to previous c-section) the only option would beon the ward hooked up again.

They made a huge fuss, the consultant gave me a huge lecture on how irresponsible I was/ how my babay could die (I gave him a few choice words!). Anyway for me a homebirth was perfect, I had 2 midwives, one solely for baby and one solely for me which I would not have got in the hospital (my hospital has a ratio of one midwife to 4 labouring women)

I looked up all the pros and cons and also based on my last expereince of my requests beiong ignored and went for a homebirth. I would totally recommend it, the chances of scar rupture are REALLY tiny, about 0.1% or something however they make such a huge issue out of this. Also the only way they can detect this is checking at intervals to see baby is not distressed. In a hospital the midwife may visit you every 15 minutes or so to check, with a homebirth, she is on hand the whole time and can check mor eoften and probably pick up on any distress quicker than would happen in a hospital.

Anyway this is just my opinion on the matter, if I had been offered a birthing centre I may have gone for it, however I totally refused to be on the ward and hooked up the whole time, immobilisised and miserable!
Haven't been to see the MW yet. Getting scan on Tuesday to find out dates only then will they refer me.

Thanks for the link. Will read it when I get a minute :)
Thanks Ladybird for sharing your experience :hugs: I am interested in HB I suppose but would have to go through a lot grief of having everyone get on my case about it. My whole family would probably try and get me committed :haha:
I've heard other ladies say that they have told their MWs that they would be having a HB if they were not accepted into the birth centre. I think most HCPs would prefer a higher risk woman in a birth centre (especially one attached to a hospital) than at home, so they have pulled strings to get them accepted at a birth centre as a compromise between the labour ward and home.
That's wonderful news! Thank you! I will def do that :D
Hey hun you may struggle to get accepted into a BC...they have their policy that needs to be obeyed in order to stay open.

One of them being certain admittance factors for the Mothers giving birth like you said no complications etc - this is because there are no OB's there.

HOWEVER if you are comfortable with being in a BC then a bit of little known info for you THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE IN A BC THAT CANNOT BE DONE AT HOME!!!

Honestly! There is no difference except the setting, and at home you have true freedom to do what you want when you want and if you decide to hier/buy a pool you are guaranteed to be able to use wont be busy or being cleaned! LOL

Even better than a BC being able to do what I said above will make you more relaxed and that leads to better labour, plus you get the 100% attention of your MW, something you will not get in a BC or you cannot be pressured into having all the recommendations like a cannula or CFM because i doesn't exist at home!!!

Wanting to HBAC is something you may find some oposition to especially from your OB - if they are unsupportive then ask for another, if your pregnancy is uncomplicated then why bother with the OB at all...I didnt.

Despite transferring t hospital for the delivery (we had some blood loss concerns) my decision to HBAC was the best decision I EVER made.

Check out the VBAC thread in my signature...there are loads of links to loads of info
Thanks hon, the only problem is that I would have a lot of family members fighting with me if I had the baby at home. My mom had a consultant for all of her four births and I can just about persuade her that a midwife birth would be better based on what happened at Bobby's birth. I think my whole family would gang up against me if I said I wanted a home birth and put a lot of pressure on me.

I will do a home birth and put up with all the crap they give me about it if I can't find another option. Portland hospital is supposed to have a very pro- natural and vbac consultant who I am hoping to get in contact with. I luckily have private insurance who will cover whatever birth I go for (including home birth). So i am going to look into everything.
Remember at the end of the day it is YOUR birth NOT theirs, they dont really have any say in what you choose,

Homebirths are actually as safe as hospital births and reduce the need for interventions and pain relief...and those are facts outlined in NICE guidelines.

At any rate...just because there are recommendations for you to have a cannula or CFM doesnt mean you have to have it. VBAC or not you have the right to say NO to anything you dont want.
My local hospital is a big teaching hospital with a brand new birthing centre attached. I was told absolutly no way was I allowed in the brand new birthing centre for a VBAC and that I had to go on the labour ward and be monitored ect. I did plan for a home birth but the support was lacking at an institutional level and I decided it would cause me more stress.

So I shopped around and moved to a different hospital. I'm now at a smaller hospital which doesn't have a birth centre attached so high risk and low risk women are all in together. This means more natural birth facilities available than being purly consultant led, for example they hire out tens machinees and have midwives trained in aromatherapy. They appear more woman centred in thier philosophy of care and I'm in the process of getting a strict birth plan together so that if everything goes well I can have a pretty natural labour without having to have certain lectures again. I'll be saying no to things like internals for the sake of it and spending all my time on the monitor if things are going well.
Thanks hon :hugs: I going to have a Doula so hopefully if I end up in a hospital it won't be so bad.

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