Mony and others - thanks for good wishes!
FL - good that you saw the heartbeat! I hope today's scan brings more good news!
I think my scan Monday was good - saw heartbeat, 130 bpm. Not sure of the measurement - I think I saw 7.5 mm on the screen when she did it but she didn't tell me. I only got to talk to the receptionist at midwives' practice so far ... asked for u/s report to get sent to me so maybe that will say more. So don't know due date estimate - I guess probably around May 8-11 since from LMP was May 5 but then I seemed to be at least a few days behind? Of course it's just an estimate but it'd be nice to know.
Sib - I'm also finding that seeing the heartbeat isn't as reassuring as I thought it would be, even though my losses were earlier than this. I mean it was good, but then I know things can still go wrong and I'm so scared of having a mmc and then even worse of going weeks without finding out!
Now I don't have another appointment for 3 weeks and that's for the regular intake appointment, I think with an RN not a midwife. Didn't sound like they're even planning to do another u/s then. Really wish it was sooner... I need to call back and ask more about what happens then (if they do the doppler thing to confirm heartbeat, or if i could have another u/s before then just to be sure ...) in a couple days once I get my thoughts/questions list better organized.
Any suggestions or comparisons about appointment schedules/frequency?
Hope you all keep getting good news!