how early


Sep 17, 2008
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how early have any of you in 1st tri herd bubs heart beat im asking because i have my first scan "dating scan" when i should be 10wks 2days so im wondering if they will even try then and would it be able to be found :dohh:

so excited only got they letter today :happydance: only another 3weeks to go lol :rofl:
I'm guessing at my US next week they'll let me hear the heartbeat, but the doctor that I'll see regularly won't listen for it til' around 14 weeks.
imnot to sure hun 2 b honest iv had afew scans due to pain and never heard flumps hb! i never even heard it at my 12 week! maybe i shud hav asked lol! but im sure they wait till ur later scan at aroun 19weeks and ul hear it then! i think its cause its hard 2 pick up the sound of the heart beating when theyr so small! so wudnt wanna upset any1 if they cnt get it!

u shud ask tho, i was jus to ballad over my seein flump 2 think lol

Saw and heard mine at 6.5 weeks :D but all by ultrasound.
you won't hear it but you should see it on the scan at that time :D
I saw and heard junior's hb at 8 weeks at an ultrasound scan. Was a fantastic experience!
We saw it at 8 weeks on the scan screen .. And he put the sound on and showed us what it sounded like :) . They wont try witha doppler hun, But you will deffinatley see on scan .
Good luck . Have fun . xx .
I saw my sons heartbeat at 6wks6 dayson a scan, but you wont hear the hb until your appointment with ur midwife,when she uses a doppler.this is usually the appointment after the dating scan.
I heard and saw mine at 7+4 by ultrasound. Ask to hear it if they don't offer.

Em x

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